Chapter 14

Words: 8k+

Jungkook flushed when the beta settled behind his back and began to massage his back. Jimin led him to the river and helped him undress before getting him into the water with only his underclothes.

The river bed consisted of several polished and jagged rocks eroded of its sharp edges by the water over the years. The gentle currents swirled around his feet, carrying a faint moss and earthy scent with it. The sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves added to the serene ambience.

Once knee deep, Jimin made him sit on a smooth rock so only his hip was submerged under water. "The healer said I should be careful with that nasty cut for at least two days. You aren't supposed to wet it."

"Okay." Jungkook sat unmoving.

"I managed to clean you a bit while you were sleeping earlier. Now I'm gonna wash your hair and get rid of all the stubborn mud off your body, alright?"


Jungkook didn't know what to expect. Usually it was Namjoon, who helped him after something like this. It felt different to have Jimin doing all that. He could have asked Namjoon, but when the beta asked him how he preferred his bath, he decided he should allow Jimin to help him from now on considering they were going to share the rest of their lives together.

Also his brother had already suffered a lot because of him. If he could remove some of the burden from his shoulders then he would gladly do it. Jimin placed some kind of thick fur over his chest to cover his injury and tied it around his chest with a silk rope. Then he began to gently pour water using a wooden ladle to soak his back with water.

The water smelled fresh due to the recent rain and a bit colder than usual. Jungkook shivered a little but enjoyed it nonetheless. He liked to be clean and appreciated the fact that the healer didn't ban him from bathing for another couple of days. The beta's hands were gentle, yet thorough as he worked.

"Look at all these scars. You fought so hard, alpha," the beta said. Jungkook hissed at the burning sensation when Jimin began to scrub his back carefully. "Your entire back is scratched and bruised. The healer only treated your severe injuries yesterday. We couldn't risk turning you to your side. You wouldn't stop bleeding until midnight. Now I gotta clean them and apply this salve to disinfect them."

Jungkook hummed. "It's not hurting. Just uncomfortable."

As he continued to clean him, Jimin was careful with his injuries, avoiding them as best as he could. He used a soft cloth to wash away the dirt and grime, the motions of his hand steady and calming. The coolness of the water contrasted with the warmth of the sun that had decided to shine today. It created a pleasant, invigorating feeling.

"Just a bit longer, alright?"

Jimin meticulously cleaned his back before he began to soak his hair and wash the strands carefully. Jungkook sensed him removing the twigs and leaves from his hair. Gentle fingers massaged his scalp, rinsing off the dried mud from his head.

Once done, he moved to the front and began to clean. Jimin removed the fur that was covering his injury and began to clean the mud stubbornly clung to his skin. Instead of splashing him with cool water like he did on his back, Jimin wiped him down with a soft cloth. He cleaned his arms and proceeded to clean his legs.

It took a while but soon Jungkook felt squeaky clean. His skin once again smelled free of blood and mud. Jimin dried him off with a soft cloth and helped him back to the river bank, where he helped him into a pair of fresh pants and used another silk rope to secure it around his hips.

The beta made him sit on a bigger rock and just as he began to apply salve on his scratches, Jungkook heard several footsteps approaching.

"Someone is coming." He lifted his nose in the air, wet strands of hair brushing his broad shoulders. His sharp senses picked up several scents. "I smell omegas."

Jimin paused. "What are they doing here?" He could hear the frown in his voice. "The omegas go to a different part of the river. This side is for the alphas."

Jungkook shrugged. "I hear at least four of them." He scrunched his nose, murmuring, "Too sweet." A frown tugged at the corners of his lips. "Two of them are in pre-heat."

Jimin cursed under his breath and covered his torso with a fur coat; his movements swift and agitated. "Fucking bitches in heat. Bet their cunning parents sent them here to seduce you."

Jungkook quirked his brows in amusement. It was a centuries-old trick. The omegas would try different methods to seduce an alpha they were interested in. In the olden days, they would parade around him to entice him with their pheromones and lure the wolf into their bed. As the packs evolved, that practice stopped. Still, some people thought it was a nice trick to get the alpha of their dreams.

The alpha felt Jimin moving to stand in front of him when the four omegas broke out of the tree line. Their presence disrupted the tranquil ambience. Their sweet and potent scent filled the air with cloying intensity. However, their scents soured a little and Jungkook assumed it must be because they noticed Jimin.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin growled. His question hung in the air, loaded with tension.

"We can ask you the same thing," one of the omegas with a thin voice countered.

"I'm here with my alpha." Jimin stood his ground. "This part of the river is for the alphas. He was hurt during yesterday's hunt and I'm helping him. What excuse do you have? And that too dressed in bathing clothes?" He scoffed. "For what?"

"We came here to fetch some water," another said.

"Yeah. There's no rule in this pack that says we can't be here," the third one reasoned.

