Chapter 4

Family dinners at the Min family cabin were rare these days. Ever since Mina passed away, Yoongi stopped showing up to most of them. However, today was one of the rarest days, where he brought meat and even helped with skinning and mincing it.

Min Iseul worried for her son every day. A wolf that lost his mate was simply waiting to die and every day she could feel him slip away from them little by little. It was pure torture to the family and everyone, who cared about him.

They tried to pair him up with a fellow widowed omega or a beta, but Yoongi hadn't been interested in the least. He chose to wither away and as a mother, it was eating her alive. With time, it was a painful understanding and defeat that led her to push through each day she had with her son.

She'd been extremely rejoiced when her son showed up for dinner that evening. It felt as if she was witnessing the first rays of sun after a harsh winter. Even her mate's smile was brighter. But then Aera told her something.

"So...all hope might not be lost for brother," Aera drawled, dicing the vegetables into uniform sizes they preferred for the stew. "He has piqued the interest of a certain omega from the Park pack, who doesn't likely take no for an answer."

Iseul let out a soft gasp, abandoning the stove immediately in favor of gaining more information from her daughter. Aera put the knife down, caressing her swollen belly with a soft smile.

"Really? An omega likes my son?" The desperate mother gripped her daughter's hands, eyes burning with unshed tears. "Is this true? Tell me more," she demanded. "You better not pull one of your pranks with me right now."

"Did you not hear what I said?" Aera teased with a smile. "He's from the Park pack though."

"I don't care where he comes from," Iseul hissed. "I only care about my son being able to move on and live a long life with this wolf. Do you think this wolf is capable of that? Do you think he will love my Yoongi like he deserves?" Her eyes glistened with tears.

"I can't answer all that right now." Aera squeezed her hands with an assuring smile. "He's odd, but I think he's exactly what my brother needs to come out of this."

"Is he beautiful?" she asked, unable to contain her curiosity. "How do you know he's interested?"

"Oh, he's gorgeous," Aera gushed. "He's the type of omega, who commands attention as soon as he enters a room. The handsome one."

Aera dragged her to the nearest chair, making her sit before telling her everything about this omega, who has taken a keen interest on her son. Her daughter wasn't someone who got excited that easily, but the way her eyes twinkled told her it must be really good. She must have sensed something. Hope bloomed in the yearning mother's heart.

Iseul made sure her daughter didn't miss even a tiny detail. Then at the first window of opportunity, she pulled her mate aside to blurt everything Aera just shared with her. Her mate mirrored her reaction, looking relieved and hopeful at the same time.

"Should we talk to him?" he whispered, glancing over his shoulder.

"Not before he has eaten something," she instantly said. "Wait for him to finish his food."

"Alright," her mate readily agreed. "We need a need. I'll go grab something suitable." He hurried outside while watching with a racing heart.

While she didn't know where this could lead them, she wasn't going to let this slide.

The dinner was a silent event. Except for Aera, no one said a thing. Once upon a time, dinners were liveliest events in the Min household, but now it was all a distant memory.

"A little more?" she asked.

Yoongi shook his head. Iseul put aside the stew bowl and continued to eat, sharing glances with her mate, who shared the same sentiment. She didn't know how to approach the subject, without Yoongi storming outside without another word.

She came up with several scenarios in her head, dropping it at the end. In the end, it was her mate, who broke the silence. He invited Yoongi for a few drinks outside.

So the father and son sat outside on the backyard porch, overlooking the small stream. From here, the view of the Northern Mountains and the dark sky was clear. Iseul and Aera sat inside, anticipating their conversation.

They talked about a few things in general. Her mate asked Yoongi about Jungkook's mating and so on. A few drinks were consumed by this point.

"So what do you think about this omega?" her mate asked directly and Iseul tensed in her seat. Opposite her, Aera leaned to the window, observing her brother and father with wide eyes.

Yoongi frowned. "Which omega?"

"Taehyung," her mate said. "Heard that he's interesting."

"Did Aera tell you that?" Yoongi scoffed, chugging the remaining drink and pouring himself more. But strangely, he didn't look angry. Uninterested, yes. But annoyed or angry, no.

"Yes, tell me what you think of him," her mate stressed a little, leaning forward curiously.

Her son snorted and her heart jumped. It was the first time she'd seen him do that. Her wide gaze locked with Aera and found her smiling just as side.

"He's annoying," Yoongi growled. "Too loud and annoying."

"Oh." Her mate smiled. "So did you accept the courting gift?"

Yoongi's lazy gaze fell on him and he reclined in his seat. One hand casually slung over the backrest of the chair while the other held the drink. His lips twisted to the side. "No," he guffawed after a moment.

Iseul held a hand over her chest, watching her son clap his hands as if he heard a biggest joke.

"Why? Heard he's a beauty."

"He's crazy. That's what he is." Yoongi pointed a finger at his father. "He's so damn crazy and drives me nuts. Makes me want to pull my hair." He finished the drink in one breath before staggering to his feet. "Two more days..." He counted with his fingers and then shook his head. "No, one more day and I can send him back from where he came from," he slurred, slamming his palm on the table. "If he climbed inside that beta's trunk to sneak into our pack, I'll just drown him in Esmore Creek." He frowned and looked as if he was thinking about something. "That's right. I'll drown him and that donkey of his. What's its name again? M-Mo something?" His brows creased. "Whatever." He waved a hand before grabbing the entire keg of ale and hugging it to his chest. "Yes. That's what I will do."

