First Monthsary

"Fany..." Taeyeon whined for the umpteenth time within the last two minutes.

"Stop it, Tae." Tiffany groaned as she rolled her eyes at her girlfriend childish act.

"Fany... More, pleaseeee..." Taeyeon kept whining.

"No means no, Taetae."

"Why?" Taeyeon played innocent.

Tiffany rolled her eyes again and leaned on the car seat. Both of them were still in the car, in office parking lot and Taeyeon kept whining to get more kisses. Tiffany started to blame herself for teaching french kiss to Taeyeon at the first place. Who would have guessed that the innocent-looked baby-faced girl enjoyed the kiss too much. At first, Tiffany found it was amusing to see Taeyeon was shy and timid when their kiss started to get hot and she licked Taeyeon's lips, asking for the entrance to Taeyeon's mouth. When Tiffany's tongue started to roam inside her mouth, Taeyeon let out a moan but still did not do anything with her tongue. Tiffany tried to play with Taeyeon's tongue, giving a hint for the latter to join hers. Taeyeon started to get the clue and slowly moved her tongue to battle with Tiffany's. Apparently, Taeyeon was a fast learner and she successfully made Tiffany breathless. And after the lesson that night, none of them passed a day without couple minutes of breathless 'see you' kisses in Taeyeon's car.

"Fany..." Taeyeon now pleaded with her puppy eyes.

Tiffany sighed at the irresistible sight and straightened her body before answering Taeyeon. "The last one, okay?"

"What's with the sigh? I thought you like my kisses." Taeyeon pouted.

"Do you plan to make my lungs no longer work properly, Tae? I am out of breath." Tiffany made up a reason. It was not the real reason. She hardly held herself together every time they kissed. She wanted more and more and every time the kiss got heated, she immediately pulled herself away to prevent doing something more.

Taeyeon grinned at Tiffany's answer. "Okay. Last one and I will go home. Promise." Taeyeon leaned forward, about to capture Tiffany's lips again.

"And!" Tiffany backed away a bit, making Taeyeon's lips failed to catch hers.

And?" Taeyeon halted her moves in confusion.

"No bitting." Tiffany warned Taeyeon, earning a cute blushing face from the latter. Tiffany chuckled at the sight, leaning forward to crash Taeyeon's lips with hers.


Tiffany was in a bad mood as she harshly flung the door opened, startling Jessica who was already in their room, working on something.

"Geez, Tiff. What the...?"

"I hate that midget!" Tiffany stormed in and walked towards her senior.

"Ah? Why?" Jessica was surprised at Tiffany's rage especially because she just witnessed Taeyeon happily put something on Tiffany's desk and sneaked out after she made sure she put it neatly right before Tiffany barged into the room.

Tiffany took a chair and placed it across Jessica. She needed to at least let out her rage before she was finally able to work normally. "What's the point of having a dinner everyday with her but now I miss my breakfast routines with her?"

"Do you mean you no longer have breakfast with Taeyeon?"

"Not really. But she sometimes tells me early in the morning that she needs to go to her office right away so she can start her work earlier. Why can't she be less workaholic?" Tiffany fumed.

"I don't see the problem about that? At least she tells you that she can't make it."

"Not this morning! It's our monthsary, Jess. And she did not show up for breakfast without telling me! Really? I hate that midget!"

"Maybe she needed to do something important?"

"Oh, so I am less important for her? Good to know. That explains why she cares more about her job, image and reputation instead of showing a bit affection towards me every time we're in office."

"I think you are exaggerating, Tiff." Jessica started to get annoyed with Tiffany's rant.

"Am I exaggerating?" Tiffany scoffed.

"Tiff?" Jessica flinched.

Tiffany let out a heavy sighed and closed her face with her palms. She could no longer understand herself. Ever since she started her relationship with Taeyeon, she had always been overly clingy and demanding. She felt like time was not enough every time they were together. She felt even though she knew Taeyeon is hers, she needed more and more of Taeyeon.

"Tiffany?" Jessica's voice softened.

"Jess, I think Taeyeon doesn't like me as much as I do to her." Tiffany said as she put her hands down, revealing her frown face. Jessica did not say anything but her face sure was clueless about what Tiffany just said.

