Chapter Thirty
Dedication to @BecauseofReasons because she gave me the idea for this chapter. My wifey is perfect <3
Chapter Thirty
The movie was funny, I had found myself laughing and not being able to stop multiple times. Once the movie had ended, Harry looked to Cara and I. He offered us each a hand, but I refused it and stood up on my own. He rolled his eyes at me but made no comment. The theater was emptying slowly, and I found myself being able to name a few of the celebrities that had come to the premiere.
And that's when I saw him.
"Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap, oh my goodness, holy crap!" I repeated over and over again as my hand smacked Harry's shoulder repeatedly. "Holy mother of pizza and lasagna!"
"Ow, can you stop hitting me?" Harry groaned as he blocked my hits. "What's got you all happy all of a sudden?"
"Do you freaking know who that is?" I hissed, pointing over towards a few rows of chairs ahead of us.
"Will you hate me forever if I say I have no clue?" Harry grinned innocently at me.
"That is the most perfect man in all of history.. Well, one of five. Number five is Benedict Cumberbatch, four is Misha Collins, three is Matt Smith, two is David Tennant and that? That is number one. That would be freaking Colin Morgan." I said as normally as I could, although my entire body had started to shake in excitement.
Colin Morgan, AKA star of one of my favorite BBC shows; Merlin. I wasn't usually one to 'fangirl', unless it came to one of my TV shows.
"I'm going to go talk to the man of my dreams," I announced before leaving Harry and Cara behind me.
I admired the beautiful man who was currently talking to the lady next to him. I psyched up, trying to remind myself that he was a normal person and not to attack him, while squealing uncontrollably. I didn't want to frighten him. I pushed past a few other people, trying to not trip and tear my dress. Eventually I was right behind him and I cleared my throat. And then we made eye contact. What. Is. Air?
"Hello," he said, looking at me with slight bewilderment.
"Hi, I'm so sorry to interrupt. I just had to tell you how much I adore Merlin. Your acting is impeccable and I'm slightly obsessed with the show.. And I sound like a blubbering idiot," I chuckled to myself slightly. You couldn't blame me for being nervous.. It was Colin Morgan after all.
"Really? That's so sweet! What's your favorite episode?" Colin asked ] as he put his hand onto the seat and leaned into it. His grey eyes flashed with interest and I couldn't believe this moment was actually taking place.
"I think Season One, Episode Eight.. The Beginning of the End," I stammered out, my heart literally thumping against my chest.
"That was a fun one to film," Colin grinned.
"I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time.. But could I get a picture with you?" I asked with hesitance. Colin nodded immediately, motioning me over to him. I pulled out my phone and quickly snapped a photograph of the two of us. "Thank you! I better get back to my.. Friends.. Before they come looking for me. It was incredible to meet you! I can now die happy."
"No, no! Thank you for enjoying the show. And I do have to say, you look stunning! Have a great night!" Colin winked and I swear I almost fainted. But instead, I turned around awkwardly and stumbled my way up to Harry and Cara. Harry was staring at me, confusion and annoyance evident in his green eyes.
"I just freaking met Colin Morgan. Colin Morgan! This has been the most amazing night ever. He's even more incredible in person, I can't even deal right now.." I babbled, my fingers still trembling from the high I had gotten from talking to one of my favorite actors of all time. That's when I noticed Harry. "Dang, Harry, why are you looking like you just finished sucking a lemon?"
"I don't get it," he replied, looking at me with a slight pout.
"Don't get what?" I questioned, puzzled by his statement.
"You get so excited over meeting him, but with One Direction.. You could care less." Harry stated, his tone slightly… Upset?
I started to speak, but got cut off by Cara, who gave us each a look. "Why don't we talk about this in the limo? I highly doubt you want everyone around right now to hear this conversation." Cara advised before shoving us both towards the bodyguards who were ready to escort us out. Then, Cara muttered under her breath, "Honestly, it's like I'm not even here. The two fight like an old married couple."
"Heard that. We do not and you are very much here," I said.
We then fell into silence as we got pushed and prodded out into the flash of paparazzi. Jeez, I am never becoming famous.. How have these celebrities not gone blind yet, with all these continuous flashes of light?
Once we had gotten settled into the limo (Limo this, limo that.. Ugh. I hate limos with a passion.) Harry turned to me, obviously set on talking about what we had started earlier. Ugh. "I just want to know why you got so excited to see that.. guy."
"He has a name and it's Colin," I corrected him, trying to figure out why the heck this was such a big deal to him. I thought they liked me because of my lack of fangirlness around them. "And I was excited because he's one of my favorite actors of all time."
"But you weren't at all joyous when it came to meeting us," Harry pointed out, his features all scrunched up in confusion. He really was trying to understand this whole thing.
"Because I'm not exactly into your music, I mean, sure, some of them are catchy.. But it's never really popped out at me. I've loved Merlin for quite a while now," I tried to explain. "Seriously, Harry, why the heck are you so upset over this?"
