Unpredictably Yours

Unpredictably Yours

1,062 55 10

Predictable. For most, it's a word with negative connotations, a synonym for 'boring'. But predictability is what keeps orchestral violist Randall Lipsky grounded in a chaotic world. From eating the same breakfast every morning to always arriving early for orchestra rehearsal, routine and habit are what he's all about. So it's no surprise that finding love isn't on Randall's to-do list; why bring the unpredictability of romance into his comfortable, orderly life? After all, his parents' miserable marriage has shown him that love is anything but safe.Enter cellist Colette Zhang. She's new to the orchestra, and she's bold, confident, and decidedly unpredictable! She's also exactly what Randall's NOT looking for. So why can't he get her out of his head? And if that's not enough, circumstances beyond their control keep bringing them together.As Randall and Colette develop an unlikely friendship, they find they have more in common than they thought, including a mutual attraction that's getting harder to deny. But before he can take the leap into that gloriously unpredictable thing called love, he'll have to face the hardest question of all: Is he willing to let go of the safety he's always known to embrace the unknown? And what's he willing to risk to keep the love he never saw coming?[NOTE: This is my current work-in-progress. Yes, even after nearly five years, I'm still working on it, because I really want to tell Randall and Colette's story! A lot has gone on in the intervening years (and some big changes have happened), but they're never far from my mind. The outline is completely finished, all that remains is actually writing, which is finally progressing, even if the pace is glacial! I'm bound and determined to see this story through to completion. Everything in due time. 😊]…

Gavin and Roxanne ✔️

Gavin and Roxanne ✔️

5,232 322 11

Orchestral percussionist Gavin McKee just might be having the worst week of his life. It wasn't enough that his longtime girlfriend dumped him for another man. Just a few days later, his dog had to die unexpectedly.It's no wonder, then, that Gavin falls into a deep funk. He tries to keep up some semblance of normalcy by attending a colleague's birthday party; it's there that he becomes better acquainted with violinist Roxanne Lively, in whom he finds a kindred spirit who's recently endured her own painful breakup. They end up at Gavin's place after the party, nominally for a quick nightcap - but it turns into more. Much more. The complication? Gavin's twenty-eight years old - and Roxanne is fifty-four. As they try to figure out if they can work with the age difference and have a chance at love, or if they're just meant to be friends who found each other at the right time, they both know one thing is for sure: neither of their lives will be quite the same again.Awards received:First Place, Romance, March 2019 Blue Rose AwardsBest Unknown Author, March 2019 Blue Rose AwardsThird Place, Romance, 2019 Night Owl AwardsThird Place, Romance/Chick Lit, 2019 Hidden Gems Awards…