Then, he pivoted on his heel, swaying slightly but walked around the home and disappeared from their view.

Aera giggled while Iseul just watched in stunned stupor. "T-That's really my son?" she asked when her mate came inside.

He chuckled. "Looks like this omega is exceptional to get him talking like that."

Iseul sniffled, covering her mouth with a hand. "I haven't seen him talking that loud and uncontrolled in ages. He barely says anything unless it's absolutely necessary."

"He even knew his donkey's name. Jungkook told me about their donkeys after returning from the seamstress and brother was there to see my mate. I didn't think he'd have noticed, but he did," Aera supplied. "This is interesting."

"Really? I want to meet this omega," she said. "I want to know, who made my son behave like this."

"Oh, that can be arranged." Aera smiled. "Just come over to my home tomorrow."

"Did you see the way he laughed?" Iseul gushed, brushing aside her tears. "He laughed."

"He did," her mate agreed. "I almost forgot how he looks when he's laughing."

Her mate patted her arm. "Let's see where this goes."


Jungkook lost any sense of normalcy in the past two days. It was his idea to get his home ready to accommodate another wolf, but he hadn't considered the consequences that would bring. He'd walked into things at least six times and tripped seven times.

Namjoon, Yoongi and a few others came over to fix his roof and the bathroom. His mother and Aera came over with Hei-ran in the morning. While his mother helped him organize the kitchen and stocked it with everything she thought the new couple would require, Aera set out to organize his closet.

"I've never seen you wear these light outfits," she complained. "I gifted that white tunic three winters ago and it's collecting dust just like all other tunics I bought."

Jungkook shrugged. He didn't care what he wore anymore. The things he wore every day were arranged on the left and once it was washed, he put it back on the left. He didn't care sifting through every piece of clothing he owned to find something fitting. It wasn't just necessary.

Everything was too loud and all he could do was to just sit at the edge of his bed and let them do whatever they wanted. He'd have to familiarize with everything again and that set his wolf on edge.

"I'm not changing anything. Just refolding and arranging stuff to make space for Jimin's clothes," Aera spoke as if she could sense his frustration. "Once they're done with the renovation, I'll help you put back everything in its place as it was."

Jungkook sighed in relief. "That'd be appreciated."

He rubbed his temples and laid back on the bed, staring into nothingness. Having them all at his home felt strange yet oddly comforting. He didn't encourage others to stop by and preferred solitude but past two days had been different. It reminded him of his childhood days that were only filled with happiness.

Hei-ran's excited noise infiltrated through the crevices of wooden walls and was extremely contagious. And he hasn't heard his mom this excited in ages. When was the last time she laughed this loud or talked this much? Maybe he was doing something right for once.

The air itself was different. He could feel it buzz with their excitement and their pheromones were laced with joy. Still, there were some doubts that gnawed at him.

"Your scent is turbulent," Aera noted and he felt a light weight settle beside his head. Delicate fingers stroked his hair and scratched his scalp. "What's bothering you?"

A sigh drifted off his lips. "Overwhelmed," he confessed. "I'm so used to living alone and have made peace with the fact that having a family or finding love is farfetched. I didn't even think of a possibility of a mating until this week. It's all too soon."

Her warm hand came to rest on his forehead, covering his eyes for a moment before she began to massage his temples. He let out a soft groan, taking comfort in her wild berries scent that was intertwined with that of his brother's patchouli.

"Everything happens on its own time," she said. "You deserve everything good that's coming your way."

"Why don't I feel that way?" Jungkook argued. "This is nothing but an alliance. They're just cementing it with a marriage so we can't break free. I don't even know this wolf I'm supposed to marry. What if he finds our marriage an inconvenience?"

"You can talk to him personally before you offer your courting gift." He felt her hand on his before she squeezed gently. "Personally, I don't think he'd disagree. He sent his best friend here to determine that on his behalf, didn't he?" Jungkook nodded. "Also, he sounds interesting, doesn't he? I mean...imagine if he's anything like Taehyung?" She laughed. "He's definitely gonna be handful."

"I have a feeling he's worse than his best friend." Jungkook chuckled. "Taehyung had only given me a glimpse and I just know he's a menace."

But there was a certain fondness and curiosity etched to his voice. He admired strength and courage. From what Taehyung said Jimin had it in abundance.

"I think it's better that he's a beta. He is stronger than an omega and can protect himself. He won't be entirely dependent on you," Aera once again voiced out his thoughts. "Relying on your spouse is not bad you know what I mean. He could truly be your companion and I feel like there'll be a balance."

Jungkook sighed. "I hope so. I also wish he isn't forced into this and he is aware of what he's getting into. Living with me won't be easy."

The beta wouldn't be equipped to live with a blind wolf. No one in his family was. It still took a lot of adjustment and learning. Would Jimin have that much patience to learn about him? Would he care enough to adjust his life to fit his needs? He glanced away knowing it wouldn't hide his emotions from her eyes. She always said he was expressive.

"It takes a lot of adjustments," Aera agreed, once again speaking as if she could read his thoughts. "But we all learned even when we ran into bumps now and then, didn't we?" She ruffled his hair. "Give it a chance, Jungkook. I'm sure you won't regret this. I haven't seen your brother this happy since the incident. Your father looks a lot calmer and mother is smiling a lot. Our entire family is rejoicing."

Jungkook's shoulders relaxed. A sense of calm filled him. "Well...I'm just glad I finally gave you all a reason to smile."

