I Will Land First

Taeyeon raised her heavy eyelids half way, feeling her head pounded resulting in massive headache. She never liked the aftermath she felt after getting drunk. She rubbed her eyes and tried to sat up on the bed. She let out a groan as she felt the her room spun around. She took a deep breath and turned her head to the bed post to see the time but soon distracted with a glass of water placed on top of the bed post with a post-it next to it. She shifted a bit and took the post-it:

"Drink lots of water. Bet you're having a hangover right now."

Her mind automatically replayed everything happened the night before. She always remembered everything even when she was drunk.

"I made my mistakes, I am well aware of that, Fany. Could you forgive me? I am not asking for a second chance as a girlfriend. All I am asking is a chance to start over again."

"I am not ready if you're not ready."

She immediately turned her head the other way around only to frown finding no one was there on the other side of the bed. She could feel her eyes got teary, getting the idea that Tiffany had left her. She then took the glass on the bedpost and gulped it until it was empty. After emptying the glass, she pushed herself to stood up and walked to the bathroom, staring at her own reflection in the mirror and grimaced at how miserable she looked at the moment. Her hair was a total mess, her eyes were slightly red and puffy. She splashed cold water on her face to feel refreshed, and silently wished that she could free her brain from the thoughts of what happened last night.

After taking a bit more time by washing up her face, she brushed her teeth, rinsing all the bitterness left by the liquor she drank last night. She washed her face once again and finally wiped it with a clean towel before walked out of the bathroom towards the living room.

Taeyeon walked like a zombie who starved for a brain to eat. She could hear her stomach grumbled in need for some food while her head kept spinning around, making it hard for her to reach the living room. She finally made it to the couch and decided to get a rest there for a while. Plopping her self on the couch, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Hei, you're awake already." A familiar husky voice rang in her ears. She turned her head to where the voice came from and was greeted by a sight of Tiffany in her pink pajamas, bringing a bowl of cereal, walking towards her. She smiled at the sight.

"Good morning." She mumbled as she sat up at the couch.

"Not a really good morning for you, I guess." Tiffany chuckled as she put the bowl on the coffee table and pushed it to Taeyeon. "There your breakfast."

Taeyeon mouthed a thank you before taking the spoon and dug in the cereal.

"Do you need some meds? Having any headache?" Tiffany asked as she stood up and walked towards a meds cabinet placed near the kitchen entrance.

"Slight headache but I'm fine." Taeyeon answered without stopping her feast.

Tiffany only smiled and continued her way to the kitchen only to come back, bringing a 1-liter jug filled with water, and an empty glass.

"You convinced me you'd drink a lot of water today if you got drunk." She explained while putting the jug and the glass on the table before playing with her phone.

Taeyeon only nodded in answer while continuing on digging her cereal. After couple of minutes of eating, she pour the water into the glass and drank it peacefully before shifted her focus to Tiffany.

"I thought you left already..." A pout plastered on her face.

Tiffany raised her brows and tilted her head. "You expected me to leave?"

"No! No! I didn't mean that way!" Taeyeon waved her hands in panic, afraid that Tiffany would take her words wrongly, but only earning a soft laugh from the latter.

"I know. I was just kidding." Tiffany then stood up, taking Taeyeon's empty bowl and walked to the kitchen to do the dishes. "Drink more. You need that."

Taeyeon did as what Tiffany said, taking some more glasses of water while waiting for Tiffany to come back to the living room again. Once she saw the dark-haired girl back from the kitchen she immediately tapped the space beside her, gesturing the girl to sit next to her.

"What is it?" Asked Tiffany as she plopped her self next to Taeyeon.

"Are you okay?"

"Why shouldn't I be okay?"

Taeyeon rested her back at the couch, eyes looking at Tiffany. "Well, last night... I kinda talk a lot. I don't know whether I said something wrong and was not considering your feelings."

Tiffany smirked at Taeyeon and shook her head in amusement. "As matter a fact, yes, you didn't consider my feelings at all; being all clingy and cute. I hardly held myself not to reciprocate to your acts."

Taeyeon opened her mouth to say something but Tiffany raised her index finger, motioning her to keep silent. "But, I kinda feel relieved because you got no filter when you were drunk. At least I know that our feelings are still mutual." She smiled sincerely this time.