"The thing is..." Tiffany chuckled bitterly. "I don't know why I keep wanting more and more of her. But the more my feeling grows upon her, the only thing I know is she keeps making distance with me. She is very warm and caring when it is just two of us. But in office, in public places, I feel she is foreign. Sometimes she acts too cold, making me think that she doesn't really have a feeling towards me. Does she even like me?" Tiffany smiled at Jessica. But the smile did not reach her eyes.

Jessica sighed looking at the sight of her junior. "I don't know, Tiff. But maybe something on your desk can calm you down."

"What? Do you think today's tasks will help me to calm down, geez Jessi."

"Ish, just see what's on the table, Hwang." Jessica flicked her junior's forehead to knock some senses to her brain.

"Ouch! Okay, okay." Tiffany groaned as she stood up from the chair and walked towards her own desk. She finally got what Jessica mentioned as something that might calm her down. There was a box of cake and a small card on top of it and there was only one suspect of who might be the sender.

"Is it from Taeyeon?" Tiffany turned her head to Jessica.

"No, it's from the BOD." Jessica answered sarcastically.

"Jessi... Not funny." Tiffany whined in annoyance.

"Just check it by yourself. You have eyes to see the sender's name."

Tiffany let out a heavy sigh. She finally sat on her own chair and took the card to read the message.

Happy first monthsary, Fany!
I know you're now angry at me because I did not accompany you for breakfast again and I did not even text to let you know. I dropped my phone this morning and it won't turn on. I'm sorry.
For my apology and for our first monthsary, want to have a dinner in my place? Tonight? I'll cook for you.

-Your currently not cheesy girlfriend.

Tiffany felt her bad mood subsided and a smile formed on her face. No matter how angry she was, a simple message from Taeyeon could turn her mood to bright. She put the card in her handbag and opened the cake box to find a slice of cheesecake.

"Wanna share, Jess?" Tiffany beamed her smile to Jessica. Her mood has drastically changed to a much better one.

"No, thanks. I don't like cheesiness."

"How could you even know that this is a cheesecake?"

"Because you said Taeyeon is cheesy and the first thing in my mind when I saw her put that box on your desk was she got a cheesecake for you." Jessica answered nonchalantly. "Now, start working, Tiff!"

"Okay, boss!" Tiffany giggled as she opened her laptop and started to work.



It was six o'clock and Tiffany peeked over Taeyeon's room to make sure that her girlfriend was no longer occupied with her job. She wished Taeyeon did not forget her own invitation for dinner.

"Hi. Come in, Fany." Taeyeon closed her laptop and slid it into the laptop bag. "I just finished." She smiled.

Tiffany came in and soon plopped herself on the sofa across of Taeyeon's desk, as her eyes was fixed on Taeyeon who packed up her things, preparing to go home. It was one of her routines to wait for her girlfriend on that sofa. Even though Taeyeon also requested that she did not need to do that to lessen the suspicions but she still did that twice to three times a week. Tiffany really loved to see Taeyeon's serious face when she did her job. It always reminded her that her girlfriend was one of the top employees in the company. Once Taeyeon finished, she stretched her arms upwards, letting out a loud sigh before finally stood up, snatching her belongings and walked towards Tiffany. She then tapped Tiffany's thigh, asking her girlfriend to scoot over, making some spaces for her to sit on the sofa as well.

"You're no longer mad at me, aren't you?" Taeyeon asked carefully. She knew that her girlfriend was angry earlier this morning. In addition, she was also trapped in a tough meeting in the afternoon so they could not have their lunch together. She really wished that Tiffany were no longer mad at her for being busy in their monthsary.

"No." Tiffany smiled as she leaned forward, planted a kiss on Taeyeon's cheek. "Happy first monthsary, baby."

Taeyeon smiled at the simple gesture. "Happy monthsary to you too." Taeyeon replied, planting another kiss on Tiffany's cheek. "Did you eat the cheesecake I gave earlier today?"