"You always give us a reason to smile."

He could imagine his best friend rolling her eyes and she'd have smacked him if she was in mood, but she had gotten too mellow due to pregnancy. You didn't hear it from him. He couldn't afford that smack right now. As petite as she was, her smacks were the meanest.

"How is the little one doing?" He lifted a hand and she guided him to her belly.

"Extremely active and tiring. Can't wait to pop him out and let your brother handle him for the rest of our lives." Her voice held a fondness despite the tiredness. "Wish he'd at least let me sleep at night. But no. That's when he chooses to practice his martial arts."

Jungkook laughed out out. It must really feel good to expect a child. His features softened, feeling the baby move under his palm as if it could sense him and knew it was him. "Hey," he greeted like he did whenever he met the little one. "Can't wait to hold you, little one. Don't trouble your mom too much, okay?"

Perhaps this was what the future had in store for him. Male betas couldn't physically conceive unlike the male omegas. However, still the entire possibility of children was heart-warming to him.

"It's going to be okay." Aera squeezed his hand and he imagined her soft smile. "I'm also hoping things will work out between my brother and Taehyung."

Jungkook snorted. That would be one hell of an interesting pair if it happened. Taehyung was...he didn't know how to describe that wolf anymore. But Aera told him that Yoongi reacted in a way he never did before.

"I haven't seen my brother smile or laugh in such a long time," Aera said. "Even today, he's spoken more to Namjoon than he ever did even if it's just to complain how annoying this omega with a donkey is."

Jungkook laughed out loud. "I just hope the nutcracker doesn't crack my nuts."

Aera joined him in his laughter. However, he smelled the distinct scent of tulips before anyone else could and sat upright.

He tilted his head to the side to listen to the approaching footsteps. It stood out from every other wolf with a happy little hop he could distinguish and now identify with Taehyung. "He's here."

"Who?" Aera stood and moved around him.

He frowned. The omega had no business here. "Taehyung. What is he doing here?"

"Oh, I invited him over," she said casually. "Mom and dad wanted to meet him. Since we are here, I called him over here."

Jungkook shook his head, fighting a chuckle. "Your brother is gonna flip."

"Hopefully in a good way," she chirped before leaving his room and he could imagine her throwing a wink at him.

"Oh, hello, sister-in-law, you look exceptionally glowing today," Taehyung's voice carried over to him. "Whoa! Did your pup just move? The pup approves of me already. Aww...this is the best thing ever!"

He shook his head with a small smile and his wolf perked. He tuned out Aera's response and the following incoherent coos of the omega. Maybe he could learn more about Jimin. What he liked and what he didn't.

Just like yesterday how Taehyung casually commented that Jimin liked to wear his clothes a size bigger. Even his fur coat was ordered a size bigger.


The alpha whipped his head up, eyes widening involuntarily.

"Our messenger must have reached our pack by now and our Jimin would have been informed by now about the betrothal," Taehyung announced excitedly. "I can't wait for us to go back." He clapped his hands before dropping beside him. The bed dipped under his weight. "Oh, this is comfortable. Jimin loves soft things." He moved around. "It's spacious to build his nest."

Jungkook choked on his saliva, eyes shooting even wider if it was possible. His wolf had his ears perked, all attention tuned to this omega. A beta nesting was unheard of but the thought alone was enough to rouse a sense of possessiveness in him.


"Mhmm..." Taehyung moved closer to him again. Their shoulders brushed and Jungkook stiffened. He thought he would have to get used to these unexpected touches from now. Especially, if Taehyung was going to move to the Kim pack and live closer to them. "He loved my nest and asked me how to do it. His father was furious when Jimin built one at his home. That day he dragged him out of the home and whipped him with his belt for the entire pack to see."

Jungkook's wolf bristled, letting out a thunderous growl. He'd heard the Park pack alpha was ruthless but to do that to his son over something as trivial as this? His fists clenched over his knee and he grinded his jaw so hard.

Taehyung shifted closer, releasing calming pheromones. He felt a soft pat on his hand. "It was several years ago. You want to know what he did next?"

Jungkook sucked in his next growl, nodding tightly.

"He built a nest on his father's bed the next day, scented it thoroughly before running off to the woods."

The alpha gasped. That should have warranted death. He might have stopped functioning for a moment. The beta was too courageous and Jungkook wondered if it was a good thing or a bad thing. "What happened next?"

"No one could find him for a week." He felt Taehyung shrugging. "His mom was so pissed at his father for raising his hand at their son. Seokjin was away on a hunting trip, you see. If he was there, he would have never let that happen." The omega sighed. "Anyway, during the second week, he came home with Seokjin's hunting group, carrying a stag."

Pride filled Jungkook's chest and his wolf puffed its chest. "So he went to find Seokjin."

"Yep. Jimin knows the woods like the back of his hands. He hunted a stag and two wild boars. It was like a slap to his father's face, who called him useless in front of the pack. He had shot an arrow right through their eyes to show what he is capable of," Taehyung described. "The funniest thing is it was the start of winter so Seokjin's hunting party didn't have much luck. Jimin's hunt contributed half of the entire bounty and the pack couldn't just ignore it."

Jungkook smiled and the scents of his mother, Hei-ran and Aera drifted to him. He could sense them outside his room. They must have heard his growl and expected worse. He wanted to assure them but Taehyung seemed so at ease with him and his scent hadn't even changed a little.

