The White Hawks Creed
"Alright from the top."The black jackal God spoke in a hushed voice. The ten gods gathered around the table with the black jackal. His bleak expression set the others uneasy."Anubis sir, what will this one be about?""Easy, Each of you will find a child and train them to become an Assassin. They shall then kill the next Order of the Ancients, then the Cult of Wadjet. If your Assassin interacts with another from this table they can either work together or fight to the death. You all remember the last ones and how that turned out,"The Crocodile God, Sobek, and The Lioness God, Sekhmet both looked at each other with roguish looks.Anubis continues,"So, if your human dies then you are out of the listing for an upgrade."The Eagle God Ra gave off a sly smirk towards The Vulture God, Mut who looked back at him threateningly. Ra won the last Listing which has everyone aiming at him now.Anubis stated down at Ra beckoning him to shut the hell up. Which he did."But there will be an obstacle like always,"The Hawk God, Horus had slightly shrunken back in his seat. Whoever wasn't scared before was frightened now.Anubis stared at each god,Sobek,Sekhmet,Ra,Seth,Khnum,Hathor,Geb,Thoth,Mut,And especially Haros.He pointed his staff directly at Haros. His eyes gave off a slight glint as he spoke at the hawk."Whichever human you choose will have this obstacle in their hands later on."…