Dancing Fountain
Tiffany's eyes fluttered open, her eyes showed blurry image of someone who was also lying on the bed, facing her. Her lips couldn't contain the smile that immediately plastered on the beautiful face.
"Good morning, Taetae." She greeted the figure with her husky voice — which usually huskier in the morning when she just woke up.
"Good morning, Love."
Tiffany laughed at the way Taeyeon addressed her. "Since when you call me Love?" She scooted over to get closer to Taeyeon and jutted her lips. "Where is my morning kiss?"
Her request answered with a chuckle and soon a quick peck landed on her lips. And her smile got wider. "More, please..." And another kiss landed, but it stayed for a while before Taeyeon pulled away only to kiss her forehead.
"How's your sleep?" Taeyeon asked Tiffany while caressing the latter's cheek.
"The best one compared to these couple months." Tiffany chuckled and snuggled to Taeyeon, tucking herself under Taeyeon's chin. "I miss this kind of comfort. The kind of comfort I only get from you." She mumbled as she wrapped her arms on Taeyeon's waist.
Taeyeon couldn't help to smile at the remarks she heard. She kissed the top of Tiffany's head softly. Tiffany's "I miss this too, Fany. Somehow it feels like a dream."
Tiffany pulled away a bit, just enough to be able to see Taeyeon's face. "Do you know how happy I am right now?" She retracted her hand from Taeyeon's waist and used her hands to cup Taeyeon's face. "It brings out the memories I thought I could only remember. And to know that we're now together again, I can't even put into words the happiness I feel inside." She leaned forward, closing her eyes and pressed her lips to Taeyeon's. "And to feel your lips like this," She deepened the kiss, capturing Taeyeon's upper lip and started nibbling on it. "I want to make up for the kisses we didn't get to have during our break." She mumbled against Taeyeon's lips.
Taeyeon didn't say anything. She had her eyes closed as she savor every motion of Tiffany's lips on hers. She swiped her tongue on the lips, which answered by Tiffany's parting mouth. Their kiss got deeper, with every tug on the lips and the swipes against each other's tongue. Taeyeon's hand found their way to Tiffany's waist, pulling the girl closer, eliminating any space between them. While Tiffany's hand started to move down from Taeyeon's cheeks, to Taeyeon's neck and stays behind the neck, caressing the neck slowly, making Taeyeon shivered at the touch.
Taeyeon was the first to pull away, slightly out of breath. She looked at Tiffany who still had her eyes closed, with no better state than her — mouth slightly agape, trying to breathe normally.
"Why are you stopping?" Tiffany asked in whisper as she slowly opened her eyes.
Taeyeon could feel her cheeks got warm upon receiving the question. "You know why, Fany." She chuckled groggily.
"You and your perversion." Tiffany laughed as she jokingly shove Taeyeon away, making Taeyeon laughed along.
"Anyway, I have a question." Taeyeon asked as she searched for Tiffany's eyes, looking seriously to her girlfriend. "When's our anniversary date?"
Tiffany tilted her head in confusion, her eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?"
"Well," Taeyeon's hand took Tiffany's and slipped her fingers in Tiffany's. "Previously, our anniversary date was 27th." She paused a while, a pout plastered on her face. "But then, we broke up." She bit her lips, being cautious about what she was saying. "And yesterday when we got back together, it was 15th. So what's our anniversary now? 27th or 15th?"
Tiffany nodded, understood where the question was coming from. She shifted her position to lay on her back without taking her hand away from Taeyeon's. "I didn't know that matters to you."
Taeyeon frowned at the response she got. "Of course it matters to me. It's important, isn't it?"
Tiffany stole a glance at Taeyeon and chuckled when she saw her girlfriend was frowning. "I didn't say it is not important."
"But you asked me as if it's not important to you." Taeyeon was still frowning.
Tiffany's chuckle turned into a soft laugh. "Don't you remember I was so cranky when you didn't get to accompany me on our first monthsary?"
Taeyeon nodded, but the frown was still on her face. "So, it's important, isn't it? Our anniversary date."
Tiffany laughed again at the question. "It is, Taetae. I just didn't expect it would be as important to you."
