New Outlook

It has been a year since Hiccup left Berk and met Heather, and it sometimes gives and takes with their new life after running away. It took them a few months to build their new home, Dragons Edge, and they're trying to train the dragons on the island and come across another dangerous dragon.

The dark, gloomy day didn't exactly help them with locating it. This dragon is a tall black and yellow dragon with three shakers on its tail called a Triple Stryke as it tries attacking them.

Hiccup raises his shield made from Groncle iron and dodges it's attack. Toothless gets ready to fight the dragon.

"Toothless, no! We're trying to train it." Hiccup tells his dragon not wanting to harm it.

"How can we train it, if we can't get near it? This one is the most aggressive dragon on the island." Heather says behind Windshear holding her double sided axe Hiccup also made with Groncle iron.

"Well, I guess after all of the dragon raiding, not all dragons just take a custom to liking people. Especially ex-Vikings like the two of us. We just have to show him we're friends."

"Hiccup, you know, maybe we should take in a possibility, that this Triple Stryke is just untrainable." Heather states since this is their fifteenth attempt to train this one dragon.

"Well, if we could get it to understand we're the good guys, we can have him fight with us and not against us."

The Triple Stryke moves closer to them and is getting angry with them.

"Windshear, spine shot!" Heather says and the Stryke moves backwards to avoid the shots.

"Come on, we've dealt with worse than them. But maybe we should start heading back. There seems to be a storm heading for us, and that means we have to get back to the Sanctuary before it gets closer." Hiccup says and looks back to the Stryke. "But rest assured, we're not finished." He informs the dragon, trying to make peace with it.

The Stryke Just growls at them as they fly off leaving him alone.


They fly back to the Edge and Heather start rounding up the Night Terrors and the other dragons into the stables and Hiccup starts closing everything down and they head to the center dome for protection. Hiccup lands and closes the door and Heather walks to him.

"Did you remember to drop off the food at the stables for the dragons?" She asks him.

"Yep. They should be good for a while in there." Hiccup states and Toothless starts a fire in the center of the dome.

They hear a lighting blast and dragons screaming. They reopen the doors and see the stables on fire.

"The dragons are in trouble!" Hiccup shouts as they get on their dragons and fly up towards the doors and open them to see the dragons crying for help.

"Okay, let's start moving them to the arena before this place comes crashing on us!" Hiccup tells Heather as she starts unlocking them.

They get most of them out when a barrier starts falling down above them. Hiccup pulls Heather out of the way as it comes down and they get up to see a Night Terror grapes behind the fallen debris.

"Let's get him out of there, fast!" Hiccup shouts and they run back in as another bolt hits the stand.

"Hiccup, it's getting dangerous!" Heather states seeing the place is falling apart every second.

"Almost got him!" Hiccup says as he grabs the last Night Terror and starts making his way out with Heather following when a lightning bolt flashes and it hits Hiccup forward and hits Heather back inside the hut.

"Heather!" Hiccup shouts as the dragons fly off to avoid another blast like that.

Hiccup runs inside to help Heather as sees she was knocked unconscious from the blast and starts moving her onto Toothless and fly back to the dome to check on her.


Hiccup lays Heather down and starts checking her for any serious wounds. Toothless starts growling worried about the other dragons out there.

"I know, bud. But we'll have to find Windshear later. I'm sure she'll be back. I'm just worried about Heather." Hiccup tells Toothless as Heather starts to move.

"Hiccup?" Heather calla out for him.

"Oh, thank Thor. You're okay. I'm right here." He assures her.

"Where? I can't see you." Heather says as she states to sit up and looks around. "And why is it so dark in here?"

"Heather, it's...not dark in here." Hiccup informs her not understanding what she's talking about.

"What do you mean it's not? It's pitch black." Heather states trying to see anything.

"Oh no." Hiccup says as he realizes she's been blinded.

"Hiccup, what happened?" Heather asks him looking in the wrong direction.

"We were on our way out of the stables when you must've been in the way of a lightning flash." Hiccup informs her.

"I'm sure it's only temporary. On Berk, Snotlout used to get hit by lightning all the time and he always recovered. Even Bucket lost his site and got it back...and he also now wears a metal bucket on his head forever." Hiccup says forgetting where he was going with this. "Well, all I'm saying is...okay, I don't know what I'm saying."

"Look, Hiccup, I can see what you're trying to do. And I appreciate it." Heather says and Hiccup helps her stand while holding her hand.

"Look, I know what to do, I've helped Snotlout dozens of times, we just have to wait for this storm to pass." Hiccup tells her. "In the meantime, you just need to rest."

"No, we have to find Windshear and the Night Terrors. They're all out there alone. They need our help." Heather states.

