Chapter 2
CW: Hunting scene ahead, also mentions of slurs and fights
"These woods are beautiful." Taehyung clasped his hands in the back, staring ahead and pretending to admire the greenery.
"We share the same landscape. It looks similar everywhere."
Taehyung rolled his eyes at the back of the stiff wolf walking in front of him. "I was just trying to make small talk."
Yoongi, as he noted, was less talkative. The alpha was one of the important advisors to the Kim pack head alpha, however, he barely uttered a few sentences until now. His eyes were sharp and so intense that Taehyung felt his wolf stir uncomfortably in his presence. It was as if he could stare through his soul and read all his secrets. Yet, he was also curious about this wolf. He was interesting.
Well, Taehyung was a handsome omega himself. He preferred the terms gorgeous and stunningly beautiful as his dear friend often praised him, feeding his praise kink. The thing was, he had a long line of suitors not only from his pack but also from other packs that traded with them.
Even here in the Kim pack, he noticed even the mated wolves turning their heads to look at him twice. But that was a different story.
The man barely spared a glance toward him. In all the meetings, they sat next to each other in three; still the man looked bored out of his mind. Taehyung thought he heard the man snore a little on the third, falling asleep amid the meeting. And the head alpha or Namjoon continued as if their advisor was asleep right beside them.
So yes, he was curious about this alpha. Maybe slightly interested even. He didn't know the courting customs of the Kim pack. In the Park pack, both omegas and alphas were allowed to pursue each other. If this allegiance worked out, he might have a chance.
He tried to fish out for more information about the alpha but he was a tough nut to crack. It was a task to just get him to utter an entire sentence. And it wasn't like he could just walk up to anyone and ask for details. The other pack members were eying their every move and bristled even if they so much as took a wrong step.
Curse those stupid wolves who dared go to the head omega's home. What a stupid thing to do. He couldn't wait to tell Jimin all about it. His best friend would laugh his ass off before telling him how they deserved it.
"So, um... Tell me about yourself," Taehyung started. "Do you...ah, have a destined one?"
"No." The alpha smelled like olives with some under notes of white wine.
Perhaps the omega was whipped because he loved white wine too much. It wasn't every day his family could afford white wine. It was a specialty of the Eastern packs and more expensive than their pack's regular fruit wine.
Taehyung waited for a beat, wondering if the alpha would say more. When he knew the alpha wouldn't provide him with more info, he continued, "Me too. I get too many proposals, and my family can't wait to marry me off, but I haven't accepted anything yet."
The alpha said nothing in response. Not even an acknowledging hum or a grunt.
But Taehyung wasn't a quitter. "I want Jimin to mate first. I promised I'd be his best man; if he moved packs I'd move with him too. You know our head alpha was always looking to marry him off to other pack alphas. So I'm waiting."
That earned a subtle tilt of the head and a cock of an eyebrow.
"Do you think Jungkook will accept me as a part of his dowry? I'm low maintenance by the way. I can hunt and I'm a good fighter. Back in the Kim pack I'm in charge of training juvenile wolves. I'm a valuable asset to your pack." Taehyung wondered if the alpha could pick up the subtle hint he threw his way.
Yoongi scoffed, but provided nothing more.
"Hey, at least tell me what to do? Jimin is going to become the husband of your best friend. And I'm his best friend. Shouldn't we get acquainted as well seeing as we would be seeing each other a lot?" The other alpha was walking faster and Taehyung had to hurry. He quickened his steps, putting him only a few feet behind the other.
These woods were large in area and growing darker with how thicker the trees were lined. It was easy to get lost. Taehyung wondered if following this alpha into the unknown was a good idea. He knew he was the one asked to visit Jungkook, but he hadn't expected to travel this far.
Yoongi kept walking without even looking back. "Namjoon is my best friend."
That was progress. "Ah... So Jungkook isn't your best friend?" It was beginning to infuriate the omega. This wolf was just so hard to read.
Yoongi exhaled, and for a few moments, he was silent. Just when Taehyung was about to resign to his fate and accept defeat, the alpha replied, "My younger sister Aera is his only friend."
" that," he acknowledged. "That's cute."
He didn't know who Aera was, but he was glad to hear Jungkook had a friend. Now that also made him curious. He remembered how little he knew about the alpha. Wasn't his main purpose here to learn as much as he could about the alpha for his friend?
"So how old is Jungkook?" Taehyung picked a stick from the ground, toying with it.
"Twenty-four this fall."
"Oh, we are the same age then. Jimin was born mid-fall and I'm a winter puppy," Taehyung announced happily. "What about you?"
"Twenty-nine springs," Yoongi murmured.
The omega's scent bubbled with happiness. The alpha was finally opening up. Well, at least he was responding. They walked silently for a few minutes, careening through the narrow path. Some places didn't even have a proper path.
"Does Jungkook live too far?" he asked, glancing around. "We are walking forever. Is it safe to live this far from the pack?"
"Jungkook lives close to one of the patrolling outposts," Yoongi replied, unexpectedly. Honestly, Taehyung didn't think he'd even respond. "He used to be one of the first responders in times of emergency."
Curiosity once again washed over him. Though their packs weren't on friendly terms, they were well informed. They met each other in the port while trading and shared information. At that time, both sides faced attacks, but Taehyung's pack being bigger with higher numbers; they had easily thwarted the enemies.
