Chapter - 16 🔞

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Hoseok and his warriors have been riding through the uneven terrains of the forest. They left the common lands this afternoon, entering the enemy's territory that stretched far and beyond.

A dark, ominous aura enveloped the lands accompanied with an unnatural chill that resonated with the darkness tainting their enemy's soul. He could smell a hint of death and decay in the air as if the land's very soul was tarnished. There was no hesitation from his warriors as their horses galloped through the unknown lands.

Fortunately, they didn't come across any rogues or bandits. Because Hoseok had no time to waste. He had to get to his mate and pup before it was too late.

The wind howled ominously, whipping at his face and ruffled his wavy hair. The red tail hawk, a gift from his sister, rested on his shoulder, talons digging in on his shoulder pad and wings outstretched as he rode against the wind with unwavering focus and one singular thought plaguing his mind—Jeongseon and their unborn pup.

The Northern territory was known for its unpredictable nature and the dangerous terrains like steep slopes and deep ravines. If they weren't careful enough they could plunge to their very death in a blink of an eye. Not to mention the cold wilderness as if the Goddess herself cursed the land. It was no surprise the land lacked any hint of warmth unlike their pack lands.

The winter was just around the corner, but Hoseok could already feel the cold chill in the winds beating relentlessly on him. It hinted at the oncoming unforgiving winter. Their priest has already warned them of the hardest winter this year and it only increased the sense of urgency.

Their time was very limited and they had to get to Jeongseon before nature made it impossible to travel. He has been through this path a few times already in search of his mate with no sense of direction whatsoever. The aimless search fueled with desperation and anguish led to nothing but dead ends.

Now that he knew where to head to, they strode without any rest. His horse was growing exhausted. The alpha sensed its exhaustion by how its speed kept reducing but it still exerted all its strength to push forward.

Hoseok knew they had to stop at some point to rest for the night, but he couldn't bring himself to do it just yet. There was no rest for the damned. Life without his mate was hell and after walking through the hellfire and almost losing himself, he'd had just one purpose in this life.

His second in command rode up to him twice, requesting him to stop. But Hoseok rode like a demon into the darkening forest. His wolf snarled within him. It clawed in his chest to be unleashed, but Hoseok knew what would happen if he did. It wasn't going to help their cause. Iseul had specifically warned him against it and he always listened to her.

The sunlight will entirely fade in an hour or so and after that they would have to tread slowly. Last night, they stopped to water their horses and rode through the night with the help of fire torches. Many slept on their horses, but Hoseok and a few others stayed vigil.

Sleep has evaded him on the day his mate was taken. His wolf was restless inside him. He failed her as a mate and a father. He failed as a Head Alpha. The shame was a constant weight on his entire being. It pressed down on him to the point of suffocation.

No one had a clue how the Northerners were able to infiltrate this far into the territory without notice until after the attack. They discovered a burrow dug deep into the earth that had stretched for miles that led the Northerners directly into the pack lands. From there, they snuck into the village.

While one group acted as a decoy, the other group discreetly abducted their unsuspecting and surprised omegas and children. None of the wolves on patrol had a clue the earth was being dug right beneath their feet.

Hoseok could only think how far advanced and cunning the Northern Tribe was. It must have taken months to do this and further inspection had proved they had been digging through the winter season, which was when the pack's activities would be minimal. Their men found stored food and sleeping compartments within the tunnel branches.

The structure itself was designed in a way to keep the extreme cold outside like one of those rabbit burrows, but man sized. Then the enemy waited for the right opportunity to attack. And attack they did, taking the most precious thing to him.

The increased activity outside the pack borders in the North East was only a distraction and they had attacked from the North West direction. He could tell this plan had been set in motion months ahead of the original attack.

Initially Northerners tested their defenses from different sides of the borders. When it was clear they couldn't break through their defense through a regular attack, they had gone above and beyond to infiltrate their pack in the most unexpected way possible.

Hoseok realized no one could have predicted such a thing when it had never happened before. Now they knew it was a possibility, it only made them even more restless. This was why now they patrolled several miles outside of their borders to avoid any future attacks. But deep down, he knew they weren't equipped to predict another such attack.

"Hoseok, my brother, we must stop," his second-in-command demanded again. "A weak warrior is a dead warrior. It doesn't help."

"A bit more," Hoseok replied curtly, words rough and determined while his gaze fixated ahead.

"We have entered the enemy territory. Let's rest for the night. It's also dangerous to travel with a lit torch. And we need this light to set up our camp and run patrol," his second-in-command insisted. "Our men need this, Head Alpha. We must set camp tonight."

Hoseok didn't want to stop for rest but he had no choice. His hand clenched around the reins with a growl reverberating in his chest. He glanced at the skies above. Every step he covered ahead was a step closer to his mate and every moment resting is a moment wasted. But Juwon was right. He glanced over his shoulder to see the warriors riding behind him. They appeared tired, but were continuing without any complaints.

"Pace yourself, Hoseok. Remember my words. Recklessness and urgency will not save Jeongseon and your pup," Iseul had said. She tapped his temples. "Win them with something they do not have. You're smart, intelligent and everything they aren't. Don't let your pain get the best of you."

Feeling defeated, he slowed his horse to a gentle trot. He might have given into his emotions momentarily, but realization dawned on him.

Taking a deep breath to calm his wolf, he glanced at Juwon. "Find a place to camp. Don't build tents. We will move at the first light tomorrow."

"Yes, Head Alpha." Juwon looked immediately relieved. The second-in-command inclined his head and pulled his horse away to pass the head alpha's order.

Hoseok stopped half-heartedly. They were yet to encounter the enemy, but they'd need their energy to fight. The Northern wolves were barbaric and had no honor. They fought dirty and used cheap tricks. He couldn't afford to lose to the warriors either.

He glanced at the orange skies with a deep sense of pain in his chest. I'm coming for you, my love. You can't hear me, but know that I'm coming. I won't stop until I find you. Please stay safe. Hang in there, my love. Please keep the both of them safe, Moon Goddess.

