• S E V E N •

Shayla's POV
     Dodge, swing, duck. I repeated the words in my head almost like a song. I was surrounded, getting attacked from every angle, but I fought with ease. This is what I was trained to do, this is what I was born to do. Another punch was thrown towards me and I quickly dodged it grabbing my adversary's arm and flipping him over my head. My mind worked quick delivering messages to my body. Soon I was surrounded by bodies, the only one remaining ran towards me. I used my forearms blocking the mans punches. His skills were more advanced than my previous opponents, but he was still no match for me. He swept his foot under me attempting to throw me off, but I jumped up and in a fluid motion flipped over the man. I gracefully landed behind him, delivering a crippling kick to the back of his leg. As soon as his body hit the floor, everyone dissolved.

"You fight well."

I looked up to see Batman standing by the computer, arms crossed. He reached behind clicking off the hologram training program I had been using for the past three weeks. It was incredibly realistic, the tech was impressive. I stepped down from my spot on top of the training deck and walked to the table where my water bottle sat.

"Thank you. We were taught many forms of combat at the Academy." I answered taking a long drink.

"If you don't mind my asking, what is this Academy you always speak of?"

Hopping up on the table I prepared myself to explain. "You see on Thanagar at the age of 13, you are given a choice. You can continue your schooling to become a doctor or teacher or diplomat or you can choose to work a commoners job. But the third least common choice is joining the Thanagarian War Academy. Like my father and mother before me, I chose to go on a path to fight for my people." I felt a pang in my heart as I said that last part. Some protector I was.

"That explains why you're already surpassing the difficult levels of my program."

I smiled to myself. This was about as close to a compliment as Batman gets.

"Would you like a warm body to train with?" He asked, uncrossing his arms and walking to the training deck.

"You don't have any crimes to stop tonight?" I questioned, scurrying behind him.

"Gotham can wait." He said flatly as he assumed a fighting stance. I mirrored his position and we stood at a stale mate for a few seconds before I became eager. I started with a couple of simple punches which he blocked with ease. Soon I began incorporating more complex moves. Bruce kept his cool and I became increasingly more frustrated. It wasn't long before my technique got sloppy and he saw his opportunity. In a swift motion, he tucked his foot behind mine and I hit the floor. Hard.

"Ow." I groaned.

Batman offered a hand to me. "You fight with passion. I can work with that."
I spent the next few weeks learning from the Batman. He took the time to teach and mentor me. He had perspectives and advice I never encountered at the Academy and I was grateful. While he attempted to train me with a bow staff and escrima sticks, I still preferred my mace. When he was not available, I spent my hours with his training program. Bruce had even installed an archery segment, allowing me to brush up on my accuracy.

One night after a training session, I sat in a chair watching Bruce type on the computer. I didn't really understand what he was looking at, but he was into it. His gaze never faltered as he glared at the screen. All of the sudden, his phone rang and he quickly picked it up. He quickly talked to whoever it was before hanging up looking even angrier.

"Damn it."

"What is it?" I asked finally getting tired of feeling clueless.

"That was my partner for tonight. He can't make it, making my job ten times harder." He continued typing ferociously.

"Maybe I could help you." It was a long shot but I was willing to take it.

"Right." He stated never skipping a beat. If Batman ever laughed I'm sure now would be the time he'd do it.

"Hey! You said I was a good fighter and you said it yourself you need someone tonight. Let me help you."

"There's a big difference between the training deck and the streets of Gotham."

"I have to start somewhere. This can't be all that I am now," I argued motioning around me. "I can't beat up holograms and watch soap operas with Alfred for the rest of my life! I want to do something to help this world."

He finally stopped his typing and spun his chair around. Bruce stared at me for a good five seconds before finally letting out an exasperated sigh. "Fine. But you're not going out in that."

I looked down at my leggings and tank top. I thought it was cute. Rude. "Well what do you suggest I-"

By the time I looked up he was already walking towards the back. I hate it when he does that. I jumped down from the table I was perched on and scurried after him.

"Here this will work. Once you zip it up the material adjusts to your body. It's an old uniform from a scuba mission, so where there's a hole for an oxygen tank will be where you can get your wings through."

I nodded taking the uniform and hurried to the cave bathroom. I quickly slipped on the single body piece. He was right it did hug my body once I zipped it up. The top part was long sleeved and red, while the pants were solid black. High on the left side of my chest was a bright yellow "R". Wonder what that stands for. Obviously not someone with boobs. I grumbled inwardly, pulling at the awkward top. Along with the uniform was a yellow and black cape. I tucked my wings in and swung the cape over my shoulders. If I was going to help people, it would be without Luthor's "help". The last thing left on the hanger was a small black mask. I slipped it on and looked at myself in the mirror. Wow I'm a badass. I finally headed back out to the cave where Bruce was waiting.

