two; touya

a/n: sorry, the format might be a bit screwed up ;-;

"...Tomura... Y-Y/N...? P-Please, help me. I can't ex-exactly explain right now, ju-just go here..."

The familiar-sounding voice of Touya filled the tense air when Tomura picked up the phone call, and the red hair's voice was strained. He seemed to be in severe pain, from the way he was forcing out his words, and how his breath rattled in his throat each time he took a breath.

"T-Touya! We'll be over there soon!"

Tomura cried into the speaker of the phone, eyes trained on the top of the phone screen, just waiting for the usual *ding!* of a notification to come in. A shaky finger was positioned over the area, and I slid close up to Tomura's trembling body, determined to figure
out where Touya was.

He sounded like he needed severe help, and I would be there for my friend, no matter what.

Touya has shared his location with you!

The rounded, white notification then suddenly slid down, its arrival marked by a vibration of the phone in Tomura's hand. At that, the pale blue-haired male tapped on it, and then the Maps app was pulled up. I glanced at the distance between us and Touya and realized that this location must be one of those dark, shady alleys that criminals used to hide in.

Keyword: used to.

After Overhaul took away all quirks, he also increased security around the whole area, which meant that there were usually some of his officers patrolling a certain part of the city at all times.

"Ah, I know this place! Don't worry Touya, we'll be there right away!"

I said loudly as I grabbed Tomura by the wrist. I was trying to be comforting by doing this, and I heard Touya chuckle weakly over the phone.

"Y/N... Heroic as always..."


Was my response, and I heard Tomura scoff quietly next to me. I glanced towards him and noticed that his fingers were clutching his phone tightly. Tomura was shaking a little, so I shot a sympathetic smile his way, and carefully reached for his phone. He gave it up to me, which surprised me. I had expected that he would want to hang on to it since his boyfriend was on the other side in a horrible state.

"Hey, we'll find you, talk to you later!"

I reassured Touya through the phone, and I heard some shuffling, and a groan.

"Y-Yeah, thanks, guys... I'll see y-you two..."

The phone call then ended, and I examined the map one more time, my eyes quickly trailing along the route that the app recommended to us. We didn't have any time to waste though, so I then decided that we should head out. As I attempted to walk towards the door, I heard the faint rasp of Tomura's voice behind me, his body not budging.

"...Y/N. I... I know that Touya needs our help, but..."

I turned around, my eyes wide with surprise at his hesitation. Tomura's crimson eyes were meeting my orbs with a fierce intensity I had never seen, his mouth formed into a thin, straight line.

"Promise you won't use your quirk? It's really dangerous, you know last time you almost got-"

I didn't let Tomura finish his sentence as I yanked him along with me, the boy yelping in shock as I dragged him down the stairs. His phone was in my hand, and I looked back down at it for reference. As we made it out of my house and out onto the street, I shouted back to Tomura, whose eyes were now filled with incredulity.

"Can't make any promises if a friend is in danger!"

Because of the way we were rushing down the street, a lot of people glanced at us. Some of them eyed us with horrified gazes - probably from the way I was dragging a frail boy along with me, and some people were trying to hold back their laughter. We were attracting so much attention that I was surprised that none of Overhaul's underlings had seen us yet.

When I heard a quiet buzz in my hand, I looked down and realized that we were at our location. I was correct; the address that Touya had sent us had indeed lead to a shady alley. There weren't many people walking here since the place was a bit dangerous looking...

I dragged Tomura over there, and I heard him squeaking in pain.

"Ah... Sorry."

I apologized quickly as I let go of his thin wrist, and I heard him muttering under his breath angrily.

"So this is it?"

Tomura asked me softly as we neared the area, and I nodded in response, silently giving his phone back to him, which he took gratefully. As we approached the alley, I heard someone breathing heavily. There was the silhouette of what appeared to be a human slumped against a few heaps of garbage, and I wrinkled my nose at the stench.

The alley wasn't supposed to be a place for throwing trash, didn't people know that?

"That must be Touya..."

Tomura murmured under his breath as he broke out into a run, and I struggled to keep up after him. My stamina had been used up a bit from the insane run I had forced the two of us to endure, and I wanted nothing more than rest.

When I caught up to Tomura, he was already crouching down next to the person. I could hear him conversing with Touya.

"Who did this to you, Touya...?! It - It better have not been your father again, I swear..."

I heard Touya cough, a sickening noise coming from the male. The sarcastic tone that I knew very well responded with,

"Who el-else do you think it w-was, dumbass?"

The nickname wasn't used in a malicious way - in fact, it had a sort of fond tone to it, and I smiled slightly. The two of them were really perfect together.

