Chapter 8
A/N: Just blocked someone hounding me for updates. I've repeated it several times, do not keep asking for updates when I have mentioned I work full time and will post once in a month. Once in a month doesn't mean 1st day of every month. I'll post when I find time. It takes me days to write a 12k chapter among everything I got going in life while you guys inhale it in mere minutes, asking for more.
Many don't even bother to comment or leave a word of encouragement. The person who complained about no update wasn't even following me in the first place and never engaged with this story before. What gives you the right when you don't even do the bare minimum?
My mom is sick, I just resurfaced from one of the painful periods that lasted longer than usual.
You don't know what I'm dealing with likewise I don't know what struggles you guys have to face in every day life. I'm trying to do my best by posting here consistently and only I know what it takes to be here despite everything going on.
Seriously, if you cannot be considerate toward me, I'll block your ass. I don't want you to read something I spend hours working on when all you're going to do is act entitled as if I owe you something.
Be considerate. That's all I'm asking. I have a LIFE OUTSIDE WATTPAD. Wattpad doesn't feed me or pay my internet bill. I earn my living just like your parents and other adults in the family do. By working my ass off. I'm fucking thirty-five years old. Let that sink in.
And I won't hesitate to unpublish this book if you wanna be an ass to me. I don't give two fucks if you're impatient. My life comes first. Taking care of my mom and family is and will always be my priority. If you cannot understand I have a life outside here then you shouldn't be in my space.
Once again it got out of hand and I had to break it. This chapter is 12k, bigger than all other chapters. Prepare your popcorns. You don't wanna miss all the fun. Enjoy!
Words: 12k
Jimin was only focused on his bubbling rage, fully intent to cause as much damage to the fucking bastards as possible. His hands were tied with a sense of responsibility back in the wood and also he was outnumbered. Here, that wasn't the case.
He hoped at least the fight would be fair and the other four wouldn't be able to try any underhanded tactics that would mortally injure him. Jimin wasn't frightened of injuries, but he cared about his honor. If he died, then he wished to die like a warrior and not because he got poisoned by some assholes.
It was as if they knew exactly what to tell him so he would lose composure and attack. Jimin knew he was playing right into their trap but he no longer trusted his father to provide any justice regarding this matter. He was too weak and scared. Unfortunately, Jimin wasn't.
His father wasn't strong enough to face a challenge and might want to avoid any kind of altercation with the pack in Seokjin's absence. However, in Jimin's eyes, it was the exact attitude that cost him the respect and fear he once had among the pack members.
Alpha Park Jaehyun never spent much time socializing with the pack members or trying to learn everything about their hardships like his grandfather had. His grandfather might be a greedy asshole but he was a good leader. Jimin couldn't bring himself to blame his grandfather much because that was how packs worked. Only the best survived and his grandfather did.
Seokjin took after their grandfather in that aspect. Jimin had no doubt he'd make a great leader someday. He not only knew every pack member, but also worked closely at the lower level of the pack for their welfare. It was a shame to admit his father did not have the pack's loyalty as much as Seokjin did.
So it was only natural the moles within the pack acted the way they did at the first chance they got. When their plans to get Jimin mated to their sons failed, there was only one thing left to do.
Jimin didn't know how or when he ended up on the ground. He vaguely remembered someone going for his leg, grabbing hold of them and causing him to tip over. The moment he was down, they were on him like a pack of hyenas. He expected as much. He'd fought them like this before.
It was never fair or fancy, but he showed them he was not someone to be messed with at every chance he got. He wasn't below them at any cost just because he was a beta. He would be damned if he allowed them to pull their sub gender ranks on him.
The weight on him continued to increase, the hold on his legs never loosened. It was as if they had already planned this. Usually, it was a fight, where all four attacked him from the four directions. The combat was hard but not impossible. But now, they had tackled him to the ground, trying to subdue him and get him to submit.
Not happening.
He would die before he submitted to them. Jimin fought with all his might to break free, even after knowing it was futile. He was not only outnumbered, but they were also on the heavier side than him, which granted them upper hand in this situation.
To an onlooker, it would look like a puppy brawl and that was more shameful. Fucking stand up and fight. But nope. They were trying to hold him down. One finally grabbed his waist, pinning him down while the other two went for his hands.
It would have been easy, if Jimin wasn't fighting. But he was clawing and biting at any part that came closer. He also tried to kick the bastard off his legs though it wasn't working in his favor yet.
Jimin naturally turned his head from the brawl to see Taehyung rushing toward him. That earned him a punch in the jaw, adding more pain to the bruises he sported. He flinched but grinned widely when the fresh scent of tulips washed over him.
Taehyung was here. His soulmate has arrived.
In a matter of seconds, two wolves were off him. Taehyung launched himself at Kyung-soo and began to punch him. Yeo-jeong went to help Kyung-soo. Jimin glanced down to see Minseok was the one holding his legs while Hanwool was sitting on his hip.
The beta snarled when he realized the bastard was grinding down at his crotch with a sadistic smile. Jimin punched the fucking asshole square on his nose. He was too busy, pinning him down and grinding against him that he didn't realize his hands were free now.
He then tugged Miseok's hair with his left hand, a force that was enough to tear a patch of his hair, earning a pained howl from him. With a lift of his hips and another punch, he unseated Hanwool from his lap. Twisting his body to catch Hanwool before he recovered, he also kicked out simultaneously, catching Minseok off guard.
His grip loosened a bit, but he didn't let go.
"Pull his fucking hair!" Taehyung yelled at him.
Yeo-jeong held him from the back while Kyung-soo tried to tackle him to the ground. It was the same strategy they followed with him.
He pulled Minseok's hair even harder. "I'm pulling." But Hanwool was on him again, now following Taehyung's command. He pulled Jimin's hair. "Ow. Ouch. Not my hair, you fucking Brutus. Taehyung, help!" Hanwool grinned victoriously, face closer to Jimin as his eyes twinkled with the thrill of being in that position. Helpless and fighting with every fiber of his strength. "Argh! Close your smelly mouth, you giant oaf! He smells like last night's stew." Jimin growled, punching him again.
You forgot my hands are free.
"Do something. Stop the fight!" his mother cried.
If Taehyung was back, then Seokjin must also be back. So much was happening that Jimin couldn't even avert his gaze to check if his brother was here already. The four alpha scents were so dominating with the amount of pheromones they were letting out that he couldn't smell anything apart from them. Their scents even overpowered Taehyung's soft tulips.
Now they both stank like those skunks. The combination of caviar, licorice, oysters and pepper were nauseating. He never liked the way they smelled. Living near the ocean, his pack wolves bore scents that complimented the ocean. But it wasn't always great.
"Ouch, my eyes!" Taehyung cried out.
Jimin saw that Kyung-soo was trying to poke at Taehyung's eyes.
He thrashed in Yeo-jeong's hold. "I'm trying, but this fucker is holding me tight. I could use some help here."
Hanwool was back at him with his stinky breath. Minseok, on the other hand, continued to hold him down with his life. "As you can...see... My hands are pretty occupied."
"Hey!" Seokjin's thundering voice intervened. "Stop it! What the hell happened here? Father, what is this?"
Brother is here.
Fucking finally. Now these bastards will pay. Jimin tried to break free, but the others wouldn't let him. He expected the other four to pull back now that his brother was here but they didn't seem to be in mind for that.
"He's reaping what he sowed. This is what happens when he doesn't obey his father's command."
