All The Things We Lost ✔

All The Things We Lost ✔

69,573 4,880 27

Emily and River meet in Miami, where they have the time of their lives, but it isn't meant to be: the next morning, Emily leaves for San Francisco, leaving both their hearts broken. They don't think they'll ever see each other again.Emily goes back to the privileged life with her parents. There, a plan is set up for her to marry Jason in order to save the business of both their parents.River remains in Miami with his little sister, while struggling to provide a living for them both. It is then that he gets the chance of a lifetime, but it means giving up everything he loves.Then, against all expectations, Emily and River meet again a few months later... On her wedding day with someone else.*****Featured on WattPad's @StoriesUndiscoveredFeatured on WattPad's @NAFirst place Lavender AwardsFirst place Honour AwardsFirst place Glitter AwardsFirst place Blue Rose AwardsFirst place Acheron AwardsSecond place The Soul AwardsHonorable Mention Ohana Awards#8 in #youngromance (September 4, 2020)Cover by @dysanic"So awesome. Can't wait to read more! [heart]" - carolinegraced"I'm so hooked already" - a_lost_feather"From the summary I had a lot of expectation of a one night stand, one and done type of thing with drama to follow up in later chapters. What I got was something different. The beautiful descriptions of the beach town made me feel warm and cozy and kept me reading until these two characters were introduced. I thought their meeting was innocent and sweet, not what I was expecting. It was really good." - CourtneyPeterman0…

The Downside to Perfection ✔

The Downside to Perfection ✔

36,982 2,626 18

Jason King is perfect. Whether it's the British accent, his flawless fashion sense or having been able to pick up life again after having been through trauma as a result from his kidnapping, everyone agrees that this man is immaculate.However, things are never the way they appear to the eye.While hiding his inner battles, Jason struggles to get through his daily life that's full of triggers to his Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. As the ghost from the past is haunting him, he tries to move on and continue life as if he'd never been gone--all the while keeping up a perfect persona. Because all he's ever been is perfect, after all.*✩ Featured by WattPad as a Fresh Read (July 27th, 2021) ✩#freementalillnessBe aware this book deals with post-traumatic stress disorder and might be triggering.This story is part of #ProjectManDown, #BoysDontCry and #FreeTheBoy to show you men can feel pain too.*Featured on WattPad's @generalfictionFeatured on WattPad's @NAFeatured on WattPad's @ComeSitWithUsFeatured on WattPad's @bullyingpreventionSecond place in WattPad's Psychological Novel ContestWhat others said:"It was refreshing to come across a book that not only provides insight on mental illness but also does so in a realistic way. I appreciated the fact that you not only focused on what it is like to have a mental illness, but also how mental illness can have a ripple effect on friends and family; and how the journey isn't always one of smooth sailing." - @CreativeBibliophile"Wow, this was written so exceptionally well. All of my senses were completely engaged and I love how realistic your writing is." - GhostsInsideOfMyBed"Never have [I] felt so connected to a character, honestly. His struggles feel so real, it's astonishing." - @BeZorro*This story is a spin-off to All The Things We Lost but can be read as a standalone.Cover by @dysanic…

Kiss Me Twice ✔︎

Kiss Me Twice ✔︎

11,381 790 40

As an exchange student from Scotland, a whole new world opens up to Darren Green when he moves to the United States. He'll live with a host family, start at a new school, and he'll have to make new friends. However, what won't be a part of this new life is love. Love is nothing but the attribution of physiological arousal to attraction, and it distracts him from what he should be focusing on: getting into Princeton. So, when a kiss cam forces him to kiss a stranger, and that stranger kisses him twice, he goes along, but only for the sake of exploring this new American life.However, he can't help but get caught up in the life of this mysterious stranger named Dakota. As he navigates life in the States, he keeps finding himself close to her, going on adventures he'd never dared to dream of. However, he convinces himself it isn't love. It's just friendship -- friendship that started with a kiss.…

Elliot | WATTY WINNAAR 2020

Elliot | WATTY WINNAAR 2020

14,485 1,782 88

🏆 WATTY WINNAAR 2020 MYSTERY/THRILLER 🏆Gaby van der Hei is tevreden met haar leven. Ze heeft dan wel geen vader meer, maar daar kan ze mee leven. Dat haar moeder in de gevangenis zit voor zijn moord, doet haar niets.Maar als ze ook haar broer, de enige in haar familie die er altijd voor haar was, kwijt raakt, is ze de wanhoop nabij. Ze wil weten wie er verantwoordelijk is voor zijn dood, maar al snel wordt haar duidelijk dat er niemand is die haar de antwoorden op haar vragen kan geven.Tegen de adviezen van anderen in gaat ze zelf op zoek en besluit ze haar hoop in te zetten op een legende: Elliot, de man die alles ziet en weet. Hij moet weten wat er met haar broer gebeurd is...* * *- Geselecteerd door de Ambassadeurs voor hun leeslijst Spanning en Thriller- Geselecteerd door de Ambassadeurs voor hun leeslijst Eigentijdse Young Adult#24 in Tienerfictie! (30 november 2018)#1 in YoungAdult! (20 juli 2019 - 5 augustus 2019, 9 augustus 2019)#1 in Mystery! (23 december 2018)#3 in Thriller! (12 december 2018)Credits voor de cover gaan naar @aneonsky"Wow, echt een van de beteren die ik op wattpad heb gelezen! #thumbsup" - densmrns"Heel mooi taalgebruik! Super schrijfstijl! Ga zo door en schrijf dit boek alsjeblieft af!" - storyloversxx"Wow. Ik denk dat "wow" wel goed omschrijft wat ik van dit boek vind. Het is het beste Nederlandse boek dat ik op WattPad heb gelezen." - saltyes…

