shadow is a boss((Rant Book 11.0))

shadow is a boss((Rant Book 11.0))

2,533 1,087 200

another rant bookshadow is my decidueye and is da best decidueye ever…



1,706 491 117

You are about to go to the unknow universe called my mind read if you dare…

Pokémon pictures

Pokémon pictures

143 47 14

random pictures of Pokémon…

bumblebee is god(rant book 10.0)

bumblebee is god(rant book 10.0)

2,076 847 200

issa nother one…

Two worlds collide only one survives(rant book 9.0)
Q and A

Q and A

42 14 6

My 500 follower Q and Aask away…



73 10 3

yep some random shipping one-shots…

Cat rp

Cat rp

147 21 5

Aye another rp yeee xDlook at the title…

For my world to live yours must die (rant book 8.0)
it's da dark flame master (rant book 7.0)

it's da dark flame master (rant book 7.0)

2,998 815 200

its another one XD YEEE…

It's my boy bee(rant book 6.0)

It's my boy bee(rant book 6.0)

3,277 1,089 200

it b another…

My Oc's

My Oc's

111 10 3

what my Oc's look like…

Hakuna Matata

Hakuna Matata

2,886 773 200

Aye another one XDD…

You are my Alpha. And only mine(rant book 4.0)

You are my Alpha. And only mine(rant book 4.0)

3,022 783 200

Aye issa nother one…

Alpha Charm

Alpha Charm

3,940 948 200

Yep another oneenter if you dare…



19 2 1

aye need someone to talk totalk to me i'll do the best i can to help or if ya just bored eh i can still talk to ya…

Guzma's white magic

Guzma's white magic

3,344 1,031 200

yep guzma's white magic the better more lit af half of hau's black magic enter if you dareIt takes a boy to start a fight and a man to end oneSo I'm a boy-man thing???…