"No reason," Harry huffed, while crossing his arms and glaring moodily out of the window. What's with One Direction and them resembling small children when they're upset?
"Tell me," I demanded, my pointer finger poking his arm.
"Leave me alone," he whined, shrugging his entire body away from me.
"Not until you tell me," I lectured.
"Oh my gosh, you two go from acting like a bickering old couple to acting like annoying teenagers to a mother and her son. Make up your mind," Cara piped up from her side of the limo. She had a wide grin plastered over her face as she stared at us with amusement.
"Seriously, I just want to know why Harry is so deadset against me liking TV shows."
"Why should you care what Harry thinks?" Cara had an eyebrow raised, a knowing smirk slowly spreading its way across her lips.
"Because he has no right to get upset," I argued.
"I'm not talking to you until you apologize," Harry forewarned, his eyes still trained on the passing scenery.
"You're nineteen, not four," I teased.
"Harry's jealous. Plain and simple. They do enjoy your take on their 'celebrity status', but Harry thought that was your view on everyone. So when he saw you freak out over someone, that was not his band, he realized that you honestly just aren't into One Direction. So now he's jealous. Which is not a good look for him, by the way," Cara analyzed it all, probably getting fed up with Harry and I's argument.
"Not true," Harry protested weakly. But then the last thing I ever expected him to do at that moment happened. He started laughing. His entire body shook with his rambunctious laughter. "Okay, yeah, when Cara said it.. I realized it's really lame. Cara, have you ever looked into becoming a psychologist?"
"I have, actually," Cara gave a thumb's up.
"I'm so confused right now, I'm just gonna pretend to understand and nod like I'm participating."
I'm not entirely sure how it happened, but somehow, the next day I ended up being in the kitchen with Louis. I think it had to do with some of the girls in the house chasing the poor boy around. We had managed to create a diversion, sneaking into the kitchen. The girls then had found Harry, begging him to go swimming with them.
So now Louis and I were in the kitchen. And I realized I was absolutely starving.
"How about popcorn and a movie? A non-date event.. Any movie you choose," Louis offered as he rummaged through the cabinets.
"Non-date it is then.. And I request Mr and Mrs Smith," I set in stone as I helped him look for the popcorn. We finally focused our sights on it and cackled evilly as we grabbed around four of the packets.
"How long do we cook this for?" Louis pondered as he flipped the plastic over looking for instructions.
"I dunno, don't microwaves have popcorn settings?" I peered over his shoulder to look at the minuscule writing.
"Maybe. Let's just throw it in for a few minutes. Nothing could go wrong," he grinned mischievously. And so we did. We placed a packet into the microwave and then pressed 3:00.
Because it was Louis and I, we watched with interest towards the constant popping. I smiled. "Watching popcorn pop.. Aren't we exciting people?"
"Oh, indeed. The most exciting. Wave to the girls at home watching this on their computers," Louis turned to make a face at the camera in the corner. I followed his example, sticking my tongue out and crossing my eyes.
A loud noise brought our attention away from being crazy. A flash of red and orange flames made us both jump away quickly from the counter. I yelled, "Fix it! Fix it, Louis!"
"What am I supposed to do?" He replied frantically, trying to fan away some of the smoke that was now billowing out of the kitchen appliance.
'I don't know! Just keep us all from dying," I said with arms flying everywhere. Then some of the crew came bursting in, one with a fire extinguisher.
I have started to construct a theory that the people who work on this show, are ninjas. Seriously. They're always watching and ready for everything. Luckily the fire extinguisher was not needed, seeing as the smoke had disintegrated into the air and there was no fire. It had just been a small spark. One of the crew members opened the microwave and little black puffs were poking out through the plastic that I guess we had forgotten to take off. Heh.
"I didn't even know it was possible to burn popcorn.. Apparently it is possible though. Our bad," I grinned as innocently as I could towards the three people now surrounding Louis and I.
Louis didn't even attempt to look sorrowful, instead he was laughing his butt off.
"Well.. It would have been really bad if you had set this place on fire.." One of the guys said sternly, although I could see a smile threatening to break across his face.
"No harm, no foul.. Right? Forgive and forget?"
"I wish it'd be as easy as that.. But unfortunately, we have rules. We're going to have to limit your kitchen time.. Can't have this place going up in flames.."
"What? No!" I protested, stomping my foot up and down like a child. "It was Louis' fault!"
Immediately, the boy stopped laughing. "What? It was just as much your fault as mine!"
"You can't limit kitchen time.. That's like sentencing me to jail! Don't do it! It was all Louis! Don't put me through this torture! I already had to wear a dress.. Now this?! Are you trying to drive me crazy?" I groaned, throwing a slight tantrum.
Anything but my food supply. UGH.
You guys are the best. I had a great time talking to some of you on the twitcam! Seriously though, you guys are the most adorable creatures on the planet. I want to adopt all of you. We can buy an island and live there with really hot boys waiting on us.
Pretty please vote! I know a lot of you are silent readers, but it'd mean so much if you took literally a second out of your time to press the little vote button :)
~ Dedication to a commenter ~
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