Total Drama with your Original Characters
Make a character to participate in the next season. Chris and Chef Hatchet are from Total Drama. Challenges are all original, and so are the characters.…
Make a character to participate in the next season. Chris and Chef Hatchet are from Total Drama. Challenges are all original, and so are the characters.…
Kimi is brought to prison but for no reason. She is in there with 48 people who never broke the law, or were never caught. Confused as non of them were ever bring to court or even had a say, soon the prison opens to something more.…
Give me suggestions and I will give you a rap!…
I say stupid random stUFF to start your day because i have no life XD…
Will not take place in kik comp 6 allstars. in Andrews Strike out season two I got out my n a pretty weird way and I've been wondering what are the craziest ways to get people out and rule the game so I'm going t join kik comps with a bunch of guest stars and try and conquer these challenges.…
Ask me questions and I'll give you bad answers!…
When Chris comes back all old and aged he decides to make another one of the things that made him the most money. Total Drama. He quickly finds sixteen to teens and gets ready to kick off this new season!!!I will actually put effort in this book so plz read!…
You give me two character and go through research and judge them on certain qualities!…