"We found a place to camp. There's a pond nearby and we can water the horses as well," the second-in-command informed him after a while. "The rocky boulders will cover us from a plain view. It's easy to monitor from the trees above."

Hoseok nodded. "Alright. Three of you patrol the grounds in your wolf forms. If they encounter an enemy, do not confront them alone. Have them report to the camp immediately. Send another three to hunt small game for tonight's dinner. We don't know how treacherous this journey will get."

"Yes, head alpha."

He hopped off his horse, rubbing his neck affectionately. "I'm sorry, boy. I'm demanding too much of you. But Jeongseon needs us."

He sighed, leaning forward to press his forehead against his horse and his stallion responded by mimicking his movements, reflecting the years of companionship they shared. It neighed a little, attempting to offer him comfort.

Hoseok pulled back. "Go on. Rest until dawn. We have a big journey ahead."

The horse moved away, sniffing the ground for grassing. Storm was born in their pack and has been trained to be his companion. His father was Hoseok's first stallion, who has now retired due to his old age and was now living his remaining life in their stables.

Storm knew better than to wander off and stay close to the camp all the time. So he didn't bother tying him up. Hoseok walked around with the red tail hawk for a bit, stretching his legs.

"Talon, hunt!" he commanded.

The red tail hawk took off to the skies, becoming nothing but a tiny dot for werewolf eyes. Their eyesight was eight times better than werewolves. They weren't easy to train but this one was a gift from the Western Pack.

Talon was not only good at spotting prey but also good with alerting them about an enemy camp nearby. Iseul insisted he bring Talon with him this time around.

Hoseok sat on a boulder seemingly lost in thoughts when Juwon came back. "The camps have been set, Alpha Jung." He nodded absentmindedly, gaze fixated on the skies.

His heart was restless and so was his wolf. It itched to break free and run to their mate but he heeded Juwon's words. He needed his strength and for that he had to rest.

The sun settled in the horizon and darkness enveloped them with only the sounds of nature surrounding him. Hoseok refused the food Juwon brought at first but his second in command insisted he needed his strength for the upcoming fight.

So the alpha forced himself to swallow a piece of bread and some meat. His stomach churned and he felt nauseous, his body refusing and protesting solid food after having gone for so long without proper nourishment for days. He remembered how the other wolves would force feed him once in a day to keep him alive. Though the memories were all muddled, he remembered their efforts.

Juwon suggested he catch some sleep while the others took turns. The head alpha relented even if he didn't want to. However, sleep wouldn't come that easily. For his head was void and soul broken. The human and wolf needed their mate. Without them, they were incomplete.

I'm sorry I failed you. A stray tear trickled down. I should have been there. I thought you would be safe.

It's not your fault, alpha.

Hoseok sat upright, heart racing as he glanced around. He didn't imagine that, right? Rubbing his aching chest, he closed his eyes once again, wondering if he could hear her voice one more time.

But nothing. Silence enveloped him and it was deadly. He clenched his jaw, fighting the sorrow that threatened to swallow him again.

Hoseok balled his fists and gave up on sleep when he heard it. The familiar screech of his red tail hawk. He was immediately on alert. Talon flew two rounds around his head and came down to land on his extended forearm, sharp talons digging into his vambrace.

In its mouth was a piece of clothing. Hoseok took it, bringing it to his nose and sniffed it. In a flash, his eyes shifted to that of his wolf, burning with rage. With a growl, he summoned his men with a sneer.

Juwon reached him first. "Head Alpha, what is it?" When his gaze fell on the piece of clothing Talon had brought, there was a subtle shift in his demeanor. He squared his shoulder immediately. "What are your orders?"

Hoseok sneered at him, the rage spreading and burning brighter within him. "We kill every single one of them," he thundered. "Leave no Northerner alive."

"Yes, head alpha."

"I'll take five wolves with me to scout the enemy camp first," Hoseok said. "We will make our move depending on what we find."



Three miles to the West, Hoseok found the Northerner's camp. Unsurprisingly they were there with a few rogues. It'd be a bloody fight if they engaged. The five of them could take them down, however, there would be losses.

As much as his wolf was impatient to strike right away, Hoseok had vowed he wouldn't lose another wolf to them. Unlike the Northerners, his wolves weren't expendable to him. They were his pack and in their pack, they cared deeply for every wolf as their own.

So he sent one of the wolves to call for a backup with a well laid out plan while the other four resorted to watching the camp.

We will attack as soon as the situation is in our favor.

Backup arrived shortly and they all took positions. Waiting. Stalking. Hunting. They wouldn't be easily spotted with their scents masked. Two of the archers climbed the trees for a better vantage point and they waited.

The patrol didn't have a pattern and the rogue wolf that was on duty paced mindlessly around the camp. They were the least organized, which made them even more dangerous due to their unpredictable nature.

"Take him out first." Hoseok signed to one of the archers, his fingers moving efficiently. It was a language they developed to communicate in times such as this, which only included hand or facial gestures to talk.

"That will alert them," Juwon whispered, crouching beside him. "We have to be fast."

"Yes. Use your weapons." He unsheathed his sword. "Do not shift to your wolf forms unless absolutely necessary."

"Noted, Alpha Jung."

Shifting to their true form at the first sign of danger could be their primal instinct, but the werewolves had realized over the years that they had higher winning chance when they fought in their human forms against other werewolves. Their weapons gave them a certain advantage.

But they didn't really need their wolves' help unless they were hunting or up against a stronger animal, where they needed more strength and power than they were in their human forms. And they also needed to preserve their energy. So as much as Hoseok wanted to race in there, ripping one after the other into shreds and taking his rage out on them, he held back.

The first poisoned arrow shot through the air in the otherwise silent night with a sharp sound. The rogue wolf didn't even see it coming. It went through its one eye, embedding itself deeper and bringing it down. The second arrow followed immediately, taking another wolf that had just exited one of the tents.

The thick, metallic scent of blood began to fill the air and that was all it took for the chaos to rain down.