This inexcusable reason for a head alpha... Jimin growled. Perhaps he should ask his brother to exile him once he took the mantle from his father.
"Jimin wouldn't start a fight without reason," Seokjin reasoned.
Yeah, tell them that. Louder!
Jimin grunted. He tried to tell Hanwool to stop but the stupid wolf punched him in the face.
"Hey, stop fighting!" Seokjin growled.
Jimin once again expected them to stop attacking. He did. He stopped thrashing and throwing punches but they only saw that as a chance to overpower him.
"Asshole, he told us to stop fighting!" Taehyung shouted beside him. "Stop hitting me."
"And they disobeyed your father's command too. Yeo-jeong didn't back off when we told him to stop. And Ye-joon wouldn't reprimand his son," his mother sounded helpless and Jimin felt bad for her.
"Is that so? So you chose today out of all day to throw your tantrums. Or is it something else? I will not tolerate pack politics. Somebody tell me what happened here right now! Or I'll rip the limbs of these undisciplined wolves one by one." His brother sounded extremely furious. "Don't make me ask twice."
"Your brother is trying to frame my son for something he didn't do. That's what happened," Ye-joon said.
"My son is innocent. Your brother started the fight first. Kyung-soo would never do such a thing."
Ah, it was always that bitch. She never liked him in the first place and the feeling was mutual. Oh, how much he wanted to reshape that stupid mouth. She spewed nothing but lies.
"He should be exiled from this pack," Minseok's father yelled. "He has no shame."
His brother wasn't buying those reasons, though. "Is that all you got? I asked why? What is that nasty shit I smell?"
His mother was the one to answer that question. "They're lying. They offended your brother and did the nastiest thing this pack has ever witnessed. They soiled my son's courting gift to his betrothed."
"These assholes peed on the courting gift I bought. I'm protecting my alpha's honor. Father wouldn't grant me a duel," Jimin growled. Hanwool used that chance to pull his hair and it hurt like a bitch. "Ah, fuck! That hurt, asshole. Don't. Touch. My. Hair." Jimin punched him. Once. Twice. "Take that!"
Hanwool let out a scream and Jimin heard a satisfying crunch of something breaking. Was it his jaw? Jimin didn't care as long as the other one was in pain.
"Serves him right. Fucking crush his balls!" Taehyung yelled.
"That's enough, Seokjin. Leave them be. If this is how your brother wants to resolve things, then let him be," his useless father said. His voice didn't even hold a hint of remorse and that pissed off Jimin even more.
"And why is that, father?" Seokjin asked his father.
"Because your beta brother is a disgrace to this pack and he brought this upon himself," Kyung-soo's mother said. "He went out of his home when the head alpha said he shouldn't until the mating ceremony. He needs to be put in his place. Even now he wouldn't listen. Look at how he's beating up my son. Kyung-soo, oh, my god! Hit him back!"
Taehyung beat him to the punch, though. Jimin heard the sound of Taehyung's fist connecting with Kyung-soo's jaw. The alpha's face whipped to the side at the impact and his sweet almost cloying licorice scent bubbled with hints of pain. He let out a pained howl a second later once the pain registered.
"Shut up!" his brother growled at Kyung-soo's mother. "It is you, who should be put in place."
"Let go of my son. Head Alpha, your son has no couth. This is how he treats them in front of you. Imagine how far he would have gone to frame him and the others for something like this," Kyung-soo's mother cried.
"Stop this right now!" his brother growled."Jimin, that's enough. Yeo-jeong, Hanwool, Minseok, Kyung-soo, let go of them." It sounded like he was trying to pull the wolf off them but the furious mutts were in no mood to listen. Then he should talk to them in a language they understand.
"Ah, fuck!" Jimin hissed.
"Alpha, stop this!" his mother cried again. "He demanded for a duel and it's in his right to do so. They won't stop attacking him even after he did."
Seokjin moved toward Kyung-soo, but Jimin sensed a hush of silence fell over the crowd. It could have been his imagination, but even Seokjin halted. Instead of stopping the fight, he lifted his head in the other direction, eying something that was approaching.
The silence was eery, the murmurs were filled with a hint of fear. It reminded Jimin of the silence that fell over the small critters, holding their breath upon sensing the presence of a predator. It was the silence right before a predator struck.
Hanwool wrapped his hands around his throat and began to suffocate him, using the momentary distraction. However, Jimin's eyes were trained on the crowd that was parting like the sea. Several legs obscured his vision from the ground, but then through the gap, he spotted the powerful legs of a horse.
Its neighs sound resembled a soft rumble and the hooves alone were so big and strong, fur dark as night. No one in his pack had a horse the color of the night with a shiny black coat and muscles so powerful. Its wild, long mane was braided and adored with jewelry that belonged to the South.
Then came a wave of cedar wood and a flowing river, like a gentle breeze. If it wasn't for the spicy notes, lacing the scent, Jimin wouldn't have recognized it as an alpha's scent. It was intimidating, pulsing with a hint of challenge and threat at anyone standing in the way. He could feel why the pack was scrambling away. It only continued to grow potent as the horse approached.
When the crowd finally thinned, he saw him emerge from their midst. Jimin gasped and felt the hands on his neck freeze as well. Probably, Hanwool too saw him.
A warhorse?
The horse was easily seven foot tall, towering over everyone gathered around with powerful muscles that announced its sheer power. But it wasn't the horse alone that instilled fear. It was the man who perched on top of it.
With striking blue eyes, glistening whenever it caught the sunlight, thick furs covering the broad shoulders and a heavy sword sheathed to his hip, the man looked like he was one second away from delivering a death blow.
His He was the most handsome alpha Jimin has ever had the pleasure to lay eyes on. Second to his brother, of course. But when he jumped off the horse, Jimin immediately moved him to the first place. His brother can fume later. This man was one fine specimen of alphas ever to exist and Jimin would gladly produce slick at the very sight of him if he could.
He grimaced when Hanwool's hand tightened on his neck again. Jimin snapped his jaw at him and punched him again for forcing him to tear his gaze off the new alpha.
He must be from the Kim pack.
Oh, shit. It meant, his betrothed must also be here. He desperately tried to catch Taehyung's eyes. Please tell me this is my betrothed. Please let this be my future mate. Unfortunately, the omega was busy clawing at Kyung-soo's face while he poked Yeo-jeong's eyes before elbowing him.
"You're a shame to this pack. He should be exiled," an idiot yelled as if he hadn't sensed the arrival of death yet.
He punched Hanwool again, growling at him to stay put so he could stare at the newly arrived alpha. He has never seen a pair of eyes that were the shade of blue this alpha had. It was beautiful. Intimidating, yet so stunningly beautiful.
Jimin was utterly and absolutely enthralled. When Hanwool tried to claw at his neck, Jimin let out a thunderous growl, snapping at him violently for disrupting him. He grabbed Hanwool's neck in return and both began to strangle each other.
In a moment, the pressure on his neck eased and he breathed freely. Hanwool and Yeo-jeong were flying in the air, their backs hitting the ground with a force that sent dust flying around. Minseok and Kyung-soo were the next to follow.
His scent pulsed with murderous rage and Jimin somehow found it even more attractive, especially since the alpha was defending him.
"Is this how you treat your wolves in this pack?" he roared, extending a hand toward him and toward Taehyung.
Jimin's heart skipped several beats and knees weakened at the sound of his voice. Rich and deep. But his knees almost collapsed when he heard Taehyung speak the next words.