"Don't worry about them right now. We can't help them if you're don't help yourself. Just rest." Hiccup says and helps her lay back down.

They stay silent for a minute and Heather gets worried. "Hiccup, are you still there?" She asks.

"Yes. I'm here, Heather." Hiccup assures her.

"Will you and Toothless stay with me for a while? Just until I fall asleep?" She wonders not liking to feel vulnerable.

"Of course. We're not going anywhere." Hiccup says and holds her hand while Toothless lies next to them. "Are we, bud?" He asks Toothless as he coos in response.


They wake up later and the storm has finally passed them and Hiccup tries remembering what Gothi did to bring back site and needs some things from the woods to finish it.

"Hiccup, we can't worry about me right now. We need to find the dragons. They're still out there and obviously scared or Windshear would've already came back by now." Heather says.

"Yeah, you've got a point. I need to start getting out there and round them before the next storm hits us. We'll find Windshear, don't worry about that."

"And you're gonna leave me here? I don't think so. I'm going with you." Heather informs him, not wanting to stay by herself.

"Heather, I can't do that. You could get hurt out there, or accidentally wander off without knowing it." Hiccup defends.

"And what's the alternative? You leave me here on the Edge where we built multiple levels of floors where I could easily fall off the literal edge looking for the bathroom or something?" Heather asks and Hiccup sees her point. "It's not called the edge for nothing." She informs him.

"There's no way you're flying in your condition. All right?" Hiccup states to her, getting strict with her. "I am sorry, for the first time in my life, I'm putting my foot down." Hiccup states as Heather walking towards Toothless and she somehow doesn't fall and climbs onto his saddle.

"You said I couldn't fly. Not that I couldn't join you." Heather says and Toothless chuckles at Hiccup as he sees that she's right.

"No laughing, Toothless." Hiccup states and sees there's no way out of it without her. So he just decides to climb on Toothless and fly off to find the other dragons.


They keep flying searching for the dragons above the dark cloudy sky looking for their dragons.

"Remind me to never put my foot down again." Hiccup says to Toothless and the dragon mumbles in agreement.

"I can still hear you, Hiccup. But I agree." Heather states as they start descending and Heather starts slipping, and Hiccup quickly grabs her.

"Okay, you're gonna have to hold on tighter." Hiccup says to her.

"Sorry, Hiccup." Heather says back to him and does as he says.

"There's no need for apologies. Truth is, I'm kinda happy you're with me. So I know you're safe." Hiccup states and Heather wraps her arms around him to not fall off of Toothless and smiles at Hiccup and he smiles back at her.


"Windshear?! Windshear, come here, girl! It's just us, Windshear!" Heather keeps shouting as they start looking on foot and she keeps shouting for her dragon.

"Okay, I'm thinking that, as jittery as the dragons were, they probably wanted to get as far away from the storm as possible." Hiccup states to her as she keeps looking around. "So, if we were to take this stream down forwards the beach-"

"No. I know my dragon, Hiccup. In the year I've known Windshear, she's always been more worried about me more than herself. Which means she's trying to figure her way back towards the Edge. Which means she will be heading upstream." Heather informs Hiccup and tries to keep walking when she trips on a stone and starts falling.

"Heather!" Hiccup shouts and tries grabbing her but she pulls him down to the ground with her and ends up on top of her accidentally, and Hiccup is extremely glad she doesn't see how blushed he is at this.

"Um, okay?" He asks her as she stares blankly.

"Uh, I'm...I'm fine. Thank you." She says and they stay like that for a few seconds until Heather broke the silence. "We should probably get going?" She asks him.

"Yeah. That's exactly what I was gonna...get going." Hiccup says, still blushing and gets off of her and helps her stand up.

Heather starts hearing growling a short distance from them. "Hiccup, do you hear that?" She asks him.

"Hear what?" Hiccup asks hearing nothing.

"Something's coming towards us." She states when Toothless starts hearing it himself and starts screeching. Heather starts moving towards his calls and hoping she doesn't run into anything.

"Heather, what are you doing?" Hiccup asks her.

"It's okay. It's Windshear." Heather says and Hiccup looks up to see, exactly as she said, Windshear coming out of the rocks and flies down towards them and Heather hugs her neck.

"There's my fighter! Oh, I knew you'd find me." She says happily when Windshear starts acting strange and she hears clicking above them.

"Hiccup! Above you!" Heather shouts and Hiccup turns to see the Triple Stryker flying at them.

Hiccup quickly moves Heather out of its path and Toothless and Windshear start defending them.

"Heather, there's a rock formation ten paces to your right!" Hiccup shouts to Heather as she stands up in the middle of their fight.

"You think I'm gonna hide?" Heather questions him knowing he knows her better than that. "Windshear!" She starts shouting and tries finding her dragon.

