"All writing is a lie, but what you feel while reading... Now that's the truth. It's wonderful, how many truths writers can create from simple lies."If you have stories (whether fiction, creative non-fiction, screenplay, poem, or whatever) and want to be published in an online literary magazine, you have come to the right place. I will not make any empty promises, but I will say this: If I like your submitted work, I will publish it in my literary magazine, the SPOT Lit. That, I promise. All you have to do is read the guidelines inside and submit a piece that makes me feel something.So, if you liked what you just read, welcome to the SPOT Lit Mag Submissions.***Started: August 25, 2021Ended: Never (Hopefully)***BTSXPRESSFounder/Editor-in-Chief/Overworked Editor of the SPOT Lit…