The omega wasn't intimidated in the least while the spicy notes in his scent right now was enough to send some omegas cowering in a corner. But not this one. That was why he was sure, he would give Yoongi a run for his money.

Jungkook had so much to say but couldn't find the right word. Every time Jimin's stories left him in awe. "I don't have nesting supplies here," he said instead. "I..." He glanced toward the door.

"I'll take Taehyung to the market today," his mother volunteered. "Or we can have the traders bring over the available items and you can choose the ones you want."

Jungkook nodded in gratitude.

Beside him Taehyung's scent bloomed with happiness. "Jimin would highly appreciate it," he said. "What about mine?" he asked. "Can I choose some for myself too? Carrying everything over from my home is such a hassle."

"You wouldn't want one," Yoongi's voice came from somewhere in the living room. "Because you're not moving here and you're not a part of the negotiations."

Jungkook felt Taehyung sitting up right. "Then I'd like to burst your bubble by saying I have already filed necessary paperwork with your Head Alpha with the blessings of our future head alpha," Taehyung countered effortlessly. "They're allotting me a housing unit as we speak. I've requested a house that's as close to Jimin's home as possible."

The alpha heard a few footsteps approaching his room but couldn't tell who it was because there were just too many scents surrounding him.

"Absolutely ridiculous," Yoongi thundered. "You can't really expect me to pursue you. I haven't even accepted your courting gift."

"You can go back to ignoring me," Taehyung shot. "I didn't even try to talk to you today. It's you, who started first. I know I'm irresistible but don't make it obvious, alpha. I'm shy, you know."

Oh, how much Jungkook wished he could have witnessed the look on Yoongi's face. Taehyung sounded anything but shy. His flirtatious tone and the way his scent sweetened told Jungkook the omega wasn't holding back.

Did Taehyung bat his lashes at Yoongi? Did he twist his upper body like one of the omegas Sara does when she flirts with someone?

Someone tugged his arm, pulling him down. As he was used to this, he bent, knowing his sister-in-law wanted to say something. Her hand cupped his ears first. "Damn! Jungkookie, he's blushing and twisting his entire body. He's even drawing some random pattern with his leg," Aera whispered furiously. "My brother is speechless. Have you ever seen Yoongi so dumbfounded?"

Jungkook grinned, covering his mouth so others wouldn't notice. Taehyung didn't disappoint. He was dramatic and entertaining.

Yoongi went silent before letting out an infuriated huff. "Whatever." He heard clothes rustle and footsteps walking away before the front door slam a few moments later.

There was silence for a moment before everyone in the room burst out laughing. He heard a few familiar ones joining in on and realized they were Yoongi's parents. Now their scents were more distinctive and he could sense them more clearly. Jungkook too smiled, listening to the way their sounds brimmed with joy. Something they hadn't done since Mina's untimely death.

Taehyung was good. He lifted a hand wanting to feel their smile. Aera stepped forward, allowing him to cup her face and feel the way her cheeks stretched.

"Oh, what are you doing?" Taehyung quipped. Suddenly his hands were pulled to a different face. "You're feeling her smile, right? Here, see my smile too. I promise my smile is the most beautiful."

Jungkook, now used to his antics, was better prepared. He didn't flinch back, but let his fingers trace the laugh lines and feel how Taehyung's eyes crinkled. He felt his face, seeing he was truly a handsome wolf.

"Don't forget to tell Yoongi that my smile is beautiful when you guys talk," Taehyung continued, patiently waiting for Jungkook to get used to his facial expressions. "He didn't even look at my face that much. I hate wasted effort you know?"

Jungkook scoffed, dropping his hands. "I don't think he will be able to avoid you much longer."

"Wow! I see what you mean," Aera's mom said in awe. "You rendered him speechless just like that? You're really something, Taehyung." She walked into the room, her footsteps a bit bouncy unlike her usual slouched ones he had gotten used to. "I'm Yoongi's mother and this is my mate," she introduced.

Jungkook stood to greet them. "Hello, Mrs. Min."

"Jungkook, congratulations, son." Delicate hands wrapped him into a gentle yet firm hug. "I'm so happy for you." Her tight embrace conveyed her happiness. "May the Moon Goddess only bring good things into your life." She kissed his cheek. "Now I wish my Yoongi would give this omega a chance too."

"Oh, don't worry about that, mother-in-law. I got that covered. Just buy me some nesting supplies please...I promise I'm really low maintenance." He felt someone tug her away from his grip and she chuckled fondly. "My family is already pushed to their limits because I refused every alpha they chose for me and then gave into my demand to marry into this pack. My dad would whip my ass if I asked for more."

"Of course, sweet heart. I'll buy you anything you want."

Jungkook bit his lips to stop the smile from slipping out. This omega was definitely something.


"Look at my son's face! Your son is an uncultured beast," Yeo-Jeong's mother complained.

"He bit my Kyung-sso's ear," sniffled his mother.


Blah blah blah.

Jimin rolled his eyes. What's new? This was an everyday scene. He was obviously the bad guy. It was funny how these supposedly strong alphas broke down into tears and played victim cards against supposedly a much weaker gender, a beta, nonetheless.

These wolves had no shame.

Everyone knew they were troublemakers, but Jimin didn't have a great reputation. They also took pleasure in taking a dig at him at any chance they got because ofhis status as the Head Alpha's son that usually put him above the others in hierarchy.

This was their only chance. He could see the glee in the eyes of a few pack mates as they got another opportunity so soon. Others looked as if they couldn't wait for this to get over. But then their pack didn't have much entertainment these days.