Taeyeon smiled along, mirroring Tiffany's smile. She was feeling relieved as well after what she did last night, Tiffany was still here, and they had a very nice conversation about this, which was totally different compared to days before when they tried their best to avoid each other and only talked about works.

"But we need to be clear on one thing, Tae." Tiffany continued. "We're not getting back together, yet." She said it firmly, without hesitation.

And Taeyeon frowned at the firmness in the sentence. Of course she was well aware of this. She remembered that she had told Tiffany about her circumstances right now, where she promised the BOD not to be in a relationship for the sake of the award she received from SM Magazine and Ministry of Women Empowerment.

"Yes, I know." She couldn't hold a sigh escaped from her lips. "But at least now I know, if I am in, you're in." She tried to put on a smile on her face.

Tiffany shifted from her seat, scooted closed to Taeyeon, slipping her fingers in Taeyeon's hair, tidying up the messy hair. "I'm not going anywhere." She said without a haste, slipping some strands to the back of Taeyeon's ear.

Taeyeon felt tingling sensation as Tiffany was really close to her and to finally be able to register all Tiffany's touch into her senses made her smile. She knew, Tiffany always had this effect on her. Every little thing Tiffany did, never failed to flutter her heart. She grabbed Tiffany's hand which combing her hair and put it down on her lap. "Don't do that."

Tiffany raised her brows in confusion. "Why so?"

"My heart beats too fast." She chuckled at her own remarks, noticing how cheesy it sounded. But deep down she meant it. She really meant it.

Tiffany laughed at Taeyeon's remarks and pulled her hand away, only to slapped Taeyeon's right arm. "Says the one who touched my butts a lot."

Taeyeon faked a gasp, covering her mouth with her two hands. Exaggerating every move she made. "Among those memories we had, that's the only thing you remember? Oh my God! What a pervert!"

And Tiffany's laugh was getting louder. She clapped her hands animatedly, before ending it with a smile. "I am happy we can talk normally like this."

"So, yesterday we didn't have normal conversation?"

Tiffany rolled her eyes playfully. "Come on, we were so careful about what we said yesterday. Afraid that we might touch some sensitive topics."

Taeyeon nodded in agreement on what Tiffany said. It was true though. Before the alcohol consumed her brain, Taeyeon kept making sure everything she said and did would not make their relationship got even worse than it already was. But now, after both talked their feelings out loud, some walls in between them had been crushed down. Even though not entirely, at least, Taeyeon could see things better than before.

"What's your plan for today?" Taeyeon pulled her legs up on the couch and crossed it comfortably while facing Tiffany.

"Go back home? Making a presentation on what to do for the biggest project this year, since I am now Miss Project Manager for East Indonesia Development Program." A proud grin pasted on Tiffany's face.

"You haven't even received the official announcement on that, Fany." Taeyeon chuckled, finding it amusing on how excited Tiffany seemed.

"But, I need to make sure that I would know what to do, or at least, to say on Monday." Tiffany answered it unwaveringly. "Can you imagine if tomorrow someone suddenly ask; what's your plan Tiffany? And I have no answer for that?" She raised her index finger and waved it in front of Taeyeon face. "We both don't want that to happen, baby."

Taeyeon smiled wide, but not because of how excited Tiffany for the project, but to the last remarks she heard.

"Why are you smiling so wide it can even reach your ears?"

"You just called me baby." Taeyeon smirked teasingly, resulting on a visible blush on Tiffany's face, making Taeyeon laughed at the response she got. "Kidding, Fany. I know you didn't mean it that way. It's just nice hearing you call me baby once more."

"I almost forget that your cheesiness is extremely dangerous for my health." Tiffany curled her fingers playfully and got up from her seat. "I am gonna change my clothes and go back home now. Got a presentation to do."

"You don't need my help?" Taeyeon tilted her head at Tiffany. "I believe I haven't given any brief about what the project will cover, and what's BOD expectation. I am sure you can't make presentation without that." A confident smile pasted on her face.

"Are you trying to find a way to spend more time with me?" Tiffany replied teasingly.