"Of course she's not gonna hide. What was I thinking? You've known this girl for over a year, when has she ever hidden when she should?" Hiccup asks himself as he quickly climbs Toothless and catches up with her.

Windshear moves out of Heather's path and stops her from climbing on.

"Windshear?" Heather asks her dragon and Windshear moves her out of the fight as the Triple Stryker flies in and starts fighting Windshear again, but Windshear's aurmor coated skin keeps her safe from his attacks. But not Heather as Hiccup flies in and Toothless picks her up and gets her a safe distance from the fight.

"You, stay, Heather." Hiccup commands her and she growls in response as he flies to help Windshear.

"This is not fair, Hiccup." Heather states to him. "Are you even there?" She asks.

"We'll discuss it later." Hiccup states when the Triple Stryker comes and hits them to the ground.

"Come on, Hiccup. It's gonna take the two of us to stop him. Windshear?" Heather calls her dragon and it still isn't listening.

"She's with me. We need her help if were gonna fight him. And I can't fight this guy if all I'm gonna be doing is worrying about you." Hiccup says bluntly, not realizing he admitted that he cares about her too much to let her get hurt anymore than she already has.

Heather gets even more mad but sees he's truly concerned and gives in. "Okay, I'll hide. Exactly what a trained Dragon Rider should be doing in a time where her only friend is in danger." She states to Hiccup and he starts feeling bad about doing this but knows it's for the best.

Hiccup, Toothless and Windshear take off to fight the Triple Stryker as it goes closer towards Heather.

"Windshear, spike shot!" Hiccup tells Windshear and she shoots spike behind it and Toothless shoots in front of it and it runs off. Heather just waits for Hiccup to return as he gets off of Toothless and moves up to her.

"Okay, let's mount up and get back to the Edge before that guy comes back." Hiccup tells her and Heather gets up and walks up depressed to Toothless and mounts him and waits for Hiccup.

"Uh, Heather, that's Toothless, Windshear's behind him." Hiccup informs her Don't you want to ride Windshear?" He asks, completely confused to why she's acting this way.

"I think she's made it clear she doesn't want me riding her while I'm like this." Heather states in regards to how Windshear was acting in the fight, not letting her help.

"Heather, Windshear was protecting you. She didn't want you in the middle of the fight. It was pretty incredible when you think about it from her point of view." Hiccup states never seeing that type of behavior in dragons before except Toothless.

"I'm having a hard time finding anything incredible in all of this." Heather says and she starts wandering off until Hiccup walks up to her and stops her.

"Look, obviously, I can't imagine what this must be like for you. You're...well, you're Heather. You're an outcast, in all the best ways. And smart, amazing." Hiccup states naming some of the many things he loves about her.

"Not anymore. What if this is it, Hiccup? What if I'm stuck like this for the rest of my life? What then?" She asks him turning to face him the best she can with tears flowing in her eyes. Hiccup just tries to be honest as possible.

"Then we'll deal with it together. Just because you can't see, doesn't mean you're useless." Hiccup informs her looking into her eyes even when she can't see him, he doesn't care. He could get lost in her eyes.

"But that's exactly how I feel." Heather tells him.

"Heather, you and I have been through everything together. Building Dragons Edge, last year with helping me defeat the Red Death. You even saved my life." Hiccup states as his hand starts holding hers and Toothless starts watching, interested in their interaction. "You think I can't handle something like this?" He asks slowly leaning in.

"You have me, no matter what. Okay, whatever that means, whatever you want it to mean. I will always be there for you. Without you, I would possibly be dead at this point. If not from the leg, probably the Deathsong, or any of the millions of other ways I could've been killed at this point. You've been there for me, and I'll always be there for you." He says as he starts closing in on her when she hears something.

"Do you hear that?" Heather asks and Hiccup backs away from her and Toothless looks annoyed and even rolls his eyes in annoyance of them.

"What? I didn't hear anything." Hiccup states at not hearing what she's hearing.

"Thee it is again. Behind you." Heather states and Hiccup turns to see the Triple Stryker coming back from around the rock formation. Hiccup moves Heather once again as their dragons defend their riders.

"Okay, you were right. He's untrainable. He's gotta go for good." Hiccup states to Heather. "Toothless, distress call!" Hiccup tells Toothless and he knows what to do.

Last year, Hiccup taught the other dragons to answer the distress call Toothless emits. They just never had the opportunity to see if it worked.

Hoping it works, Toothless sends a blast into the air and explodes around the island and they all start to fly towards the distress signal. As they make their way, Windshear and Toothless do their best to fight off the Stryker.

Heather stays back and continues to hear the constant clicking as a Monstrous Nightmare and a Hideous Zippleback, and a Deadly Nader come in to help them as Heather concentrated on the clicks.