Tiffany nodded as she fished out her phone from her handbag. She browsed for a moment and showed Taeyeon an instagram post she posted hours ago. It was a picture of the cheesecake given by Taeyeon with a short caption:

@hwangtiff: This cheesecake is not enough to replace your cheesiness, dear. I miss my cheesy baby. Happy first monthsary. ThankYou #TY #MyCheesyBaby #Monthsary

"I hope you don't mind I posted this. I can delete it if you want to." Tiffany offered right away, remembering how much Taeyeon did not want them to look obvious even on social media.

"It's okay. No one knows what do you mean with TY though." Taeyeon chuckled.

"They might just think that it stands for thank you."

"Maybe." Taeyeon grinned. "Shall we go now? I promise you dinner." Taeyeon stood up, followed by Tiffany.


Taeyeon was about to open the door when Tiffany called her. She looked at her girlfriend.

"Can we hold hands?" Tiffany asked. She silently wished Taeyeon would not mind them holding hands. But to her disappointment, Taeyeon pouted as she furrowed her eyebrows, definitely looked hesitating in granting Tiffany's request.

"It's okay. I know we're still in office." Tiffany immediately retreated her own request and walked passed Taeyeon to open the door and made her way to the elevator without waiting for Taeyeon. Taeyeon let out a loud sigh before trying to catch up with Tiffany's step. She made it to enter the elevator right before the door slid to close with Tiffany inside.

Fortunately for Taeyeon, the elevator was empty. It was only two of them inside.

"Fany..." Taeyeon called out softly.

"I'm okay, Tae. I am not angry. I just walked faster so people won't be suspicious if we walk side by side all the time." Tiffany explains coldly without being asked.

Taeyeon frowned but she reached Tiffany's hand and interlocking their fingers. "No, I'm sorry. I was being silly. Holding hands is okay. Friends do that right? We did that even back then when we were not a couple. I'm sorry." She squeezed Tiffany's hand as she stared at Tiffany's side profile. Tiffany did not say anything but nodded.

"Fany. Don't be angry." Taeyeon pouted as she received cold response from Tiffany. "It's our monthsary." She continued.

"That's what makes me even angrier, Taetae." Tiffany finally turned her head to Taeyeon. "You are very busy since morning, in addition your phone broke and I thought you forgot about our monthsary because I received no news from you in our supposedly breakfast routine. Then you also had this lunch meeting so we could not have lunch together. I finally managed to see you just now and you even refused to hold my hand." Tiffany spilled out what she felt during their monthsary day. She was the type who always cherished special occasions like monthsary, anniversaries, birthdays, Christmasts, new years, et cetera.

"I just want to spend longer time with you on our monthsary, Taetae. Because it's a special day for me, for us." Tiffany sighed.

"I'm sorry." Taeyeon looked down, feeling guilty for disappointing her girlfriend.

The elevator then dinged and the door slid open. Both girls walked hand in hand but Taeyeon still fixed her gaze to the floor, did not have any gut to look at her girlfriend.

"Stop saying sorry, and better makes it up. We only have six hours until our monthsary is over. The dinner offer is still on, right?"

Taeyeon immediately looked up and look at her girlfriend who already gave her a smile. "You're no longer angry?" She was surprised.

"I don't want to spend the rest of our monthsary by getting angry at my girlfriend." Tiffany whispered. Making sure that people in the lobby could not her she called Taeyeon her girlfriend. "It would be a lie if I say that I was not angry at all. But, you will make it up, right?"

"Yes." Taeyeon answered quickly, earning another chuckle from Tiffany. Tiffany really wanted to kiss Taeyeon's cheek as she looked at how cute her girlfriend was. But she noticed there were many people in the lobby since it was time for them to go home. So she just happily swung their intertwined hands as they walked to the parking lot.

"Can you leave your car in the office?" Taeyeon suddenly asked when she noticed that they were nearing the parking lot.

"I still remember, a certain dwarf telling me to get a company car instead of transportation allowance so I can go home safely." Tiffany answered teasingly.

"Yes, that certain dwarf said that. Unless..."


"Unless the same dwarf who told you to get a company car, asking you to have a sleepover in her place." Taeyeon grinned and stopped her step since they were already in front of her car and she saw Tiffany's car parked five rows apart from hers.