Taeyeon only laughed while getting up from her seat and nodded without a doubt. She didn't plan to avoid the truth Tiffany just utter. Of course, she wanted to spend more time with Tiffany. After months of being ignored and limiting any interaction with her ex, she wanted to pay those days with more and more time spent with the latter. "Yes. Any concern?"

Tiffany shook her head in amusement at the response she got. Then shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "I don't mind. I might need some help from Miss Country Senior Manager. She's my line manager after all. Better to make sure that she's satisfied with my plan before I deliver anything to the BOD."

Both girl smiled, at each other. And Taeyeon couldn't feel happier, knowing that things were now getting better and better. Even though they hadn't gotten together again, but this was the best she could get for now. She knew, Tiffany was not hesitant on giving her the chance she asked. The chance to start over again.


"Are you crazy?" Tiffany raised her hands to empty air and threw her back to the seat rest, shuffling her own hair until it was becoming a mess. "The number is not realistic!"

They were in Tiffany's room, facing Tiffany's laptop which opened some documents related to East Indonesia development project. They had agreed to discuss about the project in Tiffany's place because Tiffany convinced Taeyeon that she really needed to go home to change her clothes and didn't want to go outside after that, feeling that working at home was more effective than working at the cafe or any other public space, so they could discuss freely without being afraid people might heard some proprietary discussion.

Taeyeon stifled a smile as she watch Tiffany's response when she showed BOD's expectation from the project the latter would lead. She already expected how Tiffany and other people involved in the project team would react towards the number given by BOD. Taeyeon shrugged in response and took the mouse she used to point the power point presentation she showed to Tiffany, shifting it to excel file which showed total country's growth figure.

"The growth for East Indonesia is quadruple! Is that even possible? If we can achieve that number, it means we will make a new sales record in East Indonesia, Taetae! And look at this number," Tiffany took the mouse from Taeyeon's hand and pointed at West Indonesia existing number. "Are you sure we want to have eighty percent of West Indonesia numbers in East Indonesia? We all know that Indonesian economy is centered in West Indonesia. About seventy percent of Indonesia economy is in West Indonesia. The other thirty percent is in East Indonesia. How come we want East Indonesia number to be this high? Logically speaking the maximum we can get is only fourty-three percent of total sales in West Indonesia."

Taeyeon didn't say a word, letting Tiffany continued her logical explanation on how unrealistic the number she just shown.

"And, if you see our existing sales in East Indonesia right now, it's already twenty percent of West Indonesia sales, means the most logical numbers given to comparison I gave before, is to have double growth in East Indonesia. Not quadruple!" Tiffany finally finished her rambling with a loud sigh and a frown on her face.

Taeyeon took the mouse back from Tiffany and clicked on the next excel sheet next to the one she just discussed with Tiffany. "That's exactly my challenge to BOD." She replied calmly while showing the sheet she just opened. "The presentation and figure I showed you before is the initial number given from BOD to me. Top-down version, you know." She smiled at Tiffany who now looking at her in disbelief. She pointed the mouse cursor to the number which showed the exact number of what Tiffany just said seconds ago. "I debated them saying all the logical consideration you mentioned before. Given the fact that we're market leader already in West Indonesia, I also told them that any comparison to West Indonesia shouldn't be higher than ratio of what you told before. After a tough discussion with them, I already got their approval to go with this number." She pointed at number of sales which showed double growth in East Indonesia instead of quadruple growth. "Exactly just like what you said." She grinned wide as she finished her explanation, getting a more intense staring from Tiffany.

"I can't believe you!" Tiffany slapped Taeyeon's shoulder in annoyance. "Why would you show me the initial number instead of the agreed number you got from BOD?"

"Because I need to make sure that the Project Manager is well aware of the area she will manage. I might need to give you more coaching and mentoring if you fail to argue the initial number with me. I am your line manager, remember? I need to be responsible for the result of your project, and making sure you have an ownership of the project you lead." She smiled as she rubbed her shoulder which got hit by Tiffany just a while ago.

Tiffany rolled her eyes, but a smile now plastered on her face. "As expected from Kim Taeyeon who's always aim for perfection."

"You know me, well." Taeyeon wriggles her eyebrows playfully. "Now, that you know the number already, you should come up with plans on how you're going to reach the number." She then gave the mouse back to Tiffany and got up from her seat, stretching her aching back.