"It makes that same sound before every attack." Heather tells herself.

"Okay, gang, we need to surround it. It can't hit all of us all at once!" Hiccup tells the dragons and they start attacking it from all angles and it keeps making the sound.

Heather finally gets an idea. "Windshear! Come now!" She calls her dragon and she leaves the fight and the Triple Stryker gets rid of the other dragons, leaving only Toothless and Hiccup to stop it.

"Okay, let's get rid of this guy!" Hiccup states to Toothless when he notices Windshear and Heather flying at them.

"Windshear, spike shot!" Heather shouts and Windshear shoots spikes in front of the Triple Stryker.

"What? Heather, what are you doing?" Hiccup asks, not seeing what she's doing.

"I've got this, Hiccup. I've been hearing you and the others get your butts kicked and I'm kinda getting sick of it. Besides, I think I understand how this dragon works." Heather states as she flies around and listens for the clicking.

Once she hears it, "again, Windshear!" Windshear shoots more spikes and corners the Stryker and lands.

The Stryker starts getting more aggressive as Heather walks closer to it.

"Heather, careful!" Hiccup states to her.

"Trust me, Hiccup. I'm dealing with it." She states as she grabs two of Windshear's tail spikes and moves closer and hears the Stryker's clicking and mimicked it with the spikes. The Stryker seems to react to it as he searches for where it came from.

"That's it." Heather says knowing it's working. Stryker starts getting ready to attack and makes the clicking sounds and Heather mimick it again.

"You're using the clicks to distract it." Hiccup realizes and seeing her plan as she gets closer to the dragon and holds her hand out towards it and starts searching for it. The Stryker helps her and places his snout against her hand and Heather smiles.

"And that's how we get close enough to train it." Hiccup states.

"Looks like you were right. We just needed to show we're friends and we're the same." Heather says happy to see, even like this, she was able to help.


They go back to the Edge and Hiccup puts together what he remembers from Gothi to help Heather and places a cloth against her eyes and waits a while until removing it.

Heather starts blinking and starts noticing she can actually see something and sees Hiccup looking at her worryingly.

"Heather, are you-"

"Looking at you?" Heather asks, interrupting him. "It would seem like it." She says smiling while Hiccup is relieved.

"It would seem there were a few good things I learned from Berk." Hiccup states as Heather hugs him and is happy to see her friend again.

They're in the arena training the Triple Stryker with a device that rattles like what Heather was doing with the spikes.

"Imagine what we can do with this guy once he's properly trained." Heather states to Hiccup.

"Yeah, he could help defend from invaders, even help move sone heavy things around." Hiccup says to her.


Later on, Toothless and Windshear are playing around on the landing platform while Heather and Hiccup are staring out into the sunset. Heather relishes in the ability to see a sunset after the day she's been through and is happy Hiccup was able to help her.

"You sure there's nothing wrong?" Hiccup asks her.

"I'm fine, Hiccup. You did a good job in keeping me safe and giving me my site back. You can stop worrying." Heather states to him and finds it sweet how much he cares.

"Oh, I never stop worrying about you. You're my only friend in all of this madness. And I wouldn't have it any other way." Hiccup says, smiling at her.

"Yeah, I guess that goes for me, too." She says and rests her head on his shoulder. "Can I ask you something random?" She asks.

"Go ahead." Hiccup tells her.

"Back in the forest, when we know. Were you about to..." she asks and Hiccup realizes what she's talking about.

"Oh, you felt that, huh?" Hiccup asks as his blushing comes rising back.

"Well, why didn't you?" Heather asks, kinda curious if he felt the same for her as she did for him.

"Well, I...I didn't think that it was perfect. And I thought...and yes, I've thought of it, it would be perfect." Hiccup states and Heather looks out into the distance of the sun setting.

"Well, is this perfect?" She asks facing him.

"Yeah. Yeah, I guess it is." Hiccup says as she pulls him in and kisses him. Toothless comes over and smiles at the two and Hiccup waves his hand to make his friend go away.


Meanwhile back on Berk, ever since the dragons stopped raiding, they stopped killing dragons since they weren't around as often until Astrid was able to show everyone exactly what she saw hiccup teach the strange girl she never saw before.

Now she tamed the Deadly Nadder and named her Stormfly while everyone else also has their own dragons now. But she never told anyone she learned this from Hiccup, just some random person who stole their Razerwhip, as nobody has seen or heard from him ever since he left.

Everyone has a different story to what happened to him, some say he ran away, some say he was killed by a dragon. Some believe he ran away and then was killed because he couldn't handle himself.

But Astrid knows he's alive out there. She doesn't know where he is, but he's most likely out there with that girl, and they're probably somewhere far away and might never come back to Berk.

After the way he was treated here his entire life, she wouldn't blame him.

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