"No, but there's definitely a rule against an omega in pre-heat parading themselves in front of an unmated alpha, especially the one who is courting someone else," Jimin snapped.

They burst into laughter, making Jungkook frown.

"He's still unmated and hence a fair game," the fourth one said. "He just doesn't know there are better options since he was left with none. We will show him what he's missing today."

"Come on, alpha. You're so strong and handsome. Why don't you pick someone worthwhile?" the second one said.

Sickly sweet pheromones reached him, their cloying scent making him wrinkle his nose. "We can give you a healthy litter," the first one purred. "I'm untouched, you know."

"Pick one of us, alpha. We will make your life worth every moment," another said in a seductive voice.

Jimin boomed with laughter, the sound sharp and mocking. It echoed through the small area. "What a pathetic attempt at seduction. You better leave when you still have the chance. Else I'll take pleasure in ripping each of your mouths and plucking your tongues out of it to be added to my list of courting gifts."

The omegas laughed again, the sound high-pitched and derisive. "He really thinks he can do that."

Jimin growled dangerously, body tensing as Jungkook put a hand on his shoulder. His shoulders were so tight that Jungkook was afraid he'd fire like an arrow if he removed his hand.

"You heard my betrothed," Jungkook said. "Leave. I'm not interested in any of you."

"Alpha Jungkook, you cannot reject us without giving us a chance," the first one said.

"We only came here with good intentions. This beta cannot give you a good life like we can. You have no future with him," the third said, her tone dripping with contempt.

Jungkook pulled Jimin back using the grip on his waist until his back was pressed flush against his chest. "There's nothing you can offer me that Jimin can't. It's sad you think it's fair to corner me like this. I'll be sure to address this to Park Seokjin." He notched his chin. "I do not appreciate you belittling my future mate. Not to mention, you're disrupting our time together. Leave."

"Alpha..." one of them whined. "Don't talk to us like that."

"It's Alpha Kim to you," he cut them off. "I'm Jimin's alpha. Not yours. Do not address by my rank unless you're my mate or someone in my close circle," he growled. "If I'm willing to kill a bear for my mate, then I can very well be capable of killing four disrespectful omegas for trying to take advantage of me when I'm vulnerable and present your gut to my mate as a sign of my loyalty."

He'd never lay a finger on an omega, but they didn't have to know that. However, he couldn't say the same about Jimin, knowing his past history of feuds. His beta also seemed to be a bit on edge after seeing the extent of his injuries. There was no guarantee he wouldn't attack.

These omegas were shameless and Jungkook had no doubt their parents set them up for this cheap yet somewhat effective mode of seduction. Unfortunately, Jungkook wasn't affected by their sweet scents like most alphas.

Jimin huffed and Jungkook felt him fold his hands across his chest. "You don't have to lift a finger, alpha. Just release me and I'll show you how it's done."

The omegas murmured amongst themselves furiously and soon they were turning and leaving.

"Look at them leave with their tails tucked between their legs," Jimin growled. "Come for alpha one more time, I'll shave your heads and will paint black and yellow like we do with those old trees marked for chopping!" he yelled.

That made Jungkook laugh out and he clutched his side at the pinching pain. "I'm hungry, beta," he said, hoping that would distract the beta. "Can you take me back?"

"Of course. Mom cooked you some nourishing soup." Jimin snaked his arm around his elbow and began to gather everything before leading him to the healer's hut. "Her soup will ease your pain and help you sleep."

They were back at the hut and Jimin fed him the warm soup that was aromatic with a lot of flavors and deliciously melted his taste buds.

"My mom is from the East," Jimin said. "She stocks spices and herbs you get only in the East to make these delicacies. Whenever I'm sick or hurt, she'd make these. Even when my dad grounds me and bans me from taking meds when I get into fights, she'd make one of these and slip some herbs without him noticing." He chuckled fondly. "I'll miss her."

Jungkook reached for his hand, squeezing it gently. "We can come to visit your mother whenever you miss her."

Jimin sighed. "That'd be impossible because I'd miss her every day." He laughed. "She worries for me a lot. Even if it feels like she's siding with dad at times, she's always trying to protect me. She's so happy you're a good choice for me and she trusts I'll be happy with you."

"I'll work hard to fulfill her trust in me." Jungkook cupped his cheek and caressed it gently. "As long as I'm alive, my first duty is to love and protect you."

"And it is the same for me. So don't you dare go about it alone," he warned. "I'll be really angry if you put your life in danger one more time. You're not allowed to get hurt on my watch."

"I didn't intentionally get hurt, sweetheart," Jungkook comforted the beta. "I won't do that in future either."

"Thank you." Jimin kissed his cheek, his lips warm and soft. "We should always work together as a team. Promise me this is your last hunt without me."

Jungkook didn't hesitate. "It is my last hunt without you."

