Chapter 13

The woods in this part of the South weren't that different from that of the lands the Kim pack had occupied. The geography was a bit different but they shared the majority of the flora and fauna species.

However, the Park pack located on the coast gave them more access to trade and the frequent monsoon due to storms from the ocean enabled some of the rare herbs to grow in their mountains. But then the Kim Pack had their special herbs too.

As for their lifestyle, except for a few differences they weren't much different either. But they were advanced because of their connections with the outside world. The Kim pack was thriving too until the frequent attacks from the Northern tribe forced them into seclusion, because they simply didn't have enough wolves to spare to send them for a fight.

His father chose to protect their members and resources first and cut down on expeditions and explorations to protect themselves from the frequent attack. Instead, he tried to form an alliance with the Park pack to access the safer route only to be turned down every time.

The wolves gathered together early that morning to head for the ritual hunt. The storm had caused a few trees to uproot and several branches thrown haphazardly across the forest floor. Namjoon's wolf turned its massive head to check on its brother trailing behind him.

Jungkook carefully marched through the slippery slopes following his brother and the other wolves. Last night's rain storm had completely erased each scent trail they had left and it was like they were scouting an unfamiliar terrain once again. His tail brushed over Jungkook's face whenever he swished it. Yoongi and two other wolves strode slightly behind Jungkook to ensure he didn't lose track.

The Park pack wolves took the lead since this was their homeland. They marched ahead of them all. Namjoon tossed careful glances behind him every once in a while to make sure Jungkook was following him. Though the unexpected storm threw a wrench in their initial plans, they didn't let that deter them.

Jungkook remained hopeful as ever and looked excited for the hunt. Namjoon could relate. He was elated when he left for the hunt prior to his mating too. Finding a prey won't be an easy task, considering the storm would have chased all the animals far or into a hidden shelter. He hoped to find some wild deer and return home.

A few hours into the trek, they caught a few hares but nothing significant. Seokjin shifted during their short break to suggest they try their luck a bit East from here where there were many caves and said they might have some luck finding a game there.

The pack of wolves continued their trek toward the east. Jungkook occasionally stopped lifting his nose in the air to check if there were any animals nearby. Namjoon found that endearing even after years. He still remembered his little brother training to hunt as a pup.

During the initial hunts, he'd follow Namjoon just like this so as to not get lost. Jungkook was the youngest wolf in their hunting group and adamantly joined them in every trip. Jungkook's paws slipped a few times or he tripped on the slick ground where several branches had fallen. Namjoon was quick to steady him and assure him with a gentle nudge.

Even though Jungkook struggled a bit, he held on stronger and more resilient as ever. He followed despite the hurdles on his path. The terrain grew more rugged as the time went on and they neared the caves.

Namjoon made some vocal sounds to communicate the changes in terrain. They were used to it but it was still hard for Jungkook to navigate. Oftentimes he would step over a sharp edged rock or a slippery slope only to retrace his steps and take an alternate route. The firstborn of the Kim household was proud of his brother for constantly working hard and not giving up. His scent was calm and assuring around his brother.

The jagged rocks and dense underbrush might be challenging but Namjoon could tell Jungkook would view this as a chance to learn and sharpen his skills. He would be memorizing every step and would try to learn how to navigate in such circumstances.

The air grew colder and the scent of damp earth filled their nostrils as soon as they approached the area. They could see several caves on the way leading up the slope, some small and some big. He lifted his nose to the wind, trying to catch a hint of any prey. Seokjin ahead looked confident as his wolf began to hop onto the rocks.

A low growl from one of the Park pack wolves ahead alerted them that they had caught a whiff of their prey. They immediately began to branch out as one team, ensuring to block the possible escape routes.

As they drew closer, Namjoon also caught on the scent trail. Behind him Jungkook nudged forward, nose pressed on the ground and ear flat. A yip from Namjoon halted everyone on their tracks. Jungkook continued to press forward, his paws light and agile.

Eventually everyone began to follow Jungkook's lead. It was his hunt after all. Jungkook's wolf paused for a moment, listening to all the sounds carefully around them before he crouched, his body tense and posture ready to attack.

Namjoon followed the line of his body and noticed the huge male caribou with large antlers. This bull must be around three-fifty to four hundred pounds and stand about four feet tall. The Park pack wolves allowed first dib as they fell back, allowing the Kim pack to take over.

Trained to hunt together on many occasions, the wolves expertly crept behind the bushes, ready to block the escape path and assist with the hunt at the same time. Caribous were generally docile creatures, but they had one hell of a stamina that allowed them to often outrun the wolves. Sometimes they fought using their huge antlers.

Jungkook would have to be very careful. Namjoon crept behind Jungkook, ready to protect him if things went wrong, which he knew had a very least possibility because his brother was very skilled.

With a swish of a tail as the only warning, Jungkook darted forward, his movements swift and agile. The caribou bolted but they were faster. His brother closed in, clamping his jaw around one of its back legs and yanked as fast as he could. He let go as soon as the caribou was down because they could kick out and damage the wolf's eye if they weren't careful enough.

Jungkook was up at its flank, biting down because he could sense the caribou was about to up and bolt again. Namjoon, Yoongi and two other wolves surrounded it, stopping it from running away while allowing Jungkook to handle the kill. By now the Park pack had also jumped into action, hunting in groups. They already killed two caribou.

Namjoon focused on Jungkook. His brother let go of the caribou briefly only to pounce on it and clamp his powerful jaw around its throat. The caribou thrashed and kicked out but Jungkook held out, his body dragged along by the caribou before it fell and slowly surrendered to its fate.

Jungkook released his hold only after he was sure the caribou was dead. Only then Namjoon and the others ran off to hunt off on their own. The prey all ran away but Yoongi took off ahead off them and disappeared into a bush.

Namjoon scouted the area to see if there was any game and returned to Jungkook's side to assist him when he didn't. If it was a pack hunt, he'd have chased along with Yoongi but this was a mating hunt. The main purpose was fulfilled already. He saw Jungkook shifting to his human form, closing the caribou's eyes and sending a prayer to the Moon Goddess before thanking the caribou for its sacrifice.

Pride surged inside his chest and he gently nudged Jungkook's hand to let him know the same. Jungkook's smile was content and filled with peace. There was an emotion in his otherwise void gaze these days.

It took a while but others also returned, hauling their hunt back to their rendezvous point. Many shifted and changed into the clothes they carried in a satchel to handle the dead animals and prepared to transport their hunt back to the den.

Above them, the sky began to show signs of another storm approaching. They washed themselves in the nearby stream and after some rest began to trek down to the pack lands, aiming to make it back before the next storm hit the horizon.


Jimin arrived at the chosen hunting area before sunrise. Last night's storm had wreaked havoc in the forest but this was a place where one of the caribou herds lived. So he hoped it would be easy to get one.

