The Vampire's Mate (BoyxBoy)
Over 20 years ago, the human world was thrust into a whirlwind of chaos as mythical beings from urban tales and folklore emerged into the world. These unified forces proclaimed Earth as their rightful home and were more than prepared to take it by force. Wars were waged, numerous lives were lost, and humanity fell from the ranks; from an apex predator to mere prey. Countries previously famed as global powerhouses quickly crumbled into ash, sending the few lucky human survivors into hiding. The remaining, unfortunate souls were swiftly captured and enslaved. 21-year-old Lomi Crest grew up in such a world: knowing nothing else than to run and hide. But what happens when he can no longer do both?When the lives of his family are held at stake, Lomi is offered a choice. Face death or give up his freedom, his life to a cruel vampiric lord. ____Lomi was trembling like a loose leaf in stormy weather. The taller man was looming over him, arms trapping him in an embrace. "You're mine," he whispered, in such a matter-of-fact way that brooked no argument. Lomi shifted his gaze up and was met with blood-red eyes bearing into his. "But that's not enough. It'll never be enough," the man continues, grazing cold fingertips over the side of his neck. "I've chosen you as my mate."Before the horror can even sink in, Lomi felt fingers sinking into his neck. "And'll truthfully, mine."…