"Obviously, four cowardly assholes are thrashing your beta instead of giving him a decent fight. They always do this and get away with it because they' know, alphas."
Your beta. He said your beta.
Holy fuck. This is my betrothed.
"Wow," Jimin whispered, sliding his hand into the much larger hand that swallowed his hand.
He's so fucking hot and he's all mine. His scent suddenly bloomed. No wonder Taehyung had approved this alpha for him. This man was a whole package and Jimin hasn't even unwrapped his present yet. The corner of his lip, quirked to form a smile.
Oh, this is going to be so good.
It wasn't just good. It was better.
Much much better.
Jimin couldn't stop fanning his face as he let Taehyung drag him away from the entire scuffle. In the following hour, Taehyung had filled him with every tiny detail, including how he was trying to court this grumpiest alpha in the pack.
His mother had rushed inside shortly after, crying his name and checking him all over. She demanded his omega friend for the details, which he provided gladly, repeating everything he just told Jimin.
Honestly, it was fascinating to hear again and again about Taehyung's first meeting with the alpha and all about their encounters. Jimin's lips held a permanent smile the entire time. Taehyung had chosen well.
The alpha definitely lived up to his name. He didn't know if he should be furious or jealous when Taehyung described his body. Because he saw it first. But the omega eased his possessive wolf saying he never saw Yoongi shirtless and Jimin will get first dibs. Jimin too agreed immediately, only for his mom to smack the back of his head and chastise him to behave.
"Change first," his mother chided. "You both look like unruly pups that just rolled around the mud. This was exactly what I feared when I heard they were coming over. You couldn't even greet your alpha like every normal wolf would, Jimin. He had to break off the fight like that."
Jimin scoffed at that, but followed her to the back of their house where they stored barrels of fresh water from the river. He could enjoy a nice bath but now was not the time. His blood was still thrumming with the need to put those shitty alphas in their place and this was his chance to do so for the first time.
"Oh, god what would he think of you now? I don't want him to think I brought up an unruly pup," she continued to lament. "You better meet him and clear everything before you go off to the challenge."
"Yes, mom." Jimin rolled his eyes fondly.
"He sounds like a reasonable man. Surely not like the block headed alphas of this pack," his mother mused as found towels for them. "Wipe your bodies down. Come on, quick. Both of you. I'll be damned if I let you go in front of your future mates and guests like this."
They both stripped down to their underpants, grabbing the towel his mother handed and dipped it in the water.
"So how do you like your alpha?" Taehyung winked at him as the two swiftly rubbed their bodies down with a wet towel.
"Oh, I could have him for breakfast, lunch and dinner, alright?" Jimin winked back.
"Hey, your mother is still here." His mother smacked his back, making him hiss at the sting. "At least pretend to show some respect."
Jimin rolled his eyes. "Ah, come on, mom. You were listening wide eyed and even giggled when he described my alpha's physique earlier," he pointed out. "And can we drop this pretense now that your husband isn't here? I'm furious at him by the way."
She sighed. "He's unreasonable and listens to the elders too much. Someone told him there will be an uprising soon and he should be careful. He's been paranoid since then."
"It must definitely be Ye-joon and his entire group of lackeys who kiss his ass," Taehyung said.
Jimin hummed thoughtfully. "I'm honestly surprised they openly defy him like that. If it was some other time, he'd have ripped the skin off their backs."
His mother was silent for a moment before she spoke up. "Jimin, your father is dying," she said in a gentle tone. "The healer has said his illness is slowly consuming him and there is no cure. His strength is waning day by day. But he isn't ready to accept that yet. He's still trying to hold on to whatever is left. He's also afraid if in case there's an uprising, he is in no condition to stop it."
"And see how that's working out for all of us," Jimin growled. "He should have made Seokjin a head alpha last winter and retired when he still had some good days ahead of him."
"I'm worried about when Seokjin has to leave," Taehyung said, his voice grim and concerned. "What guarantee do we have that these people won't see it as a chance?"
His mother blew out a breath. "Seokjin is aware of the risks." She smiled. "That's why he hurried to secure this alliance with the Kim pack. He believes having someone as strong as Jungkook as your mate and the Kim pack as our allies will instill fear in our enemy. It'll curb any uprising within the pack because they know the Park family isn't entirely hopeless. It doesn't help that he's still unmated and doesn't have an heir to carry our bloodline. They're using it as a reason to question the credibility and future stability of this pack."
"But what kind of future are we looking at if we cannot protect our pack from the Northerners?" Taehyung asked. "The Eastern pack is in the ruins ever since their head omega was taken. Their head alpha has gone feral. We don't know what's awaiting us." He glanced away.
"We will find a way," Jimin said. "This alliance will enforce more security to both the packs. Our pack might not realize it yet but we will need the Kim pack as much as they need us."
"They've been fending off the Northerners longer than us," his mother said. "We could use their expertise."
Jimin nodded, his thoughts a disarray. It angered him that his pack was ignorant to the danger lurking beyond the borders. The Eastern Pack was known to have the best security along with the best warriors in the region, yet they had managed to take their head omega. No one knew how that even happened.
Now the pack was weak. That was why Seokjin agreed to rush over as soon as their mating was over. He firmly believed the Eastern Pack's issues with the Northerners weren't going to end there.
"We were attacked on our way here," Taehyung revealed. "At first we thought they were bandits, but..." he trailed off, looking disturbed. "There were a few rogues too."
"What?" Jimin frowned.
Rogues were lone wolves that lived alone or as a small pack, scavenging for food in the neutral lands. They were known to steal food and other necessary supplies from the travelers and in a few cases, they attacked. But they weren't a bothersome bunch compared to the bandits, who killed for fun. They stole the goods and never left any survivors behind.
"That wasn't all," Taehyung continued and foreboding churned in his gut. "There were some Northern wolves too and Yoongi said they never attacked in this season. We burned the bodies and killed every wolf that came our way."
"What the hell!" Jimin whispered.
"Jimin, no one is safe," Taehyung said. "Seokjin is right to push for this alliance. I first hand witnessed the way the Kim Pack fight them. They already know what to expect and are aware of their fighting techniques. We'd have been in great trouble if not for their guidance."
"This is bothersome," Jimin mused. "And here is my father, still clinging to his chair as if it's the only thing that matters. Then there are the pack members trying to take advantage of his weakness. We are as vulnerable as the Eastern Pack if we stand divided."
"Not everyone shares the same sentiment as those four families, Jimin," his mother said. "Right before your brother left to the Kim Pack, Yeo-jeong's father came to visit your father with a mating proposal."
"What?" Jimin's eyes widened. "Are you serious?"
She smiled. "I haven't even told you everything yet."
Jimin moved closer to her. "Tell me." It was good now that his father took her to these meetings unlike before. He knew he only did it out of necessity.
"Well, he wanted you for Yeo-jeong and proposed that Seokjin mate with Kyung-soo's sister," his mother said.
"Ambitious much," Taehyung murmured.
"Your brother refused right away telling them you will never accept Yeo-jeong as your mate. Ye-joon was furious and called it unreasonable. As for himself, he said it wasn't the right time for him to mate. So they were trying to use that as a reason and instill doubts in the pack's mind about our future."
"I see." Jimin nodded. "It makes sense why they're furious with this alliance and the mating proposal."
"Oh, they tried their best to thwart your brother's attempts since the beginning, but you know Seokjin. He told them off and proceeded with his plan. They thought it wouldn't work but when they heard the news that the negotiation was a success, it fueled their anger even more."