"Remember, alpha, I'll hold onto that promise," Jimin warned, putting Jungkook's open hand over his palm to seal the promise.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Jungkook turned their palms to kiss the beta's knuckles. "I'm still hungry."

"Oops, sorry," Jimin said sheepishly and proceeded to feed him.


On the day of the mating ceremony, Jimin's mom woke him up before sunrise. The cool, pre-dawn air filled the room through the now open blinds and he could hear soft murmurs coming from outside his bedroom door.

His mother's touch was warm just like the fondness in her eyes. Her scent bubbled with joy and excitement for the day. The actual ceremony itself would only commence in the evening once the moon was at its peak, but the festivities would begin as early as dawn. There were several rituals they had to perform.

"Wake up, sweet heart. It's your mating day today."

Jimin groaned as he rolled on the bed, intent to relish the soft comfort and warmth a little longer. He wasn't allowed to meet Jungkook a day before as per their traditions.

"Stop rolling around." His mother smacked his bottom. "You need to bathe before sunrise and take blessings from nature."

Jimin grunted but sat up groggily. He rubbed his eyes and let his mom strip him out of his shirt. She helped him dress in a simple bathrobe and led him outside. His father was nowhere to be seen and he noticed the soft glow of lanterns outside, illuminating the short path to the river.

Either side of the path was lined with thatched leaves that were arranged closely to serve as privacy. As per their ancestral beliefs, no outsider should see him before the morning rituals.

Taehyung wasn't allowed to participate in this ceremony since he was unmated. Only the mated omegas who birthed pups could participate. In this case, everyone who accompanied them was older omegas, who kept chanting something that was incoherent to his ears.

The journey to the river was serene, accompanied by the chirps of birds and fresh morning breeze. Dew still clung to the grass under his bare feet and the sky was still dark.

At the river, they guided him into the water, where he was bathed as per their traditions while the older omegas sang songs that were believed to give prosperity and vitality to the new groom. Their old voices rose in harmony, notes changing with each song.

Jimin only heard of the premating rituals that lasted all day. This was his first time being a part of it, so everything felt new. Each ladle of water poured over him was supported with an incantation. If he listened closely, he could catch words and phrases of their ancient language that were now only used in the moon temple.

The water was cool against his skin, awakening him fully. They bathed him with care, scrubbing him with an herb induced paste intended for purification. Then they used fragrant herbs and scented oils that filled the air with a soothing aroma. Each of their movements was deliberate and filled with some meaning.

Overhead, the first streak of light lit the sky in indigo hues. His mother approached him. "Jimin, this isn't just a premating ceremony. This is a rite of passage. You're going from a solitary existence to a bonded relationship. Look up to the skies and pray to nature. Don't close your eyes when the sun comes out, you have to see the first rays and pray that the rest of your life is filled with sunshine as bright and warm as this sun."

Jimin nodded.

As the first rays of the sun broke over the horizon, casting a golden glow, Jimin glanced up at it, praying even though he didn't believe much in these things. The sunrise was beautiful and the colors were so vibrant. It would be wonderful if his life with Jungkook was like this.

Across the river, somewhere far from him, he knew Jungkook was going through a similar ritual. He could only hope that his brother Namjoon described the beauty of this sunrise to Jungkook as he prayed.

When it was over, his mother smiled at him proudly. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears of joy and pride. "Now we will get you ready for the next ritual." She grinned.

They dressed him in another simple robe, guiding him through the same path they came through. Jimin felt as good as new with his body scrubbed clean and smelled fresh.

The next part of the ceremony commenced as soon as he stepped inside his home. The small sitting area outside their rooms was transformed for this purpose. The older omegas once again surrounded him, chanting prayers as his mother combed his hair meticulously and began to braid the ritual braids with beads that were the color of their pack.

This ritual ran until the sun has fully come out. They dressed him in a pair of fresh pants and tunic, decorating his hair with a flower crown and placed a thin red veil over his head before taking him to his next destination, which was the moon temple.

Outside, Taehyung greeted him with one of his brightest smiles. Jimin climbed into the horse-pulled carriage along with Taehyung and his mother. Then he was taken the longest route across the village and to the valley of the mountain that housed their ancestral temple.

The entire village assembled to witness the beta groom's procession. In front of him were several warriors carrying fresh produce and other things they would offer at the temple. Jimin glanced at the sides, enjoying the attention. After all, it was a one-time thing.

He wasn't allowed to look back, but he knew somewhere behind him was Jungkook's procession. Their faces would be hidden for this ritual. Even when they would offer their prayers to the moon goddess, they wouldn't be allowed to look at each other.

"Never realized how these things took all day," Jimin mumbled much to his mother's chagrin.

"Quiet, child," she chastised.

"I'm so hungry, Mom," he whined. "You didn't even allow me to eat anything."