"What?" Tiffany was surprised. She did not see it coming. Usually, she was the one who always took initiative for dates, dinner, even kisses. But here she was, hearing Taeyeon asked her to have a sleepover.

"You don't want to? I promise I won't do anything 'funny'. I swear. I just want to spend the rest of the day with you. That's all." Taeyeon quickly explained, afraid of being misunderstood by Tiffany.

Tiffany laughed hard hearing Taeyeon's explanation. She did not even think about doing anything 'funny' as mentioned by Taeyeon. But her girlfriend definitely thought her hesitation was because she was afraid that they might do something more than kissing.

"I don't bring any clothes, Taetae." Tiffany reasoned.

"You can wear mine."

"I don't wear kid-size clothes for your information."

"My clothes are not kid-size, Fany! It is not your first time having a sleepover in my apartment, though. I still remember which clothes I lent you when you first slept in my place." Taeyeon protested making Tiffany laughed. As matter a fact, Tiffany still could remember clearly the day she broke up with Nick and she ended up sleeping in Taeyeon's place. The next morning, when she did not have enough time to got back to her own place, Taeyeon lent her a pink blouse and a short span skirt to wear to the office.

"Kidding, baby." Tiffany smiled as she stopped her mind to wander.


"Let's just take your car then."

"My Fany is the best!!!" Taeyeon squealed and immediately unlocked her car's door, opening the passenger door to let Tiffany in before she entered the car.


Taeyeon and Tiffany finally arrived in front of Taeyeon's apartment. Taeyeon unlocked the door and swiftly opened it with a wide grin on her face. Once she fully opened the door, and revealed what was inside, Tiffany immediately smiled, seeing a small banner written 'Happy Monthsary, my Eye Smile girl!' hung on the ceiling.

Taeyeon then dragged her inside and immediately closed the door. "Happy monthsary, cupcake!" Taeyeon said as she leaned forward to give a light kiss on Tiffany's lips. Tiffany giggled at the simple gesture and landed another peck on Taeyeon's lips.

"Happy monthsary to you to, baby." She smiled and pulled away, staring at the banner once again. "How can you hang the banner?" She asked with a smirk. "I don't think your height helps you on that."

"You're so mean, Fany." Taeyeon pretended to sulk and gave her girlfriend her adorable puppy eyes.

"A lot of effort for that, I bet?" Tiffany continued teasing.

"The effort is nothing when it comes to you."

"My cheesy baby." Tiffany giggled and kissed Taeyeon's nose. "Thank you, Taetae."

"Now, please take your seat on the couch while I prepare for our dinner."

Tiffany nodded then plopped herself on the couch, while Taeyeon put all her belongings on the couch and continued her way to the kitchen.

"I hope you like gourami." Taeyeon half shouted from the kitchen.

"As long as it's not alive and as long as you cut the head." Tiffany answered as she fished out her phone from the handbag.

"Why is that?"

"I am afraid of fisheyes, Taetae."

"Really?" Taeyeon sticked out her head from the kitchen.

"I swear." Tiffany answered and soon heard a chuckle from the kitchen. "And don't you dare to do any prank on me!" Tiffany warned her girlfriend as she turned her head to the kitchen, seeing her girlfriend grinning at her.

"Aye! Cupcake!" Taeyeon gave a salute gesture and continued her cooking.

Tiffany shook her head as she witnessed Taeyeon's reaction. She then unlocked her phone and opened instagram app, checking on some comments she got from her latest post. She smiled as she read some comments on the picture of the cheesecake Taeyeon gave in the morning:

@jessica.syj: CHEESY baby and SENSITIVE hwang

@chrismatic_chris: new boyfriend, tiff?


@hendraatmadja: woot! #brokenhearted

@ro_me_o: #brokenhearted

@jack_sparemesomefoods: #brokenhearted

@chrismatic_chris: #brokenhearted

Tiffany laughed at the replies which mostly mentioned '#brokenhearted'. She then tapped on the comment section and started typing a reply.