Winter was approaching and they were already growing lazy. Jimin sighed, picking his nails in a bored manner. Now he would wait for his father to yell at them and ask them if they committed it.

"That's enough!" Jimin's father bellowed. "Yeo-jeong, Kyung-soo, Minseok and Han-wool, is it true that you started the fight? Did you mock Jimin's betrothed?"

How predictable!

They were at the village square. His father sat on a wooden chair, cushioned with bear fur. He hunted that bear when he was just a juvenile wolf—a testament to his strength. That's how Park Jaehyun has established himself as a formidable wolf.

Then there was his elder brother Seokjin. He too, had followed his father in his footsteps, hunting a bear as a juvenile wolf. Jimin, too wanted to hunt one. Unfortunately, as a beta he couldn't shift into his wolf form and he wasn't allowed that deep into the woods.

He flicked a glance at the four wolves, already knowing how they would feign innocence. Their combined scents were cloying his nose. He could punch them just for that reason alone.

"Jimin is betrothed?" Han-wool's mother feigned innocence.

Ah, there she goes. He should ask her to play a role in the next Moon festival in one of the re-enacted folklores.

"You, I and everyone in the Park Pack knows this, Ha-Yun." His mother, Areum said. "Your future head alpha led a group of messengers to the Kim pack last week. Your ignorance isn't gonna protect you this time." She stepped forward. "You all knew how important this arrangement was, however, you decided upon your own volition to violate my mate's wishes."

Jimin glanced at his mother. Now that was an unexpected twist. His wolf perked and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"T-That's not true." Ha-Yun knelt on the ground and bowed. "We weren't aware. It was an honest mistake from my son's part."

"The four of them never liked my son," Areum continued, taking advantage of her mate's silence. "They cornered him, found an opportunity when he was alone and attacked him. I say this was planned with intent to ruin this wedding proposal and thereby thwart the alliance between the two packs." Then she looked at his father. "Husband, look at our son's face. How are we going to explain this to them? Wouldn't they think our son isn't respected within the pack? How would this incident reflect on us? Whether anyone here likes it or not his betrothed is the head alpha's son and a celebrated warrior before the unfortunate incident. He should be respected as such."

If his father was the same man he used to be before, she wouldn't be able to do this. But his weakening health has allowed him to take a step back and allow her to shine. Park Jaehyun understood no one would fear her or respect her once he was gone. So after Seokjin confronted him after an incident, Jaehyun had listened.

Jimin bit his lip to suppress the smug smile that wanted to stretch his lips. He didn't often have control over the shit that went down in a grievance meeting. Because everyone always tried to gang up on him and they always outnumbered him. His words often fell into deaf ears as a certified trouble maker.

With his mother taking the mantle, he decided to stay silent and be an obedient son for the time being. Only for her.

"We are sorry." Yeo-Jeong was the first to crack. "It's true we scuffled a bit. But he's lying about the mocking part. We never said anything about his betrothed. We didn't even know that he's blind." He laughed as if he was trying to ease the situation.

Areum's face hardened. "We never told anyone Jimin's betrothed is blind." She clasped her hands in the front, staring him down.

"W-What?" Yeo-Jeong realized his mistake too late.

"Only the messenger knew that information." She notched her chin. "Husband, they're guilty for bullying our son and trying to sabotage this engagement by any means. I plead these wolves must be punished for their mistakes and be kept away from our son at all costs so they don't ruin this mating ceremony for us and the pack."

Jimin wanted to applaud but held back since that would piss off his father. Not that he cared, but stayed silent out of his respect for his mom.

His father sighed, rubbing his knees as he reclined in his chair. "My son, your future Head Alpha, has already made his stance clear in this regard. This marriage proposal is beneficial to the pack and a first step in his journey to establish a peaceful alliance with our neighboring pack." He stood, standing imposingly tall and commanding. "Anyone going against this would be punished severely. Jimin is a betrothed wolf. The Kim Pack accepted our proposal and will arrive here in a few days for the mating ceremony. In that sense, he now partially belongs to the Kim Pack. Hence, offending him is like offending the Kim Pack. This shall be the last time I hear about your petty fights. You're no longer juvenile wolves. I won't let any of the future fights slide."

"Yes, Head Alpha." They fell to their knees, bowing until their foreheads touched the ground.

"You may leave. I don't care who starts the fight. The next time for every scratch on my son's body, I'll add a whip mark to yours," his father thundered, taking him and everyone else by surprise.

Jimin gasped, eyes almost popping out comically. He stood dumbfounded as his father strode away and waited until the pack members all began to leave.

"Did he ingest cannabis again?" he whispered furiously in his mom's ear. "Or is it the new imported ale from the east?"

His mom pinched his arm. "Shut up, you naughty wolf," she hissed. "This is all because of your alpha." She hooked an arm around his elbow and began to drag him toward their home. "He's the second son of the Head Alpha and next in line. He's well respected in his pack. Obviously, that would extend to you now. Your father values his reputation and I might have stroked his ego a bit last night." She winked.

Jimin grinned, pinching her cheeks. "You sneaky wolf. So he's really off my hair now."

"He is." She patted his arm. "Just because he let you walk free doesn't mean you can get into fights and be naughty again. Be good for your alpha, alright?"

"I'll try." He smiled cheekily.

