That stings

Hiccup and Heather leads the group up the mountain of a nearby island of the Edge early in the morning despite their annoyance.

"Okay, Hiccup, you dragged us all the way up here." Astrid tells him.

"What is it you have to show us? It better involve food or destruction. Or a combination of the wo." Tuffnut warns him.

"I bet you're all wondering why I brought you here." Hiccup says as he's digging trough Toothless' saddle. "The answer is; to show you my latest invention. Presenting the Dragonfly One." He says showing a glider he created.

He gets nothing but stares from the rest of the group except Heather who smacks her face as Tuffnut just raises his chicken he befriended while on the Edge.

"The chicken is not amused." Tuffnut says as the chicken continues to cluck.

"I thought you gave up on that thing." Heather asks him.

"Yeah, but I've been working on it in my spare time." Hiccup admits to her.

"What is it?" Snotlout asks.

"It's a flight suit." Hiccup dumbs it down for him. "Don't all applaud at once."

"Hiccup, I don't need to remind you that we already have flying dragons. Why would we ever need a flight suit?" Fishlegs asks him.

"Well, what did we were to get separated from our dragons mid-flight? It's happen a dozen times with me and Heather. With this, we can fly solo until we can catch up with them." Hiccup explains while placing the glider on his back.

"When this doesn't work, and it clearly will not, can I have Heather?" Snotlout asks him.

"Oh for Thor's sake." Hiccup moans and even Toothless growls at that as Hiccup walks up to the edge of the cliff.

"What do you plan on doing here?" Astrid asks.

"Jumping. Unless someone has a better idea." Hiccup tells her.

"This should be fun." Heather says wanting to see how this one turns out.

"Relax, would ya? Feel that updraft? That's why I chose this place." Hiccup explains his plan. "It'll pick up my wings and I'll be floating on a bed of air." He promises and when he activates the wings one side of them gets stuck.

"Or crashing on a bed of rock." Snotlout says as Hiccup is trying to fix it and he growls at him.

"Okay, everyone. Dragonfly one, maiden flight." Hiccup says before leaping and he begins falling as Toothless then leaps after him to save him.

"I don't know about you guys, but I was under the impression that a flight suit was supposed to fly." Tuffnut comments.

"Yeah, that looks more like a plummet suit." Ruffnut says as Toothless saves Hiccup and they crash into the water.


Later, Hiccup is back and ready to go again.

"Okay, so I made a few tweaks. Now behold some serious flying." Hiccup says before leaping once more and is able to stay in the air for a second before once again plummeting.

Toothless then once again leaps after his rider to save him.

But Hiccup keeps on trying.

"This time, I absolutely know where I went wrong. It's all in the timing. I judged the updraft wrong. I assure you, I definitely have it now." Hiccup promises as Toothless looks at his rider, getting sick of rescuing him.

"Don't worry, bud. I've got this under control." Hiccup promises his dragon and waits a minute for the updraft before leaping this time and before he could hit the ground, his suit begins to glide across the ground.

"I'm flying? I'm flying!" Hiccup acknowledges and cheers at his achievement.

"I cannot believe that hunk of junk actually worked." Snotlout comments.

Hiccup then tries steering but there is once again a problem.

"Okay, I'm gonna have to work on the steering a bit." Hiccup now realizes. "Toothless!" He calls out to his dragon who tries his best to make it to him and saves him before he could hit the rock wall.

"Thanks for the save, bud." Hiccup tells his dragon as they get out of the water, only for Toothless to spit water out at his rider for being so stupid. "Again. It looks like our flight tests are probably done for the day." He says as he sees his wings are broken when Heather and the others approach them.

"Okay, you're done with this." Heather informs Hiccup.

"Right. For now." Hiccup agrees when they hear a screech from on the island.

"What was that?" Astrid asks as they all look around.

"Sounded like a dragon in distress." Fishlegs says.

"Guys? Something about that call seems strangely familiar." Snotlout says whole freaking out. "Not a good familiar, a bad familiar." He says as everyone takes of to find it.

They fly ahead and look to find a baby Speed Stinger.

"Speed Stinger. Why'd it have to be a Speed Stinger?" Snotlout asks. A few years back, he and the teenagers had a run in with these guys and he was constantly stung.

"Looks like a young one." Hiccup tells them. "Why would it be out during the day? They're nocturnal." He remembers.

