Batfam oneshots
Just because…
Just because…
Gotham is a mess, it has become a no man's land. A contagion crisis happens, as well as cataclysmic events. the US president has declared Gotham no longer fit to be part of The United States. With the economy crashing, currency in Gotham is worthless, leading many to have to steal to survive.Our tale follows Bruce Wayne, a good man who loses everything, then gains everything back, and more. The question is, Will he be able to keep a hold of it? With all the lives he's lived, who is he really? A family man? A criminal? A savior?The people of Gotham want to reclaim their right to be american. The city's become Hell on earth. There's talk of a revolution on the rise. What legacy will be left behind...…
"Two worlds. One for adults, and one for kids."Robin has a nightmare close to what happened in the Young Justice episode "misplaced."Imagine his horror as it comes true in the events of "misplaced"…