05. Out of the Closet
Out of the Closet
I walked into a quite house, which was weird for a family as big as mine. However, the lights were on upstairs, which gave me a sense of relief.
"Amelia? Is that you?" I heard mama call. I quickly took off my shoes before going up the stairs.
"Yes mama!" I walked into her room to find her on her laptop. "Where's papa?" She pointed to the bathroom with a slight smile.
"Had fun?" I grinned giving her two thumbs up. I opened my mouth to say but was cut off when I was tackled to the ground. I let out a scream as I collapsed. I turned my head to find a shaggy mop of black hair.
I groaned. "Shane! Get the fuck off me." He simply grinned.
"Sorry mama," I rasped, quickly getting the upper hand, turning him over. His grin became wider which only showed off his perfectly straight teeth. My eyes narrowed in on that, still annoyed at the fact that I still have my braces on, and he got them off several months ago. I stood up, straightening out my clothes.
"I just missed you, little sis," he said as he ruffled my hair. I scowled, fixing my hair back up again.
"For the last time, I'm only a minute younger than you! And there is no way you missed me that much." I said rolling my eyes.
"But I did miss you." He approached me with a smirk on his face. He gave me no time to run as he slung me over his shoulder. I had a disgusting view of his ass and causing my hair to practically sweep the floor.
"Mama!" Shane turned around, so I was able to face her. She merely lifted her head before going back to typing on her laptop. I heard the bathroom door open, revealing our father. "Papa! Help me!" I plead. He chuckled, shaking his head.
"I learned to stay out of it from the other two. I'm just going to go about my business."
I gasped. "I just hope you know that when Shane is six feet under, it's also going to be none of my business." I heard Shane chuckle.
"Stop being so melodramatic." And with that, he took me out of my parent's room, into the twins' room. He let me onto the bed with a thump.
"I hate you," I said as he sat beside me, and I gave him a shove.
"Love you too baby sis." I rolled my eyes, facing my other brothers instead. They were sitting on their couch and as usual, they were on their phones.
They were identical, and to anyone else, it would be hard to distinguish one from another. It was easy to tell them apart by their personalities as Julian was serious, while Enzo was laid back. As for their looks, the only difference between the two was the small mole on the left side of Enzo's chin. However, he liked to call it a 'beauty mark'. Other than that, the two were basically two peas in a pod. Inseparable.
The two finally got off their phones, sliding it into their back pockets. "What's good?" Enzo grinned, also showing off his pearly whites.
"Nothing much," I muttered, getting off their bed and heading for their walk in-closet. I found it unfair how they had a bigger closet than mine, but I guess it does make up for the fact that the two share it.
"What are you doing?"
"What do you think?" I replied, turning on the closet light. I found myself a pair of comfy looking shorts, and a large hoodie. I closed the door, so I could change. I let out a breath of relief as I was finally out of the constricting jean shorts.
Enzo let out a chuckle when I emerged from the closet. "Is this your announcement of coming out of the closet?" He joked. I laughed along with him. I headed for their mirror, analyzing myself. The hoodie practically fell to my knees, not really having a point of me wearing the shorts. I released my hair from the pony tail, sighing when it fell.
"Can someone make my hair, please?" I begged. "My arms are too short, and my hair is too long, and I get tired halfway through," I said giving my best puppy dog eyes to Enzo. He finally sighed making a beckoning motion with his hands. I squealed, sitting down in front of him on the bed.
"A braid?" I nodded. He knew me so well.
"And this is why you're my favourite brother," I grinned. Shane looked up from him phone, scowling. I just widened my grin. "Thanks Enzo." I gave him a kiss on his cheek once he had finished, sitting in between the twins on the bed as Shane lied across on the foot of the bed next to Ollie who jumped into my arms as soon as I sat down.
"Hey buddy," I cooed, scratching behind his ears. His tail wagged in delight.
Julian opened his laptop, rubbing his eyes as he did. "What's wrong?"
He shook his head, "a headache, that's all." My eyes wandered to the lock screen on his MacBook, and I couldn't help but gasp.
