Chapter Eight

An entire month had passed. A month of learning to live with Draco Malfoy, and by extension Theodore Nott. The two remained joined at the hip, and Hermione remained oblivious to why. More notably, she remained oblivious to what bought Theodore into their dormitory more nights that not.

It had become almost a custom, Hermione waking up, soft red robe wrapped around her body as she walked towards the small kitchenette in her dormitory. Each day, without fail, sitting on the large couch in the sitting room would be none other than Theodore Nott.

"Granger," he would send her a short nod. To which her reply always remained the same.


And normally, she would pour herself her morning coffee and retreat into the privacy of her room. But this time she didn't, she poured her coffee taking a seat next to the Slytherin.

He was casually dressed, in fact he looked as if he wore the same uniform as yesterday. It was crushed with wrinkles adorning most of his white button up shirt, there were a few stains towards the bottom and only half his buttons were done together. She couldn't help but take a quick glance towards his strong chest. 

Like Malfoy, he had filled out. Taller than Draco, and much taller than her.


Within seconds his appearance was corrected, tie now done up, buttons met in the middle, stains removed, shirt tucked in; he looked presentable. She had cast a charm to fix his appearance.

Theodore scoffed, "so sorry Granger, did my appearance offend you."

"As head girl it is my duty to ensure the uniform standard is met by each student," Hermione pipped, sock-clad feet coming up to tuck under herself on the couch. She slightly tilted her body in the direction of the boy who only chuckled in reply.

"You might want to take a look at yourself next time you put on that uniform love," Theodore winked, "because surely that skirt is well too short for uniform regulation."

Hermione scoffed, "and since when do you pay any attention to my uniform appearance."

Hermione had learnt many things from her interactions with Theodore Nott, but if there was one take-away, it was that he was a flirt. 

Nott looked about ready to reply before a raspy voice spoke from behind her, "also the shirt... definitely too... tight, to be allowed."

It was Malfoy, standing there with a large smirk on his features, tight long sleeved shirt, leaning against the open door-way. Hermione was left with her mouth to the ground. This was the most uncalled for thing to fall from the blonde's lips.

This last month they had tolerated each other at best. Bickering came naturally, but flirting. That was reserved for Theodore.

"Perhaps you two should save your energy for something more valuable such as your classes and studies, and stop putting so much focus towards my appearance."

Draco laughed, a genuine laugh, Theodore smirking on the couch next to her.

"Swot," both boys said at the same time.

Back to normal.


Much to Hermione's dismay, after reviewing her own uniform she found it was in fact in breach of Hogwarts uniform policy. She hadn't even noticed herself. But again, Hermione never truly was focussed on herself. It was always Harry or Ron or anybody but herself.

She hadn't grown taller since the war, - but her shape had changed. She wasn't the same 15 year old as when she last wore her uniform. Nott was right, in that her hips had filled out which made her skirt shorter as it covered her behind. Meanwhile the two buttons which covered her breasts of her school shirt tugged in the middle causing a slight gap. She flushed red in the mirror when she thought of how long she had been walking around school like this. She cast a charm to fit her uniform to her body more appropriately. Within the seconds her skirt was longer, and shirt less tight - now completely within uniform parameters.

Making her way into the Great Hall one night for dinner, her eyes searched for Harry and Ron. Walking in the middle row between Gryffindor and Slytherin she saw them at the front of the tables and sent them a small wave as she made her way forward.

A pull against her arm stopped her in her tracks and with a small squeak she was falling back towards the strong grip. It was Nott, seated in Slytherin with Malfoy next to him, ignoring her completely.

Theodore pulled her slightly towards him, leaning forward he closed the gap and sat up straighter speaking in a hushed tone.

"Just because the uniform was breaking the rules doesn't mean you had to fix it. In fact I'm rather sad," he made a fake pouty face.

Hermione scoffed, ignoring the Slytherin and making her way to her original destination; Harry and Ron.

"What did Nott want," Ron all but spat, laced with a tone of disgust.

"Nothing." Hermione replied, making herself a plate for dinner. She side hugged Harry whom she sat next to, Ron directly in front. He scoffed at her.

The two although still exclusive to one another had been arguing more and more. Hermione not sexually satisfied, Ron all take and no give, Hermione feeling bored, Ron always unnecessarily jealous.

"It's always nothing  with you.." Ron scoffed, "Nothing Ron, Don't worry Ron, just forget it Ron," the ginger increased the octaves of his voice, mocking her soft tone.

Hermione's mouth fell open.

"Maybe because it is actually nothing!" Hermione raised her voice slightly, her peers to her left looking over between the two. Harry looked uncomfortable, eyes flicking between his two best friends.

Neither said anything, there was an awkward silence until Ron spoke up, "I just feel like I can't trust you anymore Hermione!" 

Harry frowned slowly drawing out, "Ron..."

Hermione was quick to stand to her feet, "well if you can't trust me, why keep me around. Have you forgotten I've saved your life countless times, have you forgotten how we spent months on the run together.... relying on each other, building trust for one another." Hermione waited for a response but received silence.

"Or did that mean nothing to you?" 

With the noise in the great hall nobody took notice of the raft between the Gryffindor's, nobody except two nosy Slytherin boys who had their necks craned to sticky beak the conversation. They couldn't hear, but they could see the pure frustration and hurt written on Hermione's face.

"That was when it was better.... easier....we were simply....friends..." was Ron's response, almost a silent whisper.

Hermione's eyes welled up with tears, she didn't love Ron as a boyfriend, she loved him as one of her best friends, but she knew things were coming to an end.

"Don't worry I get the message. Loud and clear. Just friends."

Scooping up her satchel she ignored the ginger in favour of a simple, "goodnight Harry." With that her feet were taking her back to her dormitory faster than a Hippogriff could fly. 


She laid on the couch, staring at ceiling, wand in hand. Above her floated 12 beautiful butterflies flapping around her head, she wiggled her wand to make them fly faster. Tears fell from her honey eyes, yet she didn't understand why. She knew her and Ron were not fated for one another, yet knowing it was over was scary.

She didn't look up when she heard the door open, the smell of expensive cologne was something she had learnt very quickly. Malfoy.

"Tricky charm work," came a voice from the entrance. 

She didn't look in its direction.

A simple flick of her wand had all the butterflies flying right past Draco's head and straight into the wall - they evaporated into the air with a puff of feather like confetti falling to the ground.

"Not really." Hermione's voice had no emotion.

Malfoy, looked to where the butterflies hit the wall and with a sad smile on his face he walked towards the girl.

"No, not for you. Brightest which of our age. Golden Girl."

Hermione's eyes flicked towards him, she was about to say something about how the last thing she wanted was flattery, how now was not the time to smooth talk her. But instead was taken back by what she saw in Malfoy's hands. There he had one of the china white plates from the dining hall, filled with food.

"I noticed you didn't have the opportunity to eat at the Great Hall..." Draco trailed off, setting the plate on the coffee table in front of her

Hermione was shocked, but nevertheless, looked away, "I'm not hungry."

Draco smiled, she watched as he cast a stasis charm to keep the food warm.

"When you're ready. Goodnight Granger."

Hermione heard the door to Malfoy's room close, she sat up, looking in the direction he had just left, before glancing at the plate. 

Out of the hundreds of things offered on the tables of the Great Hall banquets, the things filling the plate Malfoy had left were her absolute favourites. 

Her heart skipped a beat without her knowing.

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