It was his hunt, so they just needed one. Taehyung picked up a faint scent trail of one doe and they followed it for hours through the dense forest and across the grassy lands. He waited in the grassy land, crouching low behind one of the bushes. The earth was damp and the forest was silent save for the crickets chirping around. Together the loud chirps created an eerie atmosphere.

His hand clenched around the bow and arrow he carried. This mating hunt was a symbol of his commitment to Jungkook and aimed to prove his prowess to the alpha and the pack. He couldn't mess this opportunity up. As much as everyone laughed at him, he could tell they were expecting what he was going to bring to the table.

He would have gone for one of the buffaloes just for the kick of it but it was a suicidal mission with only the two of them. Not like it was enough to stop Jimin, but when he considered the logistics of transporting it back to the pack, he gave up. They were too heavy and they would need more people to carry it back home.

When the caribou appeared in the distance, Taehyung's wolf slinked into the shadows, pressing his body flat to the ground and ensured to stay downwind and hidden. Jimin adjusted his position and his arrow locked and ready, taking aim using the tall grass as his cover.

He was still like a statue, letting the wind play with his unruly hair and ruffle his tunic. His eyes were narrowed and gaze glued to the unsuspecting caribou. When he had it locked, he smirked. This was the beauty of being a beta. There was no need to alert the prey by directly charging into it, chasing it and fighting to kill it.

Taking a deep breath, he released the arrow. It cut through the air with a soft whistling sound. The caribou lifted its head to inspect the sound but it was too late. The arrow hit its mark cleanly in the heart.

The huge animal staggered, falling as the rest of the herd scattered in alarm. Jimin exhaled, feeling a rush of relief and pride washing over him.

"That was easy," he mumbled, standing up to dust his pants as Taehyung came out of the bush. Transporting the caribou was a tough task. However, he had his best friend to help. They also left their donkeys a few miles from here so it was only a little distance.

They approached the fallen animal. Jimin immediately knelt before it, thanking it for its sacrifice and murmured a silent prayer before tying the heavy ropes around it and preparing to shift it.

The doe was magnificent up close with its thick fur and strong muscles. He would have gone for a buck if possible but they were heavier than the doe and once again it would be hard to transport it alone. So this would have to do.

It took an hour but with the caribou secured, Jimin began the journey back to the pack lands with Taehyung. His steps were light and filled with a bounce. He couldn't wait to present the doe to Jungkook and watch his reaction.

Hunting a doe didn't mean it would be easy to transport it. It still weighed around two-hundred pounds. It was no easy task. Jimin and Taehyung were sweating a lot, but they managed to drag it with their donkeys with a lot of difficulty and then load it onto the little wagon attached to their donkeys.

At least from there, it wasn't as hard as it was before. The skies were growing darker with rain clouds and they managed to enter the village before the sudden pour. The sun was looming in the horizon.

Jimin was hoping to be the first to return and then wait for Jungkook's arrival. However, he was met with chaos at the village center. Warriors were buckling up and racing into the forest. Those who stood out here looked tense.

The beta jumped off his donkey and hurried toward the commotion. "What is it?" he inquired, fearing the worst.

"Oh, Jimin is back. Our hunting troops were attacked by two grizzlies on their way home," one of the familiar omegas said with a tone of urgency. "The group was scattered. Both of your alphas along with a few others are missing. Alpha Park sent one of the wolves to fetch our healers and back up."

Fear gripped Jimin and filled him with anxiety. "I have to go."

"What?" the old omega gasped.

Beside him Taehyung looked deadly pale. "Get the horses," Jimin barked at Taehyung. "We need to hurry."

The omega gripped at his elbow and hissed, "Jimin, we don't have horses. Seokjin already took the horses along this morning so we can't borrow his either." He looked at him helplessly. "My wolf is exhausted. I don't think I'll be strong enough to carry you again."

Jimin glanced at Taehyung. "We don't, but the Kim pack does. We can borrow two from the stables. I don't think they took all of them. Jungkook, Yoongi and a few others left in their wolf forms." He raced toward the stables where the visitor's horses were left.

"Um...not sure if that's a great idea." Taehyung trailed after him. "I just noticed a few kim pack wolves racing into the woods on their horses. I hope we will find any other horses except Thunder and Bandit."

"Thunder and who?" Jimin frowned at Taehyung. He knew Thunder was Jungkook's horse but who was Bandit? He didn't remember hearing that name before.

"Bandit. Jungkook's horse Thunder is a piece of work. So is Yoongi's stallion Bandit."

Just as they approached, they noticed there were only two horses left and to their misfortune, it was Thunder and Bandit.

Taehyung groaned. "Looks like we're getting our asses kicked even before we make it to the forest." He took a deep breath, shaking his limbs and jumping in his place. "Guess I prefer horse hooves to the grizzlies."

Jimin, on the other hand, grabbed the horse treats with a tight smile. "Well, we have no choice. I don't know what I'm gonna do but I can't stay put. We have to join the search party and find Jungkook." At the sound of Jungkook's name, Thunder perked its ears. It lifted its head with a soft neigh. "Ah, does this horse understand us?" Jimin tilted his head to the side.

"Don't know but Jungkook mentioned that Thunder is smart. They've been together for about a decade now. It's as if Thunder knows what Jungkook wants. I've seen him rushing into the fight without fear. He attacks like the beast he is." Taehyung came to stand beside him. "I tried to befriend him but he's stubborn and eats only from Jungkook or Namjoon's hand."

"We're both exhausted and it's not wise to travel by foot and taking our donkeys is out of the question. They're not fast enough." Jimin glanced at the two horses. One dark as the night and the other deep brown with black sprinkled all over its body. It also had a black mane, which was brushed and braided stylishly. "What about that one? Is he familiar with you?"

Taehyung planted both his hands on his hips as he stared at Bandit with his lips set on a thin line. "He tolerates me I guess. He's just as stubborn as Yoongi," Taehyung huffed. "He steals all my apples but doesn't give me a shit."

Jimin took a deep breath. "Hey, Thunder," he called. "Jungkook is in danger and I need your help." He approached the horse with slow but steady steps, hands lifted in the air to show the horse treats he carried. "Will you allow me to ride you so we can find him soon?" He glanced at the sky. "A storm is closing in. It's gonna get so cold and very hard in the forest." He extended a hand to touch it but it took a few steps back. Jimin extended the horse treat. "Nice and easy. I'm Jungkook's mate," he spoke gently. "I only wish to help Jungkook."

Taehyung scoffed. "They'll be back with your mate while you spend all the time begging with his horse here."

"Shh..." Jimin shushed him. "I'm trying to create a bond here."

"Well, you'd have had better luck if you asked Jungkook to introduce him sooner." Taehyung scoffed. "You can't expect to create a bond with a horse with that speech."

