Skipping to episode 4 cause Jack doesn't really do anything important episode 3, he goes on the mission with them, kicks some butt and thats it. Also does anyone know a place were I can get detailed scripts for these episodes because so far all I can get is dialoge which doesn't help much.
Jack had a killer migrain, his head felt like it was being split open, it had started after leaving the church and had steadily grown worse. Not to mention that by the time he woke up Simon was gone, he actually liked the mundane, a lot more than he liked Clary.
Now he was at a meeting about the warlock Magnus Bane, Hodge started them off pulling up a picture of Magnus, "Magnus Bane, he's over three hundred years old, and as you can see he's not exactly shyed away from the pleasures of every century. His taste are both exquisite and quite excessive." As he spoke, he swiped though multiple pictures of Magnus through the centuries, Jack's eyes widened when he saw the picture of Magnus at a club and he was suddenly trying his best to sink into his chair.
This was just his luck, the warlock he was flirting with just so happened to be the one they had to go after.
"Looks like the downworlds David Guetta," Clary said and Jack rolled his eyes.
"David Guetta is already a downworlder," Jack spoke up at the same time as Isabelle.
"Vampire? Ever seen him in the daylight?" Isabella clarfied as Clary looked at the two.
"Can you two focus?" Alec asked, excluding Jack since he was already looking back at Hodge. "This is not a joke." Jack gave Alec a concerned look to which he gave the blonde a small smile of reassurance.
"Someone needs to get laid," Isabelle said and Jack reached down to give Alec's hand a small squeeze, he knew it made Alec uncomfortable when things about sex was brought up.
"Alec's right," Hodge spoke, "Magnus is one of the most powerful warlocks I've ever known. He has a deep mistrust of shadow hunters."
"For good reason," Jack muttered but Clary spoke over him.
"Well then why did he help my mom wipe my memories? Isn't she a shadowhunter?" Clary asked and Jack rolled his eyes, it was kinda obvious to him why a downworlder would wipe the memories of the downworld from a potentional shadowhunter, can't be a shadow hunter if they don't even know about down worlders.
"Yes, one of the best, but helping might not be the most accurate word," Hodge said. "Now did Magnus provide a service for Jocyln? Perhaps. But more than likely your mother paid Magnus handsomely for his magic."
"Warlocks usually require payment before they help anyone with anything," Jace said, moving to sit down on the other side of Alec, the side Jack didn't currently claim.
"Besides, wiping your memories is good for a down worlder who doesn't like shadow hunters, if you don't know about the down world you can't go after down worlders," Jack pointed out, leaning back in his chair.
"Word from the Clave is that most of the warlocks have gone into hiding, since Valentine began hunting them," Alec spoke up, his face as stoic as usual lately.
"Valentine must be searching for the warlock who aided Jocyln," Hodge said before bending over in pain as his mark began burning.
"Hodge, are you okay?" Clary asked and Jack rolled his eyes, his mark was burning but yeah Clary I'm sure he's fine. "So how do we find Magnus?"
"We don't, Magnus finds us. We'll set up a meeting, somewhere protected, lure him out of hiding," Jace said.
"And I know exactly where to do it," Isabelle said, getting up from the table and walking forward to take the tablet from Hodge. She swiped on the tablet until she pulled the invite to a party.
"Downworld rave, nice Izzy," Jace complemented Izzy who gave them a smug smile.
"Where'd you get that?"
"During my survalience of the downworlders, from what I hear Magnus likes to party," Isabelle said and Jack grinned.
"Oh we are calling it survalience?"
"He'll never go for it, not with Valentine out to kill him," Alec said.
"Yes he will, he'll blend in, hide in plain sight," Jace said giving Alec a look, Jack have Alec a concerned look at the downtrodden look he took.
"I don't know it seems-" Clary began but Izzy cut her off.
"Leave it to me, if Magnus is coming out of hiding he's going to one of the biggest parties of the year," Izzy said and Jack groaned throwing his head back as he knew he had to share how he met Magnus to increase the odds of this working.
All eyes turned to him as he crossed his arms with a frown, "I have something more you can add to the invite to increase him coming."
Alec raised an eyebrow at him while Izzy have an excited smile. "Oh yeah?" Jace asked, a teasing tilt to his voice that made Jack glare.
Jack let out a big sigh before admitting, "I might have ran into him the night we met Clary, and we might have flirted. I told him my name was Jack Doe, if you mention my name he might be more likely to show."
Izzy let out a whistle while Jace laughed, Jack glared at them before leaning his head back and allowing himself to be lost in the pain echoing in his skull.
While his friends and Clary went to go look at a necklace that held meaning to Magnus, Jack found himself in his room rubbing his tepples as his migraine got worse.He groaned as flashes of scenes he doesn't remember ever seeing before flashes into his head.
"MICHEAL YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" a voice roared in his head, causing him to curl up into a ball.
"Don't give me that Raphael you know it's what's best for him!" another voice responded, this one was familiar but in his pain Jack couldn't put a face to the voice.
"He belongs with us, he is ours," Another voice chimed, this one sounded much younger.
"I know, but it's not safe here anymore, he's to young to be in this war zone," The voice he assocaited as Micheal said and there was a displeased noise before a new voice spoke up.
"He's right," at this multiple voice cried in distaste but the voice continued, "I don't like it anymore than you but he isn't safe here anymore."
"Lucy you have to be kidding, where is he going to be safer than with us?" Another young voice spoke, for some reason Jack got the feeling that hearing him with such a serious tone was rare.
"With the nephilim," Micheal spoke and another cry rang out.
"Some of them are as corrupt as the ones we are hiding him from," Raphael spoke.
"Doesn't matter if they don't know his importance," A new voice spoke quietly, his voice was sad and the words came out slowly as if he didn't really want to say them.
A young child's cry rang out that caused Jack's headache to increase ten fold. At once all the voices started cooing at the child, trying to calm it down.
"You're okay, you're gonna be alright. We are here. Shh," all the voices overlapped as they showered the child with comfort and affection. The crying went down to sniffles and the voices got quieter too.
"It's okay Jack, we'll make sure you're okay," The last voice to speak finally made themselves herd and as Jack finally came back to reality his headache finally started to clear.
He was surprised when he uncurled himself to see Alec in front of him looking worried. "Jack, jack, are you okay?" Alec asked, and if based on his tone it seemed as if he had been asking that without answer for a while.
"Yeah," Jack whispered, but his voice still sounded scratchy as he had been screaming but he hadn't been as far as he knew. "Migrane."
"Jack that wasn't some migrane, are you sure you're gonna be okay tonight?" Alec asked, revealing a soft side he rarely had as of late.
"Yeah, I'll be fine," Jack assured him giving the brunette a tired smile. "Let's just get it over with, yeah?"
"Yeah," Alec said with a smile before going back to worried, "but, if you feel bad while we are out there, tell me."
"Yeah, yeah," Jack dismissed, looking away from Alec but Alec grabbed his chin to make him look him in the eyes.
"No, promise me, you'll tell me if you feel bad tonight," Alec said, giving him a glare to make him promise.
"Okay, okay. I promise."
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