Louis wakes the next morning, his head pounding. He looks to the clock and it reads 9:13am, even though he's slept for hours Louis still feels exhausted.
He gets up out of bed and goes straight to the shower, Louis feels upset, scared, anxious and just lost. He numbly dresses in grey sweats and a navy sweater. He knows he has to face Harry and Scott, as much as he doesn't want to.
He walks down the stairs and it's quiet. He can see Harry and Scott outside on the porch drinking tea. They are both dressed for work, chatting to Drew and Edward. The four of them look so intimidating, rough, yet handsome and Louis wishes he didn't know them like he used to, like normal people. Kind, caring, funny.
They all turn around as Louis enters the room. They stare at him in sympathy, Louis hates it. He breaks eye contact and heads to the kitchen for some tea.
The boys enter the house and follow after him.
Louis puts the kettle on and grabs a mug. He opens the fridge and sees all of Harry and Scott's food and drinks inside. He realises he has no milk and needs to use Harry and Scott's.
He sighs and grabs the milk and turns around to face the boys.
"Can I use this? I'll replace it today" Louis says quietly
"Louis, of course you can, you don't have to replace anything" Scott tells him gently
Louis nods slightly in thanks
"How are you feeling?" Harry then asks
"I'm fine, just a bit tired" Louis confesses
"Andy said that's normal" Drew says kindly
"You need to eat something, would you like me to make you some eggs?" Harry asks gently
"I'm not hungry" Louis says as he turns around to get the kettle off the stove. He pours the water and makes his tea.
"Doesn't really matter kid, you need to eat something....that's also Andy's orders" Edward says
"I don't feel like eating anything" Louis says timidly
The boys sigh, Harry grabs a pan and some eggs out and begins to make Louis some scrambled eggs.
"Let's make a deal hey, you eat something and we will fill you in on everything we've found so far" Scott says
"You told me you'd let me in on everything anyway, you promised me" Louis says pointedly
"We did, but we aren't above bribing you, so....." Scott smirks as he shrugs his shoulders
Louis smiles slightly and the boys all see it, they don't mention it, but they see it as a small win.
"Come sit down" Drew says and he reaches out to lead Louis to the table. They all sit around the table and watch as Harry finishes the eggs. He brings them over to Louis and sits down next to him.
Louis sighs and picks up the fork, he plays with his food before he takes a bite. He can't deny he's missed Harry's cooking so much.
He swallows and turns to the boys, an eyebrow raised.
They laugh,
"Okay, okay" Scott says fondly
"If it's to much Lou, please tell us and we can stop and fill you in another day" Drew says and Louis nods
"We received the DNA from the clothes back this morning. It was a match to yours, so you were right, those clothes were from when you went missing" Harry says gently
"Do you know who put them there?" Louis asks quietly
"Eat" Scott says fondly
Louis rolls his eyes and takes another bite of his eggs
"We don't know who it was, the cameras show someone, Male, about 6,2 dressed in all black. Murdock and Lucas didn't see him until he rang the doorbell and high tailed it to the woods, they were on their patrol on the other side of the house" Drew says
Louis takes it all in as he eats another bite.
"We've searched the woods, however we couldn't find anyone or any trace of anything...yet" Harry says
"Yet?" Louis asks
"We have extended the search, the woods go for miles and miles and we want to extend the search further into the forest. Whoever is placing these things, is entering and exiting from the woods" Scott says
"Okay, so how long will that take" Louis asks as he takes one more bite and slides his eggs away. The boys happy he's eaten something
"A week at most" Edward says
"And what if you don't find anything?" Louis asks
"Then we move to plan B" Harry says
"And you're not going to tell me that plan?" Louis says knowingly and the boys smirk
He looks to Harry who winks at him and Louis feels fuzzy inside
It goes quiet then and the boys look at each other, Louis doesn't miss it.
"What?" Louis asks sceptically
The boys look at each other again before Scott starts talking carefully.