"You aren't supposed to eat anything today," she said, staring at him incredulously. "It's your mating ceremony. The grooms are supposed to fast until the conclusion of the mating ceremony."

"What?" Jimin's eyes widened. "Shouldn't I need my strength to go through it all day?"

"You will be given herbal tea for energy once you have offered your prayers to the moon goddess."

"Mom..." Jimin groaned.

"No complaining, son. You do not take these rituals lightly," she warned, her tone serious. "It's very important you earn her grace and blessings for a prosperous future."

"Yes, mom," Jimin conceded.

A few interested villagers accompanied the procession to the temple while the others stayed behind. The atmosphere fell into a respectful silence as they neared the ancient temple built into the mountain. The rocks were carved to create the small but majestic structure. The temple was inaccessible during heavy monsoon and winter but had several tiny chambers inside with hot springs flowing into a few chambers.

The inside was an art with the history of werewolves painted as murals on the rocky cave walls. The altar, however, was a miracle. Because there was a small opening somewhere in the rocks above that allowed the moonlight to fall directly on the altar on full moon nights.

Jimin has been here several times, but today the place seemed to have a different aura altogether. Beside him, a group of older omegas came together to hold a red cloth like a curtain. He heard footsteps approaching him but when he tried to look who it was, someone grabbed his chin and set his gaze straight ahead.

The beta huffed but followed the older omegas up the stone steps worn smooth over the centuries. As he drew closer, the air grew thicker with the scent of incense and flowers. The entrance was relatively simple and narrow, allowing only two people to enter at a time.

Inside the temple, they were greeted by the high priestess, who was probably the oldest omega to be alive. His mom said she looked the same when she came to offer her prayers for the first time in this temple and hasn't changed at all in these twenty-some years.

And that she had heard rumors that the priestess was over two centuries old but no one knew the truth. She had a few apprentices who lived with her. They cleaned and maintained the temple. During winter, they closed the entrance and retreated deep into the caves which are said to be warmer.

The high priestess was an imposing figure with silver hair braided with intricate patterns and long, plain robes. She greeted Jimin with a nod, eyes piercing yet kind.

"Welcome back, Jimin." Her voice echoed in the cavernous space. "Welcome, Jungkook." She regarded his betrothed for a long time. "I've been informed that you and Jungkook of the Kim pack will be bound by the sacred vows of our ancestors. Please step forward and seek blessings from the moon goddess. May your bond be eternal as the stars. May the moon goddess forever smile upon you."

Jimin and Jungkook stepped forward to kneel, a partition still in place between them. They extended their hands to hold it upon instruction and looked ahead at the altar.

The high priestess began the ritual, the apprentices joining in with their chants, their voices blending to form a powerful hymn that seemed to echo off the cave walls and vibrate through his body. She continued to call upon the spirits of their ancestors and the moon goddess to bless the union.

After what felt like an eternity, the ritual came to an end. Jimin braced himself for the blessings the high priestess would bestow on him. He never witnessed such events before so he didn't know how things worked, but she was believed to be the only person who could communicate with the moon goddess.

The blessings she usually bestowed was considered to be the fortune of the couple who had agreed to mate. So far none of her foretelling has gone wrong. So this was the hardest part for many who didn't know what awaited.

Jimin tensed a little when the high priestess turned to face them. "She's almost done," he whispered for Jungkook to hear. "She's now going to bestow her blessings on us. Our pack believes that it is the moon goddess who speaks to us using her mortal body. Her foretelling has always come true in one way or another. So listen carefully."

The alpha grunted in response. If Jimin wasn't so acquainted with his responses, he would have missed it.

Suddenly the incantations stopped and Jimin glanced at her expectantly. The air around him seemed to grow thick with anticipation. The high priestess opened her eyes and he gasped to see the otherworldly glow in her eyes. They weren't normal eyes anymore. He could only see her pure, white irises.

"Park Jimin, dearest child of Moon," her voice thundered. "The Goddess has chosen you for a greater purpose. I see you standing at the threshold of a great and perilous journey along with your chosen mate, Kim Jungkook. Beware that the enemy is restless. The day that you and your mate is called upon to defend your people is growing close. The trials and tribulations are waiting to test you. Danger will surround you. But fear not, with the guidance of the Moon Goddess, your strong bond will shield you against the storm that's coming for you."

Jimin's breath hitched and heart pounded in his chest. What kind of blessing is this?

"Together, you will brave every odd, standing side by side against the enemy. You will unite our blood beyond the borders. Your courage and love will become your greatest weapons. Through the fire and blood, you will forge your path, for your bond is blessed by the heavens themselves."

She took a step forward to draw an invisible symbol on his forehead.

"When in doubt, seek her. Embrace your trials."