"Hey, Touya. Let me see those wounds, c'mere."

I said softly as I squatted down next to Tomura, and I heard Touya hesitate for a second. Tomura glared at me, a harsh warning raising in his scratchy voice.


I ignored Tomura and looked to Touya, who was still in the shadows. I knew that if I couldn't see his wounds, then I couldn't heal them.

"I... I can't mo-move... Bu-But I'm fine, you don't have to-"

I sighed out loudly and started to slide down the shoulder of my hoodie and shirt to expose my back. Unfortunately, I was wearing one of my hoodies without slits on the back, so accessing my wings would be a bit difficult. However, before I could fully expose the stubs of my wings, I felt a firm grip on my wrist.

"Don't. Please."

It was Tomura, his voice pleading, and I shook my head as I pried his hand off of my wrist.

"I have to do this, Tomura. You know I can't handle seeing my friends hurt..."

I then pulled down my hoodie, and I felt around on my back with a hand, smirking when I felt the soft arch of my right wing - the spot where my wings and body were connected. My wings were already starting to grow in, and I could probably manage to move them around a bit to produce a bit of light so that I could see the wounds.

"Stop, Y/N. You're going to get caught...!"

Tomura's voice was rising in pitch, and I bit my lip, rolling my eyes a bit. Touya kept silent.

"Fine, here. I'll move in a bit into the darkness of the alley so that if anyone happens to pass by, they won't see me. Okay?"

Tomura didn't seem to be much happier, but I couldn't focus on that right now. I flexed the wing a bit, aiming towards a pile of trash. The pile lit on fire, and I quickly glanced at Touya, knowing that the fire would soon grow stronger if I wasn't fast.

Touya was covered in bruises, and he seemed to have a black eye. I leaned over him, and let liquid drip out of my eyes and onto his wounds. As I did this, I tried to hold back my whimpers of pain as a dull headache started to pound at my skull.

"That's enough, Y/N..."

Touya's voice said after a while, the tones restored to their smooth, husky ways, and I hastily opened my eyes, blinking a bit. In the dim light of the fire, I could see that Touya was all healed up, and I smiled weakly. When I knew that all was fine, I quickly stamped out the fire with my shoe.

"Why did you use your quirk, idiot?! Especially after I told you not to several times!-"

Tomura suddenly whisper-shouted at me as he shoved me lightly, and I stumbled a bit since the after-effects of my quirk were still plaguing me.

"Ah, sh*t... Don't do that... I- My head hurts..."

I cursed, rubbing my fingers to my temples, and Tomura let out a soft 'sorry'. When I glanced back up at him, I suddenly noticed a person watching us, expression hidden under the leather plague mask they were wearing, the mask lined with bronze. They were also wearing a long, white raincoat, and I felt my heart drop to my stomach.

This mysterious person must've seen everything that happened.

I was about to get up and chase after the person when they quickly turned away, heading away towards the direction of the golden palace that Overhaul resided in.


I shouted under my breath, and I felt Touya and Tomura look at me curiously.

Of course.

They didn't see what happened since their backs were turned to the person.

I was so screwed if that person worked for Overhaul...

"It - It's nothing. The headache just is really getting to me..."

I responded quietly, not wanting to worry my friends. I also didn't want them to lecture me, since I hated whenever they did that. I slipped the fabric of the hoodie back up my shoulder, my eyes averted to the ground, and the two of them exchanged worried glances.

"Listen, Y/N, you probably should just stop healing in general if the drawbacks are that serious-"

"No! I'm fine... Can we just go back? I think I just want to rest."

I hastily blurted out, and Tomura nodded hesitantly, red eyes scanning over me as if to assess if I was actually okay.

"...Fine, let's go."

He finally said, and Touya got up, flexing his shoulders a bit, letting out a low growl of pleasure as they popped satisfyingly. His icy blue eyes flickered to me, and he smirked, leaning his head back as the three of us walked out of the alley.

"You're pretty good, y'know, Y/N?"

"Touya, you realize saying that could be taken the wrong way without the context of the situation, right?"

Tomura rasped to his boyfriend, his smaller frame leaning a bit against the red-haired male, and Touya's smirk only widened. The taller male wrapped an arm around Tomura.

"Aw, is my little mop head jealous?~"

Touya purred to Tomura, his eyes lidded, and Tomura's face just flushed. I didn't speak up when I heard that, even though usually I'd pop in a remark just to get Tomura even more embarrassed. All that was on my mind was the masked person.

Who were they, and was my life going to be screwed up after this?

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