"I'll kick their asses today," Jimin growled. "I swear I'll make them regret everything."
She exhaled and led them back inside. "Come on. Get dressed and let's head back to the village square."
Once they both dressed, Areum stopped them and hugged them both. Then she turned to face Jimin.
"You're not just a random wolf, Jimin," his mother continued. "It's not just the Park family blood that runs in your veins. The Eastern Pack's former alpha is my uncle and our family has produced many strongest alphas throughout the years. You may be a beta, but you're still a wolf. You were born into a family that's well known to have the strongest bloodline." She poked a finger at his chest. "When you step into that ring, the pack and our guests must know who you are. They must fear you and learn to never underestimate you, my son. Omega, beta or an alpha, a wolf will never become a lamb." She grabbed his chin, looking him in the eye. "Show them what you're made of. Prove everyone that this Areum didn't raise a wimpy wolf," she growled, eyes flashing light amber that belonged to her wolf. "When the fight is over, they must have learned to respect you. And they should know you're not someone they could laugh at and make fun of. That's what your goal is."
Jimin heard the years of anguish and unspoken hurt in her voice. The stern tone and sincerity spoke of her determination and trust in him to follow through.
"I promise, mother. I won't let them walk away with their dicks attached," he vowed. "They will pay for every taunt and every punch they throw my way. I'll show them my beta is far better than their alpha ass."
His mother nodded curtly. "And be careful out there. Taehyung, you too. I'm sure your father said that you should fight only in your human forms, but I don't trust them to follow through. They might come up with something under their sleeves. Always watch out for their every move and never get distracted," she warned.
Jimin couldn't believe it was the same mother who always told him to stop fighting and was now encouraging him to fight. It appeared everyone had their breaking point and this was hers.
"And don't forget to rub their noses into the furcoat they soiled." She grinned.
Jimin too laughed. "That's a wonderful suggestion. Now I'll be off to meet my mate." He winked at her. "For some moral boost."
She slapped him on the shoulder. "We both know what it means," she chided, but smiled warmly. "I like that alpha already. He came for your aid and even stood up for you when your own father refused to listen to reason. Go on. Charm him."
"You know I will." He grinned, running off to the visitor's tent with Taehyung hot on his heels.
There were so many things Jimin wanted to do right then. He cursed the assholes for deciding to pick today out of all the days to fight. If only they had waited...He sighed, looking back at the tent longingly.
Jungkook, the handsome alpha and his future mate, evoked something inside him. He was absolute perfection, eyesight be damned. When he was in his presence, Jimin never once felt that Jungkook lacked anything.
His aura demanded respect and obedience. It even had some effect on Jimin to his surprise. Jimin wanted to obey but the naughtiest part of him wanted to tease. The alpha had the most expressive eyes. He wondered if it was even the right term to use when it had no vision. Because when he looked into them, he could still see it brimming with life.
Jungkook was a glorious warrior. He might be far from his celebrated years, but he still had that fire inside of him. Jimin respected the fact that the alpha did not let his disability deter him and continued to fight against everything.
Not to mention the way he carried himself with confidence. Very few alphas were able to pull that off in his opinion honestly. As much as he didn't like to admit, his father used to be one among them.
The alpha was tall and dreamy. Taehyung snickered by his side, cracking jokes as he went to the area where the fighting ring was being prepared. Excitement was in the air and there was a buzz around the pack. At the backdrop of sunset, the pack members have already gathered to witness the challenge of the century.
They celebrated Winter, Spring and the harvest festival. It was the time when the pack members would come together to take a break from their daily lives to cook together and join the feast. They would dance all night and drink to their heart's content. But it has been a while since the last festival and Jimin was sure this challenge was far more entertaining to them than the boring festivities.
The pups of the pack were running around the ring that was marked with white powder. Once the fight started, it'd be a battle for life or death. No one entering the ring would be guaranteed to leave unharmed.
A few warriors were working to lay a rope over the white powder, securing it with a tight knot. They worked silently as the elders monitored the small arena being prepared. The circular fighting ring was big enough to hold five grown wolves and they wouldn't stumble out even if they fought with full force.
The pack members were situated at a safe distance. The head alpha and the elders all had a seat closer to the fight ring. There was another table near them, where Elder Jo, one of the good ones in the pack, sat going through a list. There were no Kim pack wolves here. They were all in the tent.
He threw a look over Jungkook's tent with a longing look. They would have been introduced formally by now and allowed to mingle if everything had gone well. He could have easily taken Jungkook away to the woods, where he could ogle him until they had to retire to their bed.
"So this wolf you're interested in, he's mated you say," Jimin mused as Taehyung sidled with him.
"How does that work?" Jimin frowned. "Very few wolves who lost their mate have taken another mate. You said this one is stubborn."
Taehyung only smiled. "I know, but it's just..." He exhaled. "He makes me feel the way I never felt around anyone you know. And when he claimed me in front of his pack, my wolf was beyond happy. I know I might sound like a lunatic, but trust me, I know he will come around. I feel it in my gut."
"He didn't look so excited to see you earlier," Jimin said again, hoping that Taehyung understood what he was getting into. Falling in love with a wolf that lost its mate was like walking right into a doom. There was no guarantee that love will ever be returned.
"I'm willing to risk my chances," Taehyung said in determination. "Besides, his family already loves me and they even bought me nesting supplies. Namjoon told me he'll allot me a home to live once I move back to the Kim pack. And you know his sister told me that Yoongi hasn't talked this much since he lost Mina. I know it'll work out," he said hopefully. "He might be a tough nut to crack but it makes me all the more excited."
"I'm sure you're right." Jimin swept his gaze across the field, noticing the four families engaged in a deep discussion. Yeo-jeong kept glancing in his direction, giving away who their topic of discussion was. "They're not being subtle."
"Yeo-jeong's right knee is weak. He broke it once as a pup and got it reset by the healer," Taehyung replied, a sharp gaze glaring at them and he let his lips peel back a little, greeting them with a sneer. "He's the strongest one among them. If you can take him down, it'll break the other's confidence. He will go in first if I'm not wrong. Hanwool sucks ass in combat and kisses the ground more times than he could count. Kyung-soo is moderate. He would go for your blind spots and keep hitting it. Minseok will try to weaken you before attacking. He's got great stamina. But your speed, agility, focus and fighting skills are better than the four of them. Use it to your advantage."
Jimin nodded already aware of their weakness, but it was nice of Taehyung to remind him again. Right now he needs to focus.
"No one has seen you fight properly apart from your brother and a few of his friends. They've only seen the puppy brawl, so they don't know what to expect," Taehyung continued.
Jimin hummed again. Alphas were naturally aggressive with more strength and stamina than the other sub genders. Omegas were mostly mellow and had to train their bodies from a young age to achieve strength and stamina. Betas were in between. They had both the strength of an alpha and the grace of an omega. However, their calm demeanor often led the others to underestimate them being a weaker gender.
As much as the others loved to boast their strength, Jimin had more situational awareness than them, spending most of his time in the woods, learning to hunt and fight. His stature was on the leaner side.
While the others considered his slender frame as weakness, to Jimin it was his strength. He might be smaller than alphas, but his size definitely came handy wherever needed. He was light on his feet as a result unlike the alphas. Height and weight might give them an edge but it wasn't all. Jimin might have to use all his strength but he was ready. He was a tough nut.
He cracked his knuckles and rolled his shoulders, warming his body as slowly everyone began to gather around. The pack members light the fire torches around the fight ring and the surrounding area for light as the sky began to darken.