The Kim pack couldn't say the same. Their losses were significant. Alpha Seokjin's requests to send a group of warriors to help them fell into deaf ears. The head alpha and the elders shut him up almost immediately, saying the Kim pack's internal matters didn't concern them. Seokjin was trying really hard to chase the obnoxious and selfish ways of the Park pack. Taehyung hoped his efforts paid off.
The Park pack had learned the head alpha's second son was fighting for his life. Months later, when someone informed the wolf survived with a permanent disability, everyone had deduced he was good as dead.
The Park pack head alpha's decision to marry Jimin to Jungkook might as well be a decision taken in a fit of anger or as a means to punish his best friend. For years, they had refused to aid the Kim pack. So it was a piss poor attempt to make up for no reason. But then Seokjin took the opportunity that presented itself.
The head alpha had not come back when Seokjin volunteered for the task. The Kim pack head alpha was right to doubt their intention. But they genuinely had none other than a dying alpha's pride and his son's attempts to right the wrong.
What they didn't count on in all this was Jungkook. No one expected Jungkook to be a strong wolf. Taehyung had been gobsmacked to learn the wolf who took down three of the strongest warriors from his pack and broke another wolf's arm was the second son of the head alpha. The one meant for Jimin.
"What happened, if I may ask?" Taehyung asked. "People say several things, but I'd rather hear it from you. I don't dare speak of it in front of him."
According to the source, Jungkook lived in solidarity, and his family provided for him. But Taehyung had a feeling that wasn't the case. Maybe Jimin's life wouldn't be hard here.
Yoongi's jaw clenched as his chest expanded as if he was contemplating whether or not he wanted to answer Taehyung. One of his hands clasped behind him clenched. He stopped walking.
"The Northern wolves," he growled, and Taehyung saw the first real emotion crack through his otherwise impassive mask. "We were out on a hunt and got ambushed. It was early winter and we were short on supplies. So the head alpha wanted to send the wolves for one last hunting trip before it got worse. Namjoon and Jungkook got separated from the group while fighting. When we managed to kill the enemies and rush to their aid, Jungkook was already down. He was trying to protect Namjoon and took a bite aimed at his jugular. They threw some kind of poisonous powder in his eyes and tried to kill him when he was incapacitated. We almost lost him but he's a fighter."
"I'm sorry that happened," Taehyung said sincerely. "Jungkook is brave. I promise that Jimin is a good wolf. I'm positive they'd appreciate each other."
Taehyung meant what he said about Jimin. The beta had a heart of gold though others often failed to see it. The omega despised the prejudice his friend had to suffer just because he was a beta.
Yoongi hummed non-committedly but said nothing as he started walking again. A few minutes later, Taehyung noticed the well-used path branching out from the woods. Maybe a walk through a village wouldn't have felt this strenuous. However, Yoongi insisted it wasn't a great idea to stroll around the pack since he was still an outsider.
Also, in his words, his visit to Jungkook would have spread like a wildfire, and the entire pack would know of this before he even reached Jungkook's cabin. Taehyung wanted to do this as quietly as possible.
Only Seokjin knew he was headed to meet his brother's betrothed. He was positively sweating by the time they reached the cabin, but Yoongi paused. The alpha sniffed the air and then exhaled.
"He isn't here."
Taehyung blinked. "Oh. When will he come back?"
Yoongi shrugged. "These woods are like a second home to him. Sometimes he doesn't return until morning. Taehyung didn't have until morning. They were leaving tomorrow.
While Taehyung contemplated his next course of action, Yoongi already began to walk around the cabin and headed deep into the woods. Taehyung jogged, hurrying to follow after him. It looked like the alpha read his thoughts. The omega smiled, shelving that tiny gesture into one corner of his mind.
Maybe courting this wolf wouldn't be so bad though it appeared far-fetched right now.
It had been a while since Jungkook ventured this deep into the forest for hunting. He was still getting used to the path. At least thrice a week, he would map the path, inch by inch, ingraining it into his memory.
Good thing he was always sensitive to smells. Even after losing sight, he was able to identify certain parts of the woods with a sense of familiarity returning to him.
His thoughts were racing as he careened through the forest. The Park pack wolves were arrogant by nature. The occasional run-ins they had with their wolves or then random pissing contests with the wolves patrolling the borders had never left a good impression.
Honestly, both pack wolves hated each other by default. So, the news of them wanting to form an allegiance was a bit suspicious. On the other hand, Jungkook understood his father's hesitation, Namjoon's reluctance, and their need to provide a better life for their pack.
Jungkook's wolf stopped by one of the streams to drink water and sat on its haunches. The air was fresh and crisp. The wolf threw his head back, enjoying the air ruffling his fur and inhaling all the different scents of nature. The flowers were in full bloom, and some fruit bearing trees were at different stages of ripening.
The pack members would forage the consumable fruits and seeds, leaving some for the wild animals. They only took what was needed from nature. That was the way of the pack.
As he relaxed, his thoughts once again went to the Park pack's offer. It was true that their pack life was harder compared to the Park pack. While they advanced and improved their lives by exploring, the Kim pack wolves were secluded by the Kim pack on one side, the mountain on two sides, and the huge river on the other.
The river was so wide that they couldn't even see the other side in some areas. It narrowed in some places showing the vast green on the other side, but it was still impossible for them to explore. Also, the other side was ruled by the Northern wolves and was also infested with rogue wolves.
They were both barbaric. Going there was a suicidal mission. In the past, the wolves who had braved to venture into those lands never came back. So the Kim pack banned other people from going there. Not to mention the years of fighting against their invasion every winter.
