Expect the Unexpected...

Expect the Unexpected...

51,078 2,007 13

Heartbreak&Fame will generally bring the worst out of people... Is it same with Virat... Or Is it something else...Another story which revolves Virat and team...…

Revenge(on Hold)

Revenge(on Hold)

22,987 819 5

Current England team seems like then Australian team. Only thin that matters to them is wining. What if they hurt Virat brutally in the process...GOON.... READ IT.. to find out...…

We Need You

We Need You

12,694 469 3

Hey... Guys this story revolves around Mahi Bhai, Virat, Rohit, dada, jaddu... Or let's say entire teamJust go read and enjoy..…

Best Friend's Jealousy

Best Friend's Jealousy

18,617 859 6

"If your best friend is not jealous of your other friends, then he/she is not your best friend."Ever experienced? What to see Virats jealousy? Peep in...…

Chats with Siri

Chats with Siri

1,717 121 7

Hii.. ictians.. This book publishs the Chats with all the ict writersSo..just peep in and no more about ur fav authors and there favorite ict moments..…