Even if he didn't understand anything, he nodded. The alpha squeezed his hands as if he was assuring him. Bowing his head in reverence, he accepted the prophecy, her wise words echoing in his mind. He didn't know how or when this would happen but he knew enough to know he couldn't brush these off.

She then moved to Jungkook. "My strong warrior," she addressed him. "You blamed the Moon several times for filling your path with only darkness. Your tears are not in vain. She listens to her children and she loves all her children. Your purpose is to bring light to several lives. Through this bond, she has bestowed you with light. Prepare yourself and your beloved, Jungkook. At times it may feel like you can't hold on, but trust her guidance. You're born for greater good. May the Moon Goddess guide and protect you both."

Jimin sensed the mild shudder raking through Jungkook's body. He couldn't see him but sensed she was drawing a similar protection symbol on his forehead as well.

He blew out a breath, trying not to read too much into their fortune when the high priestess once again came to a halt. " turbulent." She tilted her head to the side and stared behind them. Jimin's frown deepened as he glanced around. His heart feared the worst. "So much doubt and uncertainty," she whispered. "There's a storm in your heart. Some storms come into your life to change your path."

Jimin realized she was staring at someone from Jungkook's side.

"Hold your anchor tight, child. The Goddess doesn't give second chances often." Her stormy gaze turned to fix on someone beside Jimin. "Such a strong spirit. What a fighter. You don't know how to give up, do you? No wonder you were born to become the eye of the storm. The Goddess you're your heart." She smiled. "Your belief will protect you, child. May the goddess smile upon you."

Then she turned around, closing her once more. Jimin heard Taehyung suck in a sharp breath, mouth agape as he met Jimin's gaze.

Jimin mouthed, "Wow."

"Is that a blessing?" Taehyung wondered.

"Definitely sounded like one," Jimin replied, whispering under his breath. "She said second chance. Can't think of anyone else who fit in that criterion other than your alpha."

"I was bummed out that I won't be getting her blessings because my parents refused to give me away," Taehyung admitted. "Looks like the Goddess approves my plan of eloping."

This drew a chuckle from the beta. "She certainly does."

A soft hiss from Jimin's mother shut them up. After offering the fresh produce at the altar and sitting through another round of incantations, the apprentices began to distribute something in a clay mug.

"Drink the herbal infusion," his mother said. "It is blessed by the Goddess and said to increase your vitality and strengthen your soul."

Jimin obeyed, clenching his jaw at the slight bitterness it left at the back of his throat. This was all he was going to get until the mating ceremony was concluded. The trip back home was relatively quicker and shorter. The villagers didn't gather around to admire the grooms this time. They all seemed to be out and about with their tasks.

During the mating day, every family had a task assigned to them. They came together to cook and work in the mating preparations. So they should all be busy with one thing or the other. The pups were all out playing in the fields. There were a few adults to supervise them and keep them away from the woods.

Once home, Jimin was put to something he never expected. One of the old omegas came up to him and started talking about the mating night. He tried to evade 'the talk' but the old croon was not only deaf but also certainly cannot read the room.

His face was red like a tomato by the time she was done explaining. Worst of all, the healer and a few elders would be present outside the mating cabin to ensure everything went smoothly between the mated couple. Jimin was aware of this. Usually they stayed at a respectable distance just to keep up with the traditions and inspected the mated pair in the morning to confirm if they had consummated.

Then came the part where he was presented with a colorless, odorless oil. And he was told someone from the healer's hut will come over to help him prepare.

That was when Jimin lost it and yelled, "No!" Before rushing into his room and locking himself inside. "No one is touching me down there." He huffed.

"Um...son...ah..." His mom stuttered, sounding flustered.

"I'll prepare myself. Regardless of having no experience or whatsoever, I'm perfectly aware of what is expected of me. I shall prepare accordingly. Just hand me the oil and get the hell out," he growled.

Finally, they relented, leaving him to his devices and Jimin set out to work. This wasn't new. He was twenty-four winters old and his desire had awakened a long time ago. The curious beta had experimented a lot with himself, eventually learning how to pleasure himself. So the entire ordeal was flustering.

"How wide are you?" A voice outside the door startled him.

"Ugh! Taehyung..." he groaned. "It's not that easy. I don't stretch like you folks."

"Yeah, yeah," he stated in a bored tone. "I still haven't gotten over the fact that they kicked me out while they were giving you 'the talk'," he grouched. "I'm going to get mated soon too. Just not here."

Jimin sighed. He knew Taehyung loved these rituals and it was sad his parents refused to give their blessings. The Head Alpha couldn't force their hands. "We will have a ritual as per the Kim pack traditions," he assured. "You know mom will come over if you ask her or I can just give you away from your parents' place."

"I know," Taehyung said. "I don't even know what's gonna happen once I'm there."

"You heard the high priestess. She called out your stubborn ass and said you will win this."

"She didn't say that." He could imagine his best friend frowning.