"Ah, poor little guy. Let's head home!" Snotlout says. "It's starting to get dark, and where there's one, they're usually a whole pack!" He reminds them.

Heather watches as he tries to walk only to drop to the ground.

"Hiccup, it's injured, and they can't fly." Heather informs him.

"Which is exactly why we can't leave it to predators." Hiccup tells her. "Come on, Toothless." He tells his dragon and they fly down to the Speed Stinger.

"Is he seriously going back?" Snotlout asks.

"Snotlout, meet Hiccup. Not the scared, defenseless kid you once knew. He's obviously going back." Heather informs him.

"Aw, come on!" Snotlout complains as they all follow him.

Hiccup is the first to approach the dragon and he screeches as he tries approaching.

"Hey, easy there. Easy, little fella." Hiccup tries calming him down when he shows them it's stinger.

"Hiccup, It looks like it can defend itself just fine. Let's get out of here." Snotlout says while hiding on Hookfang.

"Quiet, Snotlout." Heather tells him, knowing Hiccup knows what he's doing.

"Unfortunately, this little guy won't be a match for wild boars or dragons." Hiccup informs them. "A Speed Stinger without its pack is extremely vulnerable."

"He must've gotten separated from the others, they had to go to shelter before the sun came out." Fishlegs says.

"That right. Let's go." Snotlout replies to that.

"Snotlout, we can't leave him like this. Well being it back to Dragons Edge, we have a hut where we can nurse him back to help. Then we'll bring it back here." Hiccup says, but the only problem now is getting close to it. And he has the perfect distraction.

"Ruff? Tuff? You understand the plan?" Hiccup asks them.

"Yeah." "Definitely." They both reply.

"No." They then say honestly.

"All right. You secure the Stinger so I can get to the splint with these broken pieces of Dragonfly one." Hiccup explains to them. "And be careful! Their stings paralyze their victims." He warns them.

"You don't need to remind me. I know what they can do." Snotlout informs him. "This plan is insane. You know that, right? If I'm saying it's insane, it's actually insane."

"Actually, it is insane." Tuffnut agrees. "And for once, it wasn't our plan."

"I'm seeing a pattern here!" Says Ruffnut agreeing with her twin.

"First that lunatic flight suit, now this." Tuffnut says. "Could it be?"

"Is Hiccup coming over to our side?" Ruffnut asks.

"Oh, Loki, please let it be so! We will welcome him with open arms. Teach him the ways of the truly disturbed!" Tuffnut prays and promises.

"Guys, please. Let's just do this." Hiccup begs as they start chuckling before approaching the Stinger.

The Stinger starts trying to attack them and they give it two targets.

"Guys, what are you doing? I meant secure the tail!" Hiccup tells them.

"Hey, we know what we're doing!" Ruffnut informs him when the Stinger gets her in the arm. "Whoa, whoa, What's happening to me? I can't..."

"Talk? She can't talk!" Tuffnut finishes and starts messing with Ruffnut's mouth as she's frozen. "At least that's what I think that's what she's saying." He says as Ruffnut begins waking with her upper half frozen.

"Interesting. Only part of her is paralyzed." Fishlegs interprets seeing her. "Since it's an adolescent, it's sting potency must not be at full effect."

"How do we get it to sting her lower half?" Tuffnut asks and gets an idea. "Here, Speedy. Come on. It's the whole lower half of Ruffnut. Don't you want it?" He asks as the Stinger tries walking and falls.

Tuffnut takes the advantage and it and leaps on top when it starts using its stinger.

"Someone help Tuff." Hiccup asks when Heather runs in and holds the Stinger down.

"I got it." Heather concourse.

"I've got the head." Fishlegs says and Hiccup runs in to place the splint on the dragon and they all get off as he starts to walk toward Hiccup.

"Hey, Okay. Okay. We're here to help you." Hiccup promises.

"Here we go again." Heather says knowing where this is going with the hand thing.

Hiccup then holds his hand out and looks away as the Stinger sniffs it before places it's snout agianst it.

"Okay, everyone, I think we're good." Hiccup tells them. "Let's load him up and bring him to Dragons Edge."

"You know the pack is going to do everything in its power to find it, don't you?" Astrid reminds them.

"Yep." Hiccup acknowledges. "That's why we have to get him on his feet and back, to this island as quickly as we can." He says and they take the Speed Stinger back to Dragons Edge.


They made it to the Edge where Hiccup and Heather worked for days on and gave the Stinger a actual splint so he can walk easier and helping gain his trust to help him get him back in his feet fast.

