Conniving Confidant- Rule One
Okay, so this was an idea suggested by @Wolf-Wisdom and I had a lot of fun writing it!
Wolfy pointed out that Sigma from Red Vs Blue and Ace are similar in quite a few ways (Some of which you guys have yet to find out) that if they ever met, they would be unstoppable if they met up, and it got me thinking, "What would happen if they met up?"
It ended up being a whole crossover, and I know a lot of you haven't seen Red Vs Blue but I tried to make it as least confusing as possible!
Anyways, ONWARD!
Third Person
If one were to go through a portal to another dimension, one must know there are rules when doing so. Three to be exact.
Upon going through the portal and coming out safely through the other side, your mind will need a moment to adjust, as will your body. It is perfectly normal, and expected, to be dazzled and confused. After all, switching dimensions is no easy feat.
Ace was the first to experience this rule in person.
Stealth was normally Ace's specialty. He learned quickly how to move in the shadows without anyone taking notice, how to blend in with a crowd, how to mimic people, and most importantly, how to hide that he was possessing someone.
Ace found out pretty quickly that though he could possess anyone he pleased, with few exceptions, there were restrictions. One was being that his eyes always changed color, and glowed. Anyone who knew what they were looking for could catch him in a split second, so moving without exposing his eyes was something he had gotten good at.
Ace broke into the lab by possessing one of the scientists and bypassing security with ease before exploring. Word got around that Professor Pikalus was planning something big, a huge project unlike any other, and how could anyone resist taking a peek? Especially if you could.
Fortunately for him, both Professor and Susan were out of "Sector Zero" so he called it, so slipping inside wasn't a problem. He managed to get the password and drop down into the secret lab, taking a couple steps out before stopping in his tracks at the contraption before him.
Machinery was all over, but there was a circular hole purposely left out in the middle of it. Tubes filled with unknown but glowing liquid connected to it, and a computer set up to the left of it was spitting out data that Ace could barely read.
He paused for a long time before hesitantly making his way over to the computer and started to read it the best he could.
It took him about ten minutes, but he nearly gasped when he realized what exactly it was. The world around him didn't seem to matter, because all that did was standing right in front of him. A gold mine, something he could never even hope to create.
"A portal to another dimension, completely different from our own..." Ace whispered in awe, starting to lightly work with the computer, half scared to even do so in fear of breaking such a thing. "You went above and beyond, huh Professor?"
Ace was captivated by it for a couple more seconds before the machine made a small beeping noise and his eyes were drawn to the data. The words "DIMENSION DRIVER: ONLINE" caught his eyes and he grinned. It was ready.
As Ace began to fire it up, he dismissed everything else in the world, deeming that it didn't matter more than what was in front of him. However, he was dead wrong, as he should have paid attention to the five distinct voices coming ever so closer to his location.
He didn't hear them as the trap doors opened and let them all down, though he would have, if not all of his focus was on making it work. The voices in the background stopped abruptly right as the machine loudly hummed to life and began to spark. Ace took a step back, watching as before his eyes a egg shaped rip in space began to form and take over, filling with what looked like the galaxy itself before finally settling down, the sparks fading but the portal remained, still swirling with the very galaxy itself.
Ace was hypnotized by its beauty, but before he could reach out to touch it, a voice boomed around the room. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" It screamed.
That's when Ace got careless, whipping around to see who it was. There, at the entrance of the secret lab was not only Professor Pikalus, the one who spoke, but Cody, Sam, Selena, and Tanith as well. He stared them directly in the eyes, frozen in place before he caught his mistake: Exposing his eyes to them.
Now all of them knew exactly who he was and what he was doing.
Already, Ace could see them all subtly reach for their weapons, causing him to panic, and do the one thing he could think of.
He plunged right into the portal, allowing his whole body to get sucked in.
It was difficult for Ace to describe what he was feeling, but one thing was that he was falling. A feeling of weightlessness was there for a moment, but soon faded and he was falling through what felt like time and space itself. He could feel his borrowed physical body get ripped apart until all that remained was the very core of his being, and then suddenly, and without warning, there was a bright flash of light and he was pushed out into a new world.
Ace groaned loudly as he arrived, but the first thing he noticed was that he was once again, weightless. He couldn't feel a body anymore, and in fact, he tried to hold on to his chest, but his arm seemed to phase right through it, leaving him utterly confused.