"You proposed?!" The lock screen was a picture of Julian and Emma, the ring shining in the glistening sun. "When did this happen?" It really didn't come to me in shock. Those two were together for a long time.
I heard Enzo snort. "I know right, I can't believe she said yes to your grumpy ass."
Julian ignored Enzo's comment, a smile forming on his face. "Yeah. I was going to wait until after residency, but that's like another five-ish years and I couldn't wait. I had to make her mine. "
"Does mom know?" He gave a sheepish look, which only gave me my answer. "She's going to kill you."
"Don't remind me," he muttered, running a hand through his hair. "I'll tell her soon."
I looked towards the picture again and couldn't help but squeal. "You guys are going to make the cutest Italian-Asian babies ever!" Julian chuckled.
"I don't think that will be happening any time soon. Considering we still have to go through residency since we graduated." Julian, being the smart ass, he was, was going through med school to become a surgeon.
"What about you?" Enzo nudged me from the side. "Do you have a boyfriend?" That made Shane drop his phone on his face. He sat up quickly, waiting for an answer from me.
"What do you th-think?" I asked sarcastically, trying to stop my face from heating up. "You really think my bodyguard over there would really allow it?" With that, Shane lied back down. Thankfully my cheeks didn't flame red.
"Good. That's good."
"And what about you?" I asked Enzo. "Still sleeping around?" A smirk formed on his face, giving me my answer.
"It's definitely not fun to settle down like Mr.-I-have-my-future-planned-at-the-age-of-twenty-six-guy over there. The night's still young." He said with a content smile.
"Yeah, until you get someone pregnant," retorted Shane and Julian at the same time. That made us all chuckle.
"Not unless-" I cut Enzo off.
"I really don't want to hear about your s-sex life in detail, please." That made Enzo stop. A moment of silence passed over us, which was quite odd considering that we were a loud bunch. Julian let out a yawn, breaking the momentarily silence.
"It's getting late," he muttered. Shane got up from the bed, stretching as he did so.
"Are you coming?" He asked me. I shook my head.
I patted the two on either side of me, gaining their attention. "Can I sleep here tonight?" I too let out a yawn.
"Of course," Julian replied, while Enzo let out a hum.
Shane left the room, and I followed him to use our bathroom. I couldn't forget to remove the makeup I had on, as well as to brush my teeth.
As I returned to the twins' room, I found Enzo had already made himself comfy on the sofa bed, while Julian resided on the bed. Julian patted the empty spot on the right, but I frowned. "I only s-sleep on the left side." Usually, I sleep with Enzo, who sleeps on the right, so it works out, but with Julian, things get complicated. "Please?" I pleaded.
He let out an exaggerated sigh, shifting over to the right side. "Only because you're my baby sister." I smiled at that. I really do love my brothers. I leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.
I got under the covers, pulling them up all the way. "I'm glad you two are home." I turned over to my left side, snuggling into the blankets. "Night."
I heard a brief "Night," from my brothers as my eyelids became heavy and I drifted off into a deep slumber.
I was awakened by a rustle of clothes and a loud thump followed by a grunt. I slowly fluttered my eyes open to find Julian clenching his toe, biting back a scream.
"You okay?" I whispered. He slowly nodded, rubbing his big toe. I looked towards the clock on the nightstand. "Why are you awake at seven thirty in the morning, it's too early."
"I'm going out for a run, want me to wake up Enzo so he could join you?" He asked, already making his way to the sofa bed.
"No, it's alright." I smiled, he was so thoughtful. "Mind if I join you?" I really needed to burn off those pizza slices and dessert. I didn't have a fast metabolism like most people, so unfortunately, I did have to exercise to stay in shape.
I knew I shouldn't have ate that extra slice.
"I'm leaving in ten," he said, throwing on a different shirt. I nodded, stretching as I got up.
"I'll meet you downstairs?"
"Sure." He beckoned me with his hands, telling me to get out of the bed. "I'll make the bed, it's alright. Go get ready."
"Thanks," I replied with a grin.
