Chapter 38- A Gentle Kiss

"Who was he! Don't fucking lie to me, I saw you! Talking to him at work!"

He grabs my hair and pushes me under the cold water, holding my head down.

"ANSWER ME." He screams into my ear dragging me back up, I gulp for air ignoring the pulsing in my brain.

"No one," I stutter trying to grasp for air, " He was a customer, I have to talk to them."

"You're a disgusting liar, I saw you flirting with him like the slut you are!" He shouts, eyes dark with rage. He wacks my head against the side of the bath repetitively.

"I wasn't! I wasn't!" I shout back in between sobs, the pain in my brain getting worse with every collision.

"Stop crying, you're pathetic!" He grabs me by my shirt and lifts me out of the bath throwing me onto the ground.

"This is your fault,Gigi. You made this happen" He whispers maliciously driving his fist into my face, I scream in pain, each punch coming with more force.

"Stop!" I cry, my throat burning, "Please!"

"Gigi!" I feel my body shake and my eyes fly open, "Gigi, sweetheart, wake up!"

I spring up, my heart hammering under my ribcage. Sweat lines my forehead and tears cloud my eyes. I clutch the bed sheets trying to force oxygen into my lungs.

It's fine, you're here! Not there. It's all okay, calm down.

"Hey, hey. It's okay." Colton grabs my shaking hands and I realise he's sat on my bed In the dark, "I heard you screaming, you were having a nightmare."

"I'm sorry I just- I'm so sorry," I can feel the tears running down my face, he pulls my body into his bare chest.

"Hey its okay," he strokes my hair soothing me, I listen to the steady thumping of his heart as it lulls my breathing to a more normal rate, eventually he says "Scoot over" and peels back the thick duvet. He slides into the bed next to me and pulls me back down into his chest wrapping his arms around me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He whispers, pushing my hair out from behind my neck.

Yes, I want to talk about it.

"I... I can't... not yet... I'm sorry"

"It's okay, take your time Gigi, I'll always be here to listen when you're ready." He places a gentle kiss on the top of my head.

"Thank you," I whisper, snuggling my head into his shoulder.

"Try and go back to sleep, I'm not going anywhere." He strokes my collar bone with one hand and wraps his arm around my body with another. I stare at the orange light peeking through the blind, this is going to be a long night.

"Right sleepyhead, get the fuck up we're going out." Jayden jumps on to my bed startling me awake.

"Jay I told you not to wake her up!" Colton leans against the doorframe, hair dishevelled and torso shirtless... what a sight to wake up too.

"Get dressed because we're going exploring LA, You've been cooped up in the studio too long and you need to get out. Two handsome tour guides are spending the day showing you all their favourite LA Places."

"Great when are they getting here?" I joke wiping the sleep out of my eyes,

"You nasty ass-" Jayden stares at me dumbfounded pretending to be hurt, then walks out of my room shaking his head, muttering to himself. Colton and I chuckle.

"Breakfast is downstairs," He turns to leave, "don't worry I haven't cooked." I chuckle throwing a pillow at him as he leaves.

After jumping in the shower I end up at the kitchen island with the boys.

"What do you use in your hair?" Jaden asks grabbing a strand of my damp hair as I shove a strawberry into my mouth.

"Uh, Tresemme...?" I stare at him like he's mad, so does Colton.

"It smells good." He says retreating back to his barstool, popping a blueberry into his mouth. I raise my eyebrows at Colton who just shrugs worryingly at me, what a strange kid.

The boys have planned to take me out in LA and show me about, despite last night I'm actually ecstatic about this, I've always wanted to visit LA and no doubt having the worlds biggest idiots as my tour guides I'm going to see California in its best light.

"Oh I also wanted to talk to you about the song," Jayden says sounding nervous, I nod signalling him to continue, "Well you're good with emotional shit and I want to write something that's more personal, you know, like Colton is. I want to use my platform for good and try and raise awareness..."

"Yeah I love that, what did you want to talk about?" I love both the boys music but I can't help but feel proud of them that they want to do something bigger with their voices and honoured they want me to help them.

"Well I uh, grew up in a really rough, poor area of Los Angeles, I was raised in a small placed called Lincoln heights and its notorious for having such a high crime rate. I grew up around a lot of knife crime and burglaries, you know typical backstreet crime, I've always been too... afraid to write about it for two reasons, one I know the label will never realise it-too controversial and two... some of the things that happened there... they still kinda haunt me I guess" He mumbles stealing a slice of apple from my plate, "I just want to get it out my system but also make my fans aware that issues like this still exist, that that is where I grew up and I've worked hard to get where I am now..." He shakes his head and chuckles, "That sounds dumb right."