Now after this meeting, Jungkook realized the situation was far worse than they feared. Jungkook didn't know what was worse. Whether they wanted to admit it or not, they were one of the targets for the inevitable.
Joining hands with the Park pack was the best option there was. Seokjin was right. The Kim pack was small, and they stood no chance against the Northern wolves if they were to double the numbers. So they barely made it the last time.
Namjoon had once again gone to fight while Jungkook was forced to return because he was useless in combat. Even in his wolf form, his jaw clenched involuntarily. He looked to the side.
Jungkook stood and began trekking through the narrow path leading him to the nearby clearing. Sometimes he liked to take a nap there. The sounds were soothing to his mind in turmoil. But for some reason, his mind refused to quiet down.
What kind of mate could he be? He never tried living with another wolf after the accident. During his stay in the healer's hut or later in his family home, where he stayed until he recovered, he never had to provide for another wolf.
His mother had thrown a fit when he announced he wanted to return to his cabin. His father had silently stood battling his emotions while Namjoon tried his best to persuade him, but Jungkook had been stubborn. He knew what it meant to be a disabled wolf.
Some wolves even killed themselves to escape the torture brought by life. Jungkook considered it briefly, but his naturally stubborn self saw it as a failure. He despised failure and tried his best to adapt and learn.
Now he was fully independent. Yet there were things where his abilities were limited. For example, a significant fight like that involved multiple wolves running rampant. With mixed scents and madness, Jungkook would be practically incapable of fighting like he once used to.
So with a heavy weight in his chest, Jungkook resigned to stay at the village, guarding the women and children in the hidden shelter.
"If only Jungkook had been there."
"Fuck, I wish he was with us in the fight."
"Jungkook would have incinerated them."
"It's sad he can't fight anymore."
"Guys, that's enough. I know Jungkook used to be a great asset to this pack. But that's all in the past. Stop talking about him and get on with your training if you want to be at least a quarter as good as him."
Those words meant no harm. However, it weighed down on Jungkook more than anything else.
"You're not useless, Jungkook. We need you." His brother would say.
But words alone weren't enough for him. They weren't comforting at all. If anything, for someone like Jungkook, it only added to his burden. It fuelled deep-rooted helplessness and insecurities.
Unlike others, he only had his senses to rely on, and the Northern wolves were known to use underhand tactics like the time they threw poisoned powder in his eyes that cost Jungkook his vision.
He and his brother were severely outnumbered by two to eight. It was an unfair fight. Jungkook had jumped in to block the wolf that went for Namjoon's neck while he was already fighting three on his own.
The wolf caught his shoulder instead, tearing it all the way down this clavicle. Another wolf that came out of nowhere in his human form had thrown some dusty powder on his face.
Jungkook had stumbled and didn't have enough time to guard his eyes. It burned like hell. The alpha had howled and shook his head to get rid of the poisonous powder, but it was too late. He also had accidentally inhaled a portion of it that burned his throat. Two wolves pounced on him at the same time, taking him down.
Even with his eyes burning, Jungkook fought with all his might. Because, at that time, he only had Namjoon in his mind. He couldn't die. If he did, they would kill his brother too. He fought and fought until he lost consciousness—without knowing if Namjoon was faring well or not.
Perhaps, it was that thought that kept him alive. When he woke up after three months in a healer's hut, Jungkook was lost, confused, and scared. The first thing he asked once he was calm was about Namjoon. The relief that flooded him to learn Namjoon was in good health despite suffering injury was visibly evident.
Yoongi and a few other wolves that were fighting a little far from the duo had come to the rescue. But for Jungkook, it was too late. The poison and the grave injuries had left him blind and bedridden for months.
The alpha sighed, pulling him out of his depressing thoughts. Getting additional warriors would be great, and easily trading goods would largely improve their lives.
Jungkook didn't know how this was going to change the lives of his pack members. But if marriage was a price to pay to improvise all their lives, then it was a price he was willing to pay. And he meant it when he said he could take care of his mate.
Those bastards had said the wrong thing to someone as prideful and stubborn as Jungkook. Now he had to follow through. He should have to train more and get better at hunting bigger animals. With a sigh, he took off again.
An hour later, Jungkook stumbled onto a parcel of deer by chance on his way home. His paws came to a screeching halt and his chest heaved as he wondered what to do.
On other days, he would have steered clear and moved on while lamenting about his weakness and inability. But today, he wanted to try and hunt them. Unfortunately, hunts could get tricky, and deer were fast runners. A few times he tried earlier, he failed. Once, he hit a tree trunk, injuring his head. The other time, he tripped over a fallen tree log.
Trial and error were a part of the process. With an impending marriage over the horizon, Jungkook knew the regular rabbits or pheasants he hunted wouldn't be enough for two, especially during the winter. They would need more fur too.
So he would have to practice and hone his skills. His massive paw hit the soil, almost soundlessly padding over the fallen leaves. He even held his breath as he crouched by a bush. Jungkook lifted his wolf head, sniffing at the air.
Temptation was the worst weakness; for a stubborn wolf like Jungkook, who wanted to test his limits every passing day in his journey to improve, it was even worse.
The wind blowing downhill brought their delectable scents to him. Usually, when they hunted as a pack, they would target the closest and strategically the easiest. Once they locked the target, they would work as a team and take down the animal they chose.
Sometimes, they do choose to hunt one animal each if it was possible to take them down themselves. Maybe he should stop being stubborn and ask Namjoon or Yoongi to accompany him. But he was stubborn.
The need to prove himself urged him further. As he lowered himself to the ground, he took several deep breaths, preparing his mind.