"You said he's smart."

"But he's still a horse."

Jimin huffed. "I was busy getting to know him."

"Or his body."

"Ugh!" Jimin gripped his hair. "Screw this. He's probably lost or still being chased by a grizzly. I need this fucking horse."

"Jungkook killed a fucking grizzly and brought its fur as your courting gift," Taehyung reminded. "He either killed it or chased it away."

"But he could still be lost," Jimin stated worriedly. "This place is foreign to him. What if he's alone? He must be terrified." He ran a hand through his hair with a muffled curse. "He panics in unfamiliar places. You forgot his current predicament. The weather is getting worse. I need to get to him as fast as possible."

Jimin tried to coax Thunder again but the horse kept avoiding him and refused the treats he offered.

Taehyung blew out a breath. "Here goes nothing. The things I do for friendship." He ran toward Bandit and tried to climb but the horse moved on time and lifted itself on its hindlimbs, throwing him off with a loud neigh.

"Hey, what the hell was that?" Jimin growled. "You don't run toward a horse like that. You spooked him."

Taehyung stood dusting his pants with a scoff. "That shit is the last thing on earth to get spooked. Trust me. This is the only way." He ran again one more time. Bandit moved back and lifted itself on its hind limbs one more time but Taehyung was ready.

The omega dodged the horse hooves like a professional and disappeared from the horse vicinity for a brief moment. Bandit, confused as hell, moved around in search of him. However the omega was cleverly hiding in the hind side before he climbed over a crate and effortlessly jumped on the horse.

Bandit neighed scandalously, stomping its hind foot and tried to buck him off. It shook its whole body, but Taehyung had already crawled to his neck and held onto his dear life with a victorious grin.

"I don't like this..." Jimin stepped back, eying them suspiciously. "You're getting your ass handed over to you."

"Don't worry. I've done this once when Yoongi wasn't looking," Taehyung claimed. "Listen here, buddy. I can do this all day." He breathed heavily. His hands and thighs were already shaking from exertion and Jimin could tell he was just spewing shit outta his ass. "You or Yoongi don't stand a chance with me. You better give in so we can stop this drama and go find your buddy."

The horse neighed, not listening. It kept bucking but Taehyung held on.

"Shh...Quiet. It's okay. I know your pride is wounded and I can do this all day." The omega patted the horse's neck. "But things are really hectic. How about we go search for Yoongi? You don't want him mauled by a grizzly, do you?"

"Taehyung?" Jimin's eyes were ready to pop out of their sockets. "I don't think he's happy."

"Hold on. He's listening." Taehyung breathed heavily. "Bandit, get used to me. I'm Yoongi's mate. Gonna marry him so you better put up with my ass because you got no choice. You're stuck with me, understood?"

After a few more minutes, the horse stopped stomping and just kept moving back and forth when it realized it was of no use..

"Good boy." Taehyung produced some horse treats from his pockets and offered them. "Truce?" he asked. "Yoongi needs us. You already carried me a couple of times. What's the big deal now? Come on."

The horse accepted the treat and finally Taehyung straightened. Jimin watched him with wide eyes. "That's insane."

"I know." Taehyung smiled widely. "Bandit is an absolute sweetheart. He just doesn't realize it yet." He stroked the horse gently. "He's just like Yoongi, all hard and menacing on the outside but has a heart bigger than my body." The omega winked. "Come on. Get up here. We have two alphas to rescue."

"You don't even know if Yoongi is in trouble." Jimin eyed the horse again. "Are you sure it's safe?"

Taehyung shrugged. "Thunder isn't letting you up. That's for sure. Get up here."

Jimin sighed, glancing at Thunder, who was now eying him suspiciously from the corner. "Fine. We need to hurry." He slowly approached Bandit and then climbed to sit behind Taehyung. He wrapped his hands around Taehyung's middle. "Let's go."

Taehyung clicked his tongue and pulled the reins. Bandit shook its gorgeous mane once with a loud neigh. Then, it ran a circle, jumping off the fence and taking off at the speed of wind toward the forest.


It was no secret that Jungkook's heightened senses preceded the others. His sense of smell and hearing were honed to the point he caught what others failed to. Descending down the slopes was proven easier now he was familiar with the way. By now he could sense every wolf's unique gait, though he didn't know them personally.

Jungkook was careful, pausing whenever he heard something. Call it an intuition; his wolf was restless for some unknown reason. Jungkook was leading the troop back home, victoriously with his hunt perched on two wolves that carried it strategically.

They marched at a steady pace, not even pausing to rest. The scent of blood often lured other predators nearby so they didn't usually lurk around unless necessary. They were halfway down when he sensed a subtle shift in the atmosphere. He halted immediately, ears twitching and the root of his hair standing in attention. A low rumble rolled out of his chest.

He sensed all other wolves halting immediately. There was a rustle somewhere distant. Tension coiled around his body and he immediately lifted his nose in the air, sniffing at the air. His wolf didn't like the stench it carried. His lips peeled off as he took an offensive stance, ears pinned flat against his head as far as it could go, chest rumbling low.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" one of the Park pack wolves from the back inquired. "We don't smell or see anything."

"Shh..." Seokjin's growl cut him off. "Drop the prey," he instructed in a low voice.

"What?" someone exclaimed.

"His stance is offensive. Whatever he smelled isn't friendly." Jungkook heard Seokjin pulling out his sword. "Battle formation!" he commanded.

"Um...Alpha Kim, why are you so sure this would require a fight?" another questioned but Jungkook heard wolves changing positions, prey being dropped like a sack of potatoes and the one in human form pulling their swords out as he spoke.

"Because I fought with him once and he was the first to sense an enemy invasion even before the ones on watch duty caught on," Seokjin explained and that shut any possible questions up.

The woods were too silent and the ones in the wolf forms were sensing something as well. Though they couldn't tell what it was, it was clear, they weren't going to like whatever was coming their way.

A deep, guttural roar resonated from deep within the forest that shattered the moment of tranquility. The scent of grizzly was like a punch to his gut. The initial moment of panic led to chaos among the hunting group and he could feel the fear rippling through them all.

"Run!" someone yelled.

Jungkook growled. Running was the worst thing one could do while encountering a bear. It triggered its predatory instincts.

"Stop running!" Seokjin thundered, but no one was in a mood to listen.

Several footsteps raced away and Jungkook assumed they might be either running for their lives or trying to find a hiding space. Either made sense, but they simply didn't realize they were making the situation worse. Because grizzlies were dangerous.

Males weighed from four-hundred to eight-hundred pounds and possessed immense physical strength, which made them the land's largest carnivore. Not to mention four-inches long claws and large canines that could easily tear through flesh and break bones.