I grab his arm to reassure him,

"No never! I think that's amazing, I feel the same way about where I grew up but like you, I've always been so scared to write about it so let's do it together. Hey, I'm proud of you babe!" I conclude wrapping him in a hug, I've written about where I grew up before but never dared to release it or let anyone hear it,  I don't like talking about my life there. 

"Morning guys!" Will walks into the kitchen chipper in a sing-song tone, "How are you all this fine morning," I chuckle at his happy attitude.

"Good, me and Gigi are just discussing song ideas... you seem happier than normal this morning," Jayden says as Colton slides Will a cup of coffee across the surface.

"Great! I think this collab between you two is going to brilliant!" Will squeeze each of our shoulders which makes me giggle more, "It's a beautiful morning what's not to be happy about?"

"You're hiding something..." Colton nears him looking at him sceptically, Will winces back under his gaze.

"No, I'm not I just," Colton raises his eyebrow at him, "Fine Tessa and Castro want to see you and Gigi this morning, I presume about the song. You guys already know they're probably going to put up a fight about releasing it but I'll do everything I can to fight your corner. I absolutely love the song." He says deterministically. Colt and I both knew the label would be resilient in pushing the song out, its raw and personal something different for Colton, it's a game-changing song, of course, they won't like it.

"The songs going out. Whether they like it or not!" Colton huffs.

A few hours later I find myself sat awkwardly at a conference table beside Colton with a dozen people from the label, including Tessa. Her red nails tap on the wood-top gradually increasing the tension in the room. I gulp looking at Colton whose tensed up beside me, I move my hand to his knee In an attempt to get him to relax, he does a little and returns the gesture placing his hand on top of mine.

"Not Going Anywhere... it's... different," She purrs reading from the iPad in front of her, "I'm not sure it's a song suited to your audiences. It's controversial and well... honestly I don't like it." Coltons jaw tenses and I can practically hear his molars grinding together. There's a collective amount of chatter from around the table and I sink further into my leather chair.

"Actually Tessa I have to disagree, I think it's a brilliant song and the type of song that we should be introducing to their audiences, their fans listen to their music because they can relate to it. This is the type of song the world needs right now. It's not controversial it's truth." Will interjects from the end of the table, a few other heads nod with what he's saying, my eyes focus on Tessa and Castro who's eyes squint in a pondering manner.

"I actually agree with Will, I think this song could be quiet eye-opening and bring in more of an audience rather than oppose it," One of the other executives says,

"I agree, especially the collab partnership. I think ts something the fans love to see between Gigi and Colton." Another adds quietly. A thick silence fills the air, eyes flitting from Tessa to Castro.

"Uh-huh- so do you all feel like this?" Tessa stands up stretching her palms to the table, she narrows her eyes around the various bobbleheads who all look like they're on trial. Most of them give a subtle nod. Tessa looks at Castro then sighs, "Fine. We'll release the song, But! Make no mistake, if this backfires both your contracts will be on the line and you will never release such songs again! Understand?" Me and Colton nod eagerly, I can feel the relief radiating off Colt, I'm fucking ecstatic everyone gets to hear this.

"Right you can all sod off now, Song release T-Minus- eight days. Start all the Promo." Castro orders as all the men and women scurry out of the room. We go to leave but Castro steps in front of me placing his sweaty hand on my shoulder, "Not you, we need to talk." He gestures back to the chairs, Will sits down beside me and Colton stays and sits on the other side of me.

Casto paces around the table where Tessa is still sat like shes in 'basic instinct', I can feel my hands shake. This isn't good, are they kicking me off tour? Are they not giving me an album.

"You've caused quite an uproar in the media haven't you honey?" He leans down next to me on the table and I cringe internally, he's so slimy.

"Look I don't care whats happened in your past or where you've come from. At the end of the day you're making me money but you're also bringing me a lot of hassle, there are many rumours and 'anonymous sources' flying about which could damage our reputation and yours... which means you no longer make me money. This is a warning Gigi, keep your head down, stay quiet, do not raise any more controversial issues and don't talk about anything that's not your music. Your album is on the line here." He runs his hand up and down my back, I can feel bile rising in my throat, I can't escape from the past it's ruining everything. 

"Right. Go." He says bluntly, I watch Tessa who's sat on her iPhone smirking. I hurry up out of my chair and race for the door, I need air.

"Oh Gigi, we're sending through some more outfits and clothes I expect to see you in please, let's hope that waistline's gone in a bit." Tessa snickers as I grab the door handle, "And Colt, remember what I said." She adds bluntly. I Throw the door open and run down the hall not stopping until I'm in the car outside the label building. I try and catch my breath gripping onto the car door as Colton gets in and pulls me into his side, Will gets in the front and the driver starts the car, our journey completely silent other than Will cursing under his breath about how much he hates Hassa Records. 

