Zodiac Aesthetics

Zodiac Aesthetics

1,329 30 11

Aesthetics for your zodiac sign ❤️…

Aileen Time!!!!!!

Aileen Time!!!!!!

59 4 9

This is just a book about me and my life!!…

Random Oc stuffs

Random Oc stuffs

221 8 12

just for random rps…

S E A S O N S  (literate roleplay)

S E A S O N S (literate roleplay)

63 5 2

The four kingdoms of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter have lived together in peace for centuries. However, something strange has been going on. Winter has been getting hotter and summer has been getting colder. The leaves and flowers of Spring's joyful gardens are beginning to wilt and fall off, while Autumn's forests have the opposite problem. The residents of each kingdom are starting to panic and point fingers at each other. What will you do?…

Aesthetic Stuffs
Selection Stuff
Pretty Gaelic Words!

Pretty Gaelic Words!

701 20 13

Words from both Irish and Scottish Gaelic that i found really pretty 💚💙…



24 0 11

just a BIG book of my favorite songs ❤️…

Scottish Slang / Jargon

Scottish Slang / Jargon

540 2 22

so many people can't understand us because of the slang we use and how we speak so here's your little guidebook of wonders 💙💙💙…

Oc Book

Oc Book

122 4 13

All of my kids ❤️…

Selection Book


194 0 5

i don't want to keep this in my notes anymore and now i can help some of you out so :)…