"She used fancy words but that's pretty much the meaning of it," Jimin argued. "Ah, fuck finally. I'm two fingers in."

"What? You know how long it has been? The old croon already came in thrice, pursed her lips and shook her head before leaving. I'm afraid she will break these doors and do it herself if you don't finish soon."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "I'm not in the mood, genius. It feels...ugh!"

"Just think about your alpha and all those lovely times you spend together," Taehyung suggested.

"Not helping..." he sang.

"You're too tense, I guess."

"I could use a drink," Jimin admitted, feeling the knots in his stomach tighten.

"You can't," Taehyung said. His door groaned with the weight of the omega. "Close your eyes and focus. It's time for the next ceremony. I can't believe we're being robbed off food while they're feasting outside. The smell of food is just too much today. I'm afraid I'll break my fast and sneak in some."

"You're not eating too?" Jimin asked curiously.

"Of course! I'm the groom's best man. I'm fasting with you. And maybe I stupidly vowed the first bite of food I take today will be the bear Yoongi hunted for me. I mean the bear our mates hunted together for us."

"Awww. That's so cute. You know what? I'll fast with you on your mating day," Jimin promised.

"I really hope Yoongi's pack allows us to eat before the ceremony. This is so tiresome."

"Ah, fuck! Three fingers."

A clapping sound resonated from the other end. "Now. One more."

"It's gonna take bit more time." The beta panted.

"Don't worry. I'll fight the old croon if she tries to break your door. Get your hoo-ha ready."

"Hoo-ha? What the heck is that? My tiny puppy is not fussy."

"I can see her pacing outside," Taehyung sang. "Your tiny puppy is gonna have very wrinkly, thick and calloused fingers stuffed inside if you don't hurry up."

"I did not like that description." Jimin grimaced. "Almost there..."

"He's almost there," he heard Taehyung tell someone. "He should be done anytime."

"The ceremony doesn't wait for him. The sun is at its peak. We must start the next ritual now," the older omega hissed.

"We got that, but his hoo-ha needs time unlike us omegas," Taehyung sounded convincing. "You don't want him tearing it in a hurry, do you? Because that would be really bad."

Jimin winced at the imagery. It was true, it could tear if he wasn't careful. He once heard the healer warning someone mated to a beta in their pack.

"Fine. He's got five minutes. If he isn't done by then, we guess someone is getting torn tonight."

"Hey, that's harsh!" Taehyung called out. "His alpha can stretch him out a little."

"They will both be pumped with heavy aphrodisiacs by the end of the night. I doubt he will have time for that."

"Oh." Jimin blinked. He forgot that part. "So much for a passionate night."

"Well..." Taehyung sighed. "Couples tend to be shy on their first night so these drinks are supposed to loosen them up a bit."

"I wanna devour my mate and not behave like a bitch in heat," Jimin grunted. "Fucking finally. Four." He panted. "That should do it."

"Ah, finally. Now please clean up quickly and get dressed in your wedding robes. The upcoming rituals are going to test your patience."

Jimin got ready as hurriedly as he could. The ceremonial robes were the color of earth and sea, a mixture of brown and blue shade that was also the color of his pack. The outer robe was red, embroidered with gold flowers for the omega or a beta counterpart. An alpha groom would typically wear the color of his pack beneath a black outer robe embroidered with gold flowers.

The afternoon rituals began just as planned. The weather was slightly chill and the skies were clear with crisp air. Jimin hoped the skies didn't change their minds and decided to pour on them because the ceremony was usually held in an open clearing as they always have.

The rain wasn't going to stop the ceremony. In fact, it was seen as a blessing because water was considered the life source to all the living beings, including mother earth. He just hoped to get through the night without soaking his ceremonial robes because they were heavy as it was and a soaking was going to be hell lot of uncomfortable.

Anyways, they would mate when the moon began to go up and feast until it was at its peak. Then the newlyweds would be led to the mating cabin while the others would head for a pack run. In ancient times, they didn't have a permanent dwelling, so the pack mates would go for a pack run on mating ceremony nights to give the new couple privacy. Though there was no lack of privacy these days, they still kept up with the traditions to honor and remember the old ways.

He entered the temporary tents near the ceremonial ground built for the grooms for the next course of the ceremony. The scent of flowers and incense mingled with the air. One of the apprentices from the temple was here to facilitate the mating ceremony.

They made him sit in the middle of an ancient symbol drawn on the floor and began the prayers. This was literally the most boring part. The incantations were the same but it was repeated several times in short intervals. Words were power and their ancestors would say one could give life and power to those words if spoken enough times.

So the chants were intended to give him a prosperous life and bless him abundantly. Jimin was just glad he was not the one who did this as a living. Because this was hell. He fell asleep twice before being awoken by his mother and had to face the glare of the apprentice throughout the evening.

