In a room adorned with myriad paintings made by Rhealyn's auntie, Lyris, who was comatosed for a month due to an accident. Her eyes were drawn to one in particular, it sits at the center-an exquisite portrait of a boy with striking eyes and hair that resembles the sky. Captivated by its uncanny resemblance to someone from a distant memory that she can't seem to grasp, Rhealyn is consumed by curiosity. Determined to unravel the secrets concealed within the canvas, she embarks on a quest for truth, guided by the enigmatic connection between her auntie and her own history. As she navigates through the echoes of her forgotten memories, Rhealyn discovers a tale of lost love and untold longing; and unexpectedly encounters a black cat that introduces himself to her as someone from that era, a place entirely different from her current one.With each step revealing a fragment of the past, Rhealyn finds herself entangled in a web of mystery intertwined with the fate of her auntie's life. Will she unlock the secrets hidden within the painting and help her auntie find what she lost, or will the shadows of the past threaten them once more?~~~Book CoverEdited by: YuyaArt by: Credits to the Rightful Owner(Will be continued as a webtoon... sorry)…
En una habitación adornada con innumerables cuadros realizados por la tía de Rhealyn, Lyris, que estuvo en coma durante un mes debido a un accidente. Sus ojos se fijaron en uno en particular, situado en el centro: un exquisito retrato de un niño de ojos llamativos y pelo que se asemeja al cielo. Cautivada por su asombroso parecido con alguien de una memoria lejana que parece no poder comprender, Rhealyn se siente consumida por la curiosidad. Decidida a desentrañar los secretos que esconde el lienzo, se embarca en una búsqueda de la verdad, guiada por la enigmática conexión entre su tía y su propia historia. Mientras navega entre los ecos de sus recuerdos olvidados, Rhealyn descubre una historia de amor perdido y anhelos indecibles; e inesperadamente se encuentra con un gato negro que se la presenta como alguien de aquella época, un lugar totalmente distinto al actual.Cada paso que da revela un fragmento del pasado, Rhealyn se ve envuelta en una red de misterio entrelazada con el destino de la vida de su tía. Desvelará los secretos que esconde la cuadro y ayudará a su tía a encontrar lo que perdió, o las sombras del pasado volverán a amenazarlas?~~~The Spanish might be a bit messy (I'm not a Spanish speaker). This is for a friend of mine. ^-^~~~Book CoverEdited by: YuyaArt by: Credits to the rightful owner(Will be continued as a webtoon, sorry...)…