Adjusting to his new life changes weren't easy on him. Jungkook struggled every day and lived through the pitiful stares and whispers that thickened his resolve to never rely on anyone even for the hardest things. Even now, he knew he should just turn around to avoid another incident.
But Jungkook had to try—at least to reassure himself. Mating was never in his cards so he never thought about it. Hell, he didn't even think of the possibility of a wolf ready to marry him. But, now that there was a proposal, he needed to assure his heart he was capable of taking care of his mate.
His ears twitched on top of his head, and tail swished behind him. An experienced hunter in him knew he couldn't hurry this. So, with months and months of training, he closed his eyes, allowing his other senses to guide him.
Suddenly, everything around him was twice as loud with crisp clarity. If he focused enough, he could hear the multiple heartbeats and their soft breaths. A bit more concentration allowed him to distinguish between each deer.
Jungkook didn't know how he was able to do that because generally they all smelled the same. However, it was something he developed recently. It was like he unlocked something within him. Since then, he has been practicing hard. Now would be the first time he would apply it in hunting.
The wolf locked onto one of the most potent scent in the group—it's heartbeat stronger and scent more potent. In his heart, he knew the moment one of the deer moved. His body moved as if it knew exactly what to do.
Strong paws hit the ground, kicking up dust in its wake. The thundering sound must have alerted the deer because in that instant, several deer took off running in all directions. But Jungkook was focused. His attention was only on one deer he wanted.
For a moment, the sounds of multiple feet hitting the ground threw him off, but he didn't let it deter him this time. Thick scent of fear and adrenaline clouded the atmosphere. It shot a thrill through his veins. Adamant on following his prey, he desperately tried to stay on his target, feeling it move across the forest floor.
After a few minutes, he had it again—the strong prey, bolting across the clearing in a last attempt to escape. Jungkook lunged, paws ready to pin it down and jaw unclamped. The moment he came in contact with the prey, his jaw locked around its jugular, clamping it hard and taking it down.
It was only when they hit the ground that realization dawned on him. The buck was bigger than he anticipated with huge antlers that could cause him to spill his guts on this very forest floor if he let go.
Jungkook had the upper hand. The deer's throat was between his jaws. However, it was also fighting with all its might to break free. Generally, this was when other wolves might come to aid. If the prey were stronger, one or two more wolves would join him to pin it down until its dead.
Now he was alone. It kicked and tried to throw him off, but Jungkook exerted all his strength to hold on to it. The adrenaline pumped harder, and he told himself it was a fight to life or death. Because to him, at least it felt like it was.
If it broke free, either it would make a run for it, or it would turn on him and fight. He couldn't take any chances. It was too dangerous. So he tightened his jaw even more and finally, after what felt like forever, he felt a familiar crack, and the deer went limp.
Jungkook's wolf held onto the prey for a long moment until he was sure its heart had stopped. Only then did he release it and sprawled on the forest floor with his heaving chest.
He had done it. He had succeeded in hunting a big animal for the first time since the incident. Jungkook lay on the forest floor, letting the realization sweep through him. A sense of accomplishment and overwhelming pride washed over him.
After two years, he felt like he could smile the real smile for the first time. Maybe... Maybe I'm still capable.
Yoongi led Taehyung further into the woods, but it wasn't long before they caught the whiff of blood. The omega trailed after the alpha cautiously, gaze searching for any threats that might be lurking while the alpha proceeded at a leisurely pace. His hand automatically reached for the hilt of the dagger in his hip.
Another couple of minutes took them through a clear stream and a small clearing. But they didn't have to go further because Yoongi stopped, and Taehyung looked ahead to see the alpha weaving through the trees with familiar ease.
Unless someone knew Jungkook personally, it was hard for them to tell he was visually impaired. The alpha didn't let his weakness show. Was it even a weakness? Taehyung knew several alphas who didn't hold a candle in front of this one.
He smelled distinctively like cedar wood and the flowing river. Taehyung found it interesting because it was hard to differentiate his scent from his surroundings. He wouldn't even know Jungkook was there unless he was looking for him.
Jungkook's nose twitched, and he notched his chin.However, his features were relaxed, and he showed no alarm as if he already knew they were there.
"Impressive," Taehyung praised when he saw the alpha dragging a massive buck using its hind legs. "That's a big one."
Jungkook didn't show any reaction as he continued walking toward them. The alpha was tall with broad shoulders and a tapered waist. Inks swirled on his sun-kissed skin. Ropes of muscles layered his well-defined abdomen. Definitely Jimin's type if he had any.
The alpha's wild hair fell over his eyes in waves. The tips of those wet, dark strands brushed his strong shoulders. It appeared the alpha took a dip in a stream after the hunt. His arms flexed with the effort he used to drag the deer forward. Water droplets mixed with sweat covered his skin.
Just like the first time they met, he had tied his tunic around his hip, tight pants outlining his muscular thighs and long legs.
"How long are you gonna stare at me?" The alpha asked, cutting his line of thought.
Taehyung cocked an amused brow. "Interesting," he quipped. It was amazing the alpha could even tell that he was staring. "Just evaluating the wolf my best friend is going to marry."
"And what do you think?" Jungkook asked conversationally. "Did I pass your evaluation?"
Taehyung let out a breathless laugh, soft and airy. "You passed the moment you broke an alpha's arm to protect me," he said. Not that he needed protection, but it was greatly appreciated. His wolf was a sucker for such a show of heroism. And maybe he liked to pretend he was a damsel in distress just to entertain the mass. "Also, you have an impeccable aim," Taehyung continued. "You're quite admirable. I know you're an efficient alpha and nothing like the others who tried to court him."
