The Serpentine
It has just been a few days since the "little encounter" with Morro and Lloyd. Wu said that they could stay in the monastery, Morro only agreed because Lloyd agreed to stay, and, let's be honest, Morro will always stay by Lloyd's side. The others were fine with that, but Kai, not really, he and Morro mostly didn't got on good terms with each other, it was obvious with everyone. Both fought about everything, but let's move on. Wu had given Lloyd a small room in the monastery, which Morro stayed at in the night, despite Wu insisted that he could get his own room. Morro still didn't really like Wu in his own mind. He tried to avoid him in all cost. Although, that was difficult since he's like, freaking living with him! But that's not the point right now.
It was a beautiful morning. The sun was out, it was cloudless, and...the "beautiful morning" just ended because Lloyd just started a prank war. It started as a simple prank, really. Lloyd just had to get a water balloon, and throw at Kai's hair. Kai wanted revenge. What Kai did was that he got an air horn, duct taped it to the wall near the door of the bathroom, so when Lloyd opens the door and it hits the wall, the air horn will go off. Turns out that Jay opened the door to the bathroom, and he got a nice surprise, he was still sleepy, so the air horn really woke him out of his sleeping trance. And one prank lead to now the whole monastery was a big mess.
The only ones that didn't join in the prank war was Master Wu, Nya, and, of course, Zane.
Zane was kinda annoyed that his brothers were acting this way, but, at the same time, he wasn't at all surprised. He was peacefully in the kitchen, making breakfast, hoping that his brothers won't come in and start with pranks. Of course, the world didn't listen, and two of his brothers came inside the kitchen. Kai and Cole.
Zane sighed. "Cole, Kai, why are you both in here?"
Both boys whipped their heads around to Zane. "We're planning a prank to pull off on Jay, Lloyd, and Morro," Kai explained. "With those three working together, the whole world is doomed!" Zane rolled his eyes.
"Kai, I don't think that's scientifically possible," Zane said. Though, Cole disagreed. "Trust us, Zane!" He said. "Those three are some sort of hacking machine! Knowing all of our weaknesses!"
"I don't think that is quite possible, brothers," Zane said, returning to his cooking. He was then grabbed by both shoulders and turned around by Kai. "May I help you?" Zane asked, with a tad of annoyance in his voice. "You've got to help us, Zane!" Kai said, shaking Zane to no end. "They're coming after us! And we have no idea what to do and then they're gonna win and-" "BRothEr, mAY yOu PleASe StoP ShakInG mE??!" Zane said while being shaked. "Oh, uh, sorry," Kai apologized and let go of Zane's shoulders.
"I'm sorry Kai and Cole," Zane sighed. "But there's nothing I can do."
Cole and Kai both sighed in defeat. "Welp," Cole said. "Back to the drawing board." Cole and Kai start to walk away from the kitchen. Cole opened the kitchen door, only for him and Kai to get attacked by rubber snakes. "AHHHHHH!!!" Both of them yelled when the rubber snakes attacked, thinking they were real, and they fell to the ground. They then heard the familiar laugh of Lloyd as it started to fade away. "LLOYD!!" Kai and Cole yelled, with some anger in their voice.
"My idea!!" Jay's voice from far away said. "You are both are gonna pay!!!" Kai shouted as he and Cole stood up from the ground. "Brothers, if I may be honest," Zane said as Kai and Cole turned around to face him. "This is ridiculous." Cole and Kai groaned as they left the kitchen.
* * *
Breakfast was now finished thanks to Zane. During breakfast, things were kinda tensed, since the prank war was still going on. Kai and Cole glaring at Lloyd, Jay, and Morro, and vice versa. Nya, Wu, and Zane finished their breakfast earlier than the others because the others were constantly glaring at each other. Zane had to stay in the kitchen to make sure the others didn't do any pranks and ruin the kitchen. Near the end of their breakfast, Nya ran in, breathless.
"Nya?! Is everything okay?!" Kai immediately asked his sister after she had showed up breathless.
"," Nya gasped out.
"Trouble?!" Jay said.
"In Jamanakai?!" Cole said.
"Who cares?! Let's forget about the prank war right now and let's go!" Kai said as they all put on their hoods.
They ran out of the monastery, taking their golden weapons and other necessaries in a rush, and ran down the stairs to the dragon stables. Zane pulled on the lever and the stall doors fall down to reveal 4 different kind of coloured dragons. Each ninja hop on a specific dragon and the dragons fly to Jamanakai Village.
"Ah...this is the feeling of being free as a bird," Cole said.
"Heh...tell me about it," Kai chuckled.
"Haha, race you there!" Jay exclaimed as he has a head start.
"Hey! No fair Bluebell!" Cole said as he and the rest of the team started to race to Jamanakai.
They all race and soon after, Jamanakai Village comes to view. "Look!" Kai said. "Jamanakai Village!"
"What do you guys think the problem is?" Cole asked.
"I am unsure of what the problem is," Zane said. "But whatever it is, we can probably stop it."
"I agree with Zane here guys," Kai said. "We've dealt with many things, I'm sure this problem can't be hard."
"This problem is hard!"
They had just landed in Jamankai Village a few minutes ago, and what they saw was more shocking than Jay making a actual funny joke. One word. Snakes! Walking snakes(?)! Talking snakes! Everywhere! Chaos has risen!
"What the hell do we do?!" Kai asked his teammates.
"How are we suppose to know?!" Cole said. "We're talking about snakes here! And these snakes aren't the nice kind."
"No snake is nice!" Jay piped in. "But these snakes are blue and white and yellow!! Mostly blue, but, that's out of the point!!! They also have red eyes!!!"
"Calm the fricken' down, Jay!" Kai said. "No need to panic!"
"Actually, Kai," Zane said. "There is lots to panic. These snakes aren't normal." "I see that, Zane!" Kai said.
"They also seem to possess the power of hypnosis," Zane added. Jay grew confused. "What makes you say that?" Jay asked. "They seem to hypnotized the whole village," Zane said. "Oh, that makes sense," Jay said. "Wait! What?!" Jay, Cole, and Kai looked at the village to see that everyone aside from them were hypnotized.
"Guys," Cole started. "This might be a problem." "Ya think?!" Kai yelled.
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