Without haste, I entered my bathroom, doing the routinely procedures including using the toilet, brushing my teeth, putting my hair into a bun, silently praying that my bun would stay put through the run, and changing into a tank top and Nike leggings. Within ten minutes, I was ready. I hopped down the stairs to find Julian on his phone waiting for me, Ollie wagging his tail at Julian's feet. "Ready?" He asked looking up.
"Yep." I got out my running shoes from the closet, sitting down on the stairs to put them on.
"Don't forget to tie them up," he chuckled, attaching a leash to Ollie. I cracked a smile, shaking my head. I always somehow forget to tie my shoelaces. If I had a dime for every time I tripped due to my shoelaces, I'd be cruising down the streets of LA.
Not long after we were out the door, jogging down the sidewalks. I couldn't help but glance around, admiring the pale pink skies turning blue and the sound of the beautiful chirping from the birds. A slight breeze flew by making me slightly shiver, but other than that, it was warm out.
"Emma's coming over on the weekend." Julian said, breaking me out of my thoughts. "And then I'm moving in with her."
"Is that when you're going to tell mom you're engaged?" I chuckle. I breathed deeply out trying to keep up.
"I'm going to try."
"Wait, I thought you were looking for another apartment?"
"We were, but we thought it would be smarter to just move into her apartment now, and then save up for a better place," he shrugged.
I nodded and held out a finger out for him motioning for him to stop. I leaned over with my hands on my knees attempting to catch my breath wincing at the sharp pain in my stomach. A look of disbelief passed over my face when I looked up to find Julian jogging on the spot.
"How?" He shrugged with a smirk. He turned around, giving me his back. I rejoined him, and surprisingly we jogged the whole block without stopping. I even managed to avoid tripping on my laces.
"Never. Again." I gasped out as we reached the front porch. "I wish I could be one of those girls who could eat two horses, and still not gain any weight." I grumbled sitting down on one of the steps.
"Are you saying you're done?" He asked with challenging grin. Taking a deep breath out, I stood to my full height accepting the challenge.
"Nope. Hit me with whatever's next." I said, knowing I would fully regret this later. I bent down to let Ollie off his leash, and he gave me a happy bark as a form of gratitude.
Julian let Ollie out into the backyard, then lead me out to the garage that was stacked with lots of working out equipment. Hell, I didn't even know the names of most of the machines.
I decided to start on the machine that worked out my legs, while Julian headed for the bench press machine. "Do you need me to spot you?"
Julian shook his head laughing. "Nah, I'm starting off low, besides, I doubt you'd actually be able to lift the weight up."
"Touché, big bro. Touché." I began my workout while jamming to Julian's explicit playlist, humming along. My legs started to give out, so I decided to switch over to the mat laying on the ground.
I started with a plank, moving on to push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, donkey kicks and squats—because I couldn't forget to work on my butt—, finally finishing off with a skipping rope to work a bit more on my cardio. By the time I had finished I had sweat dripping down, cringing when I felt the sweat roll down my chest. Halfway through the workout, my bun had fell leaving a jumbled mess in it's place.
I left the garage, allowing Julian to continue his workout in peace. I trudged up the stairs, in desperate need of a shower. I groaned when I realized Shane had occupied our shower. I walked over to Enzo's room, hoping that he also wasn't in the shower. The door was left open, so I walked right in. I sighed in relief when I saw Enzo on his phone, still in bed.
"Out running?" He asked, lifting his head.
"Clearly," I gestured to the numerous sweat stains on my outfit. "Now, can I use your bathroom?" He opened his mouth, but I cut him off with a plead. "Please? I won't take that long!" He scoffed.
"You're going to wash your hair?" I meekly nodded. He softly laughed. "Then it is going to take a long time." I looked at him for a couple of more moments, staring him down until he finally gave in. "Fine," he said grumbling. "But don't use my conditioner, it cost me a pretty penny." I gave him a huge grin.
"Thanks E!" I quickly ran out the room into mine to gather my clothes before he'd change his mind. After grabbing my clothes consisting of a pair of jeans, and an army green top I trotted back to the twins' room heading into their shower.
