She's mental but she's mine.
Hi. I'm Mitchell kale. I don't know what ice cream tastes like, I swear I used to but I just don't anymore. I like tasting lips and wearing my hair loose, I also enjoy ice cream, not as much as tasting lips though. My sense of humor is none existent but I guess it would be expected if you were described as insane all your life. Shhhh! Don't gasp so. Loud, yes! I'm insane, now let's move past that. I am Mitchell kale and this is a story of how I died. Neh... I'm kidding, see? I think I get that sarcasm thing... or isn't it?. I'm mental but technically, we all are.Several murder cases, a nut job on the loose and mathematics exams to deal with! Life is truly unfair to Mitchell kale, follow mitchie and her friends as she seeks to solve the mystery behind her past and tries to resist the alluring Nickolas in the process (Chapters 10 and 9 got mixed up so you have to read nine before ten now. Sorry.)…