Jimin expectantly looked back at the visitor's tent and saw the Kim pack wolves exiting the tent. The last were Jungkook and the grumpy alpha Taehyung fancied.
Yoongi had a hand on Jungkook's lower back, guiding him discreetly, murmuring something to him. His lips barely moved. If Jungkook wasn't nodding his head subtly Jimin wouldn't have realized he was talking at all.
The grumpy alpha was handsome too. He had a pale, flawless skin that seemed to glow when the light from the fire torch illuminated his face. His lips were thin and eyes were sharp and intense, reminding him of a feline.
His features were soft but held a hard edge. When his sharp gaze sweeping across the area, lingering over the wolves assembled near Elder Jo's table, his expression hardened even more. He turned his head to tell Jungkook something and the alpha nodded again.
Now Jungkook was a different story. Jimin knew he was handsome but under the glow of the fire, he looked ethereal. His dark hair framed his chiseled face and the darkening evening cast a dark shadow on his face, making his jawline even sharper.
He was a head taller than Yoongi with broad shoulders that were even more emphasized with the furs he wore. The fall was nearing its end and with the winter drawing closer, the evening wind carried a chill.
His alpha was so dreamy. Jimin let out a long drawn sigh. He was going to fight for the alpha's honor. It was too bad, he won't be able to see it.
"Yoongi is telling him everything he needs to know," Taehyung whispered. "Jungkook's other senses are heightened, making up for his eyesight. By the time they get here, he'll already know who is standing exactly in what position."
"You're gonna be awesome, Jimin," Taehyung gushed. "And don't worry that he can't see you. He can hear you and I'll be there to tell him exactly what's going on. He won't miss a thing."
This was why they were soul mates. He didn't even need to verbalize his thoughts for Taehyung to understand it. He only thought about it but Taehyung was already there with a solution.
"Thanks." He grinned. "I'm all good to go, but there's only one reason to worry. He's gonna be a huge distraction."
Taehyung narrowed his eyes on him. "Park Jimin, you'll not get distracted no matter how hot your alpha is. You need to be alive in order to suck his dick all your life. So you better focus on the fight and stay alive."
Jimin burst into laughter. "Now that's the kind of motivation one exactly needs before these fights."
"And you got it." Taehyung smirked. "But seriously. Don't get distracted."
"I see your parents in the crowd," Jimin stated offhandedly.
Taehyung scoffed. "They're salty over the fact that I'm moving with you to the Kim pack and that I went to you first instead of going home. They should know by now where my priorities lie."
Jimin chuckled. "Just go and talk to them, Taehyung-ah. I know they're not happy that you're moving. That's because they love you."
"Or they're just stubborn." The omega huffed. "They can't make up their mind. One moment they want to get rid of me and the next they want me to mate an alpha from this pack and settle here."
He laughed and pushed the omega toward his family. "Just go and talk to them. Maybe tell them about your alpha. I'm sure they'll approve."
Taehyung was the black sheep in his all alpha family. It didn't help that he refused to grow up like a typical omega. He chose to hunt and fight instead of mating an alpha as soon as he presented and gave them grand pups. They blamed Jimin for the way Taehyung acted, but Jimin knew deep down they cared for each other in their own way.
His best friend trudged to greet his family with a huff and Jimin went back to survey the fighting ring carefully. Or mostly the wolves that gathered around. When one thought they weren't being watched they slipped a little. This was also one of the places where they showed their true intentions unintentionally.
There was excitement on most of their faces. Wolves were naturally attracted to fights and displays of strength. So it was a given. Some looked rather concerned as they talked among themselves. It was also reasonable. His father had prepared a welcome feast and they were supposed to celebrate this night. However, with such a turn of events, it was evident a few families will bury their own tonight.
Jimin exhaled. It was unavoidable. As he surveyed the crowd, he also noticed a few devious faces. He could easily see who took the side of the four families, who were neutral and who were against them. Fortunately, the ones worried for the head alpha's family outnumbered the four families and their supporters.
Seokjin approached him and engulfed him in a tight hug. "If anyone can break their legs it's you, little brother," he whispered for him to hear. "Show them who you are. I'll be cheering for you."
Jimin returned the hug, soaking in his scent with his eyes closed. Oh how much he missed his brother. "Thanks a lot, brother. I'll put them in their places."
"Good." Seokjin pulled back, squeezing his shoulder once and nodding curtly. "I have to go back now. Don't get hurt."
"Yep." Jimin grinned.
The ceremonial drums were brought forward and Jimin turned to face the fight ring. It was multipurpose actually. While during a feast, it was used to create upbeat music that set a mood for the night; today it was being used to summon the fighters forward.
Elder Jo stood from his seat and walked around to stand in front of the wooden table he was sitting a while ago. The sound of the drums increased, demanding everyone's attention. The pack members stopped talking among themselves to listen to him.
"Good evening, everyone," Elder Jo greeted, holding his expression impassive. The hand that held the list was wrinkled due to his age and trembled slightly. "We're gathered here to witness the challenge of the century. The last time we had a challenge similar to this was when former alpha Park took over as the head alpha. A few of them believed he was incapable of leading and hence challenged him. It's safe to say that he emerged a victor and ruled this pack for over three decades before retiring and handing it over to our current alpha, his son."
The pack applauded and cheered for his words. Someone has already begun distributing ale and he could smell roasted meat somewhere. Oh, boy. The Park pack definitely knew how to have fun.
He waited for a beat for his words to settle among the pack members and continued, "The Park pack has thrived under the Park family's rule and we are where we are today because of them. I've been fortunate enough to work with two head alphas and now maybe the moon goddess will bestow the honor of serving another one soon." He smiled warmly. "That being said, now it's time for us to move on to the challenge."
He lifted the list in his hand for everyone to see. "Our pack wolves were excited since the announcement of the challenge and flocked me to enter your names to participate. Please remember, once you have challenged your opponent, the only way out of the challenge is to submit to him inside the fighting ring or to die trying to win. The choice is yours. The pack does not take these challenges lightly and the punishments will be severe if you wish to change your decision once the fight has started. It has happened before."
He pointed to his left where all the wolves who had given their names were assembled. "Hence I have gathered everyone who has given their names here."
His father's guards surrounded them to ensure they didn't leave when no one was looking. It has happened before. They would often change their minds when they see the actual fight. However, it was considered a shame and a punishable offense. They also patted them down to ensure they didn't carry any weapons. No weapons were allowed inside the fight right for these challenges and one would have to prove their worth by fighting with their hands.
"As agreed by the head alpha and the pack elders, Beta Jimin's opponents must fight in their human forms," Elder Jo continued.
"We never agreed!"
"This is the most ridiculous thing ever!"
"Buzz kill!" Someone booed. "Stop complaining and get your ass into that ring."
"It's not our fault that he cannot shift into a wolf! Weak bitch!"
"Never heard of a beta or an omega entering a challenge. Why should we start now?"
"Why not? It's fun!" the same person from before yelled.
Now the pack was divided into participants and spectators, Jimin could clearly see that all the opposition came from the four families and their supporters.
Elder Jo lifted a hand, stopping them. His no nonsense demeanor shut them up. "An alpha is naturally stronger than a beta and an omega in their human or wolf form. So, the weak protests of the fight being unfair cannot be accepted. It's a shame the alphas are throwing tantrums over something trivial like this. If you cannot fight and win him in your human form, then you're simply weak or afraid of the fight. You know the rules, if you don't wish to fight, get in the ring and bare your necks to your opponent, accept your failure."