"Wait, aren't we in marketing? Why all the indicator for the project shows sales indicator?" Tiffany saved all the documents she discussed with Taeyeon a while ago, having a pair of furrowed eyebrows.

"Our job is to help sales team." Taeyeon then moved to the edge of the bed and sat there before throwing her back on the bed. She raked her blonde hair before sat up a bit, propping her elbows at the side of her body and looked at Tiffany. "Or, can you come up with other lead or lag indicator?"

Tiffany turned her body so she could look at Taeyeon who now on her bed. "I don't know. Can we use brand equity index?"

Taeyeon pressed her lips into thin lines and thought for a while. Most marketeers would use brand equity index as one of the main indicators on where the brand was, compared to competitions. It showed brand liability associated with competition. She bit her inner lips and shook her head. "I don't think so." She took a pause and pushed herself to full sat up on the bed. "We used brand equity index back then when I first joined the company but it didn't help much on telling us what kind of action we should do with that or justify any result we had after doing some activations. You know, in today's market the index could change in a blink of an eye. Well, most agencies would use competitive comparison in explaining about brand equity, that's why it happens. Instead of focusing on the competition, we couldn't really see about our brand itself in the market. So we have shifted from using brand equity index to a more inward approach, using our current condition as a benchmark and focus on what we can do for better consumer experience rather than focusing on how defeating the competitors. It sounds cliche. I know. But that's how we approach thing in these five years."

Tiffany tilted her head, still having a furrowed eyebrows drawn on her face. She clearly wasn't satisfied with Taeyeon's explanation. She then stood up, taking her laptop with her and took a seat next to Taeyeon.

"Now, if you say that we're having inward approach," She put her laptop on the bed, next to her thigh. "Given the fact that we are now a market leader in West Indonesia, why isn't that happening in East Indonesia?"

Taeyeon smiled at the question, feeling happy the newly appointed project manager asking about that. "Well, welcome to East Indonesia." She chuckled a bit before putting her arms around Tiffany's shoulder and gave a gentle pat on it. "The market is unique. Their brand loyalty is way higher compared to any other area in West Indonesia. Once they use a brand, they will use that brand forever, unless the brand suddenly gives an extremely poor consumer experience. Which I assumed that was what happened to our brand in Lombok in 2005. We failed to give unrivaled consumer experience and the competition took our consumers away from us."

"What did we do there?"

"We changed our distributor."

"That's all? Just because we changed our distributor?" Tiffany's eyes went wide at the answer she just received.

Taeyeon only gave a sure nod. "Based on the data I got, in 2005, we changed so many distributors in East Indonesia area due to their performance. At that time, the company believed we were supposed to get higher sales instead of the existing numbers. The company decided to relook at each distributor's performance and cut those who were regarded as underperformed. But, getting a new distributor was not easy. The market couldn't get our product for two months straight. And that was when they shifted to other products."

"Now I understand why we're taking a more inward approach and having sales indicator for any measurement we have on marketing activities." Tiffany let out a sigh and put her head on Taeyeon's shoulder. "Ah, it's so hard." She then nuzzled her nose to the crook of Taeyeon's neck, as if looking for comfort.

Taeyeon was surprised by the sudden gesture and could feel her heart beat erratically. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her heartbeat, but unconsciously stroke Tiffany's shoulder. She silently enjoyed the moment, registering every feeling she could get from her five senses.

"Taetae..." Tiffany called out her name. Her lips brushed Taeyeon's skin, sending some vibration on Taeyeon's neck, making Taeyeon shivered at how it felt.

"Do you think we can make it?" Tiffany continued, now Taeyeon could feel Tiffany's eyelashes tickled her neck, signing the latter had closed her eyes.

"Of course, we can. We have all the best resource from the BOD. I know the project manager is also a reliable person." She chuckled lightly. "Of course we can nail it. The project is not something unviable."

Tiffany chuckled along, while Taking Taeyeon's free hand and hold it in hers, giving a more erratic heart beat for Taeyeon.

"Of course we will make it for the project. I know how good you are at doing your job." Tiffany let out a sigh. "But the question is not for the project." She slipped her fingers in between Taeyeon's fingers, interlacing them. "My question is about us. Can we make it?"