@hwangtiff: @jessica.syj @yuyulk you guys better shut up unless you want to receive a wrath from my 'baby' lol. @chrismatic_chris @hendraatmadja @ro_me_o @jack_sparemesomefoods #MyDeepCondolscences :p

She tapped on the 'send' button, waited the comment to be uploaded before she tapped the 'explore' tab and searched for one particular ID: '@taeyeon_ss'. She knew her girlfriend rarely posted anything on her instagram but she still checked it once in a while. She tapped the ID to load the profile, waited for a while until all the photos were loaded. Her eyes then stumbled upon a picture of a blue figurine of Happy Meals Monchhichi edition Taeyeon bought on their date in Dufan. She tapped on the picture and saw it was posted two days ago. She scrolled down to read the caption.

taeyeon_ss: If I am blue, you are my pink. If I am cold, you are my warmth. If I am insane, you are my sanity. If I am in love, are you my answer? #love

Tiffany could not hold her smile and screen-captured Taeyeon's post before she scrolled down to look for some comments.

@chrismatic_chris: the senior manager is in love??

@taeyeon_ss: @chrismatic_chris maybe (?)

@chrimatic_chris: but why is he pink and you're blue?

@taeyeon_ss: @chrismatic_chris it means that when I feel blue, this person knows how to bring out the love out of me. Love is pink right?

@chrismatic_chris: hahaha. Never knew you can be like this, Taeyeon

@taeyeon_ss: thx to my special someone :)

@chrismatic_chris: he's so lucky ;)

Tiffany screen-captured the comment section as well before typing a comment for the picture.

@hwangtiff: when I read pink, I thought you were talking about me. But then you said you talked about love. Aw, my Taetae is in love. The person must be very lucky!

"Fany, do you want extra lalapan for our meals?" Taeyeon suddenly asked, half shouted, to make sure Tiffany heard her.

"Sounds good to me." Tiffany replied right away as she put her phone on the couch. "Do you need my help, Taetae?"

"No, my cupcake can only enjoy the rest of the day."

Tiffany giggled at her girlfriend's reply. She loved her cheesy version of her girlfriend. No matter how clueless Taeyeon was when it comes to relationship, Taeyeon surely knew how to be a cheesy girlfriend. Tiffany needed to adapt herself hearing her all the sweet talks from her girlfriend.

"Please make sure you do not put sugar into your cooking, Tae." Tiffany said as she made her way to the kitchen.

"Sugar?" Taeyeon focused on rinsing a bowl of vegetable for lalapan, not noticing that Tiffany already joined her in the kitchen. Tiffany smiled at her girlfriend petite figure and backhugged her. Taeyeon was shocked but when she smelled Tiffany's strawberry fragrant, she relaxed and giggled, knowing her girlfriend was hugging her from the back. She then put the vegetable on the counter, and turned her body to face Tiffany, welcomed by a pair of crescent eyes.

"I don't need sugar, Fany. You're sweet enough for me." She grinned at her girlfriend and soon received a kiss on her tip of nose.

"You and your sweet words." Tiffany giggled.

"Only for my sweet girlfriend."

"Oh, God. The cheesiness." Tiffany laughed as she loosened the hug but did not pull away.

"Now, go back to your seat and sit like a princess." Taeyeon tapped Tiffany's cheek and turned around to continue washing the vegetable.

"No, I want to stay like this." Tiffany said as she tightened her hug and put her chin on Taeyeon's shoulder. "I missed you." She mumbled.

Taeyeon let out a chuckle hearing Tiffany's confession. "Really? You see me everyday in office. How can you miss me?" Taeyeon asked as she moved to the stove, making sure the gourami did not overcook.

"I can't hug you like this in office. I missed your warmth."

Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany's arms, which snaked around her waist to loosen the hug and turned around one more time to cup her girfriend's cheek. "I will hug you for the rest of the night, but I need to finish our dinner first, okay?"


Taeyeon nodded. "Now, let me finish my cook." She requested and Tiffany complied, breaking their hug and went to the living room again, plopping herself on the couch and played with her phone.