"Ugh! I swear, Jimin. Listen to your mother for once. They're all jealous of you because you're one of the handsome wolves in this pack and prettier than the majority of the omegas here. Don't you wanna look good for your alpha?"

He rolled his eyes. "Maybe. But it all depends how he's gonna treat me."

"Taehyung approved, didn't he?" she asked. "I know why you send him along with Seokjin."


"Then trust his judgment. You know he isn't easily pleased. He must have seen something in this alpha."

Jimin sighed. "I guess so."

"Jimin, for real, promise me that you won't stir trouble," she demanded. "Don't give me anymore grey hairs."

The beta deflated. "Alright, I promise," he relented. "Now I have an alpha to torment. I'll be off your heads soon."

"Don't say it like that. You have to be a good husband to him," she chided.

"Don't worry, mom. I'll be the best husband his pack has ever seen, alright?"

His mom growled, lifting a hand to smack his head. Jimin ducked, letting out a giggle before running away.


The day of travel was upon them. Jungkook went to fetch his black Stallion, Thunder. The reunion was bittersweet. The alpha felt sorry for leaving him alone at his parent's home.

Thunder was his companion since his teen years. He was also one of the dear ones Jungkook abandoned after losing sight. It wasn't like he never visited him after that. He did, but couldn't bring himself to groom him or ride him like he used to do.

He was a physical embodiment of the happiest memories Jungkook held closer to his heart and a reminder of what he lost. Jungkook tried to spend time with him, but when it became too much with his inability to care for him like before became apparent, he stopped visiting altogether.

Namjoon always updated him of his whereabouts. The Stallion was also now a father to a foal. Jungkook missed all of it. A feeling of shame and guilt slammed onto him without warning. What was Thunder's mistake? Thunder was one of the souls Jungkook hurt deeply by pulling away.

Thunder greeted him with a litany of neighs and whines. As soon as Jungkook was closer, an arm stretched to feel his silky mane, the Stallion had hooked his limp around his waist, pulling him closer.

Jungkook had fought his tears as he melted into his companion's embrace. "I'm sorry, buddy. I missed you."

The Stallion whined again.

"I'm not leaving you," Jungkook promised. "We have a long journey ahead of us."

Thunder let out a happy neigh, finally releasing its hold on him. He moved away and Jungkook heard the sound of happy prancing around him. The happy neighs of the horse were everything Jungkook didn't know he missed too much.

Perhaps he shouldn't have avoided the Stallion as he did. Namjoon would often urge him to go on a ride with him but Jungkook always refused. He used to love riding but it became all too much suddenly. Jungkook extended a hand and Thunder stopped and stepped forward to bump his hand with his head.

Something warm rushed to Jungkook's chest. Perhaps he should have learned to accommodate Thunder in this part of his life a little sooner. Jungkook exhaled, scratching the Stallion's neck.

"I'm sorry," he murmured. "I'm still learning. Hope you can be patient with me."

Stallion brayed as if he could understand. He was an intelligent horse and Jungkook always thought they understood each other.

"Are you ready for our journey?" he asked, scratching under Stallion's chin. His hands ran along Thunder's neck and then torso to touch the saddle. "You're all dolled up for the travel, I see. Who readied you today? My brother?"

Jungkook chuckled at the affirmative neigh. If it was a no Thunder would have made a different sound.

"Come on, buddy. This way." He wondered if he'd be able to ride again. It had been so long and he didn't have time to go on a test run before. "Still, boy. Don't move too much, yeah?"

Climbing on Thunder's back felt like coming home again. The memory of his father gifting it to him on his thirteenth birthday surfaced. Whenever he rode Thunder, he felt as if the entire world was his to conquer.

If only Thunder had been with him on the day of the attack. Jungkook brushed aside those thoughts and took deep breaths. Even though it had been ages since he rode, it came as natural as breathing.

"Let's go, boy. To the front." He gently nudged his stallion.

With every step, Jungkook's lips curved upward. His already chipper mood enhanced even more and thoughts raced toward Jimin. The courting gifts were ready and Taehyung was full of praise for them. He couldn't stop gushing over the bear fur, claiming how elated Jimin would be. Something about Jimin's father and brother hunting a bear and his inability to hunt one. Jungkook couldn't wait to meet the beta Taehyung spoke so much about.

Just as he left the stables, leaving the fresh smell of hay and the familiar stench of dung behind, someone came rushing toward him and Thunder.


The alpha perked, his wolf shifting inside him with all his attention on the newcomer. The familiarity in his voice and scent brought a face in his memory.

"Si-woo, what is it?" He tilted his head to the side, reading the notes of nervousness in Si-woo's scent. He was fifteen-year-old and training to become a hunter. Sometimes he ran errands for his family.

"The newcomer," Si-woo panted. "That pretty omega."

"Taehyung?" Jungkook shifted on top of Thunder.

"I don't know," Si-woo said, his chest heaving. "The one that's after Yoongi."

"What about him?" A growl laced Jungkook's voice. "Where is he?" His instincts were on high alert suddenly. "Get on the horse." He extended a hand. When Si-woo took his hand, he lifted him above the horse. "Tell me the direction."


Jungkook inhaled deeper, nudging Thunder toward the direction. Si-woo held his waist, moving to sit properly. "What happened?"

"It's Dae-Jung. I was going to the market and saw them fighting."

"Fighting?" Jungkook frowned. "Did Dae-Jung say something?"

"I don't know who started it but it was crazy. That omega was crazy. He was fighting like an alpha."

