"Why are the media here" Louis asks as they pull up the driveway.
"It was only a matter of time I guess, they've obviously heard about the accident" Harry says as he drives them through the media.
Murdock and Lucas have them contained at the top of the driveway. They let the Rover through and there are flashes through the car, Louis puts his hood over his face and Harry and Scott lead him through the flashes and into the house.
"You okay?" Scott asks as he and Harry arm the house and close all the blinds so no one can see in.
"Yeah" Louis says
"I'm going to start on dinner and you're going to go to bed and I'll bring it up okay" Harry says
"Are you sure Harry, I can help" Louis says
"Nope, nice try, let's go baby" Scott says as he leads Louis upstairs
Louis is quiet and he lets Scott change him into his pyjamas. Scott kissing him as he goes
"Can I go to your bed?" Louis asks shyly
"Absolutely baby boy" Scott says smiling. He then leads Louis down to the master bedroom and tucks him in comfortably
"Now what would you like to watch hey" Scott says as he turns on Netflix
"I don't mind" Louis says
"Friends it is then" Scott smiles and Louis chuckles, he feels fuzzy knowing Scott remembered that was his favourite show
"I'm just going to have a shower okay, then Harry and I will come cuddle with you" Scott says
"K" Louis says smiling, Scott smiles and kisses Louis on the head
Harry finishes up dinner, has a quick shower and brings dinner upstairs to Louis and Scott. The three of them snuggle down in bed together and eat. Harry and Scott absolutely starving. Louis doesn't really eat and has a few mouthfuls, even though Harry's Alfredo is his absolute favourite pasta ever.
"Louis, we need you to eat more than that baby" Harry says as he and Scott finish up
"I know but I'm just not feeling very well" Louis says
"Is it your head?" Scott asks concerned
"A little bit, it's more my side, I just feel yuck" Louis says
The boys let it slide and Scott goes to clean up dinner before the three of them are snuggling up again watching friends, it's silent as they just hold each other close.
"Is he going to kill me?" Louis asks out of the blue
"Louis, darling no, we won't let him touch you" Scott says
"He probably thought he'd killed me today, why didn't he stop and make sure I was dead, or was he just trying to scare me?" Louis asks
"The more we try and rationalise him Lou, the more confusing it gets. He is just trying to scare you, he thinks we don't know it's him, he thinks we are still looking for someone else. He has no idea we are onto him" Harry says
"So, that means?" Louis starts
"It means he's trying to scare you, trying to make you think you're going crazy so his brother is let out. His hope is that we set our sights on someone else" Scott says
"Well I thought I was going crazy for a little while there" Louis says
"You're not crazy and he will stuff up and we will catch him. We know who he is now and we just have to find him" Harry says
Louis nods and he ends up falling asleep on Harry's chest. The boys turn off the TV and settle in for the night. The media camping out in front of the house hoping to get a glimpse of something, anything.
Louis wakes up early, just as the sun is rising. His head feels better thankfully, his ribs still giving him a bit of grief. He decides to get up, leaving Harry and Scott fast asleep.
He brushes his teeth and grabs one of Harry and Scott's hoodies from the chair, one they both wear and puts it on. He makes his way downstairs and makes himself some tea.
He then goes over to the window and sneaks a look behind the curtain. He can see the media waiting outside the front gate, where Lucas and Murdock are. Louis feels a little safer with the media there to be honest. At least Stanley won't try anything if they are there and watching.
Louis loses track of time, just looking out the window, before Harry and Scott make their way downstairs
"You shouldn't be out of bed darling" Scott said as he comes up behind Louis to cuddle him and give him a morning kiss.
"I'm still resting" Louis says as he kisses Scott back
Harry chuckles
"I think your definition of resting is slightly different to ours" He smirks and walks over to kiss Louis good morning too
Louis just smiles cheekily in response
"What are you looking at? The media still there?" Scott then asks as he looks behind the curtain
"Yeah, I don't know why, what do they want from me?" Louis asks
"Probably to ask you about the case and how you're feeling and what you know" Harry says
"We will try to get an order for them to not come up the driveway today" Scott says
"You have to go in?" Louis pouts
"Sorry baby, we do, how about, when this is all over we can take some time off and spend it together, everyday, what do you say" Harry says
Louis smiles
"I'd like that" Louis blushes
"We would too" Scott says
Harry and Scott move towards the kitchen to make breakfast.
"Did you find anything out about Jeremy? Was he just a weirdo or did he have something to do with the case?" Louis asks as he goes to sit at the dining table.