Then, there was a panic. He couldn't feel anything at first, and then he was falling apart. His vision wavered and his body flickered. The world was fine, but he sure wasn't, and he had no idea what to do. His first instinct was to latch onto whatever living being was closest and hope it was stable enough to hold him. After all, it normally worked.
But when he tried to move, it proved difficult and confusing. His body wasn't as free as he was used to it being, and he sure didn't feel... Wispy, at all.
Ace thought he was going to fade from existence right then and there, unsure of what was and wasn't real, but then there was a voice.
"Oh, hello!" Ace directed his vision upward to a strange dark blue figure looming over him, but oddly enough, it wasn't in a threatening way. That didn't stop the panic from flaring up, but it was nice to see his logic was still in hold. A small gasp came from the being as he looked at him. "Are you the Tooth Fairy? You know, I never knew if that was real or not."
Ace wasn't sure what in this world a "Tooth Fairy" was, but as his body struggled to keep its form, he did the only thing he could think of and reached for the figure, struggling to get to them. They perked up when they saw him extending his arm out to him. "Oh! Do you need help up? I get that, we all do sometimes. Here, let me help!" They said cheerfully, and reached out to him.
Right when they touched, two things happened. One was that Ace's hand phased right through it, but the other was that he could feel a strange power awaken in him, and he called upon it to activate.
His whole body suddenly shifted, and barely even seconds later, he found himself feeling a lot more stable, heavier, and staring at the ground.
It took him a moment to register what was going on before he noticed not only was he staring through a viser, but the hand in his vision was twitching. He blinked before trying to move it, and to his suspicion, it did. Possession worked. A relieved sigh escaped him as he stood up and started to take a look at his new body.
It had armor all over, and while a little heavy, it seemed something he could easily get used to. All of his armor was a dark blue, and he had a couple weapons with him, including an assault rifle and some kind of pistol. Looking over to see if anything else was with him, he found two grenades, as well as what seemed like a half eaten... Lollipop? How did they eat it exactly in half and still have it stuck to the stick?
Ace decided it wasn't as important as where he was, and began to search around. He was in the middle of a beach, the ground beneath him made of sand and the shore not too far from where he stood. A little ways away was a open building made of stone, tall, but whether there was much to it was up for debate.
Slowly, he started to make his way over to it, having no other idea of where to go.
The surge of power is what first caught the Meta's attention.
The large, white armored man stood up slowly and began to face the direction he felt it come from. Power was what they craved, for it was needed if they were going to function.
But this power? Not only was is huge, but unlike anything he had ever felt before.
Meta let out a growling noise, unable to speak actually words due to sustaining heavy damage to his throat, but lucky for him, he head other ways of communicating.
"So, you felt it too?"
And there he was. Meta didn't even have to turn, already feeling his presence consuming his mind until he was all there was left to it. Meta growled again, knowing that he knew exactly what he was trying to say.
"I thought you might... It's powerful, but what it is perplexes me. It's certainly not from anything they could produce, so what happened? And more importantly, who is responsible?"
Meta waited, knowing eventually, he would say it for him. "We should investigate. Power like that, will prove most... Useful, to us." He decided, a smirk playing on his face.
In an instant, it wasn't just him in his head, but several voices all filling up his mind and speaking at once.
We need more power
Get it! Get it!
Not enough... Not enough to run equipment...
Need to be whole... NEED TO BE WHOLE!
He tried to clutch his head and make the pain go away, but soon, he did it for him. "Now, now. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Washington is still on the hunt for us, and I doubt he'll just let us stroll in and take what we want. We need to be," The Meta straightened up as his mind cleared again, only leaving him. "Resourceful."
Inside the stone walls, there were a couple rooms with no doors, and a few with, a large fan that constantly moved, and a lot of barrels and a couple vehicles that oddly looked like a big cat.
Ace was able to take about two steps into this place, scanning the area before someone screamed at him.
Ace suppressed a scream and whipped around wildly, before laying eyes on someone marching right towards him, and didn't look happy.
He had similar armor to what his new body had on, but different colors. This guy had dark gray armor with yellow stripes, and carried a rifle in his hands.
"There you are! Where'd you even go? I said to stay close." He grumbled, frustration in his voice.
Caboose? Is that this body's name?
Ace paused. "Hey there... Buddy?" He said uncertainty. Who this guy was to his vessel, he didn't know but he had to find it out. This is why normally, Ace would study the person he wanted to possess before doing it so he knew how to act, instead of just jumping in.