However, the Eastern Pack wolves were more than ready. It wasn't Hoseok who lost his mate during the attack. They all had lost someone they cared for. They were all here for a purpose.

Northern wolves didn't show an ounce of empathy to them and hence didn't deserve one either. This time Hoseok would show what would happen if they touched one of theirs.

"To our families!" Hoseok bellowed before charging into the enemy camp with his small army.

He struck the first wolf that came at him with a ferocious growl. The Northerner went down in an instant, remaining dead. He moved with a deadly efficiency and speed; every strike aimed to kill.

Leave no survivors.

His focus remained unwavered just like his steely resolve, his wolf relishing every pained scream and the sound of the sword piercing through the flesh. The blood splatters weren't enough. He needed more to redeem every loss they had caused their pack and the other packs over the decades.

Hoseok was done playing a diplomatic alpha. The Northerners were a pest to this land, who no longer honored nature or the ways of the Moon and they had to be eradicated from this world forever. With this in his mind, he moved, delivering death blow after death blow.

The unsuspecting Northerners stood no chance and his warriors matched his intensity. The enemy camp was in ruins in only a matter of minutes. Bodies littered the forest floor both in wolf and human forms.

In his eyes, this was pest control and pests do not get a proper burial. They didn't deserve the honor of last rites and passage to the next realm. This would also send out a warning to all their enemies.

"Stack their bodies and burn everything," he commanded, chest heaving and eyes blazing with fury. "Scatter their bones and make sure there's nothing left of them. Not even their ashes should make it home."

Juwon's features hardened. "Yes, Alpha Jung."

As his men set out to work, Hoseok lay on top of a fallen tree, fully intent to watch their bodies' burn. Their faces were hardened but Hoseok could sense they weren't satisfied yet. This wasn't a victory. They just managed to destroy one camp. Who knew where they were heading next and what they were planning?

Leaving them alive wasn't an option. They were dangerous to every life on these lands. By doing this, he had possibly thwarted whatever destruction they were planning. His wolf sneered at the sight of the huge funeral pyre, but to him it was a bonfire. His men threw everything the men owned into the pyre and the fire burned brighter, the smokes reaching up the skies.

The smoke emitted the scent of burning flesh that was haunting. It was the kind that had a visceral odor that would linger and cling to every sense. It was the kind that could only be associated with loss and sorrow.

The thick, black smoke curled upwards, carrying the thick acrid odor that was both pungent and unsettling. The charred, earthy scent of dried wood his men added to the pyre mixed with it, cracking under the intense heat. The roar and crackling sound of the fire echoed around them.

The fire itself was considered a sacred element, which was a divine gift that enabled their kind to thrive. It was a symbol of life and warm. It was also believed to purify anything it touches by burning away all the impurities. But there was also a saying that a fire would ruin anything on its path.

To Hoseok, it was both beautiful and haunting. Beautiful during those evenings and the winters he spent with family and packed around the warmth of fire. Beautiful when he recalled the evenings where the pups would surround the elders to listen to their stories, their laughter and squeals filling the air. But haunting when he had to bid farewell to the loved ones and performed their last rites before cremating them. It reminded him of the thin line between life and death.

This time it was the latter. The scent and the thick fumes evoked discomfort. However, the knowledge that he cleaned this land off the scum walking on it offered peace and brought a sense of satisfaction. He was doing a favor by getting rid of them. And he was rightfully avenging all the crimes they committed. This was his duty as the Head Alpha. He was a protector and a warrior.

Hoseok watched it unblinking, his wolf relishing every moment. In moments, their existence would be wiped off and Hoseok wondered if they had someone back home who would remember them. Even if they had, it didn't matter to him.

This was war and they started it. And a war had consequences. He stared back at the skies, a vengeful smile curving the corners of his mouth. The warmth kissed his skin, continuing their merciless dance and in a matter of hours it'd erase all traces of the life that had once lived and plagued these lands as if they had never existed in the first place.

In moments, his eyes fluttered shut, the slumber that had been evading him for weeks occupying him without him even realizing. The first real rest he had unconsciously allowed himself since his mate was taken.


The next morning brought a sense of anxiousness and foreboding to Jimin. He couldn't sleep that well last night, knowing his brother was literally going to war with this journey. The beta knew this was coming, but still it was hard to process.

While he trusted his brother's prowess, he couldn't help but worry for his safety. A battle always brought losses and was too unpredictable. With the Northerners track record, there would be major losses on both sides. But this has to end. They couldn't live in fear forever. The winters were hard enough. He also prayed that Head Omega Jeongseon and her baby stayed safe until the rescue team reached them.

Jimin woke up early to see his mate Jungkook was already up and getting ready for the day. The gentle rustling sound around the room roused him. Jungkook was very careful and did everything as silently as possible to not disrupt his sleep and that thoughtfulness brought a smile to Jimin's face.

"Good morning," he greeted in a hoarse voice, rolling to Jungkook's side of the bed and inhaling his intoxicating scent. Mornings were becoming Jimin's favorite where he got to wake up to Jungkook's scent and warmth.

"Did I wake you up?" Jungkook asked, pausing whatever he was doing in the dark. The low flame going on in the fireplace was the only light that illuminated his silhouette.

"No." Jimin sat up, rubbing his eyes. "I barely slept last night."

Jungkook lit a torch, causing warm light to envelop their cabin. He wore nothing but a loin cloth around his hips. A wet towel clung on one hand. "Your brother is one of the finest warriors I have had the pleasure to meet. He's brave and courageous," he said. "I might sound like a parrot for repeating the same thing." He chuckled. "Trust your brother. He will come home safely."

Jimin exhaled. "I know. It's just..." A heaviness settled in his chest. "He's family. That's what you do when your family is involved in something perilous. You worry. It doesn't matter how much I believe in him. Our past losses are too great. I can't help but worry."

Jungkook nodded in understanding. "My mom worries if we are off on hunting trips too." His chest rose and fell, the gentle movement illuminated by the golden glow of the torch. Jimin watched him mesmerized. "I'm the living example of how vile they can be." His smile was sad. "But we have to stay optimistic. Only Moon Goddess knows our fate."

