
A round of applause filled the room as Tiffany stood up from her seat and smiled widely upon the announcement of new East Indonesia Project Manager. She slid some strands of hair to the back of her ear before looked around the room looking at her peers one by one until her eyes reached her boss, Taeyeon.

"Thank you for the opportunity, Taeyeon." She smiled sincerely and for a while there she believed she could see a glint of proudness in Taeyeon's eyes. She diverted her gaze to other people in the room and put on her best smile.

"I honestly never imagined to be appointed as a Project Manager for East Indonesia Development Program. It's all thanks to all the support given to me during Lombok Project, without you guys, I wouldn't make it. But this time things might be a little bit different here. Jessica had been one of my greatest support during Lombok Project, and now she will be responsible for West Indonesia, means I need to be independent this time. I hope I won't disappoint you guys. And I hope we can collaborate well during the project. Let's make the project a huge success!" She beamed her eye smile while making a fist punch to the empty air, making the whole group laughing, including Taeyeon.

"Okay, then." Taeyeon now stood up and Tiffany immediately took her seat. "Since now I've announced the most important news of the year, let's start our meeting, shall we?" She connected her laptop to the screen and led the monthly meeting, as per usual.


"Hey," a small face peeked over a slight gap between the door and the wall, showing her toothy grin and a pair of crescent Taeyeon loved the most. "It's almost 10 pm."

The girl in the room immediately straightened her seat and took a glance at the time on the right corner of her laptop screen.

"God, time flies so fast." She groaned while stretching her arms upwards before looked at the head on the door, which replied with a wider toothy grin, and she couldn't help to chuckle at the sight.

"Why are you creeping me out like that? Come in." She smiled as she rechecked the file she opened before Tiffany came in. After double checking everything, she looked up, noticing Tiffany was already sitting on the couch in her room, occupied by her phone.

"Are you waiting for me to finish?" Taeyeon asked to the girl across the room.

Tiffany looked up and nodded as an answer. "Are you okay with that?" Taeyeon could not resist a pair of innocent eyes that stared back at her innocently.

"Of course, I'm okay with that." She looked at the time again, it showed 9:47 pm. She then turned her laptop off and tidied up her belongings.

"Are you finished already?"

"I guess so. It's not good to make a lady wait." Taeyeon smiled cheekily while witnessing Tiffany who now curled her left hand fingers-which was not occupied by her iPhone and scrunched her nose.

"I need to re-adapt to that side of yours." She then chuckled and stood up, approaching Taeyeon's desk, which now only occupied by Taeyeon's laptop's bag and Taeyeon's hand bag. "Shall we go home now?"

"What about having a bowl of Indomie before going home?" Taeyeon offered.

"Indomie???" Tiffany looked surprised at the offer but then laughed hard. "Are you really taking me to Indomiestall?"

Taeyeon nodded in excitement, without any doubt. "Why? Everyone loves Indomie."

"Never I've imagined that the senior manager also eats at Indomie stall!"

Taeyeon chuckled upon the response. "Please note, I am also a human. And, come on, what's better than MSG at this hour?"

"Hmmm, interesting..." Tiffany smiled upon hearing the answer. "So, shall we go now?"

Taeyeon grinned as she took both her hand bag and laptop bag, before stepped forward approaching Tiffany. "Let's go!"

Both women left Taeyeon's office and went straight to the parking lot. Once they had reached the parking lot, they stopped right next to Taeyeon's car.

"Are we going with your car or we're going with separate cars?" asked Tiffany

Taeyeon hummed as she looked up at the night sky. "Honestly, I would prefer to go with my car, but we can't leave your car here. It'd be inconvenient for you to go for work by public transportation tomorrow morning if we leave your car here."

"That's true." Tiffany nodded in agreement. "Unless, you picked me up tomorrow morning to go to office." She grinned teasingly. "And be my Driver Taetae again just like the old times."

Taeyeon chuckled in response and shook her head. "I was wishing you'd say that you'd have a sleepover in my place so we can go to work together tomorrow."

Tiffany tilted her head and stared suspiciously at Taeyeon. "Are you trying to lure me to your bed, Miss Senior Manager?"

Taeyeon gasped at the response she got. "No!!! I didn't mean that! Oh my God! I was thinking it'd be easier for both of us. Since you still have some of your office wardrobe in my closet as well."