Grizzly bears were werewolves' nightmare. They were highly unpredictable and highly territorial. Jungkook didn't think they were in its territory. He didn't know these forests enough to predict why or how it was here.

"Namjoon, take cover!" Seokjin yelled. "It'd have already noticed us. Avoid a run in at all costs."

Namjoon barked at Jungkook and they rushed to take cover. However, Jungkook couldn't shake off the niggling sensation in his gut. He paused and a shudder racked his body when he heard two heart beats and two sets of paws pounding the ground.


He barked twice and let out a long, harrowed howl. It'd alert the other wolves.

"What the hell is he doing?" someone whisper-yelled. The sound came from one of the trees above.

"There are two of them," Namjoon translated. "Bears can climb trees, you idiot! Fucking get your ass outta here."

The absolute chaos wasn't helping Jungkook. He couldn't focus. There was too much noise. Wolves bumped into Jungkook in their attempt to get away after Namjoon's revelation sent another round of panic rippling through the pack.

"Scatter and run!" Namjoon barked. "Fucking get the hell outta here."

Jungkook backed up against a tree, trying to get a sense of direction. The pounding grew closer. The chances were the bears would see the food and ignore them. But he couldn't just count on it. What if they wanted to go after a live prey?

Amidst all the chaos, Yoongi pressed against his side. The scent of white wine and olives washed over him with assurance. A hand grabbed his neck. "Stay close," Yoongi growled before shifting into his wolf form again.

Jungkook followed Yoongi as the pack scattered in all directions around them. They raced away from the sound and hoped they'd succeed in losing the grizzlies. In the past, Jungkook would have stayed back to fight but now, he didn't know if he still had it in him. Besides, there were two and not one.

The sense of direction was just a blur and all Jungkook could smell was other wolves' fear and panic. He followed Yoongi, every sense honed to his scent. Suddenly, a very powerful force struck him and the next thing he knew he was airborne.

Jungkook's wolf flailed as panic shot through him. He couldn't see what was happening and that caused wave after wave of panic to wash over him. He hit something hard before falling down. Pain shot from his side and he didn't have enough time to analyze what was happening before he was tumbling down faster.

His world spun as he continued to roll down what it felt like a slippery slope. Everything was a blur—the damp ground, wet leaves, slick mud. When the spinning finally stopped after what felt like ages, he struggled to regain footing.

Suddenly, he was back in the forest with his eyes burning and bleeding out on the ground. The surroundings blurred as fear gripped his heart. However, before he could lose himself, he felt another wolf land beside him.

"Jungkook!" Yoongi growled.

Jungkook flailed, groaning in pain. His wolf whined.

"Fuck, I got you!"

His chest heaved as his eyes darted around and the darkness only made it worse. He couldn't see. He didn't know where he was.

"There were three," Yoongi kept talking. "One hit you and you fell down a slope." He helped him up. "We gotta run, Jungkook. I'm pretty sure the grizzly is hot on our heels."

Jungkook stood on shaky legs, smelling the metallic stench of his own blood but he couldn't look to see the amount of damage it had caused.

"Fuck, you're bleeding!" Yoongi confirmed what he already knew. "Deep breaths, Jungkook. Calm down. I got you."

Jungkook took several deep breaths as he limped to the nearest tree, sitting on his hind limbs.

Yoongi's hands pressed to his sides, assessing the damage. "It's a huge gash from one of those bear claws. It's gonna scar but you'll live," he murmured. A rumble of a roar came from the distance.

Jungkook glanced at Yoongi's direction and let out a soft whine. It appeared the bear was locked onto his scent. He was bleeding all over himself. Jungkook couldn't see the extent of his injury but it hurt like hell. He wanted to shift but it was dangerous with the bear lurking so close. If he couldn't shift back into his wolf form again, then his chances against the wolf were very less.

Yoongi exhaled. "Running away isn't an option because the bear will smell you right away. Looks like fighting is our only choice. Can you fight?"

Jungkook whined softly but barked, conveying he could fight. Not like they had a choice. He'd only lose more blood and he was in no condition to outrun the bear. On the other hand, fighting would be a wise choice. He had experience fighting a grizzly before. However, he killed one when he still had his vision.

"Alright, I'm gonna try and find something that could help. My sword must have fallen somewhere here." Yoongi remained calm and steady as he always had. His steadfast presence alone was enough to ground Jungkook.

Jungkook closed his eyes, trying to locate the grizzly. He had no doubt it was tracking the two of them. They might have a head start right now if they decided to run but they didn't know this terrain enough to know where they were or where their exploration would lead.

A few minutes passed and he could only hear Yoongi bustling around with a distant roar that sounded closer than before. They had a couple more minutes before the bear located them.

Then he heard the soft, steady footsteps approaching him. "Couldn't find my sword but found a long vine we could use and some herbs to help with your pain and bleeding."

He dropped to his knees and began to apply the paste over his injury haphazardly. They had patched each other before whenever they got injured during their hunting trips. The pain was bearable and the adrenaline pumping through his veins didn't allow him to feel the full extent of it. Besides, he'd gotten severely injured more than this so it felt like nothing compared to his other serious injuries.

"Alright, listen carefully. This place isn't that wide. We're still on a part of a slope. This is going steeper as it goes and I can only see trees from here. I briefly scouted the area. Fighting here will give us a better chance at winning, but it should go without saying that bears are unpredictable. There's a huge chance one of us or both of us will take another tumble along with it down the slope, which I do not know where it leads," he spoke in a calm, yet urgent tone.

Jungkook grunted, letting him know he was listening and that he agreed to whatever the plan was. Yoongi began to move around again. He picked up the sounds of a vine dragging along the ground and tried to tie it around the trees. After a moment, he returned.

"These aren't long enough to tie it around." He brought one end to Jungkook, lifting it toward his mouth. "I'm gonna distract that grizzly and we're going to try and trip that son of a bitch," he growled. "If he falls down it'll be easier for us. Go for the throat at the first chance, stay away from the claws."

Then he disappeared. Jungkook knew exactly the moment he shifted into his wolf form and ran uphill. A few minutes later, the sound of the grizzly echoed closer. Then, he heard it. The chase. He tilted his head this side and that, trying to listen to the sounds.

Yoongi was leading the bear right into his direction. The wolf was faster but the bear was close enough. He also knew the moment Yoongi shifted back into his human form.

"On the count of eight!" Yoongi yelled.

Jungkook hid behind the tree, holding the whine tight between his jaws. Then he counted.









He pulled. In the meantime, he also kept track of Yoongi who rolled through the center and grabbed the vine at the last moment, pulling it as hard as he could. In a dash of luck, the bear's foot got caught in the vine and it tumbled, falling face first and rolled down.

"Chase!" Yoongi yelled and shifted in a blink of an eye.