"Bro it's so unfair, we should have our own stars, we're way better than people like...Scarlett Johansson or Christina Aguilera." Jayden huffs, readjusting his sunglasses. I gasp, thumping him in the arm.

"You better wash your mouth out with soap, the woman who plays one of the best Marvel characters ever and the woman who gave birth too the 90's and 2000's music culture are way more deserving than a rapper who eats cheese from a can." He pouts at me,

"Fine, point taken but don't diss cheese in a can, that shit is revolutionary." I glare at him, just the thought makes me want to vomit.

"I feel like such a fucking tourist." Colton moans fiddling with the cap we made him wear, all three of us are in sunglasses and hats trying to avoid being recognised, probably not the smartest disguise but CJ refused to wear anything else.

"Technically I am a tourist so suck it up buttercup," I say grabbing his chin between my fingers and wiggling his head, he stares off into the distance, I know what happened this morning still bothers him. I'm still upset about it but Jayden was so excited to take me around LA so for his sake I've pushed it away.

"I'm a thirsty tourist," Jayden moans like a child scanning the streets, "Wait there's a store over there, you guys want anything?" Colton and I shake our heads and watch him jog across the lanes of traffic towards the newsagents, or whatever they call it in the US...convenience store? I look up at Colton who's staring down at his trainers, 

"Hey, talk to me." I place a hand on his arm, he tenses under my touch but quickly relaxes.

"I'm fine." He grunts, not bothering to look at me,

"Don't do this Colt, don't shut me out again. You can talk to me, trust me."

"I do... trust you," he sighs running a hand down his face, "I'm sorry I just didn't want to ruin your day or Jayds." His eyes meet mine, pooling with hurt, "I'm just annoyed about this morning and the way they talk to you!" His jaw tenses and he speaks through his teeth.

"Hey, hey, its alright Colt. I know your upset but at least the songs being released and it's going to be a hit, everyone's going to love it. You know why? Because it's a side of you people haven't seen before and its something your fans can relate to." A glint of hope wanders through his eyes, "And don't worry about me, because I'm spending the day with two of the biggest idiots ever." He chuckles and pulls me into a side hug,

"Trust me too, Gi," he says into my hair, like he knows I'm holding back from him.

"I do." I look at him honestly. I do trust him, more than most but I don't trust myself not to spiral, instead, I'll just enjoy the day. Colton points across the road to where Jayden is dogging traffic, guzzling a bottle of blue Gatorade.

"Right, now your tour guide is fully quenched, onto the next attraction!" Jayden announces raising his arm in the air like a tour guide.

"This is one of my absolute favourite places in L.A, I used to spend a lot of time here at weekends or after class or when my dad and I had gotten into an argument over something. I just got lost amongst the isles." Colton says leading me into the worlds biggest record shop, Amobea music. From the outside, it looks like a washed-up eighties dive but inside is like a whole new world. Rows upon rows of records dance across the inside of the building, Colton looks admirably around, reminiscent. We walk between the lines of music that ranges from the early 1900s to now. We'd left Jayden in a café down the road who claimed he was too hungry to go on.

I finger through some records smiling at some of the artists until I find one, in particular, I chuckle to myself and pull it out of the shelf.

"Well, would you look at that," I grin as Colton looks up from the shelf he's browsing, I hold up a copy of his album on vinyl. He chuckles rubbing the nape of his neck then carefully takes it from my hands, running his thumb over the cover.

"Do you know what's crazy? The hours I used to spend obsessing over my idols in this very isle, spending all my money on their CD's and Vinyls dreaming that one day I could even have a smidge of the success they had and now I'm standing ten years on with my own vinyl in my hands. I know I come across as this big egotistical ass but somedays I still can't believe how far I've come." He smiles at the cover, my heart swells slightly making me smile too, I place my hand on his shoulder,

"You should be so proud of yourself CJ."  He smiles,

" I have been these last few months, the next vinyl that ends up here will be my own music, me." He smiles even wider. I hope he's proud of himself because I sure am.

At some point Coltons hand finds mine and interlocks out fingers, they swing nonchalantly between our bodies as we stroll the isles laughing about musical nonsense and discussing musical prodigies. Colton looks so happy and relaxed, his eyes brighter and more passionate. Spending time with him is different from spending time with anyone else. It feels more intimate and natural. But the more time I spend with him the more I realise how much I like him, this pull in me grows each moment we spend together, I know I need to stop and try and force these feelings away but I can't bring myself too because they make me feel the happiest I've ever felt and I feel more purposeful around him. I'm falling quickly, doing nothing to stop myself, I just hope he's there to catch me.

