Tag #47
1. Sexual orientation; hétéro j'pense
2. What i'm really bad at; être sérieuse, en sciences
3. The one person who's arms i'd like to be in; my crush (duuuuh)
4. My best first date; ...
5. A description of my self-esteem; a roller coaster
6. Who my best friends are; Mel, Kev, Derek, Soph, et Hugo, fin' jsais plus
7. My favorite book; harry potter (surprise!)
8. Biggest turn off; ceux qui ne te parlent pas, les players qui veulent juste fourrer criss, les yo, les 100% gamer pis ceux qui détestent le sport
9. A description of my best friend; crazy as fuck, funny, sociable, have the same type of personnality as me
10. My favorite animal; tiger and koala
11. Someone i miss; Hugo, Nico, grandpa :(, family
12. The reason behind my last breakup; if the story with Nico count, bah I had no explanations :) our common friends said he didnt love me as much as I did love him.... NICE
13. What I did yesterday; school 'sti
14. What my greatest achievements are; sûrement tous mes writings, trucs publiés ici comme ceux qui ne le sont pas
15. A description of the person you dislike the most; ya les cheveux jaune moutarde, a l'air d'un tas de marde pervers pis dirige un de mes pays préférés, malheureusement.
16. My favorite song at the moment; Free de Why don't we, Back to you de Louis Tomlinson et Bebe Rexha, too much to ask de Niall Horan
17. How my last kiss went down; ...
18. What I find attractive in the preferred sex; les yeux et les mains skska
19. All of the pets I've ever had; genre 3 poissons mdr
20. Favorite flavor of ice cream; vanille et érable
21. The one place I want to be now; with Mel+Kev+Nico+Jacob+Fil+Gab+Antoine+Hugo because I miss all the time I spent with them, or with my hockey boys aux tournois.. 💕
22. The meanest thing anyone has ever said to me; ...
23. Where have I lived before; I've only live here
24. I'll love you if; you love hockey, you're super funny
25. What are my future plans; c'est assez flou
26. An internal conflict I have with myself; myself, at all.
27. What I'm doing tomorrow; hopefully nothing because I have no energy
28. What i want to be when i get older; french teacher
29. Most embarrassing moments; tous ceux avec mon "ex" j'imagine
30. Two of my insecurities; ma gêne de parler devant tout le monde et mon ventre
31. What I would do if I won the lottery; give money to organism, poor and to my family, travel and go to shows and sports events
32. A description of the person I like; il a des osti de beaux yeux, donne des sacrament de bons câlins, a un rire et un sourire attachant, un peu plus grand que moi, assez shy mais quand même fou et game de faire des niaiseries, des blagues poches qui m'font rire pareil, pis quand même beaucoup populaire
33. What i love about myself; mon positivisme et ma détermination
34. Have you ever hug / hold the hand of your crush; both damn eheh
35. What bands i've seen live; Hedley, Simple Plan, Cowboys fringants, Billy Talent, et pleins d'autres
36. Who my best friends are; déjà répondu plus haut, alors disons virtuellement... Kathouxo & shawnuniverse sont pas mal celles desquelles je suis la plus proche, sinon BabMendesCarpenter QuebecAuthor _sadgxrl CoucheToiPisDors et autres
37. How many kids I want in the future; three I think
38. My idea of a perfect date; quelque chose de simple, ben du rire et du plaisir, que les deux personnes soient à l'aise et s'aiment
39. What I'm really good at; faire chier le monde, créer des osti de gros malaises, dire des clash et des jokes de merde, rire à absolument rien
40. Most traumatic experience; une couple de conversations avec mes boys..
41. Where i would like to live; guess i want to stay here
42. The nicest things anyone has ever said to me; "tu es ma vie" "je t'adore" etc
43. Do i like where i am right now; i absolutely love my bed
44. What can i hear right now; about... Nothing
45. My relationship with my siblings; super good, love them endlessly and they mean the world to me
46. All of the pets i've had; already answered
47. My biggest worry currently; est ce que je vais encore me chier en sciences cette année?
48. Something i've wished for repeatedly; that it never ended
49. My relationship with my parents; pretty good most of the time, but sometimes harder with my mom
50. What words makes me feel the best about me; quand on me dit qu'on m'aime, qu'on est fier de moi ou à peu près tous les compliments ahah
51. Something I should've said a long ago; admitting that i love him more then expected ?
52. What my last message text says; yeahhh and they're kinda hot ahahha" à Leah Ahahah
53. What i hate most about me; already have say it
54. Biggest turn on; sportif, drôle, près à faire un peu de niaiseries, positif, jokes poches, beaux yeux
55. What words upset me the most; "shawn mendes est pas bon / pas beau" "why don't we? Ew" "one direction c'tait dla marde anyway"
56. What i hate the most about school; sciences, maths, CHC, pis la plupart des gens
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