Jungkook looked amused. "How so?"
"You're self-sufficient and didn't try to freeload on our pack's rations. I appreciate how you stood against the brainless idiots from my pack," Taehyung said honestly. "Jimin would hate to think he was a liability for someone whose mate has to accept monthly rations from his father. So he would be happy to know his future mate has a spine made of steel and rejected it."
This time a genuine smile crossed the alpha's face though it was fleeting. "Why have a mate if you can't provide for him and protect him?" He threw it casually, and without expecting an answer, he continued, "What are you doing here?"
Taehyung glanced at the dark clouds looming in the sky. "Looks like it's about to rain. Should we head over to your place and talk over a cup of tea?" he invited himself over.
Jungkook didn't reply but just bent to grab the deer's legs again and began to drag. Taehyung took it as a sign to follow. Yoongi, who was watching from a distance, came to assist Jungkook.
Together they trekked back to the small cabin he had seen earlier. It was modest yet sturdy and built with the intention to withstand hardy weather. Taehyung saw it on their way here but wanted to see the interior too. That way, he could assist Jimin with moving here.
While others didn't bother much about the specifics, Taehyung was hell-bent on making this move as smooth as possible for Jimin. He had already spoken to Seokjin and told him he wanted to mate an alpha from the Kim pack and move here with Jimin. So it was easy to convince him, unlike his own parents and others.
Because Seokjin wanted Jimin to have someone he could lean on while he was here. But others just wanted Jimin gone. Maybe Jimin ruffled too many feathers for his own good by outsmarting them all. Or the headstrong alphas just couldn't stomach the fact they were bested by a beta, who couldn't even shift into his wolf form.
They reached Jungkook's cabin while Taehyung was lost in his thoughts. Nevertheless, Taehyung eagerly took in the surroundings, gaze lingering a little longer on every item.
The cabin had a small porch and a sitting area with a table for two. Two matching chairs, crafted with care, sat around the table. It was perfect for a rainy day or to sip tea on a regular morning. Jimin had a penchant for those things.
He noticed the drying herbs by the front wall and exhaled an audible hum. The omega recognized a few of them. Unfortunately, they were used on wounds to stop bleeding, and few had numbing abilities.
Jungkook left the deer carcass outside on a grassy area where a wooden tree stump stood with a butcher's knife on it. It was clear Jungkook usually skinned and cleaned the animals here. A few fur pelts were left out for drying on one side and clothes on the other.
Yoongi opened the door and stepped inside without waiting for Jungkook. Taehyung hesitated and stood at the threshold, wondering if it was okay to step inside. But, ultimately, he just waited outside until the alpha washed his hands and feet before climbing the two steps leading to his front door.
"Come in," Jungkook invited, heading inside.
The other alpha, Yoongi, had already lit up the fireplace, pouring water into the tea kettle and hanging it over. The cabin opened to a spacious living area with a fireplace and a small square-shaped dining table with four chairs.
There were two doors to the left side and one to his right. The right side didn't have a door, and he noticed it was a well-equipped kitchen. Jungkook disappeared inside one. It smelled richly of the alpha, and his scent was more recognizable.
On the wall beside the fireplace were several herbs left out to dry. He noticed several jars of things carefully preserved. Most of them were used to treat injuries. Though Taehyung wasn't familiar with herbs that much, he remembered seeing some of them in their healer's hut back home.
"It takes over an hour to reach the village from the borders. However, Jungkook lives closer, so they bring the injured wolves here for first aid before shifting them to the healer's hut," Yoongi explained as he followed his line of sight.
"Cool," he murmured. "An alpha who is aware of herbs and healing." He continued to look around.
Five minutes later, Jungkook came back after changing into a clean shirt. He moved around the cabin effortlessly and once again Taehyung was left in awe. The alpha headed to the kitchen and returned with a plate of baked cookies.
"Take a seat," Jungkook said. "So, how do you find my dwelling? Did my place pass your evaluation?" Though he sounded casual, Taehyung could tell he was expectant.
Taehyung shrugged, reaching for a cookie, and plopped on an empty chair. Then he realized the alpha couldn't see him and said, "Yes." He never hid his thoughts, even if they got him into trouble. "My friend would be comfortable here," he said. "You have a lovely house."
The alpha relaxed more and a soft smile breached his lips. But, once again, as soon as it came, it was gone.
"You can ask me anything you wanna know about Jimin. We grew up together and are practically brothers. So I know all his secrets, you know," Taehyung offered.
Jungkook appeared to contemplate it. Yoongi brought the kettle over and dragged a chair to sit comfortably. He silently poured tea for the three of them, handing one mug to Taehyung and pushing the other gently toward Jungkook.
"Does he know?" Jungkook finally asked. "Is he being forced into marrying me?"
Taehyung carefully weighed his words. "Yes, and yes," he replied. "Don't mistake me. In a sense, it's either you or someone else. Jimin doesn't see himself as a mate material."
"Mate material?" the alpha quirked his brows.
"Well, the one to settle in a nice family home and play housewife." Taehyung chuckled fondly. "He is way too athletic and a free-spirited wolf."
"And no. He doesn't care about your minor inconvenience. My friend is more than capable of providing for you both," Taehyung stated. "I'm not saying you can't, but yeah, you'd make a great team."
Jungkook observed keenly and leaned forward almost expectantly. It was hard to judge what he was thinking, but Taehyung could tell he was interested to learn more about Jimin.