"Here." He handed me a yellow belt with several compartments on the sides. "It's a utility belt. Essential for any and every mission."

I nodded clipping it around my waist. He said nothing more before hopping in the car. I followed suit and we began to speed out of the cave. On the way to the city, Bruce explained to me the situation. There was an infamous crime lord that was known for selling military grade weapons to the street gangs of Gotham. Batman had been following a lead on him and tonight he was getting a huge shipment disguised on a cargo boat. It was his biggest shipment yet and he intended to be there to personally over see it, giving Batman the perfect opportunity to take him down.

"What does the "R" stand for?"


I scrunched my nose. "Is that what you're going to call me?"

"In the field, yes. Real names are a hazard." He stated stoically.

Great. Despite the awful nickname, I was vaguely excited. This was a chance to help and if Batman could do it every night, them so I could I.

We finally skidded to a stop just outside a dock. Without a word, Batman took off towards the huge stacks of cargo containers. I followed silently. In graceful fashion, he climbed the containers. Again I followed though my climbing skills were not as precise, I still managed to get to the top in time to follow him to the end. There we paused and crouched low. Below on the ground stood a group of men with guns surrounding an open cargo container. Several other men were unloading the crates inside onto a truck.

"Yeah man I'm telling you best donuts in Gotham. I go there everyday for their breakfast special."

"No way man. Daylight will always be the best."

"You'll be singing a different tune once you have some of Mama B's"

My ears picked up at a conversation that was occurring directly below us. Wow I wish I could control what I hear a little better. My distraction caused Bruce to have to nudge me signaling it was time. I looked out to see a white car pulling up. A thick man in a suit stepped out and looked around. That must be the crime lord. I nodded to Bruce and he leaped down on to the ground. I was quickly behind him and we both started taking out men. They were untrained, relying only on their weapons which were easily apprehended. I took out six of the men and looked to where Batman had a few left. Deciding to take initiative, I ran to the remaining men and made eye contact with Batman. I pointed to the white car where the crime lord was attempting to retreat. Batman nodded and took off.

One of the men came running at me throwing wild punches. I deflected them easily, then grabbed the back of his head and brought down to me knee hard. I took the man's limp body and threw it at another guy running towards me. That left one last criminal who pulled out a knife before sprinting toward me. I had to dodge the man's advances being wary of the blade he was swinging. I glanced to where Batman was dealing with the guards surrounding the crime lord. My distraction gave the man an opportunity. I felt a stinging in my forearm where the knife cut me. I growled having new motivation to kick this guys ass. I grabbed his wrist and twisted listening for a satisfying crack. The man yelped and dropped the knife. He backed up towards the edge of the dock gripping his arm. I took the chance and kicked the man sending him tumbling over the edge.

"No!" Suddenly Batman was running past me diving over the edge after the man. What the hell? He shot a grappling hook towards the edge and grabbed the falling man around the waist. The momentum of the line caused them to swing back up to the level I was on. They both stood up and Batman looked pissed.

"Wow! Thanks Batman! I owe-" The criminal stoped short as Bruce punched him in the face. A screech of tires in the distance caught my attention and I looked to see the white car speeding off. There was no way we could catch it.

"What the hell was that?" Bruce turned his attention to me after glaring at the retreating car.

"I was about to ask you the same thing! Since when do you save criminals?!" I crossed my arms in agitation.

He narrowed his eyes. "Since always. I don't kill."

"Pft. That's ridiculous."

"No, what's ridiculous was letting you come on this mission." Batman stormed off in the direction of the Batmobile. I grudgingly followed suit.

We rode to the mansion in utter silence and as soon as we got to the cave I stormed upstairs.

"Oh Miss Shayla how did your first mission go?" Alfred asked excitedly as I past through the main foyer.

"Not good, Alfred." I stated plainly. I ripped of the cape and flew directly to the third floor where my room was. I did not have the patience for stairs. Flopping on my bed I stared at the wooden ceiling. How could he just let criminals go? Here I was thinking he was out making a difference and all he was doing was giving criminals a strong talking to. This is not what I was raised with. On Thanagar, a crime was harshly punished and those who wronged you were dealt with personally. How could this world be so different? I sighed knowing that this probably wasn't my place on this world. I could be a lot of things, but a superhero was not one of them.

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