Wonderwall ✔

Wonderwall ✔

3,853 630 7

Wonderwall: (n) Someone you find yourself thinking about all the time, someone you're infatuated with.*There had been five.In my life, there have been five girls I've fallen in love with. Five who have been my wonderwall.There was Melody, who sang her way into my heart.Kendra, the boldest girl of all.Summer, the brightest and girliest girl I'd ever met.Belle, who made me fall in love with so much more than just her spirit.And Dawn, who understood me like no one ever could.Five wonderwalls, each a different story.And this is how it happened.* * *[ This story is in no way related to the song. ]* Featured on WattPadShortStory ** Featured on WattPad's YA ** Featured on WattPad's UndiscoveredBooks ** First place in the Writers Awards ** First place in Glitter Awards ** First place in the Creativity Awards ** First place in Sunflower Awards ** First place in Honour Awards ** First place Coffee and Cake Awards ** First place Blue Rose Awards ** First place The Aeryn Awards ** Second place Piggyback Awards ** Second place Gemstone Awards ** Second place The Soul Awards ** * *"This really brings me back to being a kid." - TheDeadPlace"I binged this whole thing now I want to read it over and over ❤️" - josiecat987"There are so many things you can do with classical romance but this book CHANGES EVERYTHING. When I saw the synopsis, I was thinking "aaand another romance, there's no way this is going through". Wrong again! The author is so skilled at developing a story that I'm beginning to call it natural-born talent. When cliche. Is taken. On another level." - Millie (feedback from Piggyback Awards)"This book will inspire many romance novelists." - Rachel (feedback from Piggyback Awards)"What a beautiful and heartwarming read! Your concept, your voice, your aesthetics, your execution; it was all breathtaking. I could have read this story many times over." - TheCreativityAwardsCredit for the cover goes to @goldenways :)…

What I've Never Told You ✔

What I've Never Told You ✔

13,983 2,497 65

❝why is it that when the story ends we begin to feel all of it?❞➢ a collection of poetry∙ ∙ ∙I stopped writing. There was no real reason for it, but for some reason, I just did. No words on paper anymore, no way to let my thoughts out. I kept everything inside and just stayed quiet while continuing to live my life. By myself, this time.Until I couldn't anymore.I need to feel again, need to live again, need to love again. That's why I'm picking up the pen to let all the words I kept inside flow onto the paper, the thoughts that never left my mind, and what I've never told you.Hey there, it's me. And I have something to tell you.* daily updates *What others said:"This is an utterly beautiful and thought provoking collection of work." - PrettyLittleQueenA"Beautiful ❤️❤️" - TheHermitCrab"The world needs your words." - bandito06#1 in modernpoetry!‣ cover by @dysanic…

De Grote Gids Voor Schrijvers ✔

De Grote Gids Voor Schrijvers ✔

16,369 880 29

Publiceren op WattPad is erg spannend en ook niet erg makkelijk. Daarom kan je hier allemaal tips vinden om dat alles makkelijker te maken en ook het meeste uit je boek te halen. Alle vragen worden beantwoord, maar je kan ook zelf nog vragen insturen.Lees dit om te ontdekken wat je goed doet en wat beter kan. *Met originele tips en ideeën*[Voltooid met soms nog extra updates]…

Everything I Wanted To Say But Never Did ✔

Everything I Wanted To Say But Never Did ✔

13,300 2,024 51

❝some things you can't put into words... so you make them into poems.❞➢ a WattPad Poetry featured collectionWords have power. Power to explain emotions, to make you feel, to make you believe. They tell of every tear and every smile. They show you love and hurt.This is everything I couldn't find the words for. What I wanted to tell you but what didn't leave my lips. When I couldn't find an explanation and just kept quiet. Everything you made me feel, everything we had. The things that kept circling in my mind after our conversations, the things I wanted to scream when I nodded instead, the things I eventually had to let go of.This is everything I wanted to say but never did.* * *#99 in poetry (October 18, 2018)#35 in collection (October 8, 2018)1st place in wallflower_r weekly writing contest #272nd place in wallflower_r weekly writing contest #282nd place in The Coffee and Cake Awards"This is so so so beautiful and amazing I can't even explain! You really have talent!" - she_made_echoes"This is gorgeous. So poetic: gave me the shivers" - iamnotanastronaut"This poetry piece made me cry you're so great!" - itisdangerouss…

Wallflower [Boekclub] ❌

Wallflower [Boekclub] ❌

9,016 746 36

[AFGELOPEN] Deze boekclub is er om al jouw schrijversdromen te verwezenlijken, of je nu lid bent of niet. Zoek je een editor of proeflezers voor jouw verhaal? Hier zijn ze te vinden. Lees je graag andere (onbekende) werken? Dit is jouw plek!Als lid krijg je daarnaast iedere week feedback op jouw verhaal en je kan zelf kiezen hoeveel. Lees snel verder als je meer wilt weten!Wil je vaker meedoen aan schrijfwedstrijden, bekijk dan het boek Dandelion op mijn profiel, waar iedere week een nieuwe wedstrijd gehouden wordt.…