"Also, there is this thing...." Taehyung drawled with a playful smile. "Jimin isn't great with pups. They hate him, and he hates them back. You cannot just leave him unsupervised when pups are around. It has been that way since we were pups. Jimin has a temper and thinks anything in this world could be fixed with a fistfight."
Jungkook burst into laughter. It was the first time Taehyung saw him laugh, and for a moment, he was stunned. Because the alpha was extremely handsome when he laughed. Even Yoongi seemed to stop doing whatever he was doing to watch the alpha.
"The one alpha you knocked out yesterday? He and Jimin never got along. They were constantly at each other's throats. Jimin vowed to remove his balls someday. He would happily learn what you guys are doing with them."
Jungkook looked amused. "So...he's a troublemaker."
"And a protector," Taehyung added without missing a beat. "When he loves, Jimin loves fiercely and would go to any extent to protect them. Like when he challenged an alpha who tried to take advantage of me while I was intoxicated."
Both the alphas perked at the information. "He challenged an alpha?" Yoongi asked.
"And won," Taehyung claimed proudly. "That asshole was an outsider. Jimin put that bastard in his place, making him tuck his tail between his legs and run back to his pack."
Jungkook seemed to process the information with keen interest. He didn't seem to be fazed by the new information. Most alphas would have been disgusted or furious that beta could do that. But neither Jungkook nor Yoongi seemed to mind.
"Anyways, I'm here for two things," Taehyung said. "Well, three, to be exact. One: I wanted to see if you're a worthy alpha for my friend."
"Am I?"
Taehyung removed a dagger from his hip and carefully slid it across the table. "He told me to hand it to you if I find you worthy."
Jungkook automatically reached for the dagger with wide, curious eyes. His fingers crawled over to it, and Taehyung let go once the alpha gripped it. The alpha carefully ran his fingers over the handle.
"When we were young, many wolves bullied him for being a beta from an all-alpha family. He never had it easy. Maybe that's one of the reasons he hates unruly pups. The newly turned juveniles thought it was okay to mess with him because he was a weaker link who couldn't shift. So Seokjin made this himself and gifted it to him when he was only ten so he could protect himself against the juvenile wolves. This dagger has been with him since then and is very important to him. In our pack, we are allowed to court a wolf we like. So he meant this as a courting gift for you."
Most wolves experienced their first shift between eight to ten years of age. They hit puberty around sixteen, which cemented their wolf's sub gender. As for the betas, they didn't shift into their wolf forms and didn't go through heat or a rut when they hit puberty. Jimin had become a laughing stock among the wolves in their age group when he didn't shift as they expected him to.
Jungkook's hand closed around the hilt, and the corner of his lips curved. "It's beautiful," he said. "And thoughtful."
Taehyung smiled. "Two: I wanted to look at your home so I could help him pack accordingly."
Jungkook looked amused now. "Your friend should just bring himself and some clothes. That's all he would ever need."
"Noted." The omega grinned. "Three: I'm part of the dowry." He folded his hands across his chest. "I'm moving packs. So you need to talk to your father and brother to make it happen." Jungkook looked dumbfounded in his direction, while Yoongi looked bored out of his mind, sipping his tea. "I want to court this alpha here and possibly mate him if that's what both of us want." He pointed at Yoongi.
Yoongi positively choked on his tea this time and coughed the hot liquid out with a wild look in his eyes. "What?"
The omega glanced boringly at him. "You said you don't have a destined one. I don't smell any other wolf on you, either. So...." Taehyung removed another dagger from his waist. "I'm following my best friend's footsteps and handing you this dagger as my courting gift to you." Yoongi looked ready to reject him, but Taehyung lifted a hand, stopping him. "Jimin would be all alone here. He would have no friends, and it won't be easy to make friends since it would take some time for your wolves to come to terms with this arrangement. Now, imagine me being here." He smiled widely. "We would both have each other's back. He would be happy, and then I'd be happy. Two marriages would solidify the pack bonds, and unlike his family, mine loves me a bit too much and would spoil me rotten. Also, if I'm happy, I'll keep my alpha happy," he listed in one breath. "Isn't it great that we all get to be happy? It's a win-win. What do you say?"
Yoongi opened and closed his mouth like a fish while Jungkook blatantly stared at him, or mostly in his direction, with an incredulous look.
"You don't have to answer now. I'll be leaving tomorrow, and then it's your turn to visit our pack. You can give me your answer then. Bring me a courting gift too, and yeah, we can get married after Jimin and Jungkook. That way, I can move to the Kim pack with him."
Yoongi climbed to his feet, causing the chair to scrape loudly across the floor. "We are done here. Jungkook, I'll see you later." Then he pointed at Taehyung. "You, come with me."
"Um...okay?" Taehyung jumped to his feet. "I didn't even get to finish my cookies."
Yoongi grabbed a handful and thrust it into his. "Here. Now you have your cookies."
"Wait. It looks like it's about to rain." Taehyung tried to stall, but the alpha was already out of the door.
"Then you better walk faster," Yoongi threw over his shoulder.
Behind him, Taehyung heard a chuckle. "That's the longest I heard him talk."
"I'm charming, aren't I?" Taehyung grinned proudly. The dagger he presented to the alpha was still on the table. He grabbed it and secured it on his hip. "Jimin always tells me I bring the best out of the people."
Jungkook pursed his lips. "Not sure if it's the best, but you got guts. No one in our pack would talk to him like that."
