Undead - Regulars AU
(CC) Attrib. NonComercial, others can remix, adapt, and build upon this work non-commercially with credit back to me. Please follow the copyright.-Synopsis-Hybrids in America have a rough life, even more so for the famous ones. In 2022, four well known Youtubers, known as Henwy, Sigils, Biffle, and Nicovald, vanished off the face of the Earth. The police deemed it an accident, probable suicides, but no one really knows what happened. Now it's 2025. Most of their viewers moved on, finding other creators to support, and forgetting about the four completely. But not the Ripoffs. A group of friends known as the Regulars Ripoffs have discovered a haunted house that looks interesting. But what they don't know is that they've discovered the Regulars last known location.--Unless your name is Sigils aka Andrew, Biffle aka Austin, Henwy aka Henry, or Nicovald aka Nico, then you have full permission to use anything but my friend's character's as you'd have to ask them.--4/29/2023Thank you so much to all of those who let me use their characters in this story. Without them, this story wouldn't exist. Thank you so much for everything. And thank you to @SwiftpoolWrites for doing the cover. She really saved me with that one.2/14/2024Update - Labeled chapters with POV's. Went through and fixed continuity errors and spelling mistakes.2/27/2024Update - Changed the Copyright, please respect it.…