Jungkook followed the course of the bear. There was no sure shot way to kill a bear. His father would say, "If you encounter a bear, then try to stay alive. Run if you can but if you have no choice but to fight, then avoid its claws and powerful jaws. Stay alive."

He dashed downhill, stumbling in a few places, but managing as best as he could. Yoongi fell beside him and they both flanked the bear. It was still rolling uncontrollably while the two wolves sometimes rolled or sometimes slipped through the slope. But they at least had control over their movements.

The moment Jungkook sensed the bear slowing down, he acted. He snapped his teeth at the thick fur and muscle. He heard Yoongi darting to the other side and under it in a risky move but he would have gotten in a bite too because the bear growled in pain and lashed out.

It swiped with its powerful claws. Jungkook narrowly avoided it by rolling behind the bear and almost losing his footing in the process. He felt the rush of the air as the claws passed by and the ground trembled with the bear's movements.

Yoongi leaped over him this time, his hind legs brushing over Jungkook's ears and sank his teeth into the bear. Jungkook didn't know where but the bear roared in pain. It began to twist its body. Considering he didn't hear Yoongi jumping back down, Jungkook assumed he'd lodged onto the bear's back where it couldn't reach.

Jungkook took the opportunity to bite down one of its legs because it was easier to reach. Avoid the claws. He rolled to the side when the bear swiped down and repeated the process on the other leg.

He repeatedly attacked the legs and anywhere he could reach, rolling away or running away whenever the bear tried to get him. Then repeated all over again. It was tiring but the taste of bear's blood in his mouth told him that he wasn't the only one growing tired.

He heard Yoongi's muffled growl and the way he bit down on the bear's back, possibly behind its neck. Somehow the bear managed to dislodge him in one particular move but the alpha landed beside Jungkook with a grunt and took off one more time.

Jungkook knew Yoongi succeeded when he heard the muffled growling and tearing of flesh along with the bear's pained roar. The bear was losing its strength and it was no longer focused. It felt like it just wanted to get rid of Yoongi. But still it was relentless.

He would have admired its strength and resilience if not for the dire situation they were in. It was a desperate fight for survival. Not to mention that he lost the ritual hunt in the process. It fueled his resolve and Jungkook pounced with a roar.

The bear's roars mingled with their growls and snarls. In an unexpected move, the bear shook off Yoongi and turned its fury toward Jungkook. This time, however, Jungkook was ready. He turned and ran behind a tree. The bear chased him relentlessly.

Jungkook's legs slipped and chest heaved with exertion but he was fast. He took unexpected turns and tried to run back to where Yoongi was. A sharp bark to his right gave him Yoongi's location and Jungkook rushed toward him.

Yoongi jumped on the bear again. Jungkook took a few moments to assess their position. Then he jumped too, clinging to the front side of the bear, but his position turned far more dangerous than Yoongi's. The bear could reach him easily and when Jungkook realized it, he let go.

To his luck, the bear wasn't fast enough. Then he resorted to attacking its underbelly, following the same tactics as before. It took a lot of time and they lost track of it but their efforts were paying off. After what felt like an eternity, their relentless attacks seemed to take a toll on the bear.

Bloodied and weakened, the grizzly let out a frustrated roar and its injured legs gave up. In a weak moment, it stumbled down and that was all it took for Jungkook. Calculating where its throat might be and using his experience from before to gauge the height, he jumped. First attempt was a miss but he corrected it the second time, biting its jugular.

One swipe of its claw would have dislodged him but Yoongi jumped to bite the other side. The bear's strength slowly left it and it stopped moving. Jungkook held on until he felt Yoongi tap on his shoulder. "He's dead."

Jungkook let go. His legs trembled as the adrenaline began to wear off. The pain in his side returned with a vengeance and Yoongi caught him before he could sag down. He supported his weight.

"You need to shift," Yoongi said. "I need to evaluate the extent of your injuries or you could bleed out."

Jungkook's breath came in ragged gasps as he focused on the shift. The bones popped and realigned. It was painful this time around with his injury but he knew it was an inevitable evil. The shift finally washed over him and he was in his human form.

Yoongi led him toward a tree and sat him down. "It looks nasty."

This may be the longest he heard Yoongi speak. Jungkook didn't say that out loud. They weren't close to their age gap. Yoongi had always been an elder brother figure in his life due to his friendship with Namjoon. As he grew up, Yoongi would also take time to teach him some of his fighting techniques.

Later, after Jungkook's accident, things changed. They were estranged until one day he bumped into Yoongi's feral wolf in the woods. Both were lost. Yoongi willingly and Jungkook due to his blindness. He was just trying to get used to the woods without any help.

Yoongi had attacked him first, almost causing him a panic attack. But later took pity on him and brought him back instead. They connected in a weird way and to some extent relate to each other's pain.

The extent of their pain and the cause of it might be different but they both didn't have many reasons to go on. They somehow found solace in their pain and the rest was history. Now they worked very well as a team. Yoongi, though didn't show it outwardly, cared more for him.

So much so that Jungkook was the only wolf Yoongi allowed anywhere near him or to touch when he was in his wolf form. Or Jungkook was the only one that could get close and then out without getting hurt.

Jungkook groaned when Yoongi pressed down on his wound. The herbs earlier combined with the adrenaline rush had helped him to hold on to this moment. "You'll need stitches. It's bleeding a lot. Unfortunately, I don't have anything in hand to stop the bleeding."

Maybe he was vocal because Jungkook wouldn't be able to read his physical nuances or pick up the subtle shift in his expressions.

"I'm okay," he grunted. "Do we have any hope of finding a way out of here?" He flinched in pain.

"Actually, we're close to a ledge. All I can see is a steep slope from down here and endless trees," Yoongi answered honestly and sagged beside him. "I'm sure we left a long trail after us and an unmistakable track. They'll find us soon. It's wise to stay put."

Jungkook nodded. "Am I gonna bleed out?"

"That looks nasty but it's more of a flesh wound. It didn't get any of your vitals, but yeah, if the help doesn't arrive on time you're gonna bleed out slowly."

"Do you always have to be this blunt?" Jungkook chuckled.

"Is being sweet going to help or change your predicament?" Yoongi shot back.

"I guess not."

"Then I see now purpose for it."

"Taehyung is the right one for you," he commented and Yoongi grunted in response.

"Stop bringing him up."

"Why?" Jungkook bumped into Yoongi's shoulder. "Afraid he's gonna show up magically?"

Yoongi grunted again. "Wouldn't be surprised if he did. That omega is annoying."

"Is that why you hunted in his honor today?" Jungkook prodded. "I know you hunted a caribou and didn't allow anyone to touch it."

"It's nothing."

"It cannot be for nothing. You don't do things without reason, Yoongi."