Tiffany clapped her hands and laughed at Taeyeon's response. "I was kidding, Taetae." She managed to stop her laugh before smiling at the relieved Taeyeon and nodded. "I think your offer for sleepover is such a nice option as well. Let me consider that while we're having our Indomie. How?"

A very wide smile turned on Taeyeon's face followed with an excited nod. "Okay then! Let's get inside my car!"

Taeyeon unlocked the car and turned to front passenger seat to open the door for Tiffany in excitement.

"You know that you're so cute when you do this?" Tiffany teased as she get inside Taeyeon's car, only to be replied with a silly grin from Taeyeon before Taeyeon closed the door and got inside the driver seat.

"What I know is you always think that I am cute, Fany." She replied once she got seated in driver seat.

"You and your smugness!" Tiffany slapped Taeyeon's shoulder softly. "Now, please go to the nearest Indomiestall, Miss Driver."

"Your wish is my command, Madam."


"So..." Taeyeon paused to swallow her noodle and take a bite of her sunny side up before put her attention to Tiffany who sat right next to her. "You prefer soft boiled egg to sunny side up?"

Tiffany chew on her noodle while shaking her head. "Not always." She managed to answer even though her mouth is still full of noodle. "It really depends on the situation, and the food itself." She finally swallow the noodle in her mouth and swirl some more noodle with the fork. "For example, I would love to have sunny side up if it's served together with sausages, bacon, and toast."

"You can just say American breakfast, anyway." Taeyeon chuckled as she feed herself another forkful of noodle.

Tiffany grinned at the response but then she tilted her head. "On a second thought, I also love poached eggs in my American breakfast." She shrugs. "You know what? I can't play favorite."

"Are you sure you can't play favorite?" She smirked teasingly. "I thought I was your favorite."

Tiffany's face got redden upon hearing the remarks. "What are you talking about?" She almost choked on her noodles.

Taeyeon laughed at the sight next to her and tapped Tiffany's back softly. "Are you okay?"

"Why are you being so not you today?" Tiffany took a glass of iced tea she ordered before and drank it carefully.

"I am not so me?" Taeyeon tilted her head. "What's so not me?"

Tiffany put down her glass and stared right to Taeyeon's eyes. "I don't know." She sighed before curved a smile on her face. "Maybe it's just we've been kinda strangers this past month so I forgot this side of you."

Taeyeon frowned upon hearing the answer.

"But I am glad we're on a good terms now." Tiffany smiled sincerely at Taeyeon.

"Why do girls always have this kind of drama in their life?" The stall seller suddenly joined the conversation. Both Tiffany and Taeyeon bursted into laughter at the sudden involvement.

"Why are you girls laughing? I am stating the fact!" The man continued. "This stall has witnessed a lot of drama between girls." He kept going.

"And men talked about how our government can't deliver the promise." Taeyeon followed along, making the stall seller laughed.

"Yes, right! You're totally right, young lady." He chuckled and turned around taking an empty glass. "Ah, I love this stall." He filled the glass with warm water. "A lot of stories I heard from time to time. I feel so rich." He drank the water himself and smiled at Taeyeon and Tiffany. "But my favorite is every time I get to witness two people rekindle their relationship."

Taeyeon and Tiffany smiled along. They felt warm at heart.

"Anyway, don't mind me. Enjoy your noodles, young ladies."


"There you go." Taeyeon put a pair of pajamas on the bed. "Your underwear is in that drawer." She pointed at the drawer next to the closet.

"And why don't you take it for me?" Tiffany smirked teasingly.

Taeyeon grinned awkwardly. "Why do you need to tease me like that, Fany?"

Tiffany laughed at the response she got. "I was just kidding, Taetae." She took the pajamas and stepped to the drawer to take her under garments. After taking it, she then walked past Taeyeon to the bathroom. "Don't sleep just yet. You haven't taken a shower."

Taeyeon nodded in answer and watched as Tiffany closed the bathroom door. She then sat at the edge of her own bed, smiled to herself. She put her right hand on her chest, feeling her own heart beat. "Is it right to feel good that now we're in a good terms, Fany?" She whispered to herself. She sighed in sudden realization that she and Tiffany were no longer an item. She shrugged off her thought and stood up, walking to her closet. Opening her closet to take her own pajamas and proceed to the drawer to take her underwear. She brought the clothes with her and she sat back at the edge of her bed before laying her back. She closed her eyes and some thoughts rushed into her head. What is it now? We're not getting back together. We're not dating. I can't be in a relationship because I promised the BOD. What should I do with Tiffany? I don't want to hurt her again. I just want to make her happy. I just want to make her feel special. What should I do?