"What the hell!"
"This is shameful."
"It's way beneath our standards to fight someone weaker than us."
"That's enough!" Seokjin thundered, coming to stand beside Elder Jo. "Jimin has already issued a challenge. Either you fight or you surrender. I'll not accept your bitching on this ground." He glared at them until they averted their gazes and bared their necks. "Continue, Elder Jo."
"The opponents they will face are on the other side. The same rule applies. As long as you're an abled wolf, you should step into the fight ring and fight. The winner decides the fate of the loser. May the moon goddess be with you all tonight."
The pack erupted into cheers and Jimin stepped inside the ring. It was hard to tell who they were cheering for. He wondered if the pack members made a bet tonight as to who was going to win. If they didn't put a penny in his name, then he hoped they all lost and ate sand in the end.
Yeo-jeong was a passably handsome alpha with a tall, broad frame. Several omegas from the pack swooned over him and even hoped he'd court them. The alpha was well past the age of mating as per their pack standards, but hasn't taken a mate yet and Jimin knew why. Unfortunately, he was also aware of his heat partners and sexcapedes.
He was also a part of the hunting groups along with Kyung-soo. However, there was a down side to him. He was overly confident. Maybe not as much as Jimin was. Well, the beta knew when to draw the line and Yeo-jeong didn't.
They both circled around, sizing each other up. Jimin waited to see if Yeo-jeong would make the first move. His opponent wasn't known for his patience. Seokjin always said people make mistakes when their patience wears thin.
He still had three more to fight and hence Jimin knew he had to save his strength. So he just mimicked Yeo-jeong's move. When he moved right, Jimin moved right too. When Yeo-jeong began to walk in a circle, a venomous gaze sliding over him as if he was searching for a weak point, Jimin also followed suit.
The Park pack members silently observed the challenge unfolding in front of them.
"Submit, Park Jimin," Yeo-jeong sneered. "I don't want to hurt you."
Ah, I forgot. Yeo-jeong was also a talker. He liked to taunt and draw a reaction from them.
Jimin scoffed. "Is that the strategy y'all discussed for hours?" He glanced over his shoulder where his family and others stood.
"Shut up! I'll tear that smart mouth of yours and rip your tongue. I'll make an example out of you."
"Blah blah blah. Try to land a proper punch if you can," Jimin stated in a bored voice and let out a fake yawn. "It's been five minutes and you won't stop yapping."
That drew a wave of laughter from the crowd and snapped whatever hesitation Yeo-jeong seemed to have. Because he lunged with a snarl, swiping out his claws.
Jimin dodged his attacks, not bothering to block him just yet. He kept moving back while Yeo-jeong came at him like a rabid dog.
"Uh-uh. You missed." Jimin chuckled, fucking and dogding every punch throw in his direction. He moved faster and in circles, confining Yeo-jeong to one spot unknown to him. It was fun.
"Missed again."
"That wasn't bad but you missed it."
The crowd hollered and someone whistled. "Try and hit him, you ass. You haven't even touched him yet."
Yeo-jeong snarled and lunged, attacking viciously. But Jimin was having fun. His moves were too predictable and he managed to avoid every hit.
"Oopsie, missed again."
Jimin's taunts seemed to work because Yeo-jeong roared, leaping forward and trying to grab his throat. The beta fell on his ass, while trying to evade his clawed hand. "Nice one, dude." He smirked. "But I'm not in the mood."
Yeo-jeong lifted his leg to kick his nuts using the opportunity but Jimin moved back in a blink of an eye, narrowing his eyes at him. "Bad dog," he scolded. "No touching my family jewels."
That invoked another round of laughter from the crowd; however, it only seemed to fuel Yeo-jeong's anger. He began to attack like a mad man, sharp claws nicking his arm and a timed upper cut almost dislocated his jaw.
But there was no time to mull over the shock. Jimin dropped to the floor and swiped out his left leg, strategically hitting Yeo-jeong's right knee and making him lose balance and fall backward. His opponent clutched his right leg and let out a pained grunt. As soon as he was down, Jimin attacked like a wolf on the hunt.
He went in for a well-aimed kick to his nuts and when Yeo-jeong doubled over in pain, he began to deliver several kicks to his ribs. Jimin wasn't satisfied yet, though.
The beta poured his fury into each kick he delivered. Gone was the playful demeanor and in its place was a face that he showed no one.
"That's for peeing on my courting gift," Jimin growled. He didn't allow any time for recovery as he bent and grabbed Yeo-jeong's legs. He dragged him a few feet before flipping him over and straddled his back. In a swift movement, he gripped his head and smacked his face into the sand, making him inhale the dust and taste the earth.
The beta repeated the action a few more times before putting him on a chokehold. "You were always a fucking asshole to me for no reason. I was going to leave everything behind and move on but you wouldn't have it." He tightened his grip, relishing the choking noises his opponent let out. "I'm tempted to kill you right now, but I also want you to see all your friends lose the fight and then be alive for when I rip off your useless dick and your tongue as a courting gift for my alpha."
Jimin released Yeo-jeong only when he passed out and stood, wiping his sweat using his pale beige tunic. "Drag this motherfucker away but keep him alive until I can harvest his dick and tongue!" he announced.
Elder Jo signaled the guards to drag Yeo-jeong away. "Beta Jimin earns his first victory tonight. Do you need rest?" he asked Jimin.
"Nope. I'm good."
Elder Jo nodded. "In that case, the next opponent please step into the ring."
Minseok came in next. Ah, so they wanted to wear him out. Jimin cracked his neck and braced for the next fight. As expected, Minseok didn't immediately attack. They circled each other. Minseok feigned to make the first move, pretending to lunge, but Jimin was ready. He just avoided his fist with a smirk.
Unlike Minseok, Jimin wasn't here to play. So he feigned to punch his right jaw and when Minseok lifted his left hand to block, Jimin delivered the real punch to his left jaw, leaving the other wolf disoriented. He didn't wait for him to recover, though.
Jimin went on full offense mode. He delivered a roundhouse kick next, following it up with several uppercut punches, finishing it with a powerful back kick that disoriented Minseok. The beta only paused to wipe his sweat on the brow with his tunic sleeve before jumping higher and delivering a final blow to his temple that knocked him out cold.
"Beta Jimin wins again," Elder Jo announced.
"Drag him out," Jimin spat before wiping his mouth. "I'll come back to their punishments later. Next!"
"Next opponent, step in please."
It was Hanwool, who came next to Jimin's surprise. He thought he would wait till the last moment to step in. Hanwool, however, chose offense unlike his other friends. He approached Jimin with fast strides and as soon as he was close enough to attack, he began throwing mean punches.
"Whoa!" Jimin dodged one and blocked two aimed for his sternum. But Hanwool didn't show any signs of slowing down. He advanced, growling and snarling, fists trying to collide with full force.
The beta was forced to back up to avoid the hits aimed for his head and upper torso. In an unexpected move, Hanwool kicked out, catching Jimin on his chest. Jimin fell back with a grunt.
The crowd cheered and someone hollered. Jimin scrambled back to avoid the oncoming kicks and rolled over to climb on his knees. He went on full defence mode because there was no coordination to Hanwool's attacking methods.
The bastard was going all in. When Hanwool came in next, he began to block. His forearms hurt by the force Hanwool exerted with each punch and kick. But Jimin didn't allow even one punch or kick to connect with his body after the first one.