"We think he was just a peeping Tom, we couldn't find any connection to him and Stanley" Scott says and Louis nods
"So is he still working your squad?" Louis asks
"No, he's moved to another squad, still in headquarters just not under us" Harry says
"That's good" Louis responds as he sips his tea
"Now, we want you to stay in bed or on the couch today okay, we're sorry we can't be here to make sure you're okay and taking your medicine all day but we really need to go in" Scott says
"It's okay, I don't expect you to be here 24/7 looking after me" Louis says
"Well we don't like it and want to be here with you looking after you, waiting on you hand and foot" Harry says smiling
"I'm a big boy H, I can look after myself" Louis says
"We know you're used to that Lou, but we're here now and you're going to have to get used to us looking after you" Scott says smiling
Louis blushes, he's so lucky to have Harry and Scott
After Harry and Scott have lectured Louis over and over and saved alarms on his phone so he remembers to take his medicine they head off to work.
Louis doesn't like that Harry and Scott leave him everyday but knowing they come home to him every night makes everything okay.
Louis sighs and goes to sit down in the lounge, as much as he hates sitting around and gets anxious just sitting and letting his thoughts run rampant, in case they go to something dark. He is really tired and feels a bit lousy, so he plans to spend the day on the couch.
It's about lunchtime when Noah and Max make their way to the front door and knock. Louis is half asleep on the couch when he gets up and unlocks the door. He's all sweater paws and cuteness.
"Lou, we need to come inside bud" Noah says as he and Max walk in.
"Listen, we know you're not feeling well and need to be resting but Harry and Scott have asked us to bring you in" Max says
"How come " Louis asks innocently as he goes to grab his vans by the door and slip them on.
"We've reported someone hanging around the last few hours, near the entry to the running track. We are pretty sure it's Stanley and we have stealth units on the way but we have been asked to get you out" Noah says
"Okay" Louis says, he doesn't argue. He doesn't feel well and is a little worried
"Good boy, now, our car is at the fence line, straight there, into the backseat understand" Noah says
Louis nods
"The media have been tipped off on another story downtown, so it should be quiet the next few hours, so you won't be photographed leaving or anything" Max says
Louis is at least thankful for that.
Max and Noah open the door and they exit the house, Louis locks the door behind him and he's then led down the steps to the car.
As soon as they step foot on the grass there is a gunshot and Louis watches as Max hits the ground, a hit to his leg
Louis vaguely registers Noah radioing something and pulling his gun out, pushing Louis behind him. They then see a figure in all black run from the Forrest up the paddock with a gun.
"Stop or I'll shoot" Noah yells
Louis is scared shitless at what's happening, Max manages to grab his gun undetected and shoot toward the figure, hitting him in the left knee. He goes down and Noah then runs towards him tackles him and puts him in handcuffs
It all happens in a blur and Louis is grabbed from behind. As Max and Noah are pre occupied with arrests and injuries
A hand with a cloth goes over Louis mouth and he struggles with all his light to get free, trying to ignore the pain in his side as he struggles, he becomes extremely weak though and by the time he sees the white van and realises what's going on, he's out.
Noah arrests the gunman and flips him over to see his face
"Jeremy? What the fuck" Noah asks
He then looks behind him and doesn't see Louis anywhere, he hears a van screeching it's way down the driveway though.
"Sierra Oscar 228, all units respond to 28 chestnut, officer down, one suspect apprehended and an abduction" Noah says into the radio
"What the fuck is going on" Noah asks Jeremy
He hauls him up to his feet and puts him in the back of the patrol car
"He made me do it, he made me I swear" Jeremy says but Noah doesn't listen. He secures Jeremy in the squad car and rushes to Max's side
He puts pressure on Max's wound and by the time the ambulance turns up Noah is covered in blood and Max has passed out. The ambulance assure Noah that Max will be fine they just need to get him to hospital.
When Harry and Scott, Edward and Drew show up they are worried sick
"What the fuck happened, where is he" Scott asks almost pleading with Noah
"We were ambushed, Jeremy shot Max and was about to shoot Louis, Max managed to shoot him first but Louis was taken while we were apprehending Jeremy. We thought he was Stanley. Louis was taken, in a white Van" Noah says and the boys can see how utterly devastated he is that this happened
"Did you get a licence number?" Harry asks hopefully
"WSK 678, I couldn't make out the last number" Noah says
"Great work Noah" Drew says as he heads off to the squad car to run the plate
"Did you get a look at who took him?" Harry asks
"No, he sent Jeremy in as a decoy, he had a hood up and was dressed in all black, we thought he was Stanley until I arrested him and realised it was Jeremy" Noah says
"So where was Louis taken from?" Scott asks
"Near the porch, he must have taken him around the back and then they skidded off that way" Noah says
"Let's check Louis cameras" Scott says
Scott and Harry are trying to keep a level head and stay in work mode, they try to keep their emotions out of it but this is Louis, their Louis and they will do anything on the planet to get him back.
"There's a BOL out on Louis and the van" Drew comes back over to say
The boys nod and head inside, they pull up Louis cameras and pretty much see everything go down. They see Stanley come up behind Louis and chloroform him, watching Louis struggle and knowing how scared he would have been gets the boys, their chest aches for Louis and the fact they weren't there to protect him. He must have been so scared.
The boys need to figure out where Stanley might have taken Louis because this time, they don't know how long Stanley will keep Louis alive.
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