"Tae? Are you sleeping?"

Taeyeon was occupied by her thoughts, not realizing that Tiffany had finished the shower. Taeyeon immediately opened her eyes, finding that Tiffany's face was only inches apart from hers. She could feel her heartbeat rose.

"Nope." She smiled groggily. "I was just resting my eyes."

Tiffany only mouthed a silent "oh" before walking to the other side of the bed. "Now is your turn to take shower." She sat on the bed, looking fresh after the shower, wearing pink pajamas Taeyeon gave her earlier.

"Okay!" Taeyeon stood up and walked into the bathroom. She took a warm shower, wishing the warm water would help her to wash away the thought she had before. She doesn't want to overthink and ended up making wrong decision that would put Tiffany at difficult position. The shower didn't do any magic for her mind but at least her body was refreshed after the shower. She took the towel and dried her body. And she just realized, she didn't bring her clothes to the bathroom. She mentally facepalmed herself and decided to wrap the towel around her naked body and walked out of the bathroom awkwardly.

She walked across her bedroom to get the clothes she put at the edge of the bed, ignoring Tiffany's presence because she was too shy.

"Wow, what a nice view." Tiffany cooed.

"Oh my God, Fany! Don't tease!" Taeyeon gasped and immediately took her clothes before ran back to the bathroom while Tiffany laughed at her. She heaved a sigh once she closed the bathroom door and start putting on her clothes that when she noticed she didn't bring her bra. She sighed again and decided that she would just wear her pajamas without putting on bra. She then timidly went out of the bathroom.

"What's wrong, Tae?" Tiffany noticed the unusual behavior. She was laying on the bed, ready to get some sleep.

"Nothing." Taeyeon smiled awkwardly.

Tiffany just shrugged and tapped the empty space on the bed. "Let's sleep."

Taeyeon nodded and walked toward the bed. She slid herself under the duvet and laid flat on her back. There were some space between her and Tiffany. It was strange for her to have this much space between them. But she didn't want to do anything that would make misunderstanding between them. She felt Tiffany changed her position, so she turned her head to look at Tiffany which happened to face her with a smile on her face. Taeyeon smiled along.

"The last time we were sleeping in the same bed was when you were drunk," said Tiffany out of the blue.

Taeyeon bit her lips at the remarks, feeling unsure about where the conversation was going.

Tiffany took Taeyeon's hand and intertwined their fingers, making Taeyeon's heart beat fast. Tiffany then closed her eyes, still with a smile on her face. "Your hand... it always makes my heart warm."

Taeyeon took a deep breath, it felt nice for her as well. To have Tiffany's hand in hers, intertwined like two pieces of puzzles. She wanted to tell Tiffany the three words she used to say to her. The three words which she kept inside her heart. The three words which portrayed her feelings toward the beautiful human being next to her. But she also knew, it wasn't the right time. Even though her feelings didn't change. The circumstances had been different. She decided to take the awards, and it came with one big consequence. Not to be in a relationship.

"When will your profile up in SM Magazine?" Tiffany suddenly asked.

"Next month." Taeyeon smiled bitterly.

"And when will you receive the award from the Ministry of Women Empowerment?"

"Also next month."

Tiffany nodded, still had her eyes closed. "One month..." She sighed before finally opened her eyes, staring through Taeyeon's. "Taetae..."

Taeyeon was swayed in Tiffany's gaze.

"I will wait."

Taeyeon couldn't explain what she felt at the moment. A lot of feelings mixed together inside her heart. Happy, sad, relieved, guilt. Tiffany did it again. Tiffany put her own heart on her sleeve, ready to face any consequences she needed to face.

"Don't feel pressured." Tiffany smiled sincerely. "I just want to let you know. I will wait for you. Be it a month, a year, a decade. I am going to wait, no matter how long it takes. No rush, Taetae."

Taeyeon could feel the heat rush to her eyes. She tried her best not to cry upon hearing Tiffany's words. After all the mistakes she had done, Tiffany still trusted her and even willing to wait for her. Taeyeon closed her eyes, pushed all the logic in her brain and pulled Tiffany's hand which in hers, and kissed the back of Tiffany's hand. She said nothing. She just kissed the back of Tiffany's hand, deeply. Wishing Tiffany would understand how grateful she was for all the love Tiffany had showered her, for all the warmth Tiffany had given her. I love you, Fany. I love you. I love you so much. She screamed inside her head.

