Tiffany's Interview
The meeting was indeed tough. The Board of Directors of GG Corporation expected something big this year while the economic condition was not good. Taeyeon carefully noted down every expectation uttered by the Board of Directors. So far her presentation could cover all of those expectations. She then heard Mr. David, one of the Directors called her to start the presentation. She calmly walked to the front to explain every slide she had made the night before. She brought up some fresh idea to tackle unsolvable issues with a rational and tangible way in how to do that in excellence. She also proposed some new programs and partnerships to bring double growth to the company. Her presentation was flawless. The Board of Directors nodded in agreement. Some of them threw complicated questions regarding to her proposal yet she answered it as if she was already familiar with the questions. Other managers in the room were stunned by Taeyeon's presentation. None of them had never satisfied the Board of Directors as what Taeyeon did. The tough meeting miraculously ended in just one and a half hour as the Board of Director felt satisfied with Taeyeon's presentation and could have a short break before another meeting later.
As the Board of Directors left, everyone in the meeting room let out loud sighs. They relieved that one of the tough meetings they had today ended flawlessly. It was all thanks to Taeyeon. The girl sat in one of the chair in the meeting room typed the minutes of meeting in her laptop.
"Taeyeon." Mrs. Tamara called her.
"Yes, Ma'am?" Taeyeon stopped typing to face the woman in her late thirties.
"Thanks for saving our day. The meeting wouldn't have such a nice ending if it wasn't because of you." Mrs Tamara thanked her as she patted Taeyeon's shoulder.
"Ah, it was nothing, Ma'am. I'm happy as long I can help." Taeyeon smiled politely.
"Don't you think you work too hard sometimes? I mean, you saved us a lot with your flawless presentation and brilliant ideas. Please take care of yourself once in a while. I can see your eye-bag will soon turn you into panda if you keep lacking on sleeping." Mrs. Tamara gave her suggestion half joking.
"I'm totally okay, Ma'am. I've always been like this since my first day at work. I think my body already adapted to it. So, no worries, okay?" Taeyeon gave reassuring smile to the woman. The woman opened her mouth again to answer Taeyeon when she heard a knock on the door. Mrs. Tamara halted what she was about to say and made her way to the door, opening it to find the office receptionist held a document.
"Hi Mrs. Tamara. Sorry for a sudden notice, is Miss Taeyeon available for now? Mrs. Irene from Human Resources team asked her to join an interview for the job opening." The receptionist explained her objective. Taeyeon heard her.
"Could you please give me five minutes? I need to email the minutes of meeting to the Board of Directors. Please communicate to the HR team that I will be joining them in a while." Taeyeon kept her polite manner even when she talked to the receptionist.
"I bring the applicant's file in case you need to read it before joining the interview." The receptionist put the document she brought on the table.
"Thank you very much. I will definitely need it." Taeyeon smiled. The receptionist nodded and made her way out of the meeting room.
She finally sent the minutes of meeting and grabbed the file that was left by the receptionist. She opened it only to find a photo of a girl she just met earlier this morning, Tiffany. She immediately closed the files and mentally face-palmed her face when she noticed that her action was too obvious and could lead to suspicions of other people in the room. She looked around to make sure anyone in the room noticed about her response earlier. Fortunately everybody was busy with their own business. She took a deep breath to slow down her heartbeat, and reopened the file. She looked at the photo closely and was totally sure it was Tiffany. She checked the applicant's name: Stephanie Hwang. It was definitely her. She scanned the CV to find Tiffany's profile. She also read the employment history and other details. She made some mental note to save Tiffany's phone number and birthday in her phone later. After finished with reading Tiffany's CV, she closed the file and excused herself to the rest of managers to joined the interview.
Taeyeon knocked on the door of a meeting room with a sign written 'HR Meeting Room'. The door soon opened revealing a beautiful middle-aged woman with a playful face.
"Ah, Taeyeon! Finally! Please come in. We're about to start the interview." The middle-aged woman cheerfully greeted Taeyeon then shifted her body from the door so Taeyeon could come in. Taeyeon slightly bowed to the woman as she excused herself to come in the meeting room.