Pride filled Jungkook's chest. He was sure Taehyung wouldn't be fighting without a reason. Dae-Jung must have said something. He already disliked the betrothal and confronted Jungkook once.

The alpha clenched his jaw, swallowing the rising anger. He needed to handle this carefully. Taehyung was from an outside pack. This could backfire on them. It could lead to some form of punishment for attacking a pack member. Not only that. This entire alliance could turn to dust.

He cursed internally. "Who else is there?"

"No one."

Jungkook growled, "Keep giving me directions." Then he kicked Thunder's ribs to send him faster.

A few minutes later when Jungkook finally arrived near the village market, there was a decent crowd. They parted like waves when Thunder approached. The stallion let out a menacing neigh, rising to its hind limbs—a warning to those who dared to stay in his path.

Thunder could be a menace when he felt like it. Jungkook pulled the reins. "Easy boy." He patted his neck, his nostrils flaring and taking account of the people around him. "What the hell is going on here?"

They had clearly stopped fighting. At least that was apparent by the loud sounds he heard when he approached.

"This omega attacked one of our pack members," In-su said. "He wouldn't stop even when we tried to pull them apart."

"I was minding my business," Dae-jung claimed. "He walked up to me and brought up the conversation we had the other day. Then he began to attack me."

"This asshole is lying! He called my Jimin a cock sucking slut and a whore for our alphas in the pack," Taehyung growled. His scent carried the spicy under notes of his fury and the rustling sounded as if he was struggling to break free of someone's hold. "Let me go this instant. I'll rip his tongue out and feed it to the owls. Then I'll cleave his balls and gouge his eyes out."

Jungkook bristled. "Is this true?" He jumped off Thunder's back and took a menacing step toward Dae-jung.

"Are you questioning our pack members? An outsider attacked him within our pack territory on a broad daylight and you believe his words?"

Jungkook's eyes burned and he clenched his fists. He tilted his head facing the direction of the sound. His ears strained and nostrils picked up Taehyung's scent now mingled with those two—Man-shik and In-su. The omega continued to struggle and the alphas shifted their feet, trying to keep him restrained. Fury burst through his veins and his lips peeled off to reveal his fangs.

"Man-shik, release him now. Hands off!"


"Don't make me repeat," Jungkook growled, taking another step toward him. "I won't say twice. Let him go this instant."

"What the hell! You're supporting an outsider?" Sang-Ook thundered.

"This is outrageous!" hollered In-su. "The mating ceremony hasn't even happened and you're turning your backs on us now?"

Jungkook closed the distance between them in two long strides. He sent a punch through Man-shik's sternum before ripping In-su away from Taehyung and punching his ribs. Man-shik recovered quickly and he heard his heavy footsteps approaching before he felt the gust of air shifting around him.

The alpha dodged the attack, burying his extended claws into Man-shik's belly and twisted his hand. Man-shik howled in agony, clutching his bleeding abdomen and pushed off him, backpedaling away from him.

Two wolves nearer gasped, coming to his aid. They must have caught him because Jungkook didn't hear his body hit the ground. Given the height from which his pained grunts were coming, he was being supported by someone.

"I said I won't repeat," Jungkook roared, reaching for the omega with his other hand, nostrils flaring again as he smelled his blood. "You're injured. How bad are your injuries?"

"I'll survive," Taehyung grunted. "I've had worse. He's a good fighter but not good enough for me."

Jungkook scoffed. Of course, it wouldn't be Taehyung if he didn't sass. He turned to face Dae-jung. "I'll ask one more time. What did you tell him about my betrothed?"

"Nothing," Dae-jung argued. "I told you. He was the one, who approached me and started this fight."

"Did you?" Jungkook asked Taehyung.

"No. Jimin likes peaches. The one who brought food for us said your market has some fresh harvest and the peaches in this region are the sweetest and juiciest when they're ripe. I came here with Su-jin. She went to the nearest stall and he came up behind me, making nasty remarks about me and everything. She can vouch. When I refused to react, he started spewing bullshit about how betas are used as heat and rut partners in most of the pack because they're expendable. That's when I flipped."

Jungkook ground his jaw. "Eun-kyung," he called. There were only a few who sold peaches here. He didn't know where he was, but given Taehyung's description, there was only one female vendor in that age range that sold peaches. "Come forward. Were you the one to sell peaches to this omega here?"

The older wolf shuffled forward. "Yes."

"Tell me the truth. I demand in the name of my father and your Head Alpha. Do not lie to me," he growled.

Eun-Kyung inhaled. "The omega is speaking the truth, Alpha Kim. Dae-jung used expletives while commenting on your future mate and this old wolf is too embarrassed to repeat them here."

There were some collective gasps and Taehyung scoffed beside him.

"Fair enough," Jungkook said, voice calm before the storm. "Dae-jung, we already had this conversation once. I warned you to stop questioning my father's decisions."

"He attacked me first," Dae-jung growled. "I'll gladly accept the punishment for my wrongdoings, but what about him? He threatened me."

"He has every right to defend his friend's honor. I won't hold him responsible for this fight. You provoked him first," Jungkook said.

"See! I told you. He's not being rational," Dae-jung hissed. "He didn't think he would find a mate. Now that he's getting one, he has forgotten the pack laws. He's taking an outsider's side."

"Dae-jung is right. This omega is an outsider. He should have appealed to our Head Alpha instead of starting a fight," said Sang-Ook.

