300 Questions
1. What's your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Do you like being that age?
4. If you could choose an age, what would it be?
5. Do you have any siblings?
Yes, a twin brother
6. If so, do you like them?
7. What's your favorite food?
That's a very hard question
8. Can you cook that food yourself?
It depends what food it is
9. What country do you live in?
United States
10. If the USA, what state?
11. Would you like to move?
12. Do you like snow?
No, I hate it with a passion
13. Do you like summer or winter better?
14. Spring or fall?
15. What's your favorite holiday?
16. What's your favorite number?
7 and 19
17. Favorite letter of the alphabet?
B, because that's what my name starts with
18. Netflix or Hulu?
19. Fly by plane or go by boat?
20. Do you like flying at all?
Not really
21. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
Any island
22. What language do you wish you could speak?
23. Which one, rock climbing or wind surfing?
Wind surfing
24. In color or black and white?
25. Most memorable moment?
I can't think if anything
26. Do you wear perfume/cologne?
27. Are you allergic to anything?
28. Ever play the game Truth or Dare?
Yes, many times
29. What brands of shoes do you wear?
Vans and Adidas
30. Do you prefer boots or shoes?
31. What's your favorite color?
32. Do you like stuffed animals or beanie babies?
33. Jigsaw puzzle or rubix cube?
34. How long is your hair?
It's very short right now
35. What color is your hair?
36. Have you ever dyed your hair?
No, and I never will
37. Do you have your own computer/laptop?
Sadly, no
38. Are you a good or bad person?
Depends on how someone acts toward me
39. Ever been suspended from school?
No, I'm a child of God
40. What is your favorite book?
Hunger Games series
41. What's your favorite TV show?
The 100 or How To Get Away With Murder
42. Do you play any sports?
I do Track
43. Do you have a cell phone?
44. Ever been stalked before?
Not that I know of
45. Do you prefer Pepsi or Coca-Cola?
I don't drink soda
46. What color are the walls in your room?
47. Do you have any pets?
No, but I want one
48. If so, how many and what are they?
49. Do you get along with your parents?
My mom, yes
My dad, no
50. Are you listening to music right now?
Yes, Needed Me by Rihanna
51. Do you text or call people more?
52. iPod or MP3?