And knowing about all of the different type of dragons, they have armor on them that keeps their skin safe from stingers, especially his.

"He seems to be improving fast." Heather says seeing the Stinger run around the room.

"Well, they can only function in a group. But if they accept you then you have their allegiance." Hiccup says seeing that they have a shot of actually training it.

The door suddenly opens and Snotlout steps in and sees the Stinger.

"Well, well, lookie here. Our little friend can stand on his own again." Snotlout states. "Only a matter of time before its trying to sting us into oblivion."

The Stinger looks to Snotlout and screeches at him.

"My vote is take it to where we found it. I'll get the cage." Snotlout tells them.

"Snotlout! What did we talk about?" Hiccup asks of him. "This is our home, our say goes. He's staying here. At least for the time being." He informs Snotlout.

"Having a Speed Stinger around is too dangerous, especially for me." Snotlout says as the Speed Stinger runs in to attack him and Snotlout avoids his attacks as Ruffnut comes running in.

"Good news! The Stinger venom wore..." She was on the middle of saying when the Stinger gets her again.

"Okay, everyone. No sudden movements." Hiccup warns them.

"Oh, look who's gotten good at his jokes over the years." Ruffnut says as she starts trying to lift herself off the ground. "Frozen from the waist down, come on,"

Hiccup then starts trying to calm down the Stinger, ignoring her. "Hey, fella down, big fella. I'm your friend, remember?" He asks the Stinger starts speeding around the group.

"Take cover!" Heather warns them since they don't have the armor like they do.

The Stinger runs and stings Barf and Belck, incapacitating Barf and his head hits the floor.

"Windshear, Toothless, cage him." Hiccup tells the dragons and they understand what he means and Windshear uses her spikes to keep the Stinger from constantly running and into the direction of the cage and Toothless shoots it shut.

They bring the group to the main hall of the Edge to get them away from the Stinger as Barf is releasing his gas as he can't control it. Hiccup and Heather on the other hand weren't affected at all since they've been prepared and ready for a situation like this.

"Exactly as I thought this would end up." Snotlout reminds them all. "That thing is going to paralyze everyone on the island before this is over. And there's going to be no one to take that stupid dragon back to where we found it."

"All right, I'm too tired to argue with you, Snotlout." Hiccup states, seriously tired of his complaining about the dragon. "We'll talk about this in the morning." He promises as he leaves to get a bit more work into the Stinger.

What they didn't know is that Ruffnut agrees with Snotlout and they begin to work out a plan to get rid of it.


As Hiccup was on his way to the Stinger, Heather was already in the process on taking off his splint.

The Stinger starts making happy noises and looks to the two who nursed him back to health before he starts speeding around.

"I guess someone got a lot of energy built up." Heather states while chuckling as the Stinger runs around her and Hiccup.

They watch as he runs but then sees he's heading for the pond.

"No, wait!" They both shout, knowing that they can't swim.

But what they see shocks them as the Speed Stinger begins to run on the pond in circles before leaping off the water.

"How did he do that?" Hiccup questions as he walks over and they see his toes.

"How did we miss that? You have webbing." Heather says taking a close look at his legs.

"Of course, it makes sense. Since they can't fly, they need a different way to hop from island to island." Hiccup puts together. "They've adapted, evolved. This is...incredible!"

"Looks like you got him excited." Heather informs the Stinger who doesn't understand and just chirps at the two happily.

Unknown to them, the Speed Stinger pack has made it off their island and they're coming for their young member.


The next morning, Hiccup and Heather were on their way to the sleeping Speed Stinger to see if they could learn anything else about it's webbed feet.

"This is enormous. Finally, we have actual proof of dragon evolution." Hiccup informs Heather as he's just seriously excited.

"I know. You wouldn't stop saying that all of last night." Heather reminds him, loving how excited he is.

"Well, it actually inspired me to make a few changes to a certain invention of mine last night." Hiccup informs her.

"Dragonfly two?" Heather asks, knowing him too well and opens the door.

"You could always see right through me." Hiccup replies and they look to see the Speed Stinger is gone.

"What?! How did he get out?" Heather questions and runs to the cage to see if he cut himself out.

"He couldn't have. But I have a pretty good idea who helped him." Hiccup says and Heather also knows as well.


Snotlout and Ruffnut are flying aboard Hookfang with the sleeping Speed Stinger as they're going faster as it's almost sundown.

