This is a sequel to: Darksiders: Whisper book 1 Deaths daughter.In this story, Whisper has found Fear. They team up while Whisper is on her one year journey, but who is the mysterious rider who mocks the horsemen?…
The is book three of Darksiders Whisper seriesIn this book Whisper and Fear are sent by the Charred Council to Heaven and Hell to gain three scouts from each domain and take them with them to Earth to check on the third kingdom and insure that the humans are not being harassed or being controlled by demons or visited by angels. They disguise themselves as teenagers. Fear and Whisper must come up with back stories for themselves and find a place at Freeman High school and get their research done. But the young horsemen run into difficulties that get them side tracked and causes there work to take longer than expected.…
This is one of the two 4th books of the Whisper series In this side of the story, you're following Death. It starts where he has headed off to find the crowfather so that he can tell him some way he can prove his brothers innocence. Whisper comes along with him, for the first time she is disobeying her father. She tells him that War is her kin too and she can help. But thats not why Death doesn't want his daughter to come. He worried of what she will find out when they confront the keeper of secrets.…
This is one of the two 4th books of the Whisper series In this story, you are following War and Fear send themselves to Earth to try and stop the endwar from destroying mankind, but Fear had dissapeared before the charred council prosecute War. They ordered that War must be given judgment for his crimes. War then returns to Earth to find Fear and go on the adventure that everyone knows and loves.…