Doesn't matter to me
53. Harry Potter or Twilight?
Harry Potter
54. Necklace or bracelet?
55. Dog tags or chains?
56. Lefty or righty?
57. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
58. Shorts or pants?
59. Do you listen to the radio?
60. When bored, did you ever write on yourself with a pen?
All the time
61. Are you sarcastic?
62. Do you sing in the shower?
63. Do you dance randomly?
64. Did you ever get caught dancing randomly?
65. Did you ever perform in a school talent show?
I almost did in 5th grade xD
66. Do you crack your fingers or "pop"?
Its a bad habit of mine
67. Do you have any cousins?
A lot
68. Have you ever ran into a screen/glass door?
69. Have you ever broken a bone?
No, but I fractured my tail bone a couple weeks ago
70. What color cast did you have?
If I did it would be red
71. Ever sat on a tac?
72. Ever pulled a prank on someone?
73. Can you multi task?
Depends on what I'm doing
74. Do you play cards?
75. Ski or snowboard?
76. Swimming pool or ocean?
Swimming pool
77. Blind date or actual date?
78. Single date or double date?
79. Flowers or Chocolates?
80. Do you watch the news?
No, it's really boring
81. Are you worried about your future?
A little
82. The moon or the sun?
83. Day or night?
84. Cold weather or warm weather?
85. Ever been on a cruise?
No, but I want to
86. Do you find some people really annoying?
Most people actually
87. What's your favorite radio station?
Don't have one
88. If you had a certain power, what would it be?
To read minds
89. Being able to fly or teleport?
90. Dark or light?
91. Cats or dogs?
92. Ever went on a school trip out of state?
93. Do you have photoshop?
94. Brownies or cake?
95. Favorite thing for breakfast?
French toast
96. Favorite thing for dinner?
97. Favorite thing for dessert?
96. Do you get mad often?
No, but I get irritated a lot
97. How late do you usually stay up?
School days 10 otherwise whenever I want
98. Have you ever beaten up someone?
Yes, my brother
99. Were you ever beaten up?
Yes, by my brother
100. How many times has your family moved?
Wisconsin to California
California to Wisconsin
And like 7 other times throughout Wisconsin
101. Are you an organized person?
Lately I have been
102. Do you lock the door to your room?
103. Do you have a sign on your door?
104. Do you know who Kim K is?
105. Do you like going to the doctor?
No, I hate it
106. What sickness did you have last?
A cold
107. Do you like roller coasters?
108. Would you get in trouble if your parents found you up late?
No, they don't care
109. Will you be going to high school prom?
Not for 3 more years
110. Have you ever climbed a mountain (gone hiking)?
Yes, when I lived in California
111. Ever sang karaoke?
No, and I never will
112. If you could have a wild animal as a pet, what would it be?
An albino tiger
113. A sweater or hoodie?
114. Do you like bugs?
No, I hate them so much
115. Milk or chocolate milk?
Chocolate milk
116. Chocolate chip cookies or oreos?
Chocolate chip cookies
117. Which one would you choose, fire, water, earth, or wind?
118. Do you like the rain?
Yes, it helps me fall asleep
119. Ever built something?
120. Ever built a snowman?
121. Ever been to Six Flags?
Yes, I live like 30 minutes away from it
122. Do you like rainbows?
I don't really care about them
123. Do you like anime/manga?
124. What was the first anime/manga you watched/read?
Anime: Dragon Ball Z
Manga: Never read any
125. What's your favorite anime/manga?
Anime: Fairy Tail
Manga: Never read any
126. Do you draw?
127. Would you ever fly up to the moon?
Its debatable
128. Ever embarassed yourself in front of someone you liked?
Not that I remember
129. Are you a good speller?
I would like to think so
130. What color are your eyes?
Green, Hazel and Blue
131. Ever saw the movie "300"?
Yes, but I always fall asleep half way through it
132. Do you have and use a webcam?
133. Are you into photography?
134. Do you go on "Photobucket"?
Whats that?
135. What's your favorite candy?
136. Sweet or sour?
Why not both?
137. What instrument do you wish you could play if can't already?
I'm not interested in playing any instruments
138. Do you believe in love?
139. Do you believe in love at first site?
140. Ever had a heart break?
Haven't we all
141. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Sadly, yes
142. Ever been to the Grand Canyon in Arizona?
No, but I want to
143. Ever been to Las Vegas?
Yes 2 years ago
144. Ever been to a concert?
145. Ever kept a secret journal/diary?
When I was like 6
146. How many pillows do you sleep with?
147. Is your bed up against a wall?
148. When listening to music, does your head or feet move to the beat?
Sometimes my feet
149. What's a hidden talent you have?
Don't have one that I know of
150. Do you believe in ghost stories?
151. Have you ever gone camping?
152. When you camped, did you tell/listen to ghost stories?
Never camped
153. Watermelon or strawberries?
154. Ice tea or green tea?
I don't drink tea
155. Rock or Country?
Neither I hate them both
156. Febreeze or glade?
Doesn't matter they both smell good
157. ROFL or LMAO?
158. Ever think of your dream wedding?
159. Do you have your class ring?
I'm only a freshman
160. Do you think rain hides your feelings?
No, it makes them show even more
161. When was the last time you yelled?
I don't remember
162. When was the last time you said "sorry" to someone?
When me and my best friend got into an argument
163. Do you have any tattoos?
No, I want some when I'm older
164. Have you ever gone ice skating?
Yes, I fall a lot
165. Do you get physically hurt often?
During track season
166. Do you like marshmallows?
No, I love them
167. Do you like s'mores?
I love those too
168. Ever roast a marshmallow?
Who hasn't?