Taehyung shrugged. "Well, I'm not from your pack. And... I'll get going. I need to get in his good book before I leave." Then he skipped to the door with renewed enthusiasm.
As expected, the alpha had already walked far ahead, and Taehyung ran to catch up. "Hey, wait! I could get lost, you know."
Yoongi didn't reply. His back was ramrod straight and posture stiff.
"I meant what I said back there. You're the only wolf close to Jungkook who is single, and you're a capable alpha, from what I see. Give me a chance."
Yoongi halted in his tracks but didn't turn.
"Please..." Taehyung said. He could come off as strong for some alphas or like the majority of the alphas. The omega considered it a consequence of being friends with Jimin. His habits had rubbed off on him a little. "I'm good. I promise."
Yoongi whirled around. "You don't know shit about me, Taehyung," he growled.
"Then give me a chance to get to know you," he said.
"Not interested." Yoongi turned to walk away again; this time, Taehyung let him be.
"I won't stop trying," he yelled. "I'm moving here one way or another. I'll ride in Jimin's trunk if that's what it takes."
Yoongi didn't respond, and when his form began to disappear from his view, the omega rushed after him so he wouldn't lose him.
"Wake up!"
Jimin groaned when something soft landed on his face with a smack, rousing him from his slumber.
"The sun has been up for hours. You're going to be married soon. Can't believe I gave birth to the laziest pup like you."
"Can't believe I gave birth to the laziest pup like you." Even in his sleepy state, Jimin repeated the words he had heard thousands of times. Then, with a hand, he removed the towel thrown at him with a huff. But he was anything but lazy. "You better drag your ass out before your father gets home for lunch," he repeated after his mother.
The beta grunted, throwing his legs off the bed and rubbing the sleep of his eyes with his palms. It had been so dull lately with his brother off to the Kim pack to negotiate an allegiance. Jimin already missed him.
"Are you up yet?" his mother yelled from the kitchen.
"Yeah," he groaned. "Gimme a break, Mother. I've been up all night setting traps, you know."
"Who told you to go hunting?" His mother entered the room with a spatula, waving furiously at him. "Stop prancing around and sit at home like the good beta you are. Your alpha won't appreciate you running rampant like this."
Jimin rolled his eyes. "Just stop already. You've been trying for years to train me to be a good little omega housewife. I'm not an omega and refuse to change my identity for some stranger."
That was the problem. Everyone failed to understand how he felt. Jimin couldn't deduce if being a beta was a curse or a blessing. When he was around alphas, his wolf wanted to tend to them as an omega would, and when he was around omegas, his wolf wanted to take care of them and provide for them as an alpha would.
His mom exhaled dramatically. "Jimin, I swear this is your last chance. If this falls through, then he's gonna ship you off to the west or worse, the south." Her features turned desperate. "Can you just behave like this once? At least I'd get to see you occasionally if you're married in the Kim pack."
"If I married within the Park pack, you'd get to see me every day," he retorted. "But your husband can't wait to get rid of me." Honestly, Jimin didn't think he would visit his pack even if he got married outside of the pack. If they wanted, they could visit him instead.
She looked helpless. "That's not true." But her tone said she didn't believe her words either.
Jimin stood from his bed and stretched his body. "It's been years, Mother. Just admit it. Your husband hates me for who I am, and I'm a black sheep in his family tree." He sighed and grabbed the towel. "What's special for breakfast?"
"Your favorite beef stew and cornbread."
"Trying to fatten me up?" he quipped, earning a swat from her on his shoulder.
"You need to look good for your alpha."
Jimin rolled his eyes again. "He can't even see, mother. It wouldn't matter if I fill my curves to look like an omega or not."
Honestly, Jimin had nothing against this alpha. He didn't care about his condition as long as the alpha didn't treat him like his father or others did. Besides, he thought the alpha must be one hell of a fighter if he decided to carry on living with a permanent disability such as this. Jimin was capable of hunting and providing for him in any manner if it came to that. He just hoped that Alpha wasn't an asshole.
His mother looked troubled, but said nothing. "I'm sorry. I wish it was different. Only if your previous—"
"Don't talk about that piece of shit!" he growled, and she stepped back with a shudder. "I'm glad I found out before our mating ceremony. I swear I'd have chopped his dick into hundred tiny pieces and fed it to himself and that bitch he cheated on me."
His jaw clenched in annoyance. He despised talking about the shitty alpha his father chose for him. The beta stormed toward the tiny bathroom to wash up, and his thoughts raced. Just before he locked the door, he changed his mind. He needed a good swim and a long bath. Without even informing his mother, he grabbed his clothes and was on his way to the river.
When he was born, everyone assumed he would grow up to become an omega. Jimin thought that too. He was one of the most gorgeous wolves in the pack with curves even presented omegas were envious of.
That never stopped him from training or going out on hunts. When he was twelve, and the first shift never came, everyone around him was skeptical. Taehyung, who was younger than him by two months, began to leak slick a few weeks before his first shift. His body underwent a tremendous change before finally transforming into his wolf form. But Jimin—he stayed the same.
Jimin was only a head shorter than his brother and on his best days, he was able to corner his brother and pin him down for a few seconds—a feat no one had accomplished yet. Seokjin was one hell of a fighter. No one could beat him. Not even their father. PeriodT.
So Jimin took a lot of pride in that. Even if Seokjin was purposefully letting him do that, Jimin knew his affection was never misplaced. Seokjin was the only soul in their household other than his mother to love him dearly with all his heart.