The man in gray armor took no notice to his speaking pattern and kept talking. "Yes, hi. Why weren't you at the meeting? I was briefing everyone on our next course of action."
"Our next... Course. Of action. Yes, I knew that." Ace wanted to slap himself for his terrible acting.
The man stared for another minute before sighing deeply. "With the Meta? You know, the guy who we've been simultaneously hunting and being hunted by?" Ace gave him a blank stare, making him squint his eyes at him. "...Do you have a flashlight in your helmet or something?"
Oh crap. The eyes thing doesn't go away here too? Ace quickly shook himself. "It's a nightlight... Because I'm scared of the dark."
The beauty of improvisation: You never have any idea what's going to come out of your mouth.
He stared at him for another moment before huffing. "I wish I could have the right to judge without it being hypocritical, but I sadly don't... Just don't eat through your helmet, the helmet waste disposal doesn't work, no matter what anyone tells you."
Ace nodded, but before the conversation could go on, another yell came from seemingly nowhere. "WASHHHH!"
'Wash' sighed deeply before whipping around and yelling back. "What is it, Church? It better be important! I'm trying to debrief Caboose!"
There was a moment of silence before "Church" yelled back. "THE MAROON ONE WANTS YOU TO DISCIPLINE THE YELLOW ONE!"
"YEAH WHATEVER. JUST GET UP HERE AND DEAL WITH IT!" Church screamed at the other voices, and then to 'Wash'.
A frustrated huff came from the gray one. "You guys are adults! Work it out yourselves!"
Laughing came back. "Try telling them that!"
Wash grumbled before turning back to Ace. "Long story short, we're staying here for the night to rest and for the defensive advantages, plus they won't stop whining about how tired they are and I'm not in the mood to deal with it. Stay around here, try not to wander off and if you do get lost just send out a distress signal or something. Oh, and look out for the Meta. It's doubtful he'll come back unless he needs anything but better to be safe than-"
"I'M COMING!" He screamed back, then said a quick goodbye before stalking off.
Ace watched him leave with interest. Clearly, there was something going on around here, but what it was was something he needed to figure out, and fast. Whoever this 'Meta' guy was, might just be the cause of it.
Ace pondered for another moment before deciding it was best to search around for anything interesting. He started to scold himself as he did.
"Nightlight... I really need to work on my improvisation..."
Ignoring what he had been told, Ace ended up leaving the area to get a better look around. The cliffs near the base didn't have much, but it did provide a tactical advantage through height.
Looking out, he could see the same gray and yellow one he was talking with before to be what looked like lecturing another two in armor, one being a darkish red, while the other a yellowish orange. Behind him, a faint blue guy stood behind him, arms crossed, and almost looked amused to be watching the whole thing and doing nothing about it.
Ace watched for a while, carefully evaluating each one and their threat levels and behavior, but was interrupted by a low growling noise.
Ace froze in place before slowly turning around, and seeing a large white figure tower over him, and unlike the last person who did so, it was menacingly.
Ace took a step back in response, but it only seemed to mirror him, getting closer and making him feel like he was going to suffocate.
To make it worse, soon, someone appeared on his shoulder. This new figure was much smaller and floating just above his shoulder, and looked more like a hologram than an actual person. They had a male human form, but their whole body looked like it was on fire, glowing with red and orange flames.
His eyes were transfixed on Ace's own.
Ace did the first thing that came to mind and bolted in the other direction, but they were persistent.
They shot right in front of him, making him falter and quickly took the lead and blocked his path. The burning man's mouth twitches with amusement at his attempted escape.
The white one made another series of growls, stepping closer and didn't take his gaze off of him.
Finally, the burning man spoke. "He's not part of the same Alpha as us, but he still might be of some use. Let's take him with us."
The white man nodded in agreement but Ace quickly interjected. "Whoa, wait! Alpha? What are you talking about?"
The burning man gave a strange look, checking him up and down. "You're an A.I fragment, are you not? All of us have an Alpha."
Ace vigorously shook his head. "No! I'm not a computer program! I'm..." He trailed off and shook his head. "I'm complicated, but I'm not an A.I, fragment or otherwise."
There was a long pause and another examination before they both settled slightly. "Perhaps I was wrong then." The burning man admitted before taking a small bow. "I'm called Sigma, and this is the Meta. You are..?" Sigma's eyes flashed with interest that sent Ace a little over the edge.
"Ace." He answered back.