However, he realized Hanwool was cornering him to the fight ring boundary and if he was out of it, Hanwool would win. Jimin calculated the attacks, trying to find a sequence that would help plan his next attack.
The border line continued to grow closer and the crowd was cheering because this must be the most entertaining fight after the first two that ended soon. Hanwool has managed to stay longer in the fight ring for being bad when it came to combat. Perhaps he was fueled by his fury—which could also work to Jimin's advantage.
With his brain swiftly planning the plan, he pretended to fall for Hanwool's strategy, keeping an eye on the rope that marked the outline of the fight ring. When he was just one arm's distance from the outline, he saw Hanwool smirk because one successful push was all it would take for him to win.
Hanwool lifted a leg with a snarl, kicking out using his full strength. However, Jimin, who had anticipated this, rotated his body, taking a 360 degree turn in one sweeping motion before elbowing Hanwool in the back.
His opponent, who already had one leg in the air, was caught by the surprise attack, losing balance for a second. Jimin backed a few steps and kicked out using his full strength on Hanwool's butt, sending him flying out of the fight ring.
"You lose," he announced, chest heaving and sweating profusely. His tunic stuck to his body like a second skin. He removed his tunic and began to wipe his face and entire torso with it. "Water break, Elder Jo!" he yelled, beginning to back away from Hanwool who was just scrambling to his feet. Jimin didn't turn his back just yet because that would be foolish. He might have won this fight but he won't trust Hanwool to respect the rules of these challenges.
"Beta Jimin wins!" Elder Jo announced. Just as Hanwool tried to pounce again, he was stopped and subdued by the guards.
Jimin hugged, quickly scanning the fight ring and at where the four families stood. The losers' families stood with a look of shame and disgust while Kyung-soo who was yet to go visibly fumed.
One more to go.
"Water!" Taehyung rushed toward him with a wooden keg.
Jimin grabbed it and drank a mouth full before pouring the rest over his head to cool his body down. Then he shook his head like a dog, thrusting the empty keg to Taehyung and pushing his hair back with both his hands.
"Tell me he didn't miss a thing," he demanded his best friend, scanning the other side to see where Jungkook stood earlier.
"Nope." Taehyung grinned ear-to-ear. "I made sure of it. Yoongi was giving him a brief version but I cut in, giving him line by line commentary," he stated proudly. "My alpha isn't pleased."
Sure enough, he saw Yoongi standing there with a scowl and folded hands across his chest. Jimin chuckled. "Hey alpha," he called loudly. "Hope you're enjoying the fight!"
Jungkook perked at the sound of his voice, ringing louder and drowning out the whispers of the pack. Even the members quieted to listen to what he had to say. The alpha tilted his head to the side, his expression clearing and a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips.
"This is for you!" Jimin called out. "This is how we do it here in the South."
Jungkook grinned with a nod of his head toward him.
"Tell him I'm flirting with him, though he can't see it and I'm shirtless," Jimin instructed his best friend. "Don't miss even a speck in my body." He narrowed his eyes on him. "He must be absolutely smitten by the time this fight ends."
"Oh, I have no doubt." Taehyung winked and Jimin watched as he jogged back to the alpha to relay something.
Watching the tips of Jungkook's ears turn red was the most satisfying thing to Jimin. The next he glanced at Seokjin and his mother, who nodded proudly at him. Jimin smirked and took a look at his old man's face to see the utter surprise written on his face. His father didn't even try to mask it.
The beta turned back to Elder Jo, lifting his thumb. "I'm ready!"
Kyung-soo immediately entered the ring, ripping off his tunic and making a show out of it. There were ooh and aah's from the crowd as he puffed his chest. He was considered the third most handsome alpha of the pack, Seokjin being the first.
Jimin thought he was okay-okay. He had broader shoulders than Yeo-jeong and a very muscular chest. The beta scoffed.
Show off.
That might work on a regular omega and maybe a beta occasionally, but he has seen better. Well, he was yet to see Jungkook, but he was sure he would look just as marvelous. He licked his lips at the thought of tracing every rippled muscle with his tongue. Unfortunately, he won't be able to do so until this fight was over.
With a grimace, he strode toward the center of the circle, his back facing Jungkook. He really hoped Taehyung was filling the alpha with all the details as he instructed. He didn't work harder to shape his ass all these years for nothing. He chose these pants because it accentuated his firm ass and thighs.
Jimin bent over to put both his hands on his knees purposefully, giving a view to his alpha. Taehyung would see the translation of his body language.
However, Kyungs-soo, mimicked his move and like a bull pummeled into his opponent, he took off head first. His heavy foot kicked the dust off the ground and the speed surprised even Jungkook. He was a bit of a loose cannon.
Jimin wasn't a fool. He whirled around and began to run to his right just to throw him off and break the momentum, thereby affecting the speed and force at which Kyung-soo was charging. Kyung-soo, as expected, skidded to a halt, barely waiting for a beat before he took off again.
What the hell is this?
This won't be a fair fight if Jimin let him pummel into him. He calculated the speed and strength. The collision would leave Jimin disoriented and will definitely throw him off his feet. It would take at least ten seconds to gather his bearings but by then Kyung-soo would have already pinned him to the ground.
Understanding his tactics, Jimin realized the best option for now was to run and defend himself from the irrational wolf chasing him. His speed came handy as he evaded the very angry bull/ wolf coming at him.
He ran in zig-zag motion, taking unexpected rights and lefts as he ran, but Kyung-soo was hot on his heels. Tired of having to take several twists, Jimin decided to run along the fight ring outer line for a while.
The run was slowly draining him and he hoped to catch breath like this. Maybe if he was careful enough, he'd be able to throw Kyung-soo out of the ring just like he did with Hanwool.
Kyung-soo followed with ease. Wolves naturally loved the chase. Maybe it was thrilling to him and the adrenaline rush would be intoxicating. However, Jimin couldn't say the same. He was trying to figure out a strategy to handle this situation.
The beta pumped his legs to run faster when he realized Kyung-soo was closing in. "Run faster!" Taehyung yelled when Jimin ran past him, Jungkook and Yoongi.
So Jimin did. He ran so fast that suddenly he was directly behind Kyung-soo. The crowd broke into laughter when it happened. Kyung-soo stopped abruptly, not understanding why the crowd was laughing and swept his gaze wildly across the ring as if slowly realizing Jimin hadn't been in front of him.
He turned around with a snarl and Jimin was there, laughing along with the rest of them. Those few seconds of break were greatly helpful to Jimin, but he knew it wasn't over just yet. Because Kyung-soo, face contorted with rage.
"Get him!" someone from his family yelled.
"Kill him and make us proud!" another shouted.
Then Kyung-soo was charging again. This time Jimin didn't run. He narrowed his eyes at the alpha, calculating the speed. With only a moment of hesitation, he took off in Kyung-soo's direction.
Running wasn't alone to tire out a wolf. They could hunt for hours after all and Kyung-soo participated in hunts that lasted a week. His stamina would obviously be great and his instincts would be stronger than the others.
Jimin needed a different strategy. He could hear several audible gasps as if the pack members did not expect this move. The beta peeled his lips back, snarling as they drew closer. Kyung-soo's claws were out, sharp and ready to cut through him.
Oh, he didn't come to play either. He wants to kill me.
Jimin smirked. They were only a few feet apart now. Then Jimin jumped. This time he used his legs to propel him up by giving him the initial boost and right when Kyung-soo was closer, he planted one foot on his hip and the second on his shoulder.