Yoongi blew out a breath. "It's because I didn't want the pack to ridicule him further," he confessed. "He's an idiot and doesn't know when to stop. He isn't even realizing how much this is damaging his reputation."


"I heard how his pack mates thought of him on our way to the hunt. They think he's gonna end up without an honorable hunt and waiting for a chance to mock him for the same reason," he admitted. "As much as I don't want him anywhere near me, it's cruel and rude the way he's being treated." He sighed. "You know what they said?" He then went on to mimic them. "You can tell that Alpha isn't even interested and he's the one chasing him. Just wait until the alpha rejects him publicly. You know no honorable hunt tonight means a public rejection, right? There's nothing more humiliating than that. I need to see that bitch walking with his head tall after that. If he survived that."

"So you hunted to protect his honor?" Jungkook inquired fondly.

"I see the way his parents look at him. They're disappointed and think of him as a failure. They don't see what we see. He's nothing but a burden to them," Yoongi continued. "His life here is hell. Think. How would it have felt to be taken advantage of by an outsider and your packs standby and do nothing to protect you? All the accomplices were walking free until the challenge. Imagine how hard it must have been to feel so powerless and helpless that even his pack alpha rejected his petition because he's just an omega who doesn't fit into their stereotypes." He scoffed. "Maybe he would have a better life in our pack."

"Jimin and Taehyung seem inseparable. I'm sure Jimin would appreciate having him around."

"And once in our pack, he can choose what he wants to do." Yoongi exhaled. "He said he isn't gonna return. Even if they learned we didn't mate, no one can do anything about it. He will be our pack mate by then and maybe he'd have found someone better."

"You're in pre-rut," Jungkook said, addressing the elephant in the room. "Are you really going to throw away the once in a lifetime chance?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I was scared too," Jungkook confessed. "Terrified, in fact. I went out to practice hunting and trained until exhaustion after Namjoon told me about this arrangement. I wasn't sure if I would ever be good enough to be a wolf without any disability. Because to some extent, I'll always have to rely on someone. I can handle myself in a known situation, but look at what happened today. I panicked and if not for you, I wouldn't have made it out alive."

"I thought we were past this phase."

"It's a constant battle, Yoongi. You just don't get over this phase," Jungkook said. "What I'm trying to say is, once I opened my heart to the possibility of someone accepting me with my flaws, things became somewhat manageable. Of course I had my doubts, but Jimin has a way to deal with my shortcomings."

"He's a good kid."

"Taehyung is a good wolf too," Jungkook said. "Give him a chance, Yoongi. What is there to lose?"


"What if you don't lose anything and instead gain a family out of it?"

"I'm not using him to experiment," he snapped.

"He's a willing participant," Jungkook replied. "He knows what he's getting into."

"Again with that talk. We can go back and forth all day, Jungkook. I'm not interested in him. That's all."

"What are the chances of Taehyung showing up here?" Jungkook suddenly wondered as he replayed how Yoongi stopped him from bringing up his name earlier.

"Do you wanna die?"

"Zero, right?" Jungkook continued. "Guess what? I'll shut up if Taehyung doesn't show up here, I'll drop this subject and stop talking about him. If he did, then you have to admit that it's not a coincidence and that everything is happening for a reason. You'll give him a chance."

"He won't show up."

"Maybe." Jungkook shrugged, feeling dizzy. "What are the odds, huh?" He let his head drop against the tree and closed his eyes. "I think I smell fresh rain and lillies." He smiled. "My perfect beta. I wish I could tell him that I hunted a bear for him again." His breathing began to even out.

Suddenly, he was jerked out of his thoughts by a loud neigh. Jungkook's eyes flew open and his breath whooshed out. He'd recognize the sound of the hooves anywhere. Was he dreaming?


"What the hell!" Yoongi jumped to his feet. "Bandit?"

"Hey, alpha, missed us?" Taehyung's sound was like summer rain.

"Jungkook!" Jimin's voice came next. "Oh, my God! We found you."

Jungkook chuckled. "There are no coincidences Yoongi." Then he fell unconscious.


"Look, Thunder is following us!" Jimin exclaimed.

"He is?" Taehyung glanced over his shoulder.

"Yeah, when Bandit jumped over the fence, he also followed."

"Not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe he can find Jungkook." Taehyung continued to ride Bandit, the heavy air blowing their hair in all directions.

"Let's focus on the trail," Jimin said. "We know the hunting area they chose, but grizzlies mostly live toward the North-East. How did they run into a grizzly in this season?"

Taehyung looked thoughtful, their bodies jostling with the movements of the horse. "Last night's storm caused the prey to take shelter. We had to travel far to find the caribou. So chances are that they trekked East toward the caves to find a game."

"The grizzly might be looking for food," Jimin mused. "So we should start looking somewhat in the North Eastern direction of the woods I think."

"Or we can meet up with one of the wolves and check where they were attacked and go from there," Taehyung suggested.

"Alright. Sounds like a plan. Let's check out that first."

So Taehyung rode in that direction. However, before they could even meet with anyone else, they came across the carnage. The omega pulled the reins to inspect. "I can smell them," he announced, lifting his nose in the air. "Ugh! The bear stinks."


"Yeah. Jungkook is not alone. He's with Yoongi."

Jimin sniffed at the air too but couldn't tell much except for the visible trails on the wet ground. Something very heavy had rolled down and it had broken several low branches in the process. They didn't see any wolf around and the fall must have happened from several feet above their position.

Jimin leaned to get a closer look. "It looks like they came from up there and went down here. I can see how something huge and heavy came down here or more like tumbled through these trees, breaking all the low branches. I don't see any paw prints around."

His grip on the bow tightened. He didn't sense any danger close by but he wasn't going to be ignorant just because of that.

Thunder stopped too and lurked a few feet away. Jimin didn't know if it understood their task or was simply following Bandit around. Maybe they were both used to hanging out together. Thunder tried to trek down but backed up when it realized it wouldn't be an easy one, but it kept going back and forth as if it was restless.

Taehyung inspected the area around, looking thoughtful. "No paw prints but I do smell them." He sniffed the air again. "They've been through this place."

"That's a very steep drop," Jimin wondered. "It leads to a ledge. You smell them, you say."

"I do. I can't tell which direction they went because their scents are all over the place."

Jimin observed Thunder for a moment. "I think we should head down." He looked ahead. "Good thing we know a somewhat passable route to get down these slopes."

"Yep." Taehyung steered the stallion ahead and strode for a few miles ahead before circling around to descend through a narrow path. It wasn't a safe route per say but it worked and was easier to use a horse rather than risking a fall.

The more they went down, the more they saw the damage. Jimin could tell a fight had broken out. The beta jumped off the horse.

"Did he fight the bear?"

Jimin eyed the vine and the blood along with some bear fur. The blood was still warm and fresh. The patch of fur held some flesh as if it was torn off the bear. There was a pool of blood under a tree and some stain on the tree bark. The blood stain on the tree looked like someone was leaning on it.