Taeyeon could feel Tiffany's eyes flutter opened as the eyelashes tickled her neck again. She looked down at the girl who comfortable nuzzled in her neck, and watched as the latter looked up at her, leaving only an inch in between their face. A sad smile drawn on the prettiest face she always admired. "I keep falling, Taetae..." And I can't stop wondering. If I keep falling like this, will you catch me?"

Taeyeon's mind was a total shut down. She could not remember when was the last time she did it, but she decided not to push herself into thinking and let her heart lead the way. "Do you know?" She released their intertwined hands and put it on Tiffany's cheek. "You keep saying that you're falling." She chuckled softly, grazing her thumb on the smooth cheek. "But you have no idea, I am falling as well."

Tiffany chuckled along before closing her eyes again, putting her hand on top of Taeyeon's hand which caressing her cheek. "I should land first so I can catch you, then."

Tiffany's voice sounded like an angel's whisper in Taeyeon's ears. Her heart was no longer beating inside her chest. She could feel it in her entire body. The girl before her eyes were the one who was always there for her. The one who fought for their relationship, the one who pushed her own insecurities aside just to be with her. She frowned at the realization, on how much she took Tiffany for granted all those time when they were in a relationship. And she could hear her inner self talking, that she needed to return all those feeling she had received all these time, she needed to be the one who stood up now. She could not lose Tiffany again.

Her thumbs moved from Tiffany's cheek to Tiffany's lower lip. Grazing it carefully, making the latter opened her eyes. A pair of eyes which never failed to make her heart flutter. A pair of eyes that always showed perseverance.

Tiffany's eyes shifted to Taeyeon's lips and darted back to Taeyeon's eyes, before finally fell to Taeyeon's lips again.

Taeyeon bit her inner lips at Tiffany's eyes' motion, leading her to put her gaze on Tiffany's lips as well. She slowly minimized the gap between them, feeling Tiffany's soft breath tickling her face. The latter closed her eyes once their noses touched. Their lips brushed and she could hear Tiffany's sigh when they made contacts. She closed her eyes when their lips finally made contact, and she could feel the world fell away. Their lips connected just like two pieces of puzzles. They stayed that way for a while. Taeyeon let our a contented sigh, feeling the way their lips touched it was so innocent, but at the same time also so intimate and electrifying.

Tiffany started to move her lips. The kiss was slow and soft. There was no word could explain what Taeyeon felt as their lips dance in synchronization. She could feel Tiffany's hand rested below her ear, pulling her closer until no space was left between them, and she could feel the beating of Tiffany's heart against them.

The butterflies inside her flied aimlessly, sending tingling sensation across her body, and she leaned in for deeper kiss. She felt weak but strong at the same time, a feeling she only felt when she was with Tiffany. A tug on her lips, followed with a light peck ended their kiss. Tiffany pulled away from her, and Taeyeon could not help but to let out a soft sigh. She could not describe whatever feeling she felt right now. She shivered at the lasting feelings even after the kiss. Opening her eyes, she saw Tiffany's gentle eyes staring back at her, conveying words she believed she wouldn't here tonight. The three words she wished she could hear.


Tiffany only answered with a smile.

"I will land first, so I can catch you..."

Notes related to the story:

West Indonesia and East Indonesia are the way GG Corporation divided their area of business. it is not referring to Indonesia's time zone which divided into 3 part: Western Indonesia Time (UTC+7), Central Indonesia Time (UTC+8), and Eastern Indonesia (UTC+9)

Lead indicator & lag indicator are business terms to shows outcome and process. For example, if you're selling some products, the lead indicators should be: how many outlets sell your products, how often your sales team visit the outlets, how often the outlets buy your products in a month, etc, etc. While the lag indicator should be: the total revenue after you do all the lead indicator.

Brand equity index can simply explained as added value endowed by the brand or product. It is a marketing terminology about metrics that shows how strong the brand / products in the market based on weighted average of market share, price ratio, and consumer loyalty. But this method known as hardly quantified method.

Hello and welcome back to "Catch Me When I Fall"! I am still here, fellas! I am alive! I hope you enjoy this update!

Love, Kim Sara

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