After couple of minutes, Taeyeon got out from the kitchen, bringing a plate of deep fried headless gourami, and a plate of lalapan. She then got back to kitchen to bring two empty plates a bowl of rice, and a small plate of sambal. Tiffany then moved from the couch to the dining table, helping Taeyeon to arrange the table while Taeyeon got back to kitchen once again to bring out a bowl of sayur asem.

"Whoa my girlfriend makes me a proper home-cooked Indonesian food!" Tiffany squeaked once she saw all the meals served on the table.

"When is your last time eating home-cooked Indonesian food?" Taeyeon asked.

"Uhm, I can't remember. It's been a while. You know I can't cook and I eat in café or restaurant most of the time." Tiffany shrugged, as she sat on one of the dining chair.

"Oh, you should tell your girlfriend to cook for you more often, then. I heard she's very good at cooking Indonesian food." Taeyeon sat beside her girlfriend and took some rice on a plate and put the plate in front of Tiffany.

"My girlfriend is a very busy woman, for your information."

Taeyeon frowned, hearing Tiffany's answer. She felt bad when Tiffany mentioned that she was a very busy woman. She started to wonder whether she did not have enough time for her girlfriend. Her wandering mind soon interrupted with a soft pat on her cheek. She turned her head, seeing Tiffany smiled at her.

"Don't frown, Taetae."

"I am sorry, Fany."

"What are you sorry for? For being a very busy woman?"


"Silly." Tiffany giggled looking at her sulking girlfriend. "I didn't mean to protest."

"But you're right. I am too busy to even properly celebrating our monthsary."

"But you made it up. Look, you cooked for us! Can I ask for more?"

"You can actually."

"Really? I can ask for something more?" Tiffany reconfirmed, answered with a nod from Taeyeon. "Then, can I ask you to spend the rest of our monthsary day without sulking?" Tiffany requested cheerily, as if she was not affected by Taeyeon's sudden gloomy mood.

"That's all?" Taeyeon was surprised by the simple request.

"That's all." Tiffany smiled once again and leaned forward, landing a peck on Taeyeon's lips. "What matters for me is that now you're here with me. It's enough to show that you care about our relationship, Taetae." She kept smiling.

Taeyeon smiled along, hearing Tiffany's answer. "Why are you so sweet, Fany? Sometimes you make me feel like I am not worth enough for you."

"Hey! I don't want to hear that! I know how much my girlfriend worth for. I once peeked HR file to see your salary. And it's a wow." Tiffany joked to lighten up the mood.

"What? Did you see it?" Taeyeon was surprised, earning a laugh from Tiffany.

"Of course not, Taetae. I won't dare to do that. Now, stop sulking, and let's eat. I want a date with my girlfriend." Tiffany patted Taeyeon's cheek once again and started to browse through the food served on the table.

Taeyeon nodded and smiled. She still had this insecurity feeling about their relationship especially because Tiffany was being sweet and understanding most of the time. She usually felt that she was not a good girlfriend material for Tiffany. Taeyeon then scooped the rice for herself and invited Tiffany to start eating.

Tiffany took a piece of deep fried gourami and mixed it with sambal and soon gasped in surprise after tasting it. "Tae. It tastes like what made in restaurant!" She squealed and continued to take another piece. Taeyeon grinned, feeling relieved that her girlfriend like her cook.

"Seriously. It tastes really good." Tiffany could not stop chewing.

"So, do you like it?" Taeyeon asked, as she also ate from her plate.

"I weally wike it!" Tiffany replied with the food in her mouth. Taeyeon laughed, looking at her girlfriend excitement.

"Anyway, Tae... Have you ever considered about having double date?" Tiffany suddenly asked a random question. Taeyeon choked at her sayur asem once she heard the question. Never in her mind having a thought of double date especially in their situation where the same sex relationship is not well accepted.

"Do-double date?" Taeyeon put down her spoon and took a glass of water.

"Yes." Tiffany answered casually while her hands could not stop taking more pieces of fried gourami.

"But, with whom?"

"Jess and Yuri."

"What???" Taeyeon was shocked again. "Is it called a double date if the other couple is actually best friends?" Taeyeon did not understand why did her girlfriend even proposed to have a double date with Jessica and Yuri.

"They are one item actually."


