
The rain pelts down against Louis face as he picks up his pace, his shoes hitting the ground one after the other, the only sound in the woods, along with his heavy breathing. It's calming to an extent.

Louis thought he would make it back from his run before the sky's opened up, but the clouds didn't hold out. He pushes through the trail and comes into his backyard, through the wooden fence and he slows down to a walk, soaking up the rain,

Louis loves the serenity out in the woods, he feels safe, which is ironic since he's alone, but he prefers it that way after everything that happened.

Louis walks across the lush green paddock to his Hampton style home, he designed and had it built himself, it's two stories, whites/greys and beautiful farmhouse features. He's won many awards for the house and he's really proud of it.

He makes it to the porch and takes off his jumper and muddy running shoes, he unlocks the door and walks into the cosy living room. The fire on in the corner, the winter chill has started seeping through.

Louis turns to the door and reactivates the alarm panel and proceeds to lock the front door with the seven locks that he's put in place. He designed the house so it's safe, so he feels safe.

Louis makes it to the shower, gets himself warm and changes into his blue and red pyjamas. He makes himself a hot chocolate and settles down in the lounge room in front of the TV.

He sighs, this is his routine most days. He works from home as an architect, Louis has won many awards for his designs at the tender age of 22 and is very well known in the industry.

Once he's finished his work for the day he takes himself into the woods for a run, he usually runs for a good hour and a half, it helps him mentally and being in the woods calms him. He then comes home, makes himself dinner and watches his tv shows before heading to bed.

Tonight though, as the clock turns to 8pm and Louis is finishing up his TV shows. He sees a 4WD and a police car make their way up the long dirt driveway, the lights making themselves known from the bottom of the street, so he's not blindsided and knows who's coming.

Louis hasn't had a visit from the police in just over a year, he wonders what's happened and instantly gets an unsettling feeling in his gut.

He knows who's coming and swallows thickly, he doesn't make a move off the couch, instead he waits for the knock on the door. He takes a deep breath, he walks over to the door and looks at the security screen, he breathes out shakily and  slowly undoes the locks. He opens the door slowly and comes face to face with four Greek gods themselves

"Hey Kid" is the first thing Detective Styles says, his hands on his hips as he looks at Louis sympathetically

Detective Styles, Detective Wolf, Detective Stone and Detective Winter all stare back at him.

Louis is familiar with the four of them, they essentially saved him, took the case, were in his life daily during the trial. They checked up on him for months afterwards....until they didn't anymore.

"Hi" Louis says shyly

"Can we come in?" Scott asks, his tone sympathetic

Scott and Harry are 29, both over six foot three, toned, tattooed, muscly as hell. Intimidating detectives. Harry has brown hair, slightly curly to his ears, a slight scruff from the last time Louis saw him. Scott has dark brown hair, grey eyes and is clean shaven. Both are insanely good looking and completely Louis type, they are in a relationship together and Louis always thought they made a good couple, but he always felt like  something was missing.

Drew Stone and Edward Winter are part of Harry and Scott's squad. Both 28 and just shy of six three, both insanely good looking too. Drew has a calming persona about him and Edward doesn't take any crap from anyone. Louis liked them all very much, when they used to come around, used to spend time with him.

"Sure" Louis says quietly as he steps aside to let them all in, Louis feels so small in their presence. Once they are inside they watch as Louis locks the door again and turns to face them.

"Routine is still the same then" Harry smirks as he looks around and sees Louis hot chocolate on the coffee table and his blanket in the couch

Louis just looks at Harry a little embarrassed.

"Do you want some tea or something?" Louis then asks

"Sure Lou, that would be great" Drew says with a slight smile.

Louis nods and walks them into the kitchen, it's all joined together as an open plan living area on the bottom floor.

Louis sets to making tea and the boys make themselves at home, Drew and Edward on the stools at the kitchen bench, Scott leaning against the bench and Harry the stove.

It's quiet as the boys take Louis in. He's exactly the same as they remember, stunningly gorgeous, tiny, still far too skinny, tanned, a few tattoos, piercing blue eyes and an innocent face, it's hard to believe he's 22.

When everyone has their tea Louis looks towards them, his insides twisting with worry.

"I know you're not here to see me socially, so what's wrong?" Louis asks boldly

"Lou" Scott tries

"It's fine, I know you're all busy and there's no reason to come out and see me anymore or anything" Louis says, but the boys can hear the hurt in his voice

"It's not like that Louis, the case was finished, we did our job" Harry starts and that gets Louis hard in the chest, he's so stupid to think they wanted to be friends with him. That they cared about him.

"What do you want Harry" Louis interrupts, his anxiety making him angry.

The boys all sigh and take a breath before Scott is talking.

"Stanley Green has been released from prison, there was a breach made by our side which affected the way his legal team conducted his defence, there was evidence that was not meant to be admissible, that was, and he's out" Scott says

Louis tries to keep his composure, he won't show weakness in front of the boys, he won't break, he will save that for when he's alone.

"He's on house arrest, until they decide if he's going to get a new trial, we have tabs on him, we know where he is, he's guarded" Drew says, trying to reassure Louis, even just a little.

"He's out because of a technicality?" Louis asks as his breathing becomes heavy

The boys are silent, they know this is a huge weight on Louis already strained shoulders

"We're going to station a few guards at the top of your driveway" Edward starts

"But you said he was under house arrest" Louis says as his anxiety starts to creep in.

"He is kid, he is, we're just taking precautions and when the press get hold of it, they could turn up too. We just want you safe that's all" Scott says

Louis scoffs as they all fall silent, Louis trying to come to terms with the news.

"You can go now" Louis says as he looks down

"Louis we need to talk about this" Harry says

"No Harry we don't, you've done your job, told me what's happened, now you're off the hook. You can see yourselves out" Louis says, trying to keep his tears in.

The boys sigh, they know how hard this is for Louis to come to terms with, they were just hoping he would let them in to help him.

The boys leave the house and Louis alone once again. He sees Harry and Scott leave in the rover but Drew and Edward stay behind in the squad car, stationed at the top of the driveway.

Louis quickly turns the TV off and heads straight upstairs to bed, his anxiety taking over as the flashbacks start, he doesn't sleep a wink and instead he breaks and cries the entire night too scared to close his eyes, in case the nightmares of his past start once again.

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