As soon as Taeyeon entered the meeting room, her eyes scanned the room and found what she had wanted to see after receiving the file from the receptionist: Stephanie Hwang. She smiled politely as she saw the pretty girl in red dress that obviously let her jaw dropped when noticing her presence in the room.
"Okay, Stephanie. We're going to start our interview now. Let me introduce myself first. I am Irene, the Human Resources Manager in GG Corporation and this is Miss Kim Taeyeon, our Country Marketing Senior Manager who leads the team which you'll be joining later."
"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Irene. And n-nice to m-meet you, Miss Kim?" Tiffany mentally face-palmed herself noticing she stuttered when greeting Taeyeon. She then steadied her breath, tried to be calm while she was totally nervous knowing the girl she talked to earlier this morning was going to interview her, and if she got accepted would be her boss. She started to worry whether she said something wrong when they had breakfast. Hopefully not.
"I'd prefer you to call me Taeyeon rather than Miss Kim, Miss Stephanie." Taeyeon calmly requested.
"Nice to meet you, Taeyeon." Tiffany let out a very awkward smile.
"You seem so nervous, Stephanie. To make you a bit relax, why don't you start by introducing yourself now." Mrs. Irene pleased Tiffany to start introducing herself while the latter groggily started the introduction. She focused her attention mostly to the HR manager to minimize her nervousness. She sometimes stole a glance at Taeyeon who seemed to focus on what she said while taking some notes on her book. She could not read Taeyeon's expression but she tried to keep herself calm and continued the interview.
The interview took one hour. Tiffany explained a lot about her achievement in her previous company and seemed like the HR manager looked satisfied with her presentation. She actually did not have any worries to the HR manager. She only worried that she did not make a good impression to Taeyeon since the cute girl was actually giving her a hard time by throwing away some complicated study case questions and expected her to answer it with the most tangible way possible. She really hoped Taeyeon's impression to her was not bad because she really wanted to join this company as the company was listed as top ten best companies of the year by one of the most reputable worldwide business magazines.
"Okay, Stephanie. I think I have no more question for you. What about you, Taeyeon? Do you still have any question to Stephanie?" Mrs. Irene was about to wrap up the interview.
"I think that's all, Ma'am." Taeyeon closed her notebook and nodded at Mrs. Irene.
"Okay, Stephanie. Thanks for your time. I still need to discuss with Taeyeon, and we will inform you within one week." Mrs. Irene finally wrapped up the interview and made her way to the door and opened it for Tiffany.
Tiffany stood up from her chair, nodded politely to Taeyeon and Mrs. Irene and excused herself to come out from the meeting room. As soon as she was out of the room she made a quick walk to elevator to leave the building. She needed a cup of hot chocolate to calm her down. While in the meeting room Taeyeon and Mrs. Irene discussed about the result of interview.
Mrs. Irene finally let Taeyeon out from the meeting room after reaching their agreement. Taeyeon checked her watch and it was already twelve o'clock. Lunchtime. She walked toward the elevator to get some lunch for herself. As she reached the ground floor she entered the same coffee shop she visited in the morning only to find Chris who waved his hand at her.
"Your lunch menu as usual? Spicy cheesy chicken fillet and iced long black with no sugar, right?" Chris offered.
"Yes, could you please add some extra cheese to the chicken fillet?" Taeyeon responded.
"Sure. Anyway, I think you should find another table today. Your favorite spot is already taken." Chris informed her.
"Really? That's rare. People usually hate that table since it is really secluded. Maybe, I will just take away my lunch." Taeyeon felt a bit uncomfortable to take other tables since it was usually crowded in the lunch time and a lot of people passed by made her feel insecure.
"Or, maybe you can just join with the one who took your table. You know her anyway. It is the girl from earlier in the morning. She seemed rather stressed out after coming out from the building. Were you the one who interviewed her? If so, you sure gave her a hard time with your killing questions, I guess." Chris explained.