"They did." His features turned serious. "Can you tell me whose blood this is?"

Taehyung came down too, taking a whiff. "It's Jungkook." He cursed under his breath.

Jimin's features hardened. "Do you hear any sounds?"

Taehyung shook his head.

"They might have killed the bear."

Or they could have fallen off the ledge. He didn't say it out loud. His heart thundered in his ribcage. He shoved all that negative thoughts aside to focus on the task in hand. Both Jungkook and Yoongi were strong wolves. They had survived the worst.

Jimin took a deep breath. "We gotta go down. Do one thing. Take the horses that way and come around. I'm gonna follow this path on foot."


They got to work. Descending was a challenge and the slope was slippery. Jimin held the trees for support and went down carefully. The more he went down the more blood and fur he found. He couldn't tell whom the blood belonged to. He could only hope it wasn't either Jungkook or Yoongi.

Jimin quickened his pace, praying that they had somehow made it safe. He began to go down as quickly as he could, slipping at many places but recovered just as quickly. With his bow steady in one hand, he progressed forward.

After what felt like an eternity he finally approached the ledge and spotted two human heads. Alarm coursed through him and he couldn't tell if they were alive or not. Worst part, he couldn't tell if they were hiding. If the bear was somewhere here, then that would be dangerous.

He looked up and saw Taehyung with the horses. It was a hard trek down but Taehyung managed. Jimin waved at Taehyung, signaling to him that he found the two of them. Taehyung's eyes widened and he nodded when Jimin put his index finger over his lips.

With that, Jimin glanced around and began to go down carefully. The closer he approached the clearer things were and he finally found the dead bear lying on one side. He breathed a sigh of relief but was still careful in case there was another. Everyone in the Park pack knew of the grizzly family that lived in their woods and steered clear of that region. But when such run-ins happened, guess it was either the bear or the wolf.

Circling around a tree, he could finally see Jungkook and Yoongi clearly. Both were injured and naked as the day they were born. Mud and dirt covered their bodies. Their hair was astray. There were twigs and leaves stuck to their bodies and their hair.

Jungkook looked like he was sleeping. Jimin panicked for a moment, but relaxed when he noticed the gentle rise and fall of his chest. Thunder let out a neigh at the first sight of the two alphas.

Suddenly, Jungkook's eyes shot open.


"What the hell!" Yoongi glanced around wildly. "Bandit?"

"Hey, alpha, missed us?"

"Jungkook!" Jimin ran toward him. "Oh, my God! We found you."

"There are no coincidences Yoongi."

Jimin rushed to Jungkook, catching him on time before he hit the ground. The gash from the side of his ribs to the stomach looked nasty. He inspected it carefully, feeling relieved when it was only a flesh wound and he noticed the urgent patch up attempt that didn't hold too long. He smelled yarrow and a few other herbs.

"Taehyung, help me lift him up," Jimin asked. He secured his bow over his shoulder and began to lift Jungkook.

Taehyung was quick to rush to his side. He brought a blanket that was in one of the bags attached to the horses. Jimin used it to cover Jungkook's body as best as he could. Yoongi rushed to help.

"You hurt anywhere?" Jimin asked Yoongi who was now covered as well.

"Just a few scrapes," the alpha answered curtly.

Together, they managed to lift Jungkook onto Thunder, who was now as obedient as ever. Once they loaded Jungkook, Jimin climbed after him to hold him better and took the reins.

"We have to go down and then take the alternate route," he said to Taehyung. "The trek can be slippery and we cannot risk it. He seemed to have lost a lot of blood."

The omega only nodded, jumping on Yoongi's horse and much to Yoongi's surprise taking the reins from him. "Just sit back, alpha. We know this terrain better."

Yoongi grunted. "I could just follow Jimin."

"Or I could steer clear of potential danger before you realize what is even happening," he cut him off.

Yoongi wisely shut up and they began descending. The path down was tricky with the water eroding most of the slope, leaving only jagged rocks and uneven land afterward. The narrow path didn't allow easy navigation, but Jimin was careful.

Descending was slow but he instructed Thunder patiently and the stubborn stallion listened like an obedient child. It stepped where it pointed him to step. In one place, Jimin jumped down to access the jagged rocks to see if it was safe to pass through.

When he pressed his foot down, it gave way and fell down. His face looked grim as he pressed on more areas, deciding to skip that area, carefully assisting them all down. To the left, the slope looked like a ravine only it wasn't that deep enough to be called a ravine.

Eventually they made it out to a flat surface. Jimin then kicked the horse to move faster. They were at the bottom of the mountain valley that connected to the huge stream that carried all the excess water to the sea. They raced through the rocky banks and entered the forest from a different direction.

Jimin slowed down and Taehyung fell in pace with him. "Go ahead and find the others. We will cross through the Eastern clearing because the healer could be still on standby there."

Taehyung nodded and raced ahead. Jimin couldn't go too fast because the movement was increasing the bleeding and the flinch on Jungkook's face said he was in pain. So he slowed down considerably and was mindful of the branches. Instead of jumping over the fallen branches and fallen logs, they circled around it.

Fat rain drops began to assault them just as they left the slope. Jimin was prepared. He always carried a travel cloak in his satchel, which came handy. So he pulled it out covering Jungkook.

Several minutes passed and Jimin saw Taehyung racing toward him with a healer on the horseback, meeting him halfway short of the Eastern clearing. Behind him on other horses were Namjoon and a few others.

With their help, they immediately lowered Jungkook to the ground. The healer examined the injury, setting out to clean it swiftly before producing a handful of army ants from her pouch. The middle-aged beta healer grabbed the ants one by one, putting them over the slashed area, allowing the ants to suture the wounds before twisting their body and leaving the head alone. Soon the gash was sutured and she fed Jungkook an herbal concoction.

"He's fine and passed out due to exhaustion. I'll shift him to the healer's cabin for overnight observation and he'll be free to leave in the coming morning if he doesn't develop any symptoms of an infection," she said.

Jimin felt the invisible weight lift off his shoulders. Namjoon's face was grim, looking extremely concerned but also relieved.

Another group brought over a wagon to transport Jungkook. Jimin stayed with him throughout, helping through it all. Taehyung informed him that a group of wolves had gone to fetch the bear since they lost most of their hunts to the grizzlies. The grizzlies were good at scavenging and ate whatever they could find so it wasn't surprising to Jimin that most of their hunt was gone. However, he was glad they instead had the bear.

It was a miracle they didn't have any losses considering their unexpected run-in with the three member bear family. Namjoon met his gaze, nodding curtly as they began to carry Jungkook away.