Jimin sighed. "You're right." He adjusted a few pillows to lean against it. "Why did you stop? I was getting ready to admire you."

Jungkook chuckled softly. "Did you forget you're on rest?"

"No. But my eyes are just fine. The healer didn't say I shouldn't watch," he claimed.

Jungkook's shoulders shook with laughter and he went back to the task in hand. He dipped the wet towel in the water bowl, wringing it dry before rubbing down on his skin. "I'm heating some water for you too," he said. "I'll wipe you down once I'm done."

"How thoughtful," Jimin gushed. "You're such a darling."

Jungkook's scent sweetened and he continued silently, but Jimin enjoyed it nonetheless. The alpha's morning routine amused him. Jungkook was so methodical in everything he did. The beta learned early not to disrupt his routine and just observed his husband moving around their cabin shirtless.

Unfortunately, he didn't have the luxury of time to indulge in something his heart wanted. He had to meet his brother and bid him farewell. Seokjin was set to sail at the first light of dawn. Then they should be on their way to the Kim pack.

With Seokjin gone and Namjoon's work here wrapped up, they didn't have a reason to stay longer. The carriages carrying the rations that were also a part of his mating gift were already prepared and ready for departure. Seokjin wanted to set up a merchant station at the Kim pack and work on fortifying their river routes, which Namjoon agreed to.

There was a lot to do but so little time. Soon he got ready and together with Jungkook made his way to the port. His mother and Seokjin were already there, holding each other in a tight embrace. Jimin joined in, hugging his brother tight.

Seokjin's warm amber scent enveloped him and Jimin rubbed his cheek against his brother's scent glands, seeking more comfort. He inhaled the gentle notes of vanilla, honey and earthiness wafting from him. Seokjin smelled like home. He was going to miss him a lot.

"I'll miss you, brother," he voiced out his thoughts. "I love you."

His brother rubbed his back soothingly. "Don't stir trouble when I'm away," Seokjin whispered. "The Kim pack is your new home now. Please refrain from punching someone for at least six months. Bite your tongue whenever you wanna lash out and pretend to like other wolves." He pulled back to stare at him. "Please promise me you won't get into trouble."

Jimin chuckled. "No promises."

Seokjin rolled his eyes. "You're a menace." He glanced at Jungkook who was talking to Namjoon a few feet away. "I'm serious, Jimin. He's a good alpha. Don't do anything that would cause him to lose his honor in front of his people. You're not a lone wolf anymore."

Jimin understood. "I won't."

It was still early and the sky was dark. The lit torches around them illuminated his handsome features now filled with concern.

"He might not be the next in line but he's still the head alpha's son. Every member will look up to him and will scrutinize him. As his mate, it's your duty to protect his honor. Think twice before you act or speak." His brother's features hardened, making his jaw look even sharper. "You will be scrutinized for everything you do and people will be watching you like a hawk, waiting for you to screw this up."

"Oooh, scary."

His mother smacked the back of his head. "Listen to your brother, you brat. Don't give him something to worry about when he's traveling this far for Goddess knows how long."

"Sorry, mom." Jimin grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, brother. I'm just kidding."

"I'm not." He sounded serious. "You're an outsider there, Jimin. You will always be an outsider unless you earn your place. Loyalty and trust doesn't cannot be bought." Seokjin continued in a stern voice. "I'm not telling you to bend backward to earn that pack's favour. I'm telling you to watch your back."

Jimin nodded immediately. "Don't worry, brother. I was always an outcast here. How different is it gonna be? I don't have any expectations."

His mother's expression fell. "That pack has every reason to hate you." She glanced around them. Thankfully everyone else was out of earshot, giving them privacy. "Your father wasn't a good leader and turned down any attempts for a friendly alliance. He hasn't shown them an ounce of empathy or kindness. They won't accept you."

"I won't be alone," Jimin assured. "Taehyung is with me. Besides, we're trying to make amends. It'll take time but I'm sure with time, we can change how things work."

Seokjin nodded. "Just don't do anything you would normally do here," he advised. "Your brother isn't there to protect you."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"I'm sending in extra rations just in case." Seokjin sighed. "We had an abundant harvest this year and it wouldn't hurt to share some. But that alone wouldn't buy you their favor, though it'll earn you some respect. What will earn you their respect is your actions."

"I thought you didn't want me bent backwards to earn their favor." Jimin smirked.

"I don't but it wouldn't hurt you, would it?" Seokjin countered. "You're going to live there for the rest of your life. You cannot have a peaceful life if you have more enemies than allies. Just telling you these things for your consideration."

Jimin sobered a little and nodded. "I promise. I won't throw the first punch, but the rest depends on how they treat me."

"Fair enough," Seokjin conceded.

When Jimin glanced over his shoulder upon hearing gentle murmurs, he saw Namjoon and Jungkook approaching. He couldn't help admiring his mate's chiseled face as he strode toward him. The wind ruffled at his wavy hair, making him look more attractive.

"You're drooling," his mother hissed under her breath, making him snap his mouth shut. "Not in front of your mother..."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "You gotta see how happy I am, mom," he gushed. "He's just so dreamy." He ogled at his mate again. "This might be the only good thing father has ever approved of."

His brother scoffed. "You won't ever change."

Jimin notched his chin. "Why should I? He's my mate now. I'm the only one allowed to ogle at him and it's a sin if I don't appreciate his handsomeness every second."

"Hush, pup. They're close," his mother hushed him.

The beta just chuckled, turning to face his mate and brother-in-law.

"Seokjin, how about a quick sparring before you go?" Jungkook asked as soon as they were close. "I never got to prove to you I'm a worthy mate for your brother. What do you say?"

Jimin's eyebrows shot up in surprise while Seokjin chuckled. "You want to fight me? Now?"

"Now's as good a time as any." Jungkook winked.

"Wow," Jimin mumbled. "He's not letting this slide. I should have known when he kept his hands to himself and rested for the past two days."

His mother pinched his side, making him hiss.

