I bring you another part
Letting this out early because it's almost my birthday!
ENJOY!! Pic to the side is of Dawson
Aspen held me in a tight hug as I sobbed in his arms, he ran his fingers through my hair and whispered how great I was.
"Thats the thing, i'm not great". I croaked wiping my face , his eyes widened and he touched my face "What happened?". He asked sternly,I leaned into my hand and sighed. "I'm not trying to be dumb, but it was my fault I made him mad its okay though, I handled it". I said, we were in the parking lot of the store and he gave me an ugly look.
"By breaking up with him, right?". He asked, I shook my head no "I'm in the mood for stuffed noodle shells". I whispered, pciking at my nails, they were brittle. "Taylor, please you're gonna get yourself hurt i'm so worried about you, Bryan is, Dawson is". He said.
"Fuck Dawson". I spat, touching up my makeup.
"You don't mean that". He said, and I leaned back in the seat taking in a deep breath. "Why..why can't you believe me, shut the fuck up about it, I keep saying this i'm so tired. I am so tired of saying this, I don't like him stop telling me how I feel about someone I feel nothing for, stop". I said huffing.
Aspen sank into his seat, and took the keys out the ignition. "If you're so tired, then stop saying it.I hope you realize before you get hurt". He said getting out the car , I followed behind and he locked the door. "I just want you happy, you're fighting it, you don't want to be happy". Aspen said, of course I do.
I managed to get him to drop the topic and we walked down the baking isle getting what we needed. I left to go grab stuff for sweets ,piling junk all in the basket, at some point I forgot what I was throwing in there just did it and went to join Aspen.
"Sweet Jesus". He breathed looking at my cart, setting the jars of tomato sauce in the basket. "Taylor that's a lot of food". He said. I planned to eat it all anyways.
"My God, seriously? Spam? You put Spam in the basket ,canned meat". He said glaring at me, he set it back on the shelf and many other items taking control of the basket. I still had that twenty in my pocket I was so getting those cupcakes and those grandma cookies.
I bit my bottom lip reading the calories, and held onto my can of Arizona tea my eyes wondered the isle for what I was looking and stopped.
He was here.
I scurried back to Aspen , i'd get what I wanted later "Hey.. Target is having a sale maybe we should go there, plus they have more organic options" .I said, Aspen agreed and we quickly left Wal-mart and headed to Target.
I didn't realize days went by. I was so stupid, I listened to Aspen hum to a song and laid my head down as we pulled into the parking lot.
"Start grinding the beef, and then cook it in the skillet". Aspen said, pulling herbs out the basket and cutting them up. "Hold on, i'll be back". I said running upstairs and into my room, I pulled the tube out my pocket and walked into the bathroom taking my clothes off, I squirted some on my finger and rubbed it against my hole.
It was swollen, and it burned it.
Once I was done. I washed my hands thoroughly and sanitized ,putting on some shorts and a shirt and rushing back downstairs to help Aspen. I cooked the meat then stuffed them in the shells ,adding shredded cheese and green onions in. I watched Aspen make the tomato sauce and my mouth watered .
"Start making the biscuits". He said, turning to a skillet and unwrapping aspargus, and potatoes. This was so many carbs. Tyler rolled in and and his eyes widened "It smells so good in here". He said, looking around the kitchen. I turned and set a glaze on the biscuits before shoving them in the oven.
I turned and leaned on the counter, crossing my arms watching Tyler beg Aspen for a taste who refused. I was pretty excited for tonight and still curious on who Hunter was bringing. Bryan walked in and stopped to look at me "Whats on your leg?". He asked. I looked down and saw dried blood. "Uhmm..I don't know". I lied.
"Probably from shaving my legs too rough". I said, scratching the back of my head. He nodded and wrapped his arms around Aspen who started giggling.
"I missed you monkey". He said, putting a small container in front of him, Aspen squealed when he realized it was Monkey bread and turned around to kiss him, I mentally gagged and rolled my eyes. I'll get started on the dessert.
I pulled out cookie dough and started rolling them. I then grabbed a pack of oreos and set them on top, rolling the dough over them. I rolled them into balls and put them on a cupcake tray setting them beside the biscuits that were almost done.
The doorbell rang, and I opened it to see Stina. I gave her a hug and led her to everyone else. "God it smells so good in here". She said, going near Aspen and starting a conversation.
Bryan came up beside me, and I shifted "What?". I asked, "He's back, you know that right". He asked.
I nodded, "Saw him at walmart but he didn't see me". I said, Emily walked in rubbing her eyes and I gave her a hug. "My boyfriends back!?". She asked me, eyes wide. I nodded and she jumped up and down squealing. I rolled my eyes and grabbed one of her pigtails. "Quiet down before I cut one off". I whispered, her lip trembled and she stomped my foot making me gasp.