169. Ever sat by a camp fire?
Only a bon fire
170. Have you ever been to the beach?
Yes, a lot of times
171. Sharpie or regular pen?
Regular pen
172. Pencil or highlighter?
173. Would you rather have blue eyes or green eyes?
Green, I would look weird with full blue eyes
174. Ever ate sushi?
Yes, it was amazing
175. Ever been to Japan?
No, but my cousin goes there and reached the kids English during the summer
176. Do you watch videos on Youtube?
177. Are you going to school?
Sadly, yes. Class if 2019
178. Do you like ice cream?
179. Pudding or apple sauce?
I love them both
180. Target or Walmart?
As long as I get food it doesn't matter
181. Do you use shampoo and conditioner?
Only shampoo
182. When you were little, what dream job did you want?
Lawyer and it still is to this day
183. Do you watch the show "Myth Busters"?
184. Do onions really make you cry?
I refuse to go near them when they are being cut
185. A Wii or PS4?
186. Do you keep your room clean or messy?
Clean but my brother always makes it a mess
187. How many DVDs do you own?
188. Have you ever used a compass before?
Yes, when I was younger
189. Ever slept in a sleeping bag?
All the time
190. What's your favorite flavor jam?
191. Have you ever watch the movie "Titanic"?
Only half of it
191. Ever been on a road trip?
Yes, when I moved to California. It took 3 days
192. Do you have posters on your walls?
No, I used to have Dragon Ball Z poster when I was younger though
193. Do you believe in UFOs?
Not really
194. How long does it take you to read a book?
I never finish them
195. Direct TV or Dish Network?
Neither I have AT&T
196. Most watched channel in your house hold?
Food Network
197. Does your family own a gun?
My grandpa and uncle do
198. Do you believe in dinosaurs?
199. Do you believe there is a North Pole?
200. Can you play the piano?
Not at all
201. Have you painted a room before?
Yes, will the my uncle and brother
202. What game systems do you own?
203. Have you ever had brain freeze?
Yes, I hate it
204. Have you ever been tackled by a best friend?
No, but I've tackled her before
205. Ever been bitten by a snake?
No, but I've been near a rattle snake before
206. Tile or carpet?
207. What games do you have installed on your computer?
When I did have one, League of Legends
208. Have you ever disrupted class for talking?
All the time
209. Have you ever disrupted class for accidently laughing loudly?
All the time
210. Ever played any old fashion games like Pac-man, Snake, or Pong?
Yes, I have a Pac-man plug in play
211. Can you build or rebuild cars?
No, is this a joke? xD
212. Have you lost something important to you?
Yes, my cross on my old necklace
213. Have you ever laughed so hard that you cried?
All the time
214. Are you a noob?
215. Have you ever cut your own hair?
Yes, when I was 5
216. Ever tripped over something?
The floor...
217. Ever got stung by a bee?
I landed in a huge pile of bees when I was 4, I fell off my bike
218. Do you get interupted alot?
Yes, I want to punch the person
219. Do you interupt people alot?
Only on accident
220. Ever jumped off the roof into a pool?
No, but it sounds like a lot of fun
221. Do you like the taste of the envelope?
Ew, no
222. Do you like ketchup?
223. Do you mix your fountain drinks?
Sometimes I mix powerade and sprite
224. What did you do last valentine's day?
Stayed at home single, what do you think this is xD
225. Horror or action movies?
226. Would you ever drive/ride a motorcycle?
I've rode on my uncles before
227. Ever played laser tag?
Who hasn't?
228. Have you been stressed lately?
Yes, when you have to keep high grades
229. Do you have any scars on your body?
Yes, only because I busted open my head when I was like 3
230. Do you know how to snowboard?
Kind of, I went snowboarding for the first time for my birthday last year
231. Who taught you how to swim?
I took a class when I was younger
232. Ever been lied to?
I feel like I get lied to all the time
233. Do you have any fears?
Being lonely forever
234. Last time you slammed your bedroom door?
When my brothers friend poured water on me while I was sleeping
235. Best Buy or Circuit City?
Whats Circuit City?
