Seks Instrukcja Obsługi

Seks Instrukcja Obsługi

51 3 1

eighteen naked cowboys at ram ranch[In a bit more seriousness this is a Burak X Macgajster nonsense smut one shot. If you're about to bitch to me about not liking burak X Macgajster get out before I destroy your organs][Przy okazji notatka dla Polaków. Nie czytaj jeżeli ci życie miłe oprócz takich dwóch osób. Te dwie osoby mogą to przeczytać. Ale ty. Ty który nie jesteś tą osobą nie czytaj.]…

Kira yoshikage X Mona Lisa [drama NSFW NSFL]

Kira yoshikage X Mona Lisa [drama NSFW NSFL]

36 4 2

Kira decides to stop wanking himself off to a poster of Mona Lisa like a simp and goes to go catch these hands. uhhhhh. in uh.. this. happens in a universe where everything is totally the same but Kira still has his quiet life.…

Netflix n' Chillin [a regretful a fanfiction]

Netflix n' Chillin [a regretful a fanfiction]

11 4 1

it is what it is. if you two boys somehow see this.I'm sorry dameon.not as sorry to you Chillin but still.…

a diary of subject_101 also known as the development of a god complex

a diary of subject_101 also known as the development of a god complex

15 3 3

a real light novel title. catchy and short-also don't read this. please. for your own good…

Dylan x Fox

Dylan x Fox

22 2 1

he like his foxits a joke…