A loud gasp escaped Taeyeon's lips. "How come???"
"Because most of the time you didn't seem as excited as I am. Except for our sixth monthsary of course. When you unromantically gave me this ring." She released her hand from Taeyeon's and showed the ring to Taeyeon. The ring that never left her finger even when they broke up.
"But it doesn't mean it's not important to me, Fany. I am a woman too. And woman needs clarity in relationship." Taeyeon huffed in annoyance.
"Then, what do you think? Should it be 27th or 15th?" Tiffany threw the question back to Taeyeon.
"Hey, I asked first, so you should answer first before I give my opinion," Taeyeon protested.
"OK, OK," Tiffany couldn't help but to keep laughing at Taeyeon's reaction. She really didn't expect that Taeyeon would take this matter seriously. But to see this side of Taeyeon also made her even happier than she already was. She took it as a sign that Taeyeon really took their relationship seriously. "I would prefer we stay with 27th."
"Why so?" Taeyeon took Tiffany's hand again and intertwining their fingers.
"Just because." Tiffany answered teasingly.
"Fany..." Taeyeon frowned again.
"Tell me which one you prefer." Tiffany requested back.
"Same as yours. Twenthy-seventh." Taeyeon answered without a doubt.
"Why so?"
"I questioned that first!" Taeyeon protested at how her girlfriend kept teasing her. And that made melodious laugh escaped from Tiffany's lips.
"This is my opinion, okay?" Tiffany finally started to reveal her answer.
Taeyeon nodded as she pulled Tiffany's hand to wrap her waist, making Tiffany shifted her position from laying on her back to face Taeyeon.
"For me, on the day we first got together, it was like opening a door to a new world. I never felt things I feel with you towards anyone else, and to my surprise I developed this feelings to a woman. Never I imagined in my life that I will date a woman." Tiffany caressed Taeyeon's waist as she took her time to give her answer. "The day I asked you to be my girlfriend, inside the Ferris Wheel, was the day I landed on a decision to love. It was the day I knew I am willing to sail this ship with a person I really adore. It wasn't all smooth and lovely, we argued a lot, we fought a lot, we even broke up for a while. But, the day remains special for me." She beamed a smile at Taeyeon. "Our broke up these past months, even though it was bitter, but just like a medicine, I believe it should make us better version of ourselves. I would like to see the previous months as our learning in relationship."
Taeyeon smiled along as she heard Tiffany's opinion on their status. She leaned forward to plant a kiss on Tiffany's lips. Just a quick peck, appreciating what Tiffany just said.
"Are you kissing me to distract me to ask you why would you choose twenty-seventh?" Tiffany joked after receiving the kiss.
"What are you saying, Fany?" Taeyeon laughed at the question thrown at her. "I love what I heard, that's why I kiss you." She grinned wide.
And that statement made Tiffany laughed. "So, why you also chose twenty-seventh?"
"Same reason as you." Taeyeon answered naughtily, earning a pinch on her waist. She grimaced at the pinch but then laughed. "Kidding, Love."
"And I also want to ask, why you start calling me Love?" Tiffany noticed that Taeyeon started calling her love since she woke up.
"Save that question later. I need to answer the previous question before I get another pinch on my waist." Taeyeon moved her hand from Tiffany's waist to Tiffany's arms and started to draw random pattern with her finger on the skins. "I wasn't lying when I said I have same reason as you. When you asked me to be your girlfriend, I couldn't even say yes because I hardly believed that happened." She chuckled remembering the day they got together for the first time. "Since I lost for words, I decided to kiss you instead. Our relationship is my very first relationship, Fany." She smiled as her hand continued to travel upward and landed on Tiffany's cheek this time. The hand stays there, cupping the cheek of her girlfriend. "Just like what you felt, it was like opening a door to a new world for me too. It made me feel loved, it made me feel fragile. It made me feel so many new feelings I never felt before. And also just like what you said, it wasn't all smooth and lovely. I needed to learn the hard way. To feel the feeling of losing you." She looked down and frowned at the last sentence, remembering how miserable it felt when she didn't have Tiffany in her life.