Taeyeon pouted as she thought whether she gave Tiffany a hard time back then in the interview. But she shrugged her thought off. She noticed that if Tiffany was still here, maybe she could have another conversation with the girl. She had no idea whether Tiffany was gay or not but trying to at least befriend with her was not harmful, she thought.
"I'll just join her table then." Taeyeon replied to Chris and calmly walked to her favorite spot. She then saw the girl played with the food in her plate. She only poked the meal with the fork not even seemed to eat it soon. Taeyeon frowned at the sight. She slightly felt bad for being too tough in the meeting room but she was a professional and she did not want to give any unprofessional impression to anyone especially to those she just met even if she had a crush to the person.
"Hi, you stole my favorite spot." Taeyeon finally reached the table and opened up the conversation with lifeless Tiffany. The latter looked up to see the owner of the voice and soon gasped.
"Ah, I didn't know this is your favorite spot. I just want to be away from the crowd. I'm sorry. I will just move to another table." The girl replied quickly without even looked at Taeyeon and started to pack her things from the table.
"Hey, I didn't even ask you to move. I was about to ask whether I could join your table." Taeyeon explained herself. Tiffany halted what she was doing and looked at Taeyeon's eye to make sure she really said that. Taeyeon blinked her eyes several time, trying not to let her heart beat like a drum as she started to drift to Tiffany's beautiful eyes.
"So, the cute Taeyeon is back?" Tiffany suddenly gave her the eye smile and sat back on her chair leaving Taeyeon stood in confusion.
"Please have your seat, Taeyeon." Tiffany offered Taeyeon to sit in front of her.
"Thank you, Fany." Taeyeon smiled still felt a little bit confused yet she sat on the chair.
"Aw, calling me back to 'Fany' instead of 'Miss Stephanie'. So, I was right. The cute Taeyeon is back. Goodbye Miss Kim!" Tiffany giggled.
"I don't get it." Taeyeon pouted, as she did not get the message from Tiffany.
"Are you always that scary, intimidating, and flawless in the meeting room?" Tiffany asked.
"Am I?" Taeyeon was a little bit shock with the question.
"Uh-uh. Yes, Miss Kim. Very scary, very intimidating, yet so flawless. You could make me die in nervousness for every question you threw at me in the meeting room. But those questions were simple yet complicated it showed how smart you are. That's why I also mentioned that you are flawless." Tiffany chuckled. She did not really mind anymore whether Taeyeon would not have a good impression about her. The interview had ended anyway and this new friend of her was just too cute to be teased. Even if she did not get accepted in the company at least she could make a new friend.
"I'm sorry Fany. I didn't mean to be scary and intimidating. I was just being too focused." Taeyeon apologized as she kept pouting.
"Aw, you're so cute, Taeyeon. It's okay. I was just shocked because even if you looked so serious and professional back then in the morning, when we had breakfast. You didn't seem to be intimidating at all. But in the meeting room just then, all I saw was Miss Kim giving me goosebumps with her intimidating stare." Tiffany kept giggling while explaining herself.
"And now I am back to the 'not-intimidating-Taeyeon', right? No longer Miss Kim that almost killed you with the simple yet complicated question?" Taeyeon asked.
"Yes." Tiffany nodded excitedly.
"Good then. So, I don't have to see 'groggy-Miss-Stephanie' and I can casually have light talks with Fany." Taeyeon smiled in relief showing a cute dimple on her chin.
"Yes, sure. But please do not bring up anything related about the interview. It's kind of embarrassing that I didn't manage to calm myself down and kept stuttering when answering your question. Now that I mention it myself I feel so shy. What did I do back then?" Tiffany's face got reddens and she hid her face behind her two palms. Taeyeon smiled at the sight and pulled Tiffany's hand away.
"No interview topic. Deal." Taeyeon offered her hand for a handshake and Tiffany returned it.
"Deal." She smiled.
"You girls really look like a kindergarten student who just make up after a fight. Seriously, how old are you, girls?" Chris as usual suddenly jumped into their conversation while putting Taeyeon's order on the table. The two girls just giggled at his silly action.
