The Bureau has the same smell as he remembers, stale cigarettes, male aftershave and egos. Louis swears it's a smell, arrogance.
The receptionist buzzed Louis up to level 5, where the detective offices are. The moment he walks in his hands become clammy and his heart rate picks up. He tries to act unbothered as he looks around the room.
He's wearing his black jeans and blue and white baseball tee, vans on his feet and his fringe messy.
He's stared at by the few men milling about.
"Louis, kid!" Drew says as he sees Louis, Louis turns to see Drew smiling at him as he walks over.
"Hi" Louis says
"Harry and Scott said you were meant to be coming, how are you?" he says as he begins to lead Louis down the carpeted corridor to their offices.
"I'm okay thanks" Louis says half smiling
"I think they are in the break room" Drew then says as they come to Harry and Scott's office and see they aren't inside,
Louis looks towards Drew who winks,
"Come on" he says as he leads Louis further down the hall, Louis then hears Harry's unmistakable laugh. They turn the corner and come to the large break room.
There's a massive table with chairs around it, a kitchen and everything. It's modern and nice and as Louis looks around he doesn't notice everyone staring towards him and Drew. Harry and Scott look to each other when they see Louis, he looks delicious and when they notice the team staring at him they get a little jealous and territorial.
They stand up and walk towards Louis and Drew
"Right on time then?" Harry asks as he looks at his watch.
"I see you were expecting me then" Louis says back sassily
"We didn't have high hopes of you showing up" Scott says smirking
Louis rolls his eyes
"Don't look so disappointed that I did" Louis says back
"We might have been looking forward to bringing you in ourselves" Harry says winking at Louis.
Louis gets a tingle down his spine and he hides his blush.
"Get back to work boys" Scott calls to the room and they all immediately listen and chorus their 'yes bosses' around the room.
Harry and Scott then turn serious, they thank Drew for bringing Louis in and then lead him, hands on his back, out the door.
Louis is then led past Harry and Scott's office and to the right where they have a few seperate interview rooms set up. It's more comfortable than a police interrogation room but it just has a table and three chairs, two on one side and one on the other. Louis also notices the tape recorder set up. He looks to Harry and Scott as they shut the door, a scared look on his face.
"It's okay, you've done this before it's nothing new, we're right here" Scott then says and Louis is actually thankful for his words.
"Take a seat Lou" Harry says as he points towards the single chair
Louis does as he's told and sits down a little shakily.
Although he's upset with Harry and Scott he still feels safe in their presence and he still trusts them. He doesn't want to appear weak to them though, It's been nearly 3 years, he should be able to handle it by now.
Scott and Harry share a look and turn into complete work mode, Louis is used to seeing two sides of them but it doesn't make them any less intimidating.
"Interview with Louis Tomlinson, beginning at 10:45, I am detective Scott Wolf and with me in the room we have detective Harry Styles" Scott says professionally.
"Louis, we've asked you here today to go over your statement once again in the case against Stanley Green" Harry says with no emotion.
Louis sighs loudly, he didn't think he'd have to go through everything, answer a few questions maybe, but not recite the whole thing
"Why do you need my statement again?" Louis asks
"As you are aware, Stanley Green has been released from jail and the charges are pending, the prosecution is looking at dropping them all together" Harry says
"I don't understand" Louis says confused
"There has been evidence that has come forward that wasn't presented to the opposition during the trial, they found out and it's a huge discrepancy when it comes to Stanley Green and his whereabouts on the night of your disappearance" Scott says
Louis is completely taken aback
"What does that mean?" Louis asks lost
"It means Stanley essentially has an alibi and the man that took you wasn't him, and the wrong man has been sitting in prison for the last few years" Harry says
"So you're saying I lied about what happened?" Louis asks in disbelief
Harry and Scott sigh
"No Louis, we are saying that you could have been mistaken with who you saw and who actually took you, you were under a-lot of stress, no one would blame you" Scott says
Louis cannot believe what he's hearing, no, he's one hundred percent sure it was Stanley, it has to be.
"We just need to go over what happened again" Harry says
Louis nods, if he's put an innocent man in prison Louis will never forgive himself, and that means his captor has been out there all along.
"In your words can you tell us what happened again" Harry prompts
Louis closes his eyes and takes a deep breath,
There's a pause and Harry and Scott wait patiently for Louis to start talking. He opens his eyes but looks at his fingers
"I'd just finished my night class at university, it was a Friday and there were heaps of kids around. It was dark but I had walked to my car heaps of times at night and nothing had ever happened, it was on University grounds, I thought it was okay. Especially with lots of people around.
It was cold so I was in a hurry, as I reached my car though, there was a guy smoking against it. There was my car, and two others in the lot, there was a white van next to my car.
"He said Hi to me, and I said Hi back, he asked me if he was leaning on my car and I said yes and he laughed and moved aside and apologised. I didn't think anything just smiled and unlocked my car, the next thing I knew I was hit over the head and inside the van, then I blacked out until I woke up in his torture chamber in his basement" Louis says, he closes his eyes and tries to steady his breathing
"You're doing really we kid" Harry says
"Can you tell us what car you were driving?" Scott asks
"A 2010 black Toyota Corolla" Louis says
"And the van?" Harry asks
"I don't know, but it had a green 'save the whales sticker' in the corner of the back window" Louis says
"And is this the guy who took you?" Scott asks as he lays Stanley's picture in front of Louis
Louis chokes on his sob and swallows hard
"Yes, I absolutely swear to you" Louis says and he meets Scott and Harry's eyes
They believe him instantly, but something is not adding up here at all.
"Can you tell us what happened next?" Scott asks
"I was kept in the basement and was tortured, beaten everyday for his pleasure. I had to watch as he'd lure boys back to the basement and torture and kill them" Louis says as he rubs his hands up and down his thighs
"It's okay Louis, just take a breath before you continue" Harry says
Louis shakes his head.
"I was there for two months before you found me and then I was in the hospital for a month and therapy twice a week for a year before I could walk out of the house alone, I don't want to do this again" Louis says helplessly
The boys really feel for Louis and they know he isn't going to like what's coming next
"Louis, your family isn't around are they?" Scott then asks
Louis looks at then confused
"No, my parents died when I was 14" Louis says wondering what that has to do with anything.
"So you went to the state? You lived in foster care?" Harry asks nonchalantly, already knowing the answer.
Louis shifts in his seat, Harry and Scott have come across some more information about Louis past.
"No, I didn't" Louis says looking down
"How come? You were 14, not the legal age to be considered an adult" Scott says a little condescendingly
" aunt took me in" Louis says avoiding eye contact
"Your aunt that died the year before your parents?" Harry asks
Louis sighs
"So you lied to everyone, including children's services about your situation?" Harry then asks knowing Louis isn't going to expand on the situation
"I didn't lie, I just didn't tell them that my aunt had died, they didn't seem to know and didn't really care as long as the paperwork was done, they never checked it" Louis says
"But you didn't correct them" Scott says
"What does it matter? I worked two jobs I paid my way, I lived from day to day, I struggled but I put myself through University and worked my arse off" Louis says
"We know kid, but you deceived the law and they found out, and now..." Harry says
Louis looks to Harry and Scott in realisation
"They think I'm lying about Stanley?" Louis asks
Harry and Scott don't say anything and just look sympathetically towards Louis.
"I want to leave" Louis says as he swallows thickly
The boys sigh and nod as Scott reaches out to pause the recording
"Interview terminated at 11:02am" Scott says and he stops the recording
They all just sit in silence and Louis tries to get his breathing and feelings under control
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