"I love you too, Taetae..." Tiffany whispered as if she was reading Taeyeon's mind.

And that was all it took to make Taeyeon opened her eyes and pulled Tiffany close. She hugged her ex with all her might. Even though Tiffany always looked strong and had always stood up for their relationship, at this moment, with Tiffany in her embrace, Taeyeon could tell that Tiffany was also fragile. Tiffany put all her strength to fix their relationship, but she let her heart unguarded. She trusted Taeyeon, even though she knew that her heart was at stake.

"Fany..." Taeyeon whispered as she tightened the hug. She pulled away a bit only to kiss Tiffany's forehead. "Thank you..." She kissed Tiffany's nose. "For giving me another chance." She looked at Tiffany's face which had a sincere smile.

Tiffany let a lone tear rolled down her cheek. "I am crazy, Taetae..." She chuckled as she tug herself under Taeyeon's chin. "What have you done to me? Oh my God..." Tiffany's hand moved to Taeyeon's waist and pulled her closer, as if she didn't want any space left between them.

"Hey, don't cry..." Taeyeon pulled away a bit to wipe the tears on Tiffany's cheek. "I will cry too if you cry..." She pouted but then the pouted lips kissed the tip of Tiffany's nose, making Tiffany smiled at the simple affection she received. "I told you I will land first, didn't I?" Taeyeon smiled and poked Tiffany's nose playfully. "Let me fulfill my promise, please?"

Tiffany nodded in agreement. "Okay..." She whispered as she nuzzled to Taeyeon's chest. "Taetae..."

"Hmmm?" Taeyeon hummed as she stroke Tiffany's hair.

"You don't wear bra?" Tiffany poked Taeyeon's chest.

"Ah, Fany... Don't tease meee!" Taeyeon pulled away by reflex, making Tiffany laughed at the response.

"I was surprised when I nuzzle, it felt squishy." Tiffany continued the tease.

Taeyeon pouted as she now crossed one hand to protect her chest. "Fany..."

And Tiffany laughed even louder. "I was kidding, Taetae..." She chuckled, trying to stop her laugh.

Taeyeon pouted but she stretched her arms anyway to embrace her ex again. "Now, let's sleep. We still need to go to the office tomorrow morning." Taeyeon pulled Tiffany closer. "Good night, Fany..."

"Good night, Taetae..."

A kiss landed on Tiffany's forehead. A smile drawn on Tiffany's face. And a whispered spoken through Taeyeon's soft voice. "I love you..."


"Hey Fany, wake up..." A soothing voice faintly heard, intruding the dream she had at the moment.

"Fany... let's wake up... You can continue sleeping in the car." The voice sounded clearer this time. The voice she had longed for this past month. Her sleepy brain started to pick up where she was right now. She was in Taeyeon's place. She remembered last night conversation, the touches, the innocent kisses, she smiled even before she opened her eyes.

"My sleeping beauty, let's go to work..." This time the voice sounded really close and she finally opened her eyes. A pair of innocent eyes, small nose, thin upper lip and plump lower lip greeted her first sight this morning.

The smile on her face went wider. "Good morning, Taetae."

Taeyeon smiled in reply and landed a kiss at the tip of her nose. "Good morning to you too, beautiful."

Tiffany smiled even wider.

"Look at you, you can be a model of mattress advertisement." Taeyeon chuckled at the sight before her as she straightened her position, providing Tiffany some space to sat up.

Tiffany laughed at what she just heard, "That remark is so you." She then sat up from her sleeping position. She now looked at Taeyeon who already taken a shower. Her ex clad in black pants and black halter top. Taeyeon's face still had no make up on, and Tiffany would love to have a bit more time to look at her. "What time is it now?"

"Five thirty, I guess. I woke up at five and took shower right away."

Tiffany pouted, knowing that she didn't have much time to laze around while watching at Taeyeon's face. "OK then, I really gotta take a shower then." She then moved from the bed and walked towards the drawer where Taeyeon kept the underwear. She took a pair of underwear and went straight to the bathroom. After taking a quick warm shower, she wore her underwear and wrapped the towel around her body before stepped out of the bathroom.

"Oh my God, Fany..." Taeyeon who was making her bed immediately looked away. "Why do you like to do that?"