"You used my conditioner, didn't you?" Enzo accused once I had stepped out of the washroom an hour and fifteen minutes later.
The shower had helped me feel better, but I was annoyed at the fact that I had to switch between cold and hot water due to Shane's shower.
"Don't accuse me!" I laughed. He narrowed his eyes walking towards me. He grabbed a small clump of my damp hair lifting it to his nose. He sniffed it a little.
"This is hard proof!" He said pointing to my hair. "You did use it!"
"I didn't deny it!" I called back running out of the room with a laugh. To be honest, I hadn't intended on using the conditioner, but it had smelt so nice, I had to use it and I don't regret it one bit since it had done wonders on my hair.
I sighed, flopping down on my bed. I hadn't had anything planned for the day since Amy was supposed to go out on a date with Tyler. It was almost about noon, so I'm guessing she had just gotten ready. She invited me to join, but I didn't feel like being a third wheeler.
My stomach grumbled, reminding me about the absence of food in my stomach. I headed downstairs settling on a carton of yogurt and a cut up peach. Shane had joined me moments later, stealing a peach slice from my plate, but not before ruffling my hair with one hand.
"Can you not?"
"Can you not?" He mimicked back. I scowled at him. He rummaged through the fridge searching for something to eat.
I sighed getting up from my seat and put the dishes away. I put my hands to my hips while watching him close the fridge only to open it up again. "Want me to make you something?" He turned to look at me with a carton of eggs in his hand. He held up a green pepper with the other hand.
"Please, an omelette?" I nodded, holding out my hands for him to pass the ingredients over. "You're lucky I love you."
"Love you too sis." I turned towards the stove starting to prepare the omelette. I served the vegetable filled omelette with cilantro and sour cream. Shane attempted to hold back a moan.
"This is great. Thanks sis." I headed out of the kitchen to lie down on the sofa in the living room, I still feel exhausted from the workout. "But don't forget, Enzo, Julian and I are heading over to Mariana's and James' in an hour or two, and mom and dad are at work. Are you going to join us?" He asked.
"Probably later," I replied. He nodded, going back to his omelette. "Shane!" I called from the living room. "Could you get me orange juice?" I asked. Hopefully that would help with me gain a little bit of more energy.
Shae had left two hours ago, and in that time, I cleaned my room, and cleaned the house while I was at it. Besides, it was my turn to do it anyways.
I grabbed the car keys from the bowl in the foyer, opening my front door, ready to head out. To my surprise, I found Dylan and Lillian on my front porch, fist in mid air, ready to knock.
"Hello gorgeous," I grinned when she attacked my leg. I smiled at her older brother, ignoring the swarm of butterflies in my stomach. I shifted on my leg, trying to stay upright. "What are you guys doing here?"
Dylan scratched the back of his neck. "Lilly wanted to see you and Ollie."
"No! You're the one who—" Dylan slapped a hand over her mouth.
"Like I said, Lilly wanted to see you and Ollie," he repeated with a tight smile directed at his sister.
"Where is Ollie?" Lillian peered around my legs into the house. She sounded upset. I bent down to her level.
"He's getting groomed right now." The smile fell off her face.
"Oh." She looked down at her shoes, not meeting my gaze.
"But I'll see what I can do for the weekend. Maybe we can set up something then?" Her eyes shined in excitement and she practically jumped up and down.
"Oh, um, were you going somewhere?"
I stood back at my full height, looking at his gorgeous blue eyes hidden behind glasses. "Yeah, we're having dinner at my sister's today."
"Sorry," he grinned sheepishly. "We'll be on our way then."
I really didn't want him to go, but my mom would kill me if I was later than I already was.
"I'll see you soon right?" I asked a little too hopefully.
"Of course," he promised before retreating.
Here's a little inside on Amelia's brothers.
Q: Favourite animal?
A: A giraffe! They're so cute and tiny as babies but then the start growing and BAM! They're 98843275823395 ft tall
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