"Hey," Tiffany's voice made her looked up again. "I am here now" Tiffany said with a reassuring smile on her face. And that was all Taeyeon's need to continue what she was about to say.
"But all of those won't ever happened if you never confessed to me on the Ferris Wheel. That's why I also chose twenty-seventh." Taeyeon ended it with a sincere smile plastered on her face.
Tiffany smiled along and tucked herself under Taeyeon's chin. She tightened the hug and buried her face in Taeyeon's chest. "I love you, Taetae."
"I love you too," Taeyeon answered before kissed the top of Tiffany's head.
The atmosphere was nice. Both women enjoyed the warmth they shared in their hug. No one said anything, they just stayed laying on the bed, holding into each other, savoring the moment they have.
"But you haven't answered my other question." Tiffany was the one who broke the comfortable silence. "Why do you start calling me Love?"
Taeyeon let out a chuckle before answering. "No reason. It just feels right. You don't like it?"
Tiffany shook her head. "I love it. You should do it more often."
"Ah, that reminds me of something." Taeyeon then pulled herself from Tiffany and scooted over to the bed post, taking her phone. She tapped the phone with her thumbs and smiled wide before showing the screen to Tiffany.
Tiffany looked at the screen and laughed hard at what she just saw. "Really, Tae?" She took Taeyeon's phone and shook her head in disbelief. She stared at the screen showing her contact information. Taeyeon just edited her name into "LOVE".
"So, every time I call you, I literally call LOVE."
And Tiffany laughed even harder. Putting Taeyeon's phone on the bed and clapping her hands animatedly. "I love this side of you, really."
"You just generally love me." Taeyeon smirked as she said that. "You love every part of me." She continued still with the smug smirk on her face.
"N'ah, you're not entirely correct." Tiffany shook her head in disagreement. "I don't love this side of you that you're showing right now."
Taeyeon faked a gasp and put her palm on her chest as if she was hurt. "My love, why you so mean?"
The lame acting made Tiffany laughed again. "I just can't..." She couldn't stop laughing.
Taeyeon smiled as she watched Tiffany laughed. She loved the sight before her eyes. This was what she wanted, to be the reason for Tiffany to laugh, to become the one who delivered the joy in Tiffany's heart. She captured the moment in her mind and silently made a promise, to always be the reason for Tiffany's happiness.
"I can't believe I let you do this to me." Taeyeon chuckled but soon gasped when she felt Tiffany's hand which she held was pulled away by a man who just squished toward some spaces at the corner. Tiffany laughed and tried to squished herself to move forward, ensuring that she and Taeyeon were not separated.
"I can't believe you never get on Trans Jakarta! Whhoops!" She got pushed accidentally by the person behind here.
Taeyeon instinctively wrapped her hand around Tiffany's waist to secure the latter from falling. "I told you, I tried once but the I just can't stand the crowd." Taeyeon looked around the crowd around them. They were inside of Trans Jakarta bus. It was Saturday and somehow the bus was packed with so many people. Most of them came in groups, they looked like a group of family. The dads, the mothers, and some kids. She noticed the kids wore some knock-off superhero t-shirt. It was printed "Suparman" instead of "Superman" another kid, a little girl, wore a t-shirt with Elsa's face printed on it, but instead of wearing blue dress, the Elsa wore pink dress.
"Stop looking at them, Taetae." Tiffany's voice caught her attention and she immediately darted her gaze away from the kids.
"I am amused with their tees." Taeyeon answered. "Suparman." She tried to hold her laugh. "What is that? A local version of Superman?"
Tiffany also held her laugh but she managed to shushed Taeyeon not to go any further on commenting that. She also noticed the knock-off tees the kids wore in the bus they were on. Aside from what Taeyeon mentioned, there was also a kid who wore Mickey Mouse tees with printed words Miki Mause but it was nothing extraordinary for her to witness such thing. It was not her first time to get on Trans Jakarta, in fact, before joining GG Corporation, this bus was her primary choice for public transportation. The reason was very simple and straight forward. It was the most economically friendly transportation which connecting the whole Jakarta. It didn't matter where you were in any part of Jakarta, it should be mostly accessible by Trans jakarta. It also had designated road which could only accessed by the bus, it was called busway.