This time when Jimin approached Thunder, it didn't run or move away. It stood patiently. Jimin smiled. "That's right, buddy." He patted its neck before mounting it. "We both want the same thing. Let's follow Jungkook, hmm?"

And they did. When they entered the village again, Jimin could see how the villagers all stood waiting for them to come back. The word had already spread that Jungkook and Yoongi took down a bear. They all looked curious and excited to welcome the wolves that killed the grizzly.

But all of that would have to wait. All that mattered to him was that they managed to find the alpha before the weather got worse. For now, he had to take care of the alpha.


Jungkook woke up in the morning, feeling sore all over. He could smell the scent of fresh rain and lillies lingering in the air, probably why he slept so well. Now, however, it was the comforting patchouli he smelled by his bedside.

"Namjoon," he croaked, turning his head to the side.

His brother's response was to take his hand between his and hold it tighter. "Never do that again," he demanded, his voice hoarse. "I can't believe I lost you despite my efforts to protect you."

"I-It's not your fault."



Namjoon fetched some water and helped him sip it slowly. "I almost died when I saw that third bear showing up out of nowhere. You have no idea how many times my heart stopped until I heard they found you. The other two blocked our path so we couldn't go after you immediately."

"Did you get them?"

"No. We managed to chase them away but by then you and Yoongi were missing." He could feel the shudder, raking Namjoon's body. "If something had happened I'd have been able to face our mom."

Jungkook chuckled. "You're so dramatic, brother."

"Am I?"

Jungkook exhaled, feeling the skin pull tight. He had no idea what he would have done if not for Yoongi. "Yoongi helped me," he said. "He stuck by my side the entire time."

"I owe him my life," Namjoon said. "But you're a tough one, you know? You killed the bear. Again."

"I had help."

"Still. You're a hero to these people. They're celebrating you." Jungkook could sense Namjoon's grin. "So much so that I've had a few mating offers. They wanted to offer their omega sons and daughters if we ever change our minds."

Jungkook scoffed. "I smelled Jimin earlier," he said instead.

"He just left a while ago to grab some essentials and breakfast from his home. He stayed by your bedside all night and refused to leave. I'm glad he genuinely cares about you."

"He found me."

"He did." Namjoon exhaled. "Your scents were all over the place and it took us a lot of time to descend all the way down there. The place you fell off was too steep and we had to find an alternate route, but that path was cut off by erosion so we had to backtrack and find another one. I was afraid we would be too late."

Jungkook smiled. He could relate to Namjoon's fear and frustration. "It's all good now. I'll heal in no time."

"And I'm extremely happy that it is. Jimin hunted a doe yesterday. It's sad that you had to find the night of the mating hunt in the healer's cabin. So we postponed it." Namjoon squeezed his arm. "They also managed to transport the bear to the village with great difficulty. It's being prepared to be cooked for your mating feast. Yoongi has demanded its paws be cut off to be presented as mating gifts for Jimin and Taehyung."

Jungkook grinned. "Sounds good."

Right then, the sound of the flap being moved sounded once again and the scent of fresh rain and lillies wafted to him. "Hey, tough guy!" Jimin greeted him with a smile in his voice. "Ready to conquer the day?"

Jimin's closeness was enough to stir a warm, fluttery feeling in his chest. He felt light headed as he turned his head toward the beta. "With you by my side? Yes."

Jimin laughed. "Yeah?" He came to stand on his other side. "Won't have it any other way. I brought you fresh clothes and food. You need a bath. The river is close but I can also ask them to fill a tub if you wish."

"I'll go to the river." He grunted as he sat up, holding his side. "Heard your hunt was successful."

"Mhmm... I've asked them to serve you the meat during the celebratory dinner. It's a bummer I couldn't bring it to you full. It had to be processed sooner," Jimin informed. "But I'll have you know that it was a mature doe and one of the heaviest. We broke blood, sweat and tears to bring it home."

Jungkook nodded, reaching for Jimin's hand. "It's sad I couldn't bring the bear to you personally."

"Are you kidding me?" Jimin scoffed. "You hunted a freaking bear, dude. You know what kind of flex that is? The villagers are all so jealous and I've never been happier. I can feel their gazes drilling holes on my back. Not to mention those jealous omegas. Ah, you have to see the scowl on their faces. I'll be rubbing this on their faces for a long, long time to come. Also, Taehyung has been over the moon ever since Yoongi handed him a bear paw this morning. Or more like your brother's best friend threw the paw at him and walked away as if it was nothing. But Taehyung is parading with that bear paw. He hung it on his hips so everyone can see what his alpha brought home as a courting gift."

Namjoon chuckled. "Yoongi has a way of doing things. Jungkook, looks like Jimin here got it all covered. So I'll meet you for breakfast or lunch?"

"Um...lunch?" Jungkook wondered. "I thought I'll rest a bit more. Is the fight in his honor tonight?"

"No. We had to cancel that considering your condition," Namjoon said. "The healer said you shouldn't engage in a fight for at least a day or two."

"Oh, but I feel alright. I can fight him."

"Jungkook, listen to your brother," Jimin intervened. "My brother can be real mean when it comes to sparring and I want you in full health for our mating night. Don't be stubborn and make them postpone our mating night too. I'll never forgive you for that."

Jungkook's eyes went wide like saucers and heat flooded his face. He choked on his own saliva, coughing and pulling a stitch.

Namjoon coughed awkwardly. "Ah...I think someone is calling for me. See you later, brother!" And then he was gone.

"What?" Jimin sounded confused.

Jungkook cleared his throat. "You just have a way of surprising people."

"Did I lie, though?" Jimin came closer and helped him out of the bed. "I've waited all these years and almost gave up hope of finding you. Now that I have you, I don't wanna waste another second. You can fight Seokjin anytime, but right now, what's more important is that you heal nicely and be ready for the mating ceremony. I also heard we're leaving in two days after the mating so you have to be at your best to be able to ride. Now ready for your bath?"


Jimin took his hand and led him outside. As they walked side by side, Jungkook couldn't help but admire Jimin's grit. He was amazing, matching his pace at every level. The beta was the last person Jungkook expected to meet at the ledge.

He'd been fast and efficient, knew how to handle the situation and brought him safely on time. Fate worked in a strange way and maybe he had to lose his vision so he could gain a mate like Jimin. He squeezed Jimin's hand as a form of gratitude.

"Thank you," he mumbled.

"Don't mention. You'd do that for me too."

"I know, but it's not wrong to appreciate your courageous act and show my gratitude," Jungkook said. "I want you to know that it's greatly appreciated and I'm in awe of your abilities."

Jimin laughed shyly. "That's sweet I guess."

When Jungkook breathed in the fresh air, he knew he could always rely on Jimin as his equal. And that was more than anything he could have ever asked. He prayed to the moon goddess and promised to visit with an offering as soon as he returned to the pack.

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