Sigma nodded thoughtfully. "I see. If you are not an A.I, may I ask how you're able to puppeteer a human like that?"
Ace looked over Sigma again before answering. "In my dimension, I'm able to possess people with my form. This one, things are... Different." He answered, shifting around in the body.
Sigma's eyebrows arched, now stepping a little closer. "Your dimension? You're not from here?" He inquired, his voice carefully and precise.
Ace shook his head. "A portal brought me here. A scientist in my dimension made it, and I happened to get to it before them."
Sigma's eyes flickered, turning back to the Meta. "That would explain the power surge we felt earlier. Someone crossing dimensions would most certainly-" Sigma paused abruptly, and the Meta whipped around, growling loudly.
"What?" Ace asked.
Sigma didn't answer right away, glancing over his shoulder before turning to Ace. "It's happening again."
Groans of different pitches and intensity escaped all of them as they were pushed into the new dimension and piled on top of each other.
CannibalCrab was the first to speak among them, sliding out from the middle of the unintentional dogpile, without upsetting the balance of it. "Ugh... Remind me never to go through a portal again, that was horrible."
Soon, one by one they all got up, Blooper getting off the top of the dogpile, the girls all from the middle and the other three all trying to recover.
"It normally isn't that- hey!" Professor yelped as KrakenKid pushed him off of him and got up. He brushed himself off and Professor was sent to the ground.
"Why did I volunteer to be one of the first people in?" KrakenKid mumbled to himself and lightly shook his head.
"At least you weren't the very first one in and on the bottom of the pile..." Cody groaned, slowly sitting up and stretching his body.
KrakenKid began to do the same before there was a long pause, bringing to notice something's that his disordered mind didn't process before. "Is it just me or do you guys have armor too?"
His simple sentence made them all have the same realization, and they noticed their own weapons had changed. "Not just me then? Good, I'd hate to be the odd one out."
KrakenKid was now wearing dark purple armor, with stripes of yellow all around his upper body, mainly around his new helmet. He carried a long gun, having a lengthy tube attached to it. Out of curiosity, he held the trigger and immediately, the gun began to charge, energy sparking within the tube. He gave a grin before letting it die down.
Cody was in black and white, having a mostly white chest and parts of his helmet as well. Now, he carried a short but thick cylinder that fit right into his hand. Upon shaking it, the blade of a sword formed around it and his hand. It glowed a bright blue in his hand.
Professor Pikalus was green, nothing else. He did, however, gain a futuristic looking hammer that he took quite an interest to.
Selena and Sam both gained pink and turquoise respectively, but had stripes of blue around their chest and shoulders. Sam now held a sniper rifle, and Selena had a couple really sharp knives with her.
Tanith wore red, but with blue marks on her helmet, and purple on her chest. With her was a singular pistol.
CannibalCrab had orange with red marks all over. In his hands was a large shotgun, which already was comfortable in his grip.
Finally, Blooper was also purple, but a lighter purple than his father. He had black markings around his helmet, specifically around the visor. Unfortunately for everyone else, his weapon was now an automatic rifle. Blooper shot it a few times before stopping, already pleased with it.
Professor Pikalus steadily started to flex himself before he seemed satisfied with the mobility. "So going into another universe gave us armor and weapons? That's better than expected."
Cody patted himself down. "I think it replaced what we already had with the equivalent in this universe because my spear is gone."
"And most of my other legs!" KrakenKid cries out, alarmed at his lack of appendages. "I only have two now!"
"I actually have legs now!" Tanith smiled, beginning to kick around with them, testing her new limbs. "You guys have this all the time? It's amazing! Less balanced, but still amazing!"
Sam and Selena started doing the same. Sam's eyes squinted before her head shot up. "I think it turned us human... Someone who doesn't have human characteristics, take off your helmet."
There was a hesitation before Cody slowly reached up and began to remove his. When he finally pulled it off, the others all widened their eyes.
To test if they were right, Cody reached up to touch his face, and felt something smooth until he reached the top of his head and found hair. "It really did turn us human... I don't believe it."
"Awww..." KrakenKid's head dipped. "But being human sucks! You can't even breath underwater, much less carry eight swords at once..."
"And my magic!" Tanith called out. Her hands shook in the air as she tried to get them to spout out some sort of ray. "My magic is-"
While trying a couple more things, Tanith accidentally triggered something, causing a bunch of hexagons to appear in a massive dome around them, linking up with each other. CannibalCrab, the closest to the edge of them, pressed his body against it and confirmed it was sturdy. Tanith grinned.
