Vagabond Chronicles: The Diary of Charles Xavier
❝Dearest Diary...That's how you're supposed to begin isn't it?I wouldn't know. I'm rather new to this diary writing lark.❞Young Charles Francis Xavier is privileged, cloistered and educated.Being the inhabitant of a mansion, the heir to a bottomless fortune and attending the best private school in the tri-state area, anyone would've thought there was nothing more a teenager could want.Richness can't buy his father back from the grave. Wealth can't afford him a loving step family. Opulence can't purchase him an ordinary life. A thousand lavished rooms can't compensate for the neglect he feels from his mother. A fleet of flash cars doesn't make up for the bullying he experiences at school. Every last penny cannot make up for the horrors of the verbal and physical abuse of his step-dad. But some influence and affluence can cover any incidents. Any blemish in his family's public persona is swiftly glossed over. His diary encompasses his daily struggles: the anxiety that comes with his teenage years, the development of telepathic powers and the intense fear that one day, his step-dad may overstep the mark. Just for once, you can listen in on the telepath's thoughts.…