"We did...... we did find some DNA that doesn't belong to you on the clothes" Scott says
Louis straightens up in his seat
"Who's DNA was it" Louis asks swallowing thickly.
"We don't know yet, we have to run it against our data base and that could take 48-72 hours. We will know in the next few days.
"Okay" Louis says "thanks for telling me" He says sincerely.
"Thanks for eating" Harry says half smiling.
"Now, we have to go into the office. There are two new guards stationed here in the day now, we need Drew and Edward back on the team, so they can lead it when we aren't around" Scott says
"Ohhhh okay, are they nice?" Louis asks cutely
The boys smile
"Well, they will protect you" Drew says chuckling
"Are you sure they are safe? Did you research them?" Louis asks a little worriedly
"They are part of our squad, have been for three years. Max and Jeremy, we trust them to protect you" Scott tells him reassuringly.
"You know we wouldn't allow anyone we didn't trust to be here with you" Harry says and Louis nods. He knows that, he just wants to be extra cautious
"K" Louis says
"If you need anything while we are gone, just call us okay. We haven't changed numbers and we will answer you straight away" Scott says
Louis nods and they all get up to leave.
"Please eat lunch Lou, we will bring dinner home at 6 okay" Harry says
"You don't have to do that" Louis says
"We know, but we want to" Scott says
Louis doesn't argue and he watches them leave. He has work to do anyway and needs to take his mind off things.
Louis engulfs himself in his work for the next few hours. He finishes some designs in his office and sends them all off. He has a few new enquiries that he needs to get back to and seven new designs he needs to start.
He's just replying to the last enquiry when there is a knock at the door.
He goes to the front and sees it's one of the police guarding the house. He calms his racing heart and clammy hands and opens the door.
"Hi Louis, I'm Jeremy, I'm so sorry to disturb you, would you mind if I used your bathroom? I wouldn't normally bother you but we are waiting for the portable toilet on site to be replaced" he says kindly
"Oh, sure, no trouble, come in" Louis says
"The bathroom is to the right, past the stairs" Louis says.
"Thanks, you're a life saver" Jeremy says smiling.
Louis just smiles in response and goes to the kitchen. He waits until Jeremy comes out, it seems like he's taking a while but Louis doesn't question anything.
Six minutes later, Jeremy comes back into the kitchen
"Thanks so much Louis" he says as he sees him behind the island bench.
"No trouble" Louis smiles
"Listen Louis, I just wanted to tell you, I really love your designs. I've followed you for a while, you designed one of my best friends clubs a few years back. Before you got really famous for your work" Jeremy says
"Oh?" Louis says curiously
Jeremy seems really nice and Scott and Harry assured him he is trustworthy, so Louis let's his guard down a little.
"Yeah, it was in east London, Snitch" Jeremy says
"Oh no way, that was one of my first jobs ever, I think I was still in Uni" Louis says with a smile
"Well, he knew you would become famous, everyone was in awe of that club" Jeremy say
Louis blushes
"I never designed another club after that one" Louis says
"No, but your designs are amazing! I'm really into architecture and would have done that if I wasn't an officer. I just had a calling to join the force you know" Jeremy finishes
"Well I'm sure you're an amazing officer" Louis says and Jeremy smiles
"Look, I know you have a lot going on but if you're free I would really love to take you out" Jeremy says
Louis is completely taken aback, he has no idea what to say. Jeremy is good looking, he's muscly, with brown hair and brown eyes. He's clean shaven, however there's something about him that Louis finds off putting.
"Oh, Um.....I'm really flattered but I just, I'm not really looking for anything at the moment. Maybe when this is all over we could talk again" Louis says shyly
"Totally, no I understand, that sounds great, I'll hold you to that" Jeremy says and Louis half smiles
"I better get back out there, Max will be wondering where I am. It was great chatting to you Louis" Jeremy says
"You too" Louis says smiling
He watches Jeremy leave and goes back to his work, he feels uneasy and he just can't put a finger on why.
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