"Not exactly what I wanted, but I like it!" She exclaimed, letting it go down before clapping her hands together. "Not as physically draining either!"
As everyone tried to get used to their new forms, Professor glanced around. He didn't need any time, for he was already human before and after the trip, so he would examine the terrain.
They were on a beach with high cliffs not to far away. Farther down, there was a large facility with protective walls that caught his eye. "Civilization." He mumbled to himself before turning back to the others. "We should all head that way! If anyone knows where Ace ran off to, it's probably the natives of this world. Follow me."
There was a pause before they strolled after him as Professor started to trek towards the building.
Though the walk wasn't long, they mainly talked amongst each other. Blooper and Selena whispered to each other, Professor stayed in the lead with Cody not too far behind, KrakenKid was still freaking out about only having two legs while Tanith was ecstatic, CannibalCrab watched the shoreline in hope for crabs, and Sam listened in, smiling to herself about the comments she was hearing, and trying to hold back laughter when Tanith lost balance, grabbed KrakenKid to steady her but ended up taking him down with her.
As they came closer to the building, they started to quiet down, but completely stopped when a line of bullets was fired in front of them, most likely a warning.
"Hault! State your name, business, and prefered method of dying!" A voice hollered, having a thick southern accent to it. "Note, there is only one right answer to that last question... And it is shotgun to the face!" Another round was shot, a couple inches from Professor's feet.
Everyone paused before CannibalCrab ended up pushing his way to the front and cupping his hands around his mouth. "I'm CannibalCrab, trying to find our enemy and... Shotgun to the face, I guess."
The voice paused. "Hmm... I like your style! Pursuing your enemy is always a respectable quest! I shall help you by saying that they are right behind you!"
Cannibal paused, glancing back before returning to the conversation. "No, these guys are my friends and... Frienemies. It's complicated, but they're not who we're looking for."
"Are you sure? You're apart of the Red Team, right?"
Cannibal blinked before turning to consult with his leader. KrakenKid shrugged and he turned back. "Uh... More like the purple team."
"There's no such thing as a purple team! Now are you a red, or are you a dirty blue!" He barked back.
Seeing as this guy clearly had a dislike for this "Blue Team" Cannibal just went with it. "Red then. Red Team."
A long silence passed before they responded. "Prove it. What's the password?"
CannibalCrab turned once again, back to everyone else. "You guys got any ideas? No? Alright, I'll just guess." Cannibal shrugged when nobody else said anything. He cleared his throat before yelling back. "The password is... Password?" He said uncertainly.
"Cannibal!" KrakenKid hissed. "Why would-"
"That's correct!" KrakenKid faltered in shock. "You may enter, but what about those blues? Do you want me to shoot 'em for you?" A gun cocked but Cannibal quickly interjected.
"No! They're with us!"
The southern voice scoffed. "Why would you be with Blues? They're down right dastardly!"
"HEY!" Cried a voice from deeper inside. "Like you're a cakewalk!"
"Shut it, Blue!" Another voice interjected.
"Great comeback, Simmons!"
"Thanks, Sir!"
"Suck up..."
"Am not!"
More voices screamed left and right, until KrakenKid began to get irritated. Marching right past CannibalCrab, he took in a breath.
"WILL EVERYONE PLEASE SHUT UP?" KrakenKid's voice mixed with another as a dark gray figure emerged from the entrance, screaming in unison with him. The newcomer and KrakenKid both gave each other a weird look before shaking it off.
"What's going on here? Who are all of these people?" The gray one asked, coming closer but stopping a couple feet away.
KrakenKid, already at the head of the group, decided to take charge. "I'm KrakenKid, and this is CannibalCrab, Professor Pikalus, Cody, Selena, Sam, Tanith, and Blooper. You?"
The man hesitated, looking them over. "Washington. Now, what-"
KrakenKid held up his finger. "Hey, I introduced all of my friends, you introduce yours. It's only fair."
Washington once again hesitated but gave in in the end. "Everyone! Front and center!"
"We don't take orders from you!"
"What was that?" Washington challenged, cocking his gun.
"I said, right away sir!" The voice said quickly.
An awkward silence passed before four newcomers all came out. Washington began to gesture to each of them. "This is Church," He pointed to one wearing pale blue armor, who barely gave them a second glance. "That's Sarge," This time, he pointed to one wearing red armor, who eyed Sam suspiciously. "Grif," The next was an orange one, who slouched. "And Simmons." The last one was a darker red, who took one look at everyone before slowly taking a step back.