"How much longer our ride is going to be?" Taeyeon whispered to Tiffany, she started to feel uneasy with all the pushing and the crowd inside the bus.
Tiffany turned her head to the route map on top of bus door. Their destination was only two stops away. "Maybe, around five to ten minutes."
Taeyeon heaved a relief sigh. She could bear with another five to ten minutes. Hopefully it wouldn't take longer than what Tiffany mentioned. She couldn't believe that she fell into this situation. Earlier this morning, when they were cuddling, Tiffany told her that she could have a proper vacation in Jakarta with less than one hundred thousand rupiah. Of course Taeyeon didn't believe in what Tiffany said. One thousand rupiah itself could only cover the taxi, so there was no way the whole vacation could be covered by only that amount of money. But Tiffany was so sure and Taeyeon was intrigued to know. The next thing happened was Taeyeon was in this packed bus, got pushed around by the crowd. She couldn't imagine what was waiting for her after this one.
Tiffany was right, they made it to their stop in less than ten minutes. Tiffany held Taeyeon's hand and pull the petite figure to follow her getting their way out of the packed bus. Taeyeon took a deep breath as soon as she landed her feet outside of the bus. She looked around, noticing that they were in a shelter which is connecting to several elevated bridge. It felt like shew as trapped in the middle of spider web.
"Which bridge should we take?" Taeyeon looked at Tiffany helplessly, making Tiffany laughed.
"I will lead the way." Tiffany continued to pull Taeyeon's hand and lead their way to the exit.
Taeyeon followed along with a smile plastered on her face. It had been a while since the last time they walked together hand in hand in public like this. Tiffany was in her casual clothes. Dark skinny jeans, white tank-top, topped with thin peach cardigan. She had small black backpack attached to her back, just enough to bring her phone, wallet, tissues, and maybe lip tint as well as perfume. While Taeyeon herself was clad in light blue skinny jeans, and loose black tees. She didn't bring any bag, her wallet and phone were secured in her jean's pocket. Both girls wore a pair of sneakers, which helped them to feel comfortable regardless of the long bus ride they needed to take while standing on the bus. This kind of ambiance reminded her of their Dufan trip, the special moments in her life, in their relationship. She tightened the grip to Tiffany's hand, feeling happy just with the thought.
The melodious music rang, and the fountain spurted with the rhythm. The water column was high and low following the music. The fountain jumped up when music entered the tide. The background filled with neon lights, contrasting with the dark night sky, enhancing the mood built by the music and water altogether. The view was breathtaking, making the people who watched them got immersed into the show.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" The whisper took Taeyeon's attention away from the dancing fountain. Their eyes met and a curve immediately drawn on their faces. Nodding in agreement, Taeyeon silently held Tiffany's hand and interlocking their fingers before put her gaze back at the show. The mood was perfect for Saturday night. Taeyeon didn't know that they could get this kind of view in the middle of Jakarta.
They were in Lapangan Banteng, located in the center of Jakarta. The park that had been revitalized by the government and some attraction was built for the people to enjoy. Both women sat on a bench in front of the fountain, enjoying the dancing fountain.
The music started to fade, ended with melodious piano and the water became calm. Taeyeon took a deep breath and smiled wide.
"Thank you for today's date, Love." She turned her head to woman next to her. Smile still presented on her lips.
Tiffany's eyes turned to a pair of crescents. She squeezed Taeyeon's hand which she held. Her heart was pitter-pattering as she heard how Taeyeon just addressed her. She then put her head on Taeyeon's shoulder, forgetting where they were at the moment. In the middle of public place packed with people who just watched the dancing fountain show. But Taeyeon didn't seem to mind at all, she took their intertwining hand on to her lap and put her head on top of Tiffany's. For a while there, they didn't care whether people would judge them weird or disgusting, they didn't care if people might look at them, for a quiet moment there, they just wanted to be with each other, embracing the mood that be true to themselves.