"I could ask the same. If Dae-jung had something to say, he should have said that to my face or approached my father. He had no right to provoke our guest," Jungkook shot back.

"That's right. I might have challenged him but he punched me first. So technically I didn't start the fight," Taehyung claimed.

"You're not a part of this pack. You have no voice here," Sang-Ook hissed. "This omega clearly has no decorum. He curses like a sailor and even picks fights like one. Our pack omegas would never do something like he did. I can't believe he's our guest and that our respected pack leaders are expecting us to treat him as such. He has to be whipped and taught a lesson for picking a fight with our pack hunter."

"Yeah? I curse like a sailor because I learned to fight from a pirate. Wanna see my sword skills?" Taehyung lunged and Jungkook held him back. "Bet you can't even fucking hold a knife. Try me, coward! I'll butcher you and show you how it is done."

Jungkook tightened his grip on Taehyung's arm and pulled him behind his back. He wanted to reply but he heard his brother approaching. The distinct scent of patchouli with notes of fertile soil. The two horses approaching were not far from here.

A smile tugged at his lips. "Quiet," he whispered. "My brother and Yoongi are approaching."

He heard a soft 'oh' and suddenly Taehyung was pliant, his scent going from furious one to soft, mellowed and filled with anguish instead. Jungkook scoffed. Time for him to just stay back and watch.


"This bitch is impolite, ungracious and bad-mannered," exclaimed someone else in the crowd.

"He's the only omega traveling with a group of alphas. Bet he's here entirely for different reasons."

Taehyung's hand itched to shut their mouths and he had to bite his tongue harder so he wouldn't retaliate. Jungkook had told him his brother was arriving and Yoongi was with him. There must be a reason he said it under his breath so only Taehyung could hear him.

"Tie him to the pole. We need to teach him a lesson," said another.

"Whip him and leave him out in the sun."

"Lock him up and starve him for a week. That will teach him a lesson."

Taehyung clenched his jaw and smelled the first notes of olives and white wine. His wolf jumped in excitement and shifted under his skin with anticipation. How would Yoongi react?

"That's enough!" Yoongi thundered. Jungkook glanced over his shoulder, hearing the crowd parting ways yet again. "You knew he was our guest, yet you disrespected him. You knew Jimin is betrothed to your Head Alpha's son, yet you dared to speak ill of him."

"Oh, look who's talking," someone snickered. "It hasn't been a week, but you're already siding with an outsider. Did he spread his legs for you too?"

Taehyung didn't know his name but before anyone could speak, Yoongi responded with an uppercut. The crowding wolves jumped back, letting our surprised gasps.

"Speak about him like that one more time and I'll show you how I earned my nickname," Yoongi thundered. "Picking fights on the street with a guest instead of confronting your Head Alpha?" He scoffed. "Whoever has a problem with this omega, step forward right now. I'll be the one to address your grievances.

Taehyung thought the asshole deserved the punch that knocked him on his ass. Yoongi looked so ferocious with his gleaming fangs and amber bleeding eyes that Taehyung might have leaked a little. He clenched his ass and put his legs closer to avoid accidents. His hands involuntarily tugged the front of his tunic as low as possible to hide the growing hardness.

Shit. Why did this have to be so sexy? He could devour the alpha right now but he didn't think the alpha would appreciate it. Bummer. He deserved a good head for the display of strength. His wolf was a sucker for such things.

The alpha not only defended him but also stood up for him against his own pack. What a honorable alpha! You chose well, Taehyung. He mentally patted on his back.

"You didn't even ask what happened here."

"We received a detailed account of everything that transpired here," Namjoon said, stepping beside Yoongi. "Dae-jung, you're guilty for provoking our guest and talking disrespectfully about my brother's future mate."

"This is ridiculous! Dae-jung might be the one in the wrong. That doesn't give this omega to attack. What about our pack laws? No outside wolf can attack us inside our territory and walk without consequences. He's neither a pack member nor courting a pack member. He should be punished," another wolf Taehyung didn't recognize said.

Yoongi tilted his head, staring him right in the eye. "Taehyung did not start the fight. Dae-jung did. I have witnesses. Dae-jung touched him first and he was defending himself."


Yoongi lifted a hand, stopping the wolf with a glare. "Taehyung is my omega," he growled. "I have accepted his courting gift and he has already applied to our Head Alpha to shift to this pack. So technically, he's not an outsider anymore." He sneered at Dae-jung. "I should have called you in on the day you confronted Jungkook. You not only questioned our Head Alpha's decisions, but also worked behind his back to poison our people's minds. Everyone that disrespected this omega here and Jungkook's future mate will receive a punishment as per our pack laws. I'll make an example out of your punishments so no one will dare to disrespect our mates in our absence again."

When Yoongi gripped his arm, dragging him away from the crowd, hoisting him and putting him on top of his horse before riding away, Taehyung was strangely dumbfounded. He was speechless for a very long time.

Even when they reached the healer's hut, where Yoongi demanded them to check on his injuries, Taehyung hadn't moved.

What just happened?


A/N: I'm sure many of you might be wondering why Taehyung is having most of the screen time in the initial chapters. There's a reason behind it. I meant it when I said he's the MVP of this story. You'll understand when the time comes. But don't let his humor distract you from the heavy angst tag. I can't say anything right now, except that this is the calm before the storm. So suit yourself.

This fic has slow updates because of job. I can make image panels between my breaks but for writing I need to sit and do it without any distraction. So at the moment I can do so only during weekends. So the written fics are slow.

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