But that plan doesn't work as the Stinger wakes up and paralyzed their dragon, sending them crashing into the ground.

Snotlout and Hookfang get back up as the Stinger approaches him and that's when the others arrived.

"Hey, Hiccup. I got stung again." Ruffnut informs Hiccup. "Just the right side this time, I tried to walk it off but I just keep going around in circles." She says while walking in circles.

Hiccup just ignored her and pays attention to Snotlout.

"Dragon-napping, Snotlout? This is a new low, even for you." Hiccup informs him.

"I was trying to save us!" Snotlout defends as they suddenly hear screeching coming from the forest.

"You guys heard that, right?" Astrid asks.

"Was that an echo? Please tell me that was an echo." Fishlegs begs when they hear it even louder.

"It's the pack. They' looking for him." Heather says.

"How is that possible? Speed Stingers can't fly!" Snotlout states.

"True, but we did just discover that this group of Stingers can travel across the water." Hiccup informs him. "Look, If we keep quiet, we might not give away our location to them."

They then hear their Stinger screeching back, calling his pack.

"This just went from bad to worse." Heather tells them.

"I'm guessing that very soon I'm gonna wish I could run in a straight line." Ruffnut takes a wild guess as the Stinger's surround them.

"You! I knew you'd rat us out." Snotlout tells the Stinger and they see a new Stinger approach who isn't just green, but also has red on him.

"I'm guessing we found the alpha Stinger." Heather says and they all charge at the Riders.

"Guys! Stand your ground!" Hiccup warns them as the Stingers circle the riders as Hookfang and Ruffnut keep walking in circles.

Meatlug goes in to save them, but ends up getting paralyzed.

"There's just too many of them. Our only hole is to deal them away." Hiccup says when Snotlout grabs the young Stinger and runs off.

"Come and get me, needle butts." Snotlout dares them.

"What is he doing?" Heather questions.

"I have no idea." Hiccup admits, never seeing Snotlout actually doing something heroic before.


Snotlout keeps on running through the forest before stopping and sees they're gone.

"They're gone?" Snotlout questions when he hears a stick crack behind him. "And that's because they're here for the big ambush." He realizes when the baby Speed Stinger speeds in and stings the members of the pack, protecting Snotlout.

But then the alpha Stinger is here and the baby challenges him.

"What's happening?" Snotlout questions.

"He's torn between his pack and the one that saved his life." Hiccup explains while he's on Toothless' back in the air. "Ours."

"But he hates me." Snotlout reminds him.

"But you're one of us. It's his instinct to protect you." Hiccup explains before having Toothless send a blast to the alpha. "Now get out of there before he realizes he has to choose a side." He warns Snotlout before focusing on sending the Stingers away.

One of them start leaving the group when Windshear shoots spikes at it and it turns back.

"I brought backup." Heather tells him as Ruff and Tuff come flying in on their half conscious dragon and creates a firewall.

"Nice, Barf. I mean, freaky, but nice just the same." Tuffnut tells his sisters dragon's head. But what he didn't see was the alpha approaching him from the rock structure behind him.

"Barf and Belch are down. We need to get rid of that alpha." Hiccup tells them and comes up with an idea.

He starts flying towards the alpha and the alpha Stinger charges at them and leaps into the air to strike.

"Toothless, separate!" Hiccup calls and the two move as the Stinger goes in between them and Hiccup uses his new wings to glide down as Toothless watches him.

The Stinger falls to the ground, and hurts itself on the way down.

"Excellent!" Hiccup cheers, seeing it actually worked.

Seeing he's outmatched, the alpha Stinger leads the pack away from the island.

"Yeah! Swim away Stingers!" Snotlout says as the baby Stinger watches them leave.

Hiccup walks up to him, and knows what he has to do as the Stinger looks to him.

"I'm sorry, little guy. But you need to go back with your own." Hiccup tells him and the Stinger chirps happily before running after them.

"What are you doing? We can't let him go back." Snotlout tells him.

"Snotlout, this is what we do. He's back where he belongs, his real pack." Hiccup explains to him.

"And just when we were starting to get along. Why does this always happen?" Snotlout questions while walking away.

"I see at least one good thing came from this." Heather says while raising Hiccup's arm to look at the wings. "I can see that these could be useful in the future."

"I'm glad you think so." Hiccup replies.

"Just don't start making me a pair. I'll gladly stay with my dragon." Heather warns him and he chuckles.

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