The Feeling Unknown (FavreMyRainbow Story)

The Feeling Unknown (FavreMyRainbow Story)

1,516 50 7

Throughout the roller coaster of events and feelings, a strong bond is built between 2, a Steve, and a Player, but not just no ordinary player.There's evil all around, things happen throughout the days, weeks, months, and years, but is nothing compared to what is to come.Sabre has a secret that he is hiding from almost everyone.Lucas...He is the only one that knows and Ghost Steve soon finds out but Sabre continues to keep this a secret until one day...A being comes into the picture and gathers all Evil Steve's while starting to plan their next big attack...A battle is soon to come and everyone is severely hurt, but Sabre and Rainbow Steve are the only 2 left to help protect everyone until Rainbow Steve gets shot down...Sabre watches as the love of his life gets extremely hurt and that's when he loses control...Hopefully, all the training pays off...Do they win? Or not?You'll have to read to find out!…

My Art Book

My Art Book

3,597 264 54

I'm a fan of Undertale Minecraft and FavreMySabre Steve Saga and a lot more Minecraft Youtubers…