Washington looked over his team before tilting his head. "Hey wait a minute... Where'd Caboose go? He was just here not even ten minutes ago!" When his question went unanswered, he huffed. "Of course... Knowing him, he'll turn up. Now," His attention redirected back to KrakenKid. "What are you doing here? Who even are you people?"
Cody stepped forward. "We're from another dimension."
Washington and the others all just stared at him blankly. "...Riiiight... Another dimension... Totally."
They all went to back up but Cody shook his head. "I'm not crazy! We came here trying to track down someone who escaped into here!"
Washington seemed skeptical, but it was Simmons who spoke up. "We did experience some interference with our power a couple minutes ago, and it is theoretically possible to travel dimensions with the right technology." He pointed out.
Washington gave a slight nod before returning to Cody. "Okay, let's say that you're telling the truth. Who are you tracking down?"
"We call him Ace." Selena piped up.
"Ace?" Church echoed. "Okay, and why are you tracking him down? What'd he do, terrorize your dimension?" There was a pause as the Atlanteans and Tide Changers exchanged a glance with each other. "...That's exactly what he did, didn't he? With our luck, that doesn't even surprise me."
"He's very dangerous." Cody continued. "He has the ability to possess people."
Another pause came before Washington groaned. "Oh great, there's TWO of them? You have to be kidding me!"
"Two?" Professor asked, hoping that he was wrong.
"We have somebody like that too." Grif told him.
Washington sighed before signalling them to follow him. "Come on, we need to get this straight and hope that they haven't met yet. How do you guys deal with him, and is there anyways we can avoid getting possessed? I'd rather not deal with this and the Meta."
Everyone started to follow him inside, but right as Tanith's mouth opened, a flash of red appeared beside her. "Tanith, you should mention- oh... This is new."
Everyone whipped around to see that right on Tanith's shoulder, something new had sprouted. What looked like a hologram was now there, and it projected a figure that looked almost identical to Tanith as a human, but their full body was red and glowing. Tanith blinked, but it was their voice that told her who it was. "...Cece?"
Cece looked at herself, testing her holographic body before looking up. "This... Tanith, what's going on? This has never happened before."
"You have an A.I?" Washington pushed his way towards her to get a better look, but Tanith shook her head.
"No! This is Cece, my conscience... Or at least, she was. Like she said, this has never happened before."
Professor peeked from the crowd. "The portal changed all of us into humans, it probably changed Cece too."
Tanith and Cece exchanged a look. "Maybe..."
"Is that them?" Sigma asked as Ace peered over the cliffs at the group of people migrating inside.
"Yep." Ace huffed. "I should have known they would follow me here. No doubt they'll find me before long since I have no idea what I'm doing, and then I'll be screwed over."
Sigma carefully looked over Ace, then the group of people, and back again. "Maybe not." Ace perked up at his words. "I have a proposal for you. You help me, and I'll help you. A mutually beneficial partnership. I can even help you hide from them as long as you like." A smile danced on his face. "For example, did you know you can darken the visor so they cannot see your glowing eyes effect?"
Ace paused, glancing over at Sigma and back again. It took him a while, but he finally relaxed. "Seems reasonable. I'm not sure what I want, but since you suggested it, you clearly do. So, what is it that I can do for you?"
Sigma's smile brightened, a slight menacing look to it remained but Ace shook it off. "Do you see that floating red figure? The one by- Tanith, you called her?"
Ace took a look and nodded. "Yeah, what about it?"
"You see, it appears to be an A.I. The Meta and I need all the A.I's we can get if we want to reach metastability."
"Reach what?" Ace arched his eyebrows.
"Metastability. It's the only way an A.I can be considered human, and I-we wish to achieve it." He put his hands behind his back, holding them there comfortably. "The more A.I's, the better the outcome."
Sigma took enough strides until he was floating right in front of his face. "And I want you to help me get them. Do we have a deal?"
Ace took a moment to think it over. Then, his head nodded. "Consider it done. Where do we start?"
Annnd, scene!
I really like how this came out! I have this whole story planned out too, so it's gonna be great! Hopefully I wasn't too confusing when explaining everything, and the characters!
I hope you liked this! I sure had a lot of fun making it, and a part 2 will be made to go with it! Be sure to comment what you thought, and if anything confused you so that I can help, and goodbye!
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