To Seokjin, his sub-gender never mattered. But Jimin couldn't say the same for his father. Well, what could he expect of a tyrant? His father was a heartless wolf in his eyes. He never witnessed him smile or have a casual conversation with his mother. Instead, the man stuck to the ancient ways of the pack, refusing to change.
Lost in his thoughts, he reached the river. It was around noon and no one was here at this time—such a perfect time for a swim. He stripped to his underpants before wading to the middle where it was deeper. The water was cool and he sank to the bottom with a long sigh.
He just stayed there thoughtlessly for a moment before he began to swim. Jimin missed Taehyung already. It had been almost a week since they left. The Kim pack was a day away from their pack. While Jimin wasn't particularly fond of all the marriage talks, he knew he had no choice.
Seokjin vowed that he would find a better alpha after what happened the last time, and he trusted his judgment. This alpha, Jungkook, was a great choice in their eyes because he was the son of a head alpha. However, the news about his disability had already spread like wildfire.
Jimin despised the looks he received from his pack. Some laughed at his face, while some looked at him pitifully. The beta couldn't bring himself to care. He had already resigned to his fate. It was either him or someone else.
Once upon a time, he wanted to marry someone he loved. But the moment he presented as a beta, he knew how far-fetched the entire thing was. His father kicked up a fuss, and his mother locked him up so his father wouldn't take out his anger on him.
Not like he was ever in his father's good book. The old man already hated him for not behaving like an omega and even blamed him for his athletic nature as one of the reasons he got stuck as a beta.
Jimin surfaced above the water and tried to clear his thoughts. The only consolation in this entire thing was that Taehyung accompanied Seokjin. His brother also promised he wouldn't suggest the marriage if the alpha weren't worth it. But yesterday, they sent news. The Kim pack accepted their proposal.
The beta didn't know what it meant for him. The messenger was crisp. There was nothing else that was conveyed. His father had ushered the messenger toward his pack office to talk more, and Jimin wasn't allowed to be there. He wished he knew more. Then, last night, his mother told him the delegates extended their stay for another two days to discuss a few other important matters.
Jimin sighed as he floated on his back, listening to the sounds of water and allowing it to calm him. After an hour, once he felt calm enough, he got out of the water and dressed in clean clothes.
He was in no mood to wash his clothes today. That would have to wait. His mother would give him hell for it, but he was used to it anyway. Jimin wasn't a fan of washing. He tried to procrastinate as much as possible and did it only when he was left with no choice. Or sometimes Taehyung did it for him being the good friend he was.
On his way back, he ran into Yeo-jeong and his minions. Oh, Goddess, not today.
Yeo-jeong, Kyung-soo, Minseok and Han-wool were bad news. He despised them with his entire being. Almost all of their encounters have only ended with a fight, with Jimin obviously getting the upper hand, but the knotheads liked to believe in numbers rather than strength. However, today Taehyung wasn't there to fight with him. He was outnumbered but that didn't frighten him.
"Look who is here!" Yeo-jeong sang in a mocking tone. Behind him, Han-wool pretended to hit a nearby tree because he was blind.
Jimin ground his jaw and clenched his fists. He tried his best to remember Taehyung's words.
"What a pathetic life!" Yeo-jeong continued. "Your family must be desperate to marry you to a blind wolf."
"As if someone else would marry him." Kyung-sso laughed. "The omegas only want someone who could knot them, and the alphas only want someone who slicks. He is neither."
Jimin growled low, trying his best to hold his fury. He tried to count from ten to one in his head. He promised Taehyung he wouldn't get into fights in his absence, and he even managed to avoid the assholes all week.
"But Kyung-sso, I'm really curious," Han-wool said. "He's gonna marry a blind wolf. Like how do things even work for them?" Then he extended his hands in front of him and blinked his eyes while rolling his eyeballs to show only the sclera. "Jimin, where are you?" he sang, hitting the nearest wolf purposefully. Then began to rub his hands all over him. "I can't see anything. Where is your hole?"
"Han-wool, that's so accurate." Yeo-jeong and Kyung-soo laughed.
"Imagine the mating ceremony night. What if he bit somewhere else other than his neck?" Han-wool added with boisterous laughter. "That would be so painful."
"Look, he's getting angry." Yeo-jeong grinned. "What is it, beta? Wanna teach us a lesson?"
"Taehyung isn't here to protect you today," Minseok said. "You should tuck your tail and run along, beta. Maybe work extra hard to be a good cum slut for that blind wolf."
The wolves burst into laughing obnoxiously, and Jimin snapped. A sinister grin curved the corner of his lips as he glared at Han-wool, who was still pretending he was blind.
"Remember, when this is over, you asked for it."
"What are you gonna do, huh?" Yeo-jeong goaded.
Jimin didn't talk. His fist connected with Yeo-jeong's jaw, and he kicked out Han-wool. His feet connected with Han-wool's back, and the alpha crashed into the nearby tree, hitting his head. The other two lunged at Jimin, but the beta was ready.
His wolf demanded blood, and he was ready to give him some. "I'll make you regret every word, asshole," Jimin growled.
"I'm going to reshape your face," Yeo-jeong growled. "It's not like your alpha would care."
They laughed even as they fought.
Jimin only growled louder. "Taehyung isn't here to hold me back. You're dead. Understand? You're fucking dead, asshole!"
Soon there was nothing but growls and five wolves tangling into a mess of limbs.
Remember, you can read ahead on AO3 or my Patreon. Since I don't have much time to sit and write long chapters I'm only posting one chapter a month for this fic. Please be patient or wait until it is completed.
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