After visiting the Broad, the Walt Disney Concert Hall and Rodeo Drive we're gathered around a candlelit table that faces the seafront on Venice beach. The sun is setting and dusk is in full swing, painting low yellow and blues across the skyline, the palm trees a dark silhouette on the sand. The day's been perfect, each place the boys took me had a backstory to their pasts even a strange sweet shop that sold hundreds of different fizzy drinks...or sodas. I tried several of the sugary syrups whilst hearing about when CJ and Jay bunked off school and drunk so much Dr Pepper he threw up for three hours. Strange child.

I admire Colt's profile over the table, his eyes flooded with warmth as the sun sets over his tanned complexion. A strand of his har droops onto his forehead and his jawline is as sharp as a knife when his boyish grin fills his whole face. He sips his bottle in-between laughing about something Jaydens said, he turns to find me staring at him, smirking at the sight, he winks which sends a blush up my neck, I clear my throat.

"This is beautiful," I look out onto the beach where a few surfers are carrying their boards up the sand.

"It is gorgeous." Colton agrees gazing out over the landscape.

"Well, thank you guys for showing me around, out of everywhere I've been so far LA is by far one of my favourite places." I take a sip of my diet coke.

"Better than London?" CJ asks,

"Ahh, I don't think anything will ever beat London. Sure some parts of it are... unpleasant and the tubes are the most unreliable thing in the world but it's my home and I love it. Next time we have time off it's my turn to show you around London, I know you've been before but you haven't seen my London." Colton turns to look at me, slightly worried by my request, then he softens up and grins,

"Alright deal." He shakes my hand which sned electricity pulsing through my veins, what is he doing to me?

"What about me! I want to see London! Well, I want to see Sofia," He growls, I throw my head back laughing, he is literally the female equivalent of Sof.

On the way back to Coltons, he puts the roof down on the Lamborghini and I giggle at my hair blowing behind me in the breeze as he speeds down the streets, sending a rumble echoing down the roads. I feel like I'm in a movie, as cliché as it is. I glance over at CJ whose laughing at my juvenile behaviour, I watch his one of his hands travel over and lands on my thigh which makes my whole leg tingle. After driving through the bustling party inspired streets of LA I notice Colton taking a turn into a more residential area that doesn't look like his neighbourhood, he doesn't seem fazed which is expressed in his fingers which taps the melody to the current song on the steering wheel. We drive further up until the car stops near a big white gate. I look at Colton for some kind of explanation but he's already out of the car and walking around to open my door, he holds out his hand as I step out of the car.

"Uh, where are we?"

"Somewhere magical," he winks and grabs my hand, "Come on," Reluctantly I follow him as he leads us onto a dusty trail. With the sun nearly non-existent... this all seems really dodgy,

"You're not planning to murder me are you?" I stop and drop his hand, he chuckles deeply,

"Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies Spiller," He wraps his strong arm around my shoulders and walks me further up this dust road, "I'm taking you to one last place." He grins.

After about fifteen minutes of walking up the forever winding and inclining trail, I'm ready to cry. I hate walking.

"Colton! Where the fuck are we going! My legs ache and I'm tired!" I stop, leaning on my knees.

"I know it's a bit of a long walk but I promise it'll be worth it," His eyes plead with me to keep going, his mouth pouts into a cute shape which automatically makes me give in. He literally makes me melt like ice cream in the sun. I take a deep breath and start at a slower pace, considerably far behind Colton considering my short legs are no match for his six-foot-something body.

"Come here, or we'll never get there." He walks back to me and throws me onto his back, I don't even protest because I'm no longer on my feet, I slide my arms around his kneck and nuzzle my head on his shoulder, inhaling his citrus cologne and feeling his muscles flex beneath my hands.

A little while later Colton stops, taking a deep breath and lowers me carefully back to my feet, I look out in front of me and realise where we are, I gasp slowly looking out at the picturesque landscape ahead of me,

"Was it worth it? I know this is probably the most tourist thing ever but everything seems better from high up, right?" I blink to see if what's in front of me still remains, it's not some mirage from my walking exhaustion. I walk closer to the edge of the bank like platform, down below is the Hollywood sign looking out onto the sparkly lit LA, the high rises gleam with pride and the city lights twinkle under the dusk sky.

"This view is insane, it gorgeous," I mumble,

"Mine is even more so," I turn to see CJ looking straight at me, I blush and look back over the city. I feel his arms wrap around my body and I lean back into his chest watching the hustle and bustle seem non-existent from up here. I'm caught off guard when he places a gentle kiss on the top of my head. A gentle kiss that speaks more than words than mouths ever could.

Hey guys! How are you all! I'm sorry my update was late, I had my driving lesson earlier! I hope you're all keeping well. Everything looks more promising with the Covid Vaccine coming in, I'm currently in a tier three zone so I still can't meet with other people!

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please please let me know what you think! Vote vote vote! And give me a follow!

Thank you so much for reading!

Iz x

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