Chris then left the girls alone and Taeyeon started to dig in her meals. Tiffany followed. Both of them ate their lunch peaceful in silence. Tiffany finished first and checked on her iPhone to reply some messages asking about the interview. She replied them nonchalantly and moved her gaze to Taeyeon.
"Can I have your number, Tae?" Tiffany asked.
"Huh?" Taeyeon stopped eating and gave a questioning look to Tiffany.
"Your number. Can I have it?" Tiffany repeated the question.
"Sure. But what did you call me? Tae?" Taeyeon asked. Tiffany ignored the question and handed her iPhone to Taeyeon asking her to put her number in. Taeyeon tapped on the touch screen to put in her number to Tiffany's phone and gave it back to the owner. The latter took her phone back and continued tapping on the screen and not long after Taeyeon's phone rang, notifying an incoming message.
"I texted you a random message so you can have my number." Tiffany told Taeyeon as Taeyeon unlocked her phone and showed the screen to Tiffany while put up a grin on her face.
"Saved it already." Taeyeon smirked on the latter confused face as she saw her number was already registered as 'Fany' in Taeyeon's phone.
"How could y-? Ah! The CV, right? I put my number in my CV." Tiffany realized. Taeyeon nodded and continued digging her meals while Tiffany registered Taeyeon's number in her phone.
As soon as Taeyeon finished her lunch, she sipped her iced long black while opening Tiffany's message.
From Fany:
This is Fany's number. Save it okay, Taetae?
Taeyeon then looked at Tiffany who was still busy typing something on her phone.
"Taetae?" Taeyeon asked as she unconsciously put up a cute face to Tiffany. Tiffany looked up to Taeyeon and nodded.
"Yes, Taetae. You gave me a new nickname and I just happened to also give you a new nickname as well. So we're even now." She explained while showing her phone screen to Taeyeon to show that she registered her number as 'Taetae'. Taeyeon let her laugh out when she read the new name Tiffany just gave to her. She thought it was not bad. No one ever called her like that and it felt so special that her crush she just met this morning already had a special nickname for her. But above all, she felt so happy that finally she could meet this one person who treated her like a normal person despite knowing that she could be a scary-intimidating-person when it comes to work-related stuff. For the first time since she started her career, Taeyeon felt so relax and she was firm that she really wanted to get close to this bubbly girl in front of her. She would not give up on her.
"Hey that's the first laugh I hear from you. Your laugh sounds like an old woman anyway." Tiffany also laughed after hearing Taeyeon's. Both girls laughed together and continued their chat until the watch on Taeyeon's wrist showed it was time for Taeyeon to get back to her office.
Tiffany waved her hand at Chris, asking for the bill. Chris then brought the bill and handed it to Tiffany.
"Since you are now the guest at this table I will pay this one." Tiffany said.
"No, you're the guest in this building. So I am the one who supposed to pay." Taeyeon insisted.
"If I may choose, I'd prefer Taeyeon to pay. This girl over here is too rich for her age. Let's make her spend her money a little more so she will not be able to swim in her bathtub filled with money." Chirs joked as she took the bill away from Tiffany and handed it to Taeyeon, knowing Taeyeon did not really like to have someone paid for her bill. Taeyeon smiled thankfully to Chris and gave a smug face to Tiffany. She did not care about her professional image anymore. She just wanted to be herself in front of Tiffany.
After received the money from Taeyeon, Chris left the two girls and made his way back to the counter.
"So, I gotta back to work now." Taeyeon said as she packed her things and stood up. Tiffany followed her move.
"Sure. I think I am going to hit the gym after this. It's been a while since my last exercise." Tiffany said.
"Okay then. Hope to see you again, Fany?" Taeyeon offered her hand for a handshake, as usual.
"Yes, we will definitely see each other again, Taetae." Tiffany ignored Taeyeon's hand, instead she gave a small hug to Taeyeon. Made the latter froze and speechless. But she quickly put up her calm self and returned Tiffany's hug. Tiffany then pulled herself from Taeyeon and gave Taeyeon's favorite eye smile. Taeyeon smiled back showing her dimple and both girls finally bid their farewell for the day.
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