"Why are you keep asking 'what', Tae?" Tiffany chuckled. She took a spoon and started to dig her sayur asem.

"Seriously? Yuri and Jessica? One item? Like couple?" Taeyeon reconfirmed.

"They are. Wow this sayur asem tastes just right for my liking. You should give me the recipe."

"I will give the recipe to you later but now tell me. Yuri and Jessica are couple? They are like us?"

"Yes, Taetae. Yes, yes, yes."

"Why do you never tell me about this? I mean, first you did not tell me that you told them about us, and you also did not tell me that they are actually an item." Taeyeon's voice sounded serious and she frowned.

"Uhm... Does that matter to you?" Tiffany looked at Taeyeon questioningly.

"Why doesn't it matter to me?" Taeyeon asked back.

"I don't know. It's just sometimes I am afraid to tell you about not so important stuffs. Even though you are my girlfriend, you still have this professional aura from your appearance. It makes me hesitant to talk about light topics. I don't want to sound stupid in front of you." Tiffany explained as she looked at Taeyeon's questioning looks. Taeyon chuckled at the answer and patted her girlfriend's thigh.

"Really Fany? I thought you know me better than anyone else."

"I know you have the dorky and childish side also you can be super cheesy. But, still... I don't want to sound stupid."

"Do I not sound stupid every time I whine for some kisses on the car?" Taeyeon smiled. "Did I not sound stupid when I told you that I did not know how to use tongue when we first kissed?" She blushed remembering her first kiss experience with Tiffany. Tiffany could not help to laugh as Taeyeon mentioned about the kiss.

"I won't judge you, Fany. You can sound as stupid as you can but I will still like you." Taeyeon patted Tiffany's thigh once again and gave reassuring smile.

"It's weird, Taetae. I don't care about what other people think of me. But when it comes to you, it really matters. I want you to see me as someone who's good enough for you."

"Aw, my Fany..." Taeyeon leaned forward and pecked Tiffany's cheek. "You're just too good already. Nothing to worry about." She landed another peck.

"We're pretty much different, right? You worry much about what I think about you and do not mind about others' while I care too much about other people's opinion but I can be at ease when it comes to you." Taeyeon continued.

"And why is that?" Tiffany was curious. She never realized about this. But since Taeyeon brought this up, she just noticed that what Taeyeon said was true.

"Because no matter how silly, clueless, stupid, whiny, childish I can be, I believe you will understand." Taeyeon smiled.

"Awww Taetae...." Tiffany beamed her eye smile.

"I will consider about the double date you proposed earlier but now, shall we finish our dinner?" Taeyeon asked as she took her spoon again and continued eating.

"If you're talking like that you sound like my scary boss, Kim Taeyeon." Tiffany laughed as she also resumed eating the special dinner Taeyeon had made for her.


"Fany! Why are you taking your bra off?" Taeyeon covered her eyes with her hands as Tiffany unclasped her bra and put it in her handbag before wearing the pajamas' top again. They had finished their dinner. Both girls already took the shower, changing into pajamas, and ready to sleep. As Taeyeon requested, Tiffany had sleepover in Taeyeon's place and Taeyeon lent her the pajamas for sleeping. They already on the bed, resting their backs on the bedpost, having a light talk when Tiffany suddenly straightened her position, taking off her pajamas' top and unclasped her bra.

"How can you sleep with your bra?" Tiffany answered nonchalantly as she put her pajamas' top on.

"I do not sleep with my bra if I am alone. Have you done wearing your top?" Taeyeon answered still with her hands covering her eyes.

"Done!" Tiffany answered as she buttoned the pajamas' top.

"Don't do that again, Fany. At least go to bathroom if you are taking off your bra." Taeyeon uncovered her eyes and revealing her obviously blushing face.

"Why? You're my girlfriend you're going to see me naked sooner or later." Tiffany teased Taeyeon.

"Fany... Don't." Taeyeon's face got even redder listening to Tiffany's tease.

"Don't what, Tae?" Tiffany continued with a smirk.

"Don't tease me." Taeyeon mumbled as she covered her face again, trying to hide her embarrassment. Tiffany finally let out a laugh at how Taeyeon responded to her tease.