I should've expected that, the brat.
"You ain't gone do nothing". She replied back with attitude before walking around the island and grabbing her bratz doll. Bryan held in his laugh and I pushed him walking to the door as the bell rang.I opened it to see no one, fucking ding dong ditchers.
I started to close the door but a voice stopped. "Nooooo!". It cried, I looked down to see a curly haired toddler pouting, I gave it a puzzled look. "And you are?". I asked .
"I not your friend!" He yelled. I smacked my lips , but then saw Hunter running to the door. "Oh God, i'm so sorry I forgot his baby bag . I told him to wait right here". He said, picking the little human up and putting him on his hip. "Who is he, your brother". I asked.
Hunter gave me a big grin "Taylor meet Jaybre,my son". He said, My jaw dropped as I looked at him and his son. "When did you have a kid, what!?". I asked, so confused.
"Freshman year,made a mistake but got this angel". He said running his hand through his curls. I bit my bottom lip, "Can you believe he's only two?". He asked, My eyes widened more "That big child..is two?". I asked, he nodded and I let them both in.
"I'm Taylor". I said, Jaybre looked at me and furrowed his brows . "Gowayyy". He whined putting his head on his dads shoulder and looking the other way. "Okay maybe not so much an Angel, he's pretty mean". He said, setting Jaybre on his feet, and grabbing his hand.
"Who's his mom". I asked, Hunter shook his head "She doesn't go to our school, was before I moved here, I have full custody though shes not exactly stable". He said with a frown, I frowned with him. "Well, you seem like a great dad already". I said, giving him a thumbs up.
He smiled "Can you.. hold him, I forgot the snacks in the car". My nose crinkled as the child glared when Hunter handed him to me. He let out a scream and I set him down. "Jaybre no". Hunter said, digging in the baby bag and pulling out a peanut butter sandwich, he handed it to me, and smiled.
Almost instantly Jaybre reached up to me "Want some". He begged "Want some". He repeated, I picked him and handed it to him. "Say thank you". Hunter said , walking out the front door. "Tank youu". He said to me biting into it.
Wasn't so bad after all.
I walked into the kitchen and Bryan eyed what was in my hands "Well today we all learned that Hunter has a son named Jaybre, who is two years old". I say, ignoring looks "Oh he is precious". My mom said, bringing Eric by him. "Baby!". Jaybre said looking at me and pointing at Eric, I nodded "Yes. baby". I repeated pointing at Eric.
"Hope this is enough". Hunter said walking in with chips, donuts and two cases of soda and juice, I gave him a thumbs up. "Perfect". I said. Jaybre wrapped his arms around me and I tensed before hugging him too. "You got him?". Hunter asked. I nodded and sat at the table with him in my lap.
He tore the crust off his sandwich and put on the table, shoving it in his mouth. I scrolled through my phone and saw no messages from Dawson or Daniel. I went on Dawsons instagram he had taken a selfie with some guy who was wrapped around him like a little bitch.
I rolled my eyes , "Foods ready!". Stina called, and we all surrounded the table. Hunter took off Jaybres polo sweater and left him in a plain white shirt. "He can feed himself, but I usually keep an eye on him". He said, dishing Jaybre some food. I got up, and carefully dished me some food also walked into the frontroom to get a good spot.
Hunter unfolded a seat for Jaybre, and I raised an eyebrow "He's a big boy now, don't want him getting anything on the couch though ". He said setting him on the seat and watching him as he ate. I leaned back and started eating as everyone else came in and made themselves comfortable. Aspen and Bryan sat beside me and cuddled into each other. Emily and my mom sat on the other couch, as she fed Eric a bottle. Stina was sitting on the floor playing with Emily, and Tyler was on the couch beside mom holding a conversation.
"Whats the movie?". I asked.
"Tyler Perrys why did I get Married". My mom said, with a smile. I rolled my eyes we would watch the movie over and over again,I loved it.
"Anybody want anything before I come back?". I asked standing up "Just bring all the snacks and the icecream". Aspen said.
"Roger that boss". I said, grabbing the cookies and all the snacks, the alarm beeped and I finshed grabbing everything else and walking back int the frontroom.
I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw him standing in the doorway with that boy from the photo, his hair was soaked ,it started raining.
"Whatup Dawg". Bryan said getting up to fist bump Dawson.
Dawson smiled at everyone not even making eye contact with me.
Oooo, how did you guys like that? Was it nice,are you scared what did you guys eat today?
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