236. iTunes or Limewire?
Whats Limewire?
237. Ever fixed a bike?
It would end up worse
238. Do you like cake?
239. Do you want to live in a castle/mansion?
A mansion
240. Ever played the game "MASH"?
241. Do you dry your hair after a shower with the hair dryer or let it dry on it own?
I dry it with a towel
242. Do you believe in miracles?
243. Do you believe in superstitions?
Depends on how ridiculous it is
244. When you were little did you ever place your tooth under your pillow for the tooth fairy?
All the time
245. Do you like being inside or outside more?
246. Do you like popsicles?
247. Do you have a TV in your room?
248. Do you wear any colorful socks?
No, all of my socks are black
249. Do you want to live in a beach house?
Yes, that would be great
250. Can you speak another language, if so, what language?
251. Do you get headaches alot?
Thankfully, no
252. Are you tired or did you just wake up?
I've been tired since 2007
253. Do you skateboard?
254. When was the last time you walked in snow?
During the winter
255. Ever been under a waterfall?
No, it seems cool though
256. Do you have a blue ray player?
257. Can you hear dogs barking outside your window at night and/or day?
No, but I hear police cars almost everyday
258. Are you ticklish?
259. When texting, do you type out the full word, or shorten them?
Full word
260. Do you like being in the dark?
261. Do you like being in the dark alone?
262. Are you random most days?
No, I'm usually calm
263. Have you ever played hop scotch?
264. Have you ever jumped rope?
265. Did you ever play tag football in P.E?
Yes, but I hate it. I hate most sports
266. Do you like peanut butter?
Yes, it's good with most things
267. Will you get drunk the night of your 21st birthday?
I'm 99.9% positive I will
268. Do you like to wear the color pink?
I don't own any pink clothing
269. Have you ever seen a tornado in person?
270. Can you read minds?
271. Do you like lemons?
Yes, I always suck on them when at restaraunts
272. Do you like limes?
273. Do you see dead people?
274. Can people trust you?
I think?
275. Can you trust people?
I trust no one besides myself
276. Blah or bleh?
277. Where is your destination in life?
To be rich and successful
278. Where will you be in the next 3 hours?
Laying down reading a story on this app or watching YouTube
279. How many posters are on your walls?
280. Do you still like them or just havent taken them down?
I don't have any
281. Are you on a laptop or desktop right now?
My phone
282. Did you have hot wheels when you were younger?
Yes, a huge bucket full
283. Did you have a cabbage patch kid doll?
284. Do you have a trampoline?
No, I never have
285. If there was an illness you could cure, what would it be?
Cancer, my "aunts" mom died from it not that long ago.
286. What's one thing you regret doing?
I don't regret anything, everything happens for a reason
287. If you could take back one thing you've said, what would it be?
I love you
288. Ever played the game "Monopoly"?
Thats my second favorite board game next to clue
289. Ever played the game "Life"?
290. Do you shop at Hot Topic?
I have one time
291. Have you ever gotten your phone taken away?
I've got it taken away for a whole month before
292. If you live in the US, do you still remember 9/11?
I wasn't even 1 at the time
293. Ever been asked "Do you have msn?" by someone you don't know?
No, that sounds retarded
294. Do you still love your parents when you argue with them?
Only my mom, I hate my dad with a passion
295. Did you ever get into mischief when you were little?
Yes, I flooded the basement, threw peanut butter around the kitchen, poured flower and sugar all over the floor, etc.
296. Is your bed made?
It never has been and never will
297. Did you watch a movie today?
Yes, "The Last Song"
298. When was the last time you ate popcorn?
When I saw "Barbershop 3" with my friend
299. If you could have ANY job for a day, what would it be?
Male stripper xD just kidding, a doctor
300. Will you ever answer a quiz with 300 questions again?
Only if all of the question are different
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