"Let's sleep Taetae." Tiffany slid herself down, laying on the bed and Taeyeon followed along. "You promised me to hug me for the rest of the night." Tiffany said as she laid on her right to face Taeyeon. Taeyeon smiled, stretching her left hand and gestured Tiffany to put her head on her arm. Once Tiffany put her head on Taeyeon's arm, Taeyeon wrapped her other arm on Tiffany's waist and pulled her girlfriend closer.

"I like this." Tiffany mumbled as she snuggled closer to Taeyeon's crook of neck. Taeyeon closed her eyes alredy and only hummed in response. Tiffany then sneaked her left arm to Taeyeon's waist to hug back her girlfriend. "You smell really nice, Taetae."

"I am." Taeyeon chuckled.

"It makes me want to eat you."

"What???" Taeyeon opened her eyes widely.

"Hahahaha. I am kidding, Taetae."

"Fany... I want to ask you something." Taeyeon suddenly asked in a serious tone.

"What is it?"

"About Yuri and Jessica... Now that you mentioned that they are a couple, I just noticed that they actually holding hands most of the time, act lovey dovey, all those skinships, and I sometimes catch Jessica kisses Yuri's cheek." Taeyeon spoke as she stroke Tiffany's back.

"And the question is?" Tiffany asked.

"Why didn't I notice that they are an item?"

Tiffany chuckled at her girlfriend question. "Because girls do that all the time with their best friend. I always kiss Jessica's cheek every time we are about to part, don't you notice?"

"Yes, I do. And sometimes I feel a bit jealous." Taeyeon mumbled, half hoping that Tiffany could not hear her sentence properly.

"That's just a friendly kiss, Tae. Most girls do that."

Taeyeon hummed at the answer and kiss Tiffany's forehead, earning a giggle from her girlfriend. "What's that kiss for, Taetae?"

"I just want to kiss my girlfriend." Taeyeon answered and continued stroking Tiffany's back while Tiffany closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth given by Taeyeon's body.

"Fany..." Taeyeon called her girlfriend again.

"Yes, Taetae?" Tiffany started to feel sleepy especially with Taeyeon's hand that did not stop soothing her back.

"I've been silly all these time. Holding hands, skinships, being clingy... I think it's fine to do in office. Yuri and Jessica do that all the time and no one got suspicious."

Tiffany smiled, knowing where this conversation was going.

"You always want to do that, right?"

Tiffany nodded without opening her eyes.

"I think there is no reason why should I be overly insecure all of these time." Taeyeon continued.

"So, is it okay to hold hands in office?" Tiffany asked, opening her eyes and looked at her girlfriend's face.

"It's okay." Taeyeon smiled.

"Is it okay to act all clingy to you in office?"

"It's okay."

"is it okay to kiss you on the cheek once in a while in office?"

"Ummm... Jess and Yuri do that, so I guess it's okay."

"On the lips?" Tiffany smirked.

"No!" Taeyeon immediately answered.

Tiffany giggled. Since I can't kiss your lips in the office, now give me a proper goodnight kiss, Taetae." Tiffany jutted her lips. Taeyeon smiled and landed a sweet kiss on Tiffany's lips. Their kiss soon got heated when Taeyeon slid her tongue to Tiffany's mouth. Tiffany responded and lead the fight in their mouth. Taeyeon continued roaming Tiffany's mouth with her tongue when suddenly Tiffany pulled away.

"Enough, Tae." Tiffany panted hard and her face was all red. She usually had a good control of herself every time they kissed in the car but since they were on the bed and she did not wear any bra, somehow she was afraid that she would lose control.

"Why?" Taeyeon asked innocently.

"I am afraid to lose control." Tiffany answered honestly but she could not hide her flushing face. Taeyeon's face also got red when she heard Tiffany's reply but then she chuckled.

"So, only a sweet goodnight kisses?" Taeyeon asked.

"A sweet one, please." Tiffany blushed.

Taeyeon captured Tiffany's lips once again and kissed it gently and sweet. "Goodnight, cupcake." She said as she broke the kiss.

"Goodnight to you too, Baby."    

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