They stayed there comfortably while people started to leave the venue. One by one, people passing by. Some might just wanted to go home already, some might wanted to stroll around the park, and some just like them, stayed in front of the fountain, letting the night breeze swept their face.
"So, how much we've spent for today?" Taeyeon was the one who broke the silence.
Tiffany shrugged, but didn't seem to take her head off of Taeyeon's shoulder just yet. "I still have some change from one hundred thousand you gave me this morning for sure."
Taeyeon chuckled before straightened her head. She couldn't believe that they really spent less than one hundred thousand rupiah today. They went to many places already. From Bank Indonesia museum, they rode double decker Trans Jakarta bus, they visited the oldest cathedral in Jakarta, and they went to Pembebasan Irian barat monument as well. Of course they also had their lunch.
"Would it still be enough for dinner?" Taeyeon asked again.
"Dinner?" Tiffany finally lifted her head from Taeyeon's shoulder. Looking at Taeyeon naughtily, the beautiful woman smirked teasingly. "I thought I will be your dinner tonight."
Taeyeon's jaw dropped upon hearing the statement. Her cheeks turned into Tiffany's favorite color and she couldn't even let out a word from her mouth. Her mind went blank. Completely blank.
Looking at Taeyeon's response Tiffany laughed animatedly. She still couldn't understand why Taeyeon always responded like that every time she teased her girlfriend like that. Sometimes, she thought that Taeyeon was too timid for her age.
"Why do you always have that kind of response every time I tease you?"
Taeyeon blinked her eyes repeatedly, trying to get ahold of herself after receiving the tease from Tiffany. She smiled shyly and shook her head. "I don't know..." She threw her gaze away from Tiffany to the calm fountain in front of her. "To be with you is already something magical for me. To be able to kiss you and hug you is more than enough for me." She stole a glance at Tiffany and smiled softly this time. "I think my brain can't comprehend if I can get something more than that." She chuckled shyly, as she averted her eyes to their hands on her lap. "You stole all my first, Fany. You're my first girlfriend and my first kiss. You're the first person that pulled me out of my boring routine, you're the first who made me fall in love repeatedly." She took a pause before putting her gaze back to Tiffany. Stare deep into Tiffany's eyes. "I also want my first time to be with you. But, I might disappoint you. You know, I am inexperienced." She could feel her cheeks turned warm as she chuckled sheepishly at what she just said. She just wished Tiffany wouldn't laugh at her because of what she just said.
And Tiffany didn't laugh, instead the girlfriend leaned forward, so close her lips almost touched Taeyeon's ear. "So, you want me to be your first time?"
Taeyeon froze in her seat. Tiffany's whisper in her ears sounded so sexy and sultry in a way. Her mind was shut once again. She could feel her heart beat too fast in her chest.
"Do we have the same definition of first time, Love?" Tiffany continued to whisper in Taeyeon's ear.
Taeyeon's heart beat even faster, she was afraid that it might jumped out of her chest. She didn't know whether it was because of the proximity they had, or the words Tiffany whispered, or the way Tiffany called her Love. She bit her lips. "When I said first time, I mean the first instance of..."
"Sexual intercourse?" Tiffany cut off Taeyeon's sentence.
Taeyeon held her breath, wasn't expecting Tiffany to be this blunt. Her heart had gone erratic at this point of time. She wished she wouldn't get a heart attack because of this. Thankfully to Taeyeon, Tiffany finally pulled away, but the eyes never left Taeyeon's. Her girlfriend looked deeply into her eyes. The stare seemed different though, it was so captivating and inviting at the same time. Just like being under the spell, Taeyeon wasn't able to take her gaze away from Tiffany's eyes. Their stare glued to each other. Each conveying a message the mouth couldn't say. Taeyeon's mind couldn't comprehend, but Taeyeon's heart knew what Tiffany's eyes were trying to say. No words were exchanged between them. They were in their own world, forgetting where they were. Tiffany then leaned forward once again as the wind breeze, delivering Tiffany's Victoria's Secret perfume into Taeyeon's nose. Intensifying the tension that was built. The lips grazed Taeyeon's ears as the word flew into Taeyeon's ear.
"I want it as well, Taetae."
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