its written all in our fate
"It's All Written in Our Fate" is a poignant college romance that follows Siddharth and Avneet, two close friends whose bond is about to be tested in unexpected ways. While navigating the ups and downs of college life, Siddharth and Avneet find themselves on the brink of discovering something deeper between them-feelings that go beyond friendship.Siddharth looked at Avneet, his heart pounding. "Avneet, I've spent so much time wondering if this is the right moment, but I realize now-it's always been the right time. Will you be mine, not just today, but always?"Avneet's eyes softened her voice barely a whisper. "I've waited for you to say that, Siddharth. Yes, I will." Through laughter, shared memories, and moments of vulnerability, they must navigate the complexities of their relationship and decide if they're ready to take the leap from friends to something more.…