After an eternity, the chants ended but Jimin still felt his ears ringing with the power of those chants as he was finally led outside the tent. The red veil was still in place. He noticed the sun had rested and the sky was dark.

Fighting the urge to yawn, he slightly hid behind Taehyung to yawn discreetly. The veil was transparent so the villagers could still see his features. The path to the mating altar was littered with flowers. He knew Jungkook would be making a similar journey, coming from the opposite side to meet him at the altar, under the watchful eyes of the moon goddess.

Just as they waited, one spotted the moon rising in the sky. "It's time!" An announcement could be heard across the open ground.

Jimin's mother was all smiles and Taehyung's joy joined her. They both stood on each side, walking him down the floral path that led them to the altar. Standing just below the altar were their families. Jimin's father was on a wooden chair while Seokjin stood proudly beside him. Jimin could see his brother was emotional.

On the opposite side, he saw Jungkook walking down the aisle with Namjoon and Yoongi by his side. His pack mates stood below the altar, waiting for them. His inner garments were red and green while his outer robe was black. The gold embroidery caught light with every movement. Several torches lit on both sides of the path and around the altar, illuminated the entire clearing.

Jungkook's face wasn't hidden but there were white markings on both sides of his cheeks and the lines disappeared beneath his robes. Must be their pack tradition. Namjoon and Yoongi were bare chested, similar markings littered over their skin.

Jimin climbed the short step to the altar alone while his mother and Taehyung stopped below. Jungkook did the same and walked toward him.

"You look handsome as ever," Jimin said, huskily as he admired his handsome mate, who looked even larger and heavier in his wedding robes. His shoulders looked extra broad and the scabbard on his hip added a wonderful touch to his warrior status.

"And you must look stunning under that veil," Jungkook replied, taking his hands in his. "I wish I could comment on how beautiful you look tonight, how your eyes are twinkling with happiness and excitement and how your skin looks golden as it reflects the lights from these torches. But all I can say is that your scent is warm and inviting. You're happy and your heart started racing when I took your hands. You must be smiling under the veil and I wish I could tell you how beautiful that smile is."

Jimin scoffed. "You say you wish you could do that and go on to give me the best compliments ever. Don't make me emotional now. It doesn't fit my character."

Jungkook chuckled. "You're right. We can't let that happen."

"Alpha groom, please lift your beta groom's veil. You may see him now," the apprentice facilitating their mating ceremony announced.

This led to a burst of laughter from the couple. Jungkook's eyes crinkled as he lifted the veil, handing it to his brother who was standing below the altar. Jimin took his hands and directed them to his face.

"I put a lot of effort today," Jimin said. "So you gotta say I'm beautiful even if I look the same as every other day."

Jungkook laughed, a deep rich sound that emanated from within his chest. "You're beautiful to me every day, Jimin." His fingers traced his cheeks. "You look more beautiful today because it's our wedding day."

Jimin chuckled. "Yeah and you look stunning." He sighed in contentment and relished the warmth of his alpha's hands. "My robes are red and I'm wearing brown and blue colors underneath. There's a flower crown on my head and my mom braided my hair meticulously this morning and added beads of my pack's colors to my strands."

Jungkook's hand followed his words, tracing the flower crown and the beads in his hair. "Orchids," he murmured.

"They're white," Jimin added.

"Beautiful," the alpha mumbled.

"Let's welcome these two souls who have come forward to bond," the priestess apprentice began. She raised a hand, calling for silence. "Today we have gathered to witness the sacred union of Jimin and Jungkook, blessed by the moon goddess. Let their bond strengthen our pack bonds."

Jimin stared at Jungkook fondly. His azure eyes were such a contrast to his features. They shone like bright crystals under the golden glow of the light. His black robe complimented his dark hair and gave him a defined edge.

"Jimin, do you vow to stand by Jungkook's side, to be strength in times of weakness, his comfort in times of sorrow and his joy in times of happiness?"

"I vow to stand by your side, Jungkook." He looked directly into Jungkook's eyes. His voice was full of affection and sincerity. "I vow to be your strength, comfort and happiness. I promise to honor and cherish all of you for the rest of our lives."

The apprentice turned to Jungkook. "Jungkook, do you vow to stand by Jimin's side, to be strength in times of weakness, his comfort in times of sorrow and his joy in times of happiness?"

"I promise." Jungkook smiled. "Jimin, you chose me when I'm at my worst. I vow to protect you and comfort you and be your strength at all times. I know it won't be an easy journey but I would like you to be my partner in everything we do. I promise to love and honor you for the rest of my life. And I promise I'll always put you above everything else."

The apprentice nodded, her expression one of approval and solemnity. "With the moon goddess as our witness, let these vows be sealed." She sprinkled sacred water on their hands and then over them. "May your union be blessed with love, strength and endless prosperity." She then took two silver chalices filled with sacred water, bringing it to them. "Drink from the chalice and let it symbolize the unity of your souls and the blessing of the moon goddess."

