Yokai Mates
Within the village of Konoha, both humans and demons live in peace as the two races help each other out. But there is one demon that the humans hate with a passion. It's the Kitsune, Naruto Uzumaki all because of what happened when the nine tails attacked. One day while Sasuke and his brother Itachi where out shopping, the younger Tengu could feel and sense that his mate was in trouble. He took off to help Naruto when the young Kitsune before the villagers could kill him. Naruto FanfictionOmegaverse Yaoi - Sasuke Uchiha x Naruto UzumakiItachi Uchiha x Kurama@NarutoWA2019 winner first place YaoiPublished 9-17-18Completed 6-7-20…