a cup of tea
[deutsch] random boy x boy oneshot…
[deutsch] random boy x boy oneshot…
Meine durchschnittliche Aufmerksamkeitsspanne ist nicht gerade groß, aber für Kurzgeschichten reicht es grade so. Und es wäre doch echt schade viele unvollendete Geschichten auf diesem Account zu haben (die verstecke ich lieber mal in den Entwürfen xD) deswegen beschränke ich mich fürs Erste mal auf das hier. Die bisher entstandenen Werke würde ich aber nichtmal als Geschichten bezeichnen, es sind eher Einblicke in welche.…
[english] thoughts. you know? the stuff thats in your head. thats going crazy when youre alone or late at night. thats bringing you down. that can slowly kill people. that distracts you from doing anything productive. that you cant handle without writing it down. that you seem to have low to no control over.put into words or at least an attempt to do that.…
dear friend, i wish you a merry chrismas...haven't you always wanted to receive a letter on chrismas by a loved one telling you how much mean to them? Or maybe you've always wanted to write one...This thingy you see here is my spontaneous chrismas special and it's very much inspired by my english teacher (i hate her but this was actually really cool) It follows the concept: be nice to others, be nice to yourself! (yes, this really is how she introduced it to us xD)However you found this, please consider taking part in it, the whole thing is based on interaction and I would love to make this as big as possible.all explanations are in the first chapter so check that out if I caught your attention and i hope to see you there!P.S.: If you were wondering who made this wonderful cover, it was the lovely @SophiaDelphin :))…