Tiffany couldn't help but to chuckle at the response she got. "Do what?" She acted nonchalant. She has no intention to tease Taeyeon at all. She just didn't really like putting on her clothes on in the bathroom. And, it was not a new thing for Taeyeon to see her doing this. When they were in a relationship, Tiffany always did the same thing. And Taeyeon always had the same response.

"Walking out of the bathroom, naked." Taeyeon answered as she tried her best to focus on tidying up her bed.

"I am not naked, Taetae. I wore my underwear already. Wanna see?"

"Gosh, Fany!" Taeyeon flustered, making Tiffany laughed hard.

"Kidding, Taetae... but really, I wore my underwear already."

"OK, OK, now could you please put your working attire on, young lady." Taeyeon shook her head.

"Noted, boss!" Tiffany browsed through Taeyeon's closet to find her office attire. She found quite many of her clothes in Taeyeon's closet. "I bet at least thirty percent of your closet contains my clothes." She chirped as she took out a black dress and a peach blazer.

"I would take that as a hint that you'll spend more nights in my place," Taeyeon responded as she sat on the bed, still looking away from Tiffany.

"Do you want me to?" A smile could be heard from her voice. She wore the dress she chose but had difficulty to zip the back.

"Do you even need to ask that?" Taeyeon chuckled and nodded to herself. "Of course I do. I missed you a lot, you know?"

"Let's see how often I can have a sleepover here." Tiffany answered while still trying to zip the back of the dress. "Anyway Tae, can you help me zip the back?"

Taeyeon finally looked at Tiffany and blushed upon the request she got. "OK." She replied shortly and walked towards Tiffany. She stopped right behind Tiffany and zip the dress for her. "Done."

Tiffany looked over her shoulder and found the blushing Taeyeon behind her. She chuckled while turning around. "Why are you blushing, Taetae?" She cupped Taeyeon's face and squished the cheeks until Taeyeon's lips got jutted.

"I don't know..." Taeyeon replied cutely. "Maybe because even your back is very pwetty."

And that made Tiffany laughed. "You and your cheesiness." She let go off of Taeyeon's cheeks and walked towards the vanity. "Come here, let's get some make up."


You can run, you can hide

From all your desires

'Cause you're afraid, but it's okay

I won't let you break this time

"Ah, I love this song!" Tiffany turned up the tape volume. Tiffany and Taeyeon were in the car, on their way to office when the radio played the song.

It's like you're running from the love

Tell me, are you brave enough?

As it's coming for you

"Do you know this song, Tae?"

Here I am, here I stand

You'll never know if you don't try

Taeyeon shook her head after listened to the song. "Whose song is it?"

"The Corrs!" Tiffany squealed excitedly before singing along to the song, "You can scream, fight, keep tryin' to push me away. Everyone else let you down but I'll keep you safe. Ooh, don't you know my love is unconditional? Oh, I'm here to stay, I will never change"

Taeyeon smiled as she listened to Tiffany's singing.

"I will take you so high you'll never fall. If you need that trust, put your hand on my heart. Ooh, don't you know my love is unconditional? Oh, I'm here to stay, I will never change," Tiffany continued singing.

"I know, Fany..." Taeyeon took a turn and drive in to the office complex.

Tiffany stopped singing and looked at Taeyeon questioningly. "You said you didn't know the song, did you?"

"I didn't know the song." Taeyeon still had a smile on her face while looking for parking space.

"But you just said you knew..."

Taeyeon parked her car, putting the gear to P position, and set on the hand brake. She then turned to Tiffany.

"The song said 'Ooh, don't you know my love is unconditional?'. I know your love is unconditional, Fany," said Taeyeon with a sincere smile on her face, making Tiffany smiled along.

"Oh, I'm here to stay, I will never change..." Tiffany continued the lyric and beamed the eye smile that always made Taeyeon mesmerized.

"I know..." Taeyeon leaned in towards Tiffany. "And I am grateful for that."

A kiss landed on Tiffany's cheek.

No more Sundays alone, don't wanna be on my own

No, this is forever

Baby, you are my heart, you have awoken my soul

You know that I will never change


A/N: Aaaannnnddd hello again, good people! Oh my God, how many decades have it been? I hope you forgive me for missing again and again! Let me drop a chapter here before I go missing again~ But let me tell you something before I am off: I MISS YOU ALL!!!! I don't know whether you guys are still here or not, but if you are still here, I would like to thank you so much for staying and waiting for CMWIF. I love you!!!!

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