Hermione Granger really shouldn't be doing this, she knew too. Draco Malfoy really shouldn't be giving her this idea, but he was. What happens when they're ingenious plan takes a turn towards more, you run. Fast. One year after the plan of theirs fell apart they meet again, at Hogwarts. She's engaged to Ron, and all but forgotten Draco. He hasn't forgotten either. Draco made the mistake of approaching her in front of the boys, they didn't let him get in a word. But she did. "Meet me later," under her breath it was muttered. He stared before nodding his head and walking away. With those three words everything got a bit too forbidden for one castle. The most scandalous thing ever to happen to her, the ride of his life. What will happen when someone finds out?(Just an FYI, they get jobs as paid interns until they can get the school fixed back up. In case anyone cared because I never say it in the story.)Disclaimer: I don't own the characters this is a work of fanfiction based on J.K. Rowling's series of books. Copying of any kind is not permitted. It will not be taken lightly.…