"I like you, Jungkook." Seokjin stepped around them. He unsheathed his sword. "You want to do it here?"


"Hey!" A voice stopped them. "Wait for me!"

Jimin looked up to see Taehyung running toward them. "Hey, I thought you were still asleep."

"Nope." Taehyung's chest heaved as he came to a stop beside him. "They're loading the banished wolves in the back. Had to see them one last time and confirm they're really leaving." He jabbed a thumb in the direction of Seokjin's ship.

"What?" Jimin's eyes widened. "You're taking them with you?"

Seokjin scoffed. "I have to see to it that they have left the pack for good before I leave matters to the elders. I'm not repeating our father's mistakes."

"So you're gonna dump them in the Northerners' land?" Jimin asked hopefully.

"Not exactly," Seokjin said. "They know the entire layout of our pack. We cannot risk them falling into a Northerner's hand."

"Bastards will out us just out of spite," Taehyung quipped.

"So where will you leave them then?" Namjoon asked.

"There's an uninhabited island on our way to the Eastern Pack." Seokjin grinned. "I'll drop them off there."

"Don't tell me it's the one filled with the most poisonous snakes," Namjoon quipped. "Our elders tell us a lot of scary tales about that one."

"The one and only." Seokjin's grin was malicious.

"Wow." Jimin chuckled. "A family of snakes finally will meet their ancestors."

"I don't think they have much to worry about for too long anyway," Seokjin lowered his voice. "By the time they try to find a shelter, the four young alphas would perish first due to the infection spreading slowly. Yes, I had the healer see to it that they would receive only painkillers but not antibiotics." He smirked. "Trust no snake or a traitor. Both will come back to bite you. I made sure they were all being ingested with a slow poison so they won't make that long."

"Savage." Jimin gasped.

"He's just protecting this pack unlike your father, who let their poisonous roots spread so deep," his mother added. "Those four families have to be dealt with, else who knows what they will do next? I wouldn't be surprised if they had some other help we aren't aware of. Traitors are far more dangerous than the Northerners."

"I'd rather not take chances when it comes to betrayal. The word of their departure wouldn't spread until morning and by then we will be far away. Even then, the island is under the Eastern pack's domain. It wouldn't go unnoticed if someone tried to help them out," Seokjin said. "None of the fleets get through without being vetted out."

Namjoon nodded understandingly. "I admire how thorough you are. There's a lot I should learn from you, Seokjin."

Seokjin smiled. "You're welcome to join me anytime, Namjoon. But your mate needs you right now. With our packs united with this alliance, we will have plenty of time later."


Seokjin then glanced at Jungkook. "You ready, Jungkook? I'm gonna whoop your ass today."

"You wish." His tone was light and smile radiant.

Their playful banter eased some of the tension in the air. The two alphas squared off and Jimin couldn't help but smile. Jungkook looked relaxed with a permanent smile etched on his lips.

They began to parry with precision and skill of the seasoned warriors they were. Each time their swords clashed, the sound echoed around them. They exchanged blows and countered effortlessly, Jungkook blocked every attack and vice versa.

Jimin watched their fight wide eyed. It was exciting to see them spar. Both sides were equally skilled and one couldn't predict who would have an upperhand. Suddenly Seokjin disarmed Jungkook in an unexpected move and cornered him with the tip of his sword pointed at his neck.

"Aha! You lost," Seokjin announced.

"Did I?" Jungkook challenged.

Jimin then noticed the short sword pressed to Seokjin's side. A chuckle escaped him and he clapped his hands. The match was a tie.

"It's a tie!" Namjoon declared.

"You're good." Seokjin retracted the sword, clapping Jungkook on the back. "That was an excellent move. An old trick but excellent execution."

Jungkook grinned wide. "Learned from the best." He sheathed his short sword before extending his hand to Seokjin. When he took his hand, he pulled him into a tight hug and clapped on his back. "Take care out there, Head Alpha Park. Don't let your guard down. We'll be waiting for you to come back so you can try and defeat me one more time."

"I'll hold you to that." Seokjin hugged him right back. "And I'm trusting you with my brother. Promise me you'll have his back no matter what."

"I promise." His mate did not hesitate one bit when Jimin approached them. "He will have my endless support. No one will bother him."

"Thank you." Seokjin nodded curtly and then turned to Jimin. "I have to go now. I'm not sure what to wait but take care of mom and check on her, okay?"

Jimin walked into his open arms. "Just...stay safe, okay? I know this is unavoidable. But you should be the one delivering that death blow every time. Promise me you won't get hurt."

"I'll try. No promises, though." His brother hugged him tight and Jimin inhaled his comforting scent one last time, closing his eyes and pretending everything was going to be okay.

"I'll be thinking of you every day," Jimin whispered. "Go and kick some Northern ass, brother. Make me proud." He pulled back half-heartedly.

"I will." Seokjin patted his cheek. "You take care and remember my words."

"I will."

Their mother walked to them right then, embracing them both. "I trust you, Seokjin. I have no doubt you will become the greatest head alpha our pack has seen." She cupped his face to kiss his forehead. "May the Moon Goddess watch over you and guide you."

"Thank you, mother. I'll do my best to be back soon," Seokjin promised.

Namjoon walked over to him and they shook hands once, their grip firm. They stared at each other for a long moment and nodded curtly before Namjoon stepped back.

"Head Alpha Park, everything is ready," Seokjin's second-in-command informed.

"I'll be right there."

Seokjin bid farewell to all of them before turning around and walking to the ship. Jimin watched with a heavy heart as the first streak of light appeared on the skies. A lump formed in his throat and his mother hugged him for comfort, sniffling as the ship began to pull away from the docks.

Jungkook wrapped a hand around his shoulders. "He'll be okay," he said. "We will see him again soon."

Jimin could only nod as he watched his brother until the ship slowly began to disappear into the sea and his brother was out of sight. Hopefully, the next time he met his brother, it would be under better circumstances.


Jimin didn't expect to cry while saying goodbye to his parents. He bowed toward his father and then hugged his mother. The moment his mother began to sob, Jimin too found himself joining her.

"Remember your brother's words whenever you're in trouble," his mother whispered. "I believe in you, Jimin. Make your alpha and his family proud."

"Yes, mother."

The pair embraced and she kissed all over his face, asking him to write to her often and visit her after winter. Jimin agreed. Jungkook told her that their door will always be open for her if she wanted to visit and stay with them for a couple of days.

When she hugged Jungkook briefly, the alpha bent to hold her and patted her back in a comforting gesture. "Don't worry, mother. Jimin is and will always be my first priority. I promise to take care of him and protect his honor."

"I believe you, Jungkook. Be well, son. May the Moon Goddess smile upon you."

As for Taehyung, the omega helplessly stood outside his parents' home. It hurt Jimin to see the dejected look on his face. His parents didn't approve of his decision and that was that. They didn't even come outside the home to bid their son farewell for one last time.

At least his siblings came, though they looked unbothered with everything. Jimin's mother walked over to Taehyung, embracing him and giving her blessings.

"Sweetheart, may the Moon Goddess always be with you." She cupped Taehyung's face and kissed his forehead. "Write to me often. You'll always be in my thoughts and prayers. You're a strong one. Don't think you have no one. You'll always have me. Always remember that."

"Thank you," Taehyung croaked, moved by her show of affection.

Yoongi came forward to grab his things and load them into the wagon along with Jimin's things. Jimin nudged at Taehyung, smiling knowingly. Yoongi might be pushing the omega away but his actions always were that of a caring alpha. He was protecting Taehyung's honor.

Several pack members came to bid farewell to Jimin's surprise. A few brought gifts to him. Jimin accepted and thanked them. Perhaps they were starting to see him in a new light or they were just happy that they won't have to see him here again.

His mother and a few others accompanied the group of travelers to the borders, before saying their goodbyes one more time. Trader Hwang and his son were one of them. Jimin didn't know if they'd ever meet but Namjoon had met the traders during his stay here and invited them over to their packlands.

Jimin has never been out of the pack lands and the new adventure filled him with excitement. The thrill was something new. As they rode through the forest, Jimin couldn't help but admire the change of scenery around them. He rode on top of one of the Kim pack horses with Jungkook right beside him. Yoongi and Taehyung were right behind them.

"This is incredible!" Jimin gushed to his mate. "I mean it's just the forest but I'm traveling with you and it makes everything so wonderful."

"I'm glad you're enjoying it, love."

Jimin grinned, feeling warmth rush to his chest. "I like it when you call me something endearing." He poked Jungkook's waist to which the alpha laughed merrily.

The beta's excitement was contagious and it never waned. He chatted excitedly with Jungkook, telling him about every bird he spotted and counting squirrels. The trees were taller and thicker with their thick canopies crowding overhead. They barely let the heat of the sun filter through.

Then the trip was nothing short of entertaining with Yoongi and Taehyung constantly bickering behind them. Jimin found it amusing how Yoongi kept up with his friend, giving him a reaction to every word he spoke while claiming he disliked the omega. Yoongi had warned the omega at least six times saying he would drown him if he didn't shut up but Taehyung was well...he only did more than he usually would have.

The ride was smooth so far and by evening they stopped by a clearing next to the river bank to camp for the night. The woods were a blanket of green and brown with sunlight filtering through the canopy overhead. The weather was pleasant and the air fresh.

"This place is cool," Jimin remarked. "I might have to go for a swim later." He glanced at his mate, who was watering his horse. The beta approached Thunder, scratching his neck. "Alpha, wanna join me?"

Jungkook smiled. "Sure. This place is close to your pack lands hence it's safe for a swim I believe."

"Mhmm... And it doesn't appear too deep."

"Jungkook!" Namjoon called. "Wanna join the patrol? We could hunt for some hares on the way back."

Jungkook immediately stood up. "Yeah." He looked at Thunder and handed his reins to Jimin. "Thunder, don't trouble my mate too much. He's gonna feed you after this."

Jimin huffed. "He knows I'm your one and only but he still won't warm up to me."

"Give him some time. He's a wild horse."

"So it's true that you tamed a wild horse."

Jungkook shrugged. "He chose me." He rubbed the stallion's neck affectionately. "I'll be back soon. Why don't you help them start a fire?"

"Okay. You be safe."

"I will." Jungkook jogged up toward Namjoon, following his scent. They disappeared behind a giant tree, emerging as wolves before storming off into the forest.

Though Jimin knew how camping worked, this was the first time he was experiencing all this. So he watched everything curiously.

A few members set out to fish while the others set up a few camps around the area. Jungkook joined Namjoon to patrol while Yoongi and Taehyung continued to go back and forth while setting up a tent. Usually, the tents would be used by the omegas and old wolves while the others would sleep around the fire.

Jimin set out to start a fire. He dug up the earth and began to build a fire pit to grill the fish and make some stew for dinner. He wasn't as blessed as his mom when it came to cooking but he could manage and he knew how to build one hell of a fire pit.

They had brought enough food but it was better to find fresh food and save the dried and preserved food for when they needed it the most. He whistled low, immersed in the task in hand while listening to the chit chatters around the camp.

The daylight began to wane as the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting orange hues across it.

"I swear to Moon Goddess, I'll drown you if you don't shut up!" Yoongi growled, snatching the ropes from Taehyung. His voice was gruff and filled with exasperation while his scent gave off his frustration.

A smile tugged at Jimin's lips. Whatever Taehyung did seemed to rub off the alpha in some way. Yoongi always had something to say even when Taehyung wasn't particularly talking to him.

"Yeah, you keep saying that," Taehyung taunted, his tone light and playful. "I wasn't talking to you. It was you, who keeps replying to everything I say."

Well, the omega was right. Jimin would know. Yoongi got frustrated easily but he also couldn't seem to be able to leave Taehyung's side for a minute. Even when he pretended to ride ahead, he always fell back in pace with Taehyung.

"You're literally addressing me!" Yoongi stopped whatever he was doing to glare at Taehyung, who stood a few paces away with a silly grin on his face.

"You didn't have to react everytime I opened my mouth!" the omega countered. His eyes sparkled with mischief. "It's not my fault my mere presence is affecting you this much. All you have to do is turn around and walk away."

Yoongi growled. "I'm gonna fucking drown you today."

"Yeah? Do it then." Jimin glanced over his shoulder to see Taehyung squaring his shoulders, notching his chin up to challenge the alpha. "I dare you!"

The entire camp seemed to fall silent upon hearing this. Even the ones who were fishing, stopped and turned their heads. Jimin watched gleefully, wondering what he would do next. Taehyung seemed to push a lot of the alpha's buttons today. Maybe he was taking it a bit further than usual.

Yoongi glared at him for a moment and then in an unexpected move, hoisted him over his shoulders, carrying the stunned omega to the river.

"What?!" Taehyung squealed, clinging to his shoulders with wide eyes. "Let me down. I don't know how to swim!"

"You're such a nuisance." The alpha ignored his protests and marched over to the huge boulder a bit far from the camp that looked like the deepest part of the river before tossing him into the water.

"Don't you dare—" Taehyung's eyes widened even more. "Ah!!!"

Taehyung fell into the water with a splash. It was satisfying. However, the omega popped his head up the water before going back in and then came up with a lot of trouble.


Jimin blinked, catching up with Taehyung's ploy immediately. They were soulmates for a reason. The beta didn't need an explanation or persuasion to jump in to help his best friend. In the water, Taehyung continued to struggle, bobbing up and down while flailing his arms above in the water.

"Oh, my God! Yoongi, he can't swim!" he screamed, running up to the omega. The beta inserted enough panic in his voice to make the alpha believe his best friend couldn't really swim.

"What?" Yoongi, who was already walking away, whipped around.

"H-Help!" Taehyung spluttered. "I-I can't swim. Help! Alpha!"

The alpha stared at him in disbelief. "I don't believe you." He then stared at Jimin who was running toward Taehyung.

"He's not lying!" Jimin yelled. "He can't swim. He's the worst swimmer in our pack. Help him!"

"Shit!" Yoongi cursed before jumping into the water and swam toward him.

"He's really an idiot!" Jimin continued. "He doesn't even know how to float." The beta didn't care if the alpha heard him. Adding fuel to the flames was just his kind of thing.

The other campers, however, ran to the river bank as well, ready to help if needed.

"The water isn't deep enough, though," one confused wolf commented, gaze darting between the couple and Jimin.

Jimin shushed him with a finger over his lips. "Just play along," he hissed. "Don't you want Yoongi happy and mated?"

The confused wolf immediately nodded, understanding dawning on his face. "Oh, God! Help him please," he yelled. "This part of the river is too deep."

"Gosh, there are even crocodiles!" another cried.

Jimin whipped his head to see the two wolves. He was impressed. That was quite impressive. So the Kim pack wolves did know how to have fun.

In the river, Taehyung purposefully floated away among all the flailing he did. Yoongi reached him and grabbed Taehyung swiftly, holding him steady only for the omega to cling to him. The moment of panic lasted only for a few seconds because when Yoongi stood up and the water only came up to his chest level.

The omega grinned from ear to ear. "Hey, alpha..." He winked. "You jumped in to save me."

"What the hell!" Yoongi growled. "You...You, little—" His eyes widened and he stared at the omega in disbelief.

"Shit?" Taehyung tilted his head to the side, laughing merrily. "Thought you didn't care."

Yoongi tried to pry his hands off. "I don't. Let go."

"You're such a liar," Taehyung continued with the same laugh. "You could have walked away but nope. You had to jump in just like how you threw that bear paw at me."

"I'm not the one who lied," Yoongi grunted, struggling to get the omega's hands away. "And that bear paw is a thanks for saving us. Just a sign of gratitude and nothing more."

"I lied because I knew you wouldn't have come in if you knew I could swim," the omega quipped. "About that bear paw, whatever helps you sleep at night, alpha," he crooned. "I know you begged our healer for a rut suppressing herb. You know that's only temporary and push your rut away for like another week, right?"

"Let go of me," Yoongi growled, face growing red either with anger or with something else.

But Taehyung just clung to him a little more. "Oh, please don't pretend you don't have enough strength to push me away. You killed a bear for me, alpha. What's taking you so long from pushing this weak omega off you?" And before Yoongi could retort, he kissed his cheek, seemingly rendering the alpha frozen. "Thank you for the bear paw by the way. I never got to thank you enough."

"It's not a courting gift," Yoongi grunted, struggling in the omega's hold, trying to push him away with a red face. His scent was impassive and Jimin couldn't get a read on his emotions but he definitely looked flustered.

Jimin stifled his laughter. Then with a flourish, Taehyung untangled himself and began to swim away.

"That was cruel, Taehyung," Jimin said when the omega finally reached the shore, leaving the water with an extra sway of his hips.

"He was cruel to me first." The omega huffed. He ran his hands through his hair, pushing all the wet strands back to reveal his sculpted jawline. His clothes dripped wet as he sauntered toward him. "Also, he's a liar. He lied about not caring. He does. Maybe I just wanted to prove he does."

"You're a menace. Come on." He helped him to climb over the boulder and led him to one of the finished tents. "Change first and help me collect some firewood."


Just then Namjoon, Jungkook and the others arrived with a few wild hares and pheasants. Namjoon paused when he saw a very wet omega walking to the tent, soaked to his boots and a grumpy alpha leaving the river, muttering several curses under his breath.

"What happened here?" he asked curiously, watching Yoongi disappear behind one of the trees with a pissed off look.

"They just went for an early swim," Jimin answered and his smile told Namjoon everything he needed to know.

The future head alpha scoffed and got to work while Jungkook approached Jimin with a grin, kissing his temple. "I'm back."

"Yeah, you're back."

"So what happened with Yoongi and Taehyung?"

Jimin took the pheasants hanging from Jungkook's hand and guided him to the river bank. "Yoongi followed through with his threat and threw Taehyung in the river. My best friend being the menace he pretended he couldn't swim and the alpha jumped in to save him," he explained. "Let's say, Yoongi didn't see that kiss on his cheek coming and is extremely flustered."

"Taehyung kissed him?"

"On his cheek," Jimin corrected. "Yeah."

Jungkook burst into laughter. "This is getting interesting."

"It is." Jimin grinned, knowing well what a menace his best friend could be. But then Yoongi needed someone like that it seemed.


As the waning moon slowly rose to the sky and the night wore on, the camp was filled with light and laughter. The mood and atmosphere was light. They all surrounded the fire crackling in the middle of the camp. Jimin had built a bonfire, transforming the camp's atmosphere into something more fun.

A few wolves reminisced stories from their childhood and a few even danced around the fire, laughing louder. Taehyung left the wet clothes by the fire for drying while Yoongi sat a few feet away, looking grumpy as ever.

The rabbit stew, skewered pheasants and grilled fish were all gone, washed down with a piece of cornbread and some water. The cook hung the kettle over fire to make some herbal tea.

Jimin, who was leaning against Jungkook the entire time, grabbed his hand and sneaked away with the alpha. "It's time for the swim," he whispered.

Jungkook didn't protest, following him with a soft smile. The beta took him behind a boulder that offered sufficient privacy from the others. They swiftly discarded their clothes and entered the river.

"It's not that deep here," Jimin said. "I found a place for us." He took Jungkook's hand, leading him behind a mass of rocks.

"The water is cool," Jungkook commented. "What does this place look like?"

"It's a mass of rocks with some overgrown grass," Jimin informed. "Take two steps forward and then lift your feet."

Jungkook followed his instructions.

"It's a small space, but we can sit comfortably," Jimin said. "I thought we could have some fun."

"Fun?" The alpha mused, but understanding dawned on his face when Jimin's fingers crept down his waist.

"We haven't been able to do much lately," Jimin whispered. "The weather is nice and the night is beautiful. There are so many stars in the sky tonight. So why not have some fun?"

Jungkook smiled, grabbing him by his hip and pulling him over his lap. The beta straddled the alpha eagerly, circling his arms around his neck and settling on his thighs.

The alpha leaned forward to drag his nose along Jimin's neck. "The healer said to be careful."

"I'm fine," Jimin assured. "Just be gentle with me, though. I should be able to ride the horse tomorrow."

Jungkook chuckled. "Okay." His hands trailed down to cup the beta's naked ass. He squeezed the flesh and kneaded them. "Um...we didn't bring anything along to prep you."

"I took care of it earlier," the beta whispered. "Put it in."

Jungkook blinked, but the smile that lit his face was radiant. His scent was eager and sweet. The cedarwood was an intoxicating combination with the smell of the flowing river. The beta couldn't separate the scents with how well it blended together, feeling as if it was all Jungkook.

They kissed each other impatiently, bodies heating up with a desire that could only be quenched with one thing. Jungkook's hands were all over him, tracing and feeling him up.

Jimin gasped when the alpha took both of their cocks in his hand, jerking them off. He grew harder and his breath came out in shallow puffs. "It feels so good," he whispered.

Jungkook groaned against his mouth. "You smell so good. Want to eat you up."

"Later..." Jimin panted. "Faster...Your hand is so huge."

The alpha chuckled. "Yeah?"

"Put it in," Jimin demanded. "I can't wait to have you inside of me."

"I can't wait to be inside you." The shifted a bit, adjusting their positions. Jimin lifted his hips, aligning the alpha's erection with his entrance before he sank down.

His hole stretched slowly, the generously drizzled oil making the glide smooth. The hot and heavy cock dragged along his walls, brushing against his sensitive bundle of nerves when he was fully seated.

They took a moment to adjust before Jimin began to move his hips. He lifted himself up and then sank down, repeating the movements. Jungkook kissed him again, hands grabbing his ass cheeks and spreading them wider.

The water sloshed around them, the wind rustling the tall grass. Their breath mingled and heat ignited their veins. The alpha swallowed his soft moans and Jimin tried very hard to keep his sounds down.

He rotated his hips, finding a suitable rhythm that sent jolts of pleasure through his system with every thrust. The couple gasped against each other's mouth, the alpha whispering Jimin's name like a mantra.

Jimin bounced on his lap, gasping with every thrust. Suddenly, the alpha lifted him off his lap, turning them around so he had Jimin pinned against the rocks. Then he cupped the back of the beta's hand with one hand and his hip with the other before he began to pound into him with abandon.

The alpha kissed him messily, tongues tangling and moans mingling. Their combined scents and pheromones thickened the atmosphere. Their movements grew urgent and Jungkook's thrusts grew rougher and faster.

Jimin slipped a hand between their bodies, jerking himself off. The pleasure continued to build and build. Soon his orgasm washed over him like a tidal wave. The alpha was no better.

Jungkook grunted and then shuddered. His rhythm faltered and his entire body tensed, biceps flexing with exertion. Then he stilled before another shudder raked through his body.

With a few more thrusts, he came inside him, his growing knot locking them in place. Jungkook ground his hips with a hoarse moan, eyes rolling back and mouth agape with pleasure.

"I love you," he whispered hoarsely. "You're the best."

"I love you too," Jimin replied.

They slid down into the water, Jimin wrapping his legs around Jungkook's waist as they floated like that for a while until the alpha's knot went down. They weren't really swimming but Jimin thought this was the best way to swim. Ever.

A little later, both exited the river, drying up and dressing warmly in silence before returning to the camp. Most of the wolves have already gone to sleep. Jimin followed Jungkook who spread his bedspread a few feet from the fire.

They lay together, snuggling under a blanket before falling asleep to the gentle crackling sound of the campfire. Jimin, who had a fitful sleep last night, passed out like a light, feeling more calm and relaxed than ever.



Loincloth: A loincloth is a one-piece garment, either wrapped around itself or kept in place by a belt. It covers the genitals and sometimes the buttocks.

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