Kyung-soo, who hadn't expected this, staggered a bit. Jimin propelled up a few feet, twisting his body mid-air before landing light on his feet just behind Kyung-soo. With only seconds to spare before his opponent figured out his intention, Jimin jumped on his back, wrapping his legs around his hip and grabbing his neck in a chokehold.
The alpha's clawed hand dug into his biceps, drawing blood but Jimin didn't let go. Kyung-soo struggled. He wasn't going down like Yeo-jeong did. Instead, he put up a fight and tried to pry his hands off.
He began to thrash around the fight ring, letting out loud snarls. Perhaps it was a bad idea but Jimin couldn't bring himself to care. He took the elbows to his ribs with a painful grunt. Letting go wasn't an option.
Kyung-soo would be on him if he did that. So Jimin applied more force and held on.
"Yes, hold on!" Taehyung yelled. "Bring him down!"
Jimin realized he was closer to them this time. A quick glance over his shoulder showed him Jungkook waiting by the side lines with both his fists clenched. That was alone enough to encourage Jimin.
With a yell, Jimin tightened his hands around Kyung-soo's neck as much as he could. He put all his strength into it. Kyung-soo's hits grew weaker and Jimin barely registered the pain. Adrenaline surged through him. If he let go, he would be dead.
The beta clung to the alpha's back, teeth bared and strangling him with every fiber of his strength. After what felt like hours, Kyung-soo dropped to his knees. Jimin unlocked his legs just in time so they wouldn't be trapped by his body when he fell.
The alpha went down and did not move. Jimin wasn't sure if he was alive or was just unconscious. His own heartbeat was too loud in his ears and honestly, he did not care. He won. He brought down his last opponent.
Jimin slowly released him, waiting for a beat to see if he stirred. The crowd was silent, curious as just he was while Kyung-soo's mother wailed, "My son! That bastard killed him."
The beta scoffed. What did you expect?
"Beta Jimin has pinned his last opponent. He wins!" Elder Jo announced.
He stood, dusting his pants off and stared at the guy a little longer. Was he really dead? That would be bad because he wanted him alive when he ripped off his dick. It was his first wolf kill if he was already dead.
Exhaustion weighed down on him and his chest heaved. Jimin waited for some kind of remorse to settle in but nothing came. So he backed up a few steps before walking toward Jungkook and the others with a victorious grin.
The crowd cheered his name and hollered, celebrating his victory. The pups called out his name and Jimin grinned. Now they would know not to mess up with the Park Jimin. He glanced at his mother, who was clapping both her hands and even there was a small smile on his father's cold face.
Interesting. He couldn't wait to rub it in his father's face later. Jimin was already thinking of a fitting punishment for the four apart from harvesting their dicks, of course. That alone wouldn't be enough. Their families had taunted him almost all his life and today they had gone above and beyond to get him kicked out of the pack. So he would teach them all a lesson.
Seokjin lifted both his thumbs with a huge grin, mouthing, "That's my brother."
Jimin winked back at him. When he glanced back at Jungkook, his smile was relaxed. Now he could properly spend the time with alpha. He would have to be here until the end of the challenge and then he'd be free to leave. Also, he couldn't wait to see Seokjin fight his opponents. It'd undoubtedly be a feast to his eyes.
However, before he reached the alpha, he saw the subtle shift on his face. Jungkook was grinning at first but suddenly his face was stone cold. He tilted his head to the side and a muscle ticked in his jaw.
Jimin paused, wondering what caused the change and slowly turned around. He was too late, though.
An enormous wolf, twice his size, had lunged at him.
The beta gasped, eyes growing wide. Heavy licorice scent flooded him. Kyung-soo?
Oh, shit!
He scrambled backward but it was of no help. The wolf was already on him, it's jaw open wide, ready to strike. He could almost smell its breath.
But before it could land on him, something blurred past him. One second the brown wolf was closing its jaw on him and the next it was ripped away with a brutal force. A roar shook the ground as Jimin fell backward, landing on his ass.
Heavy fur obscured his vision and when it rose to its full height, Jimin realized it was a man. Not just any man but his alpha. The heavy scent of Cedar wood and flowing river filled his nostrils as the fur coat, covering those broad shoulders ever so slowly dropped to the ground.
Jungkook, who now stood between him and the wolf, let out another growl. Did Jungkook intercept the wolf? That too when he was in his human form?
Jimin could already hear the crowd murmur and a few gasps through his ringing ears.
"Jimin!" Taehyung was on him, giving him a once over but he couldn't tear his gaze from the sight in front of him.
Jungkook was so tall and without the fur coat, he could actually see how firm his entire back was. His legs were too long and thighs...oh god those thighs—so fucking thick and muscular. He would gladly let the alpha choke him.
Kyung-soo, the brown wolf rose to its feet, snarling at Jungkook. Its eyes filled with murderous rage.
"Jungkook," the beta whispered, watching the way the alpha's shoulders tensed, but he didn't turn.
"Kyung-soo, stand down!" Elder Jo thundered. "This is a violation of our rules. You have lost the fight. Surrender!"
But Kyung-soo showed no signs of surrendering. He began to circle Jungkook as Taehyung and Yoongi dragged Jimin away.
"Kyung-soo, back off now!" Seokjin, who was rushing to the fight ring, was stopped by Namjoon.
"This coward attacked one of ours," he stated in a cold voice. "He went after Jungkook's mate and so he will now be dealt with in our way."
Jimin blinked, glancing at Seokjin who squared his shoulders with a nod.
"What the hell is he doing?" one wolf from the crowd yelled.
"Hey, blind wolf, shift!" another shouted.
"No, that's too dangerous. Someone else must intervene," the third one demanded. "He's going to kill him."
"No need," Namjoon cut them off with the same look. "Jungkook, you're on your own."
Jimin's heart leapt to his throat as he watched Jungkook nod curtly without a slightest hesitation or doubt. Then he did the most unexpected thing. He ripped open his tunic and let it slide down his shoulders.
The beta's knees weakened and he almost collapsed in Taehyung's grip but his friend held him upright. "I know right," Taehyung said dreamily. "You're one lucky wolf."
Jungkook's back was well defined from top to bottom. His broad shoulders were definitely drool worthy and the way it tapered down to his waist before flaring at hips. Oh god he's so delicious.
Jimin almost felt guilty for ogling him when he should have been worried for him or at least focused on the wolf, but he couldn't tear his gaze off him. Jungkook's long, dark hair kissed his shoulders and it looked so thick that Jimin thought if he ran his fingers through it, it could easily cover his hand.
The two wolves circled each other. Kyung-soo's ears were flat against his head and his canines were all on display. Jungkook had his head tilted to the side, hands open as he moved.
Just as Jungkook's front came into his vision, Jimin did faint, albeit too short, he lost his breath, white spots clouding his vision and gasping for breath. A smack to the back of his head, brought him back.
He has no right to look that good.
"Focus," Tahyung hissed. "You won't have an alpha to drool on if you let your horny thoughts take over now."
Oh, right.
Jimin cleared his throat and tried to focus on the fight. In his peripheral vision, the wolf lunged.
I didn't mean to leave it here but the next scene is a bit big and I had to break the chapter. Pray that I don't get swamped with work so I can write it.
See you next month (When I'm free and once the chapter is ready)
If this ain't our fav couple from Tales of a Wounded Heart. The look on his face says it all. I rest my case 😌
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