Jimin and Jungkook hooked their elbows as the customs would require them to take their first drink, coming closer they took a sip of the water. The cool, fresh water was invigorating and symbolic of their new beginning. Someone came behind Jimin to remove his flower crown.

The apprentice then placed a wreath of moon flowers that bloomed only at dusk on their heads, signifying their bond and bestowing blessings upon them. The blooms only lasted one night, but they stood for love and beauty that emerged in darkness. Cheers and applause broke from the crowd.

Just as the ceremony concluded, Jimin felt the first drop of rain falling on their joined hands. His eyes widened and he glanced up only for a fat rain drop to drop on his forehead next.

"Oops, I was hoping we'd have more time for this," Jimin murmured as the moon floated high above their heads.

"The moon goddess is giving us her approval," Jungkook whispered, looking at him as if he was enthralled in his beauty. If he could see, that was what he'd take that look on his face for.

"Our clothes are about to be soaked and get heavy," Jimin groaned. "Also you should really kiss me now."

Jungkook grinned, cupping his face and tilting his head to do just that. The kiss was gentle and his lips very warm. They kissed as the rain picked up speed. When they parted, they were ushered to the temporary tents.

Jimin sighed in relief when his mother told him that they could now change out of their ceremonial robes. While they waited for the rain to subside, they were led behind a partition. Taehyung helped Jimin change into a lighter pair of clothes. The tunic and pants allowed him to move with much ease than before now.

"The rain doesn't seem to slow down. We should move the rest of the ceremony indoors," someone said from outside the tent.

"It's a good thing that we are prepared." He heard Seokjin reply.

Jungkook stepped out of the partition looking like a daydream. The white tunic matched the white ink on his skin and accentuated his broad shoulders. The fabric was so light that he could see all the sinewy muscles. His mate looked ethereal, glowing almost and his scent was the happiest he had ever smelled. Jimin's breath caught in his throat at the mere sight of his mate.

Before Jimin could tell him how handsome he was, someone came to fetch them. They were led to a much larger tent around their usual gathering area. It was a place where they usually held their pack feasts. The usual fire pits with wooden logs around it were left as it was and they had added several tables and wooden benches around.

As the newlyweds, their place was at the head table, surrounded by their immediate family members and friends. Taehyung was the first to embrace him tight. His mother and Seokjin followed. His brother hugged him and clapped Jungkook's back before leading them to the table.

Yoongi and Taehyung were at the table to their right side by side. They sure made several heads turn by sitting so close. His best friend looked like he was in heaven while Yoongi looked as if he would better be elsewhere than here.

Jimin held Jungkook's hand under the table and waited for the mating feast to begin. They cooked and served the meat both hunted for each other during the celebratory dinner. The alpha kept tracing his knuckle fondly. He held his hand as if he was holding someone so precious.

Head Alpha Park stood, raising his drink as a sign to start the feast. The smell of roasted meat and freshly baked bread filled the tent. Platters of fruits, fresh salads and other delicacies were spread out before them. Then there was a lot of alcohol. Jimin's mouth watered at the sight and aroma.

Jungkook fed the first piece of meat to Jimin before taking a bite himself. The meat melted in his mouth, reminding him of the extent Jungkook had gone to provide this meal for him. Jimin fed a bite of meat he hunted to Jungkook and the radiant smile he was rewarded with was everything.

The rest of the celebration proceeded eventlessly. Jimin had tuned everything and everyone out to focus on his mate. The festivities continued with traditional songs and dances. The couple shared their first dance. Despite Jungkook's movements being a bit uncoordinated, Jimin soon took the lead by dancing around him and all over him.

His mate was smitten by the time they were given more drinks. Jungkook stopped him from chugging his drink. "It's not an ordinary drink," his mate warned. "It has some additional herbs that weren't on other drinks."

"Ah, this must be the aphrodisiac then," Jimin surmised. "The newlyweds are given one before they take them to the mating cabin." He grimaced.

"You don't have to drink if you don't want to," Jungkook said, taking his drink away and pouring it down. "I don't need them when just your mere presence can do the job just fine." He pulled the beta flush against his body to get his point across.

Jimin flushed when he felt Jungkook's erection against his stomach. His alpha was rock hard. "I think we must excuse ourselves then."

He took the alpha's hand and began to lead him outside the tent. The rain was now a gentle drizzle. The cool air was refreshing after the warmth of the festivities. It cooled down his skin. He glanced up at the sky and the moon.

In the crowd, he caught Taehyung's eye and gestured that he was leaving. The omega winked at him mischievously and Jimin was off with the alpha in tow